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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Three simple exercises to help you maintain your balance.

Healthy living demands a sense of balance — and not only in the metaphorical way. A person's ability to maintain bodily balance is essential for completing daily tasks such as going up and downstairs and reaching for an item on a shelf at the grocery store. Even while many individuals manage a daily walk and even strength training activities a few times a week, exercises to improve balance are not usually included on the workout schedule. Experts recommend, including exercises that improve balance.

You will notice that as you grow older, the physical mechanisms inside the body that assist you in maintaining your balance become less sensitive than they were when you were younger. In reality, maintaining balance is a complex effort for your body, involving coordinated action from not just your muscles, but also your eyes and hearing, as well as your tendons, bones, and brain.

You may also experience unsteadiness as a result of health conditions that become more frequent with age, such as inner ear diseases, reduced sensation in the feet, or postural hypotension (low blood pressure when standing).

Maintaining your balance through the use of exercises designed to improve your balance can help you stay upright and avoid a fall that could cause injury.
Three approaches to achieving balance

You might be wondering, exactly, what a balancing exercise is.

Is it possible to stand on one foot? Yes, that does meet the requirements. It belongs to a group of exercises known as static balancing exercises. When you're standing motionless, they will help you maintain your equilibrium. However, a good balancing workout should also include dynamic exercises, which are designed to help you maintain your balance as you are moving around. As a general rule, you should attempt to integrate a handful of these exercises into your routine twice or three times each week.

To get you started, here are three basic exercises that you may do at your leisure. The first exercise is a static balance exercise, while the other two are dynamic balance exercises.

Rock step

Reps: 10 on each side

Sets 1 to 3 
Your intensity should be from moderate to high.

Tempo: 2–2–2–2

Position for starting: Stand up straight with your feet together and your weight evenly distributed on both feet.  Extend your arms out to each side of your body.

Taking a step forward with your left foot and lifting your right knee is how you move. Hold. Take a step back with your right foot and raise your left knee up to your chest. One rep is now complete. Finish all repetitions with the left foot leading, then switch to the right foot leading and continue the process. This brings us to the end of one set.

Techniques and tips:

Stability can be improved by tightening the buttock of the standing leg.

Maintain a straight back and proper posture throughout.

Take a deep breath and relax.

Make it simpler by doing the following: Holding on to the back of a chair with one hand might provide additional support while lifting your knee less.

Make it more difficult by raising each knee for a count of four.

Tandem standing is possible.

Sets: 1 
Reps: 1 
Intensity :  light to moderate
Hold: 5 to 30 seconds.

Starting position: stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your weight evenly distributed on both feet. Put your arms at your sides and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Movement: Squeeze your inner thighs together while you place your left foot exactly in front of your right foot, heel to toe, and repeat the movement. Lifting your arms out to your sides at shoulder level can assist you in maintaining your balance. Hold. Then, with your right foot in front of your left, return to the starting position and repeat the process. This brings us to the end of one rep.

Techniques and tips:

Choose a spot directly in front of you to concentrate on.
Tighten your abdominal muscles, buttocks, and inner thighs to help you maintain your balance when walking.
Keep your shoulders down and back.
Make it simpler by doing the following: With one hand, hold on to the back of a chair or the countertop.

Make it more difficult by remaining in the posture for 60 seconds while closing your eyes.


10 to each side
Sets 1 to 3.
Intensity light to moderate
Tempo: controlled and slow.

Position for starting: Stand up straight with your feet together and your weight evenly distributed on both feet. Arms at your sides are a good place to start.

Movement: With your right foot, take a step to the right. Cross in front of you with your left foot, step out with your right foot, then cross behind you with your left foot to complete the movement. After 10 steps to the right, bring your feet together and repeat the braiding process on the other side. Hold the position until it is stable. Do 10 braiding steps to the left side of the room now. This brings us to the end of one set.

Techniques and tips:

Maintain a neutral posture throughout.

Instead of looking down at your feet, look ahead.

Don't turn your feet.

Make it simpler for yourself by taking smaller steps.

Make it much harder: Increase your pace while maintaining control of your movement.

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