Lifestyle Blogger

Man and woman walking inside a mall

According to a recent Japanese study that was written about in the January 2024 edition of JAMA Network Open, a smartphone-based mall walking program could inspire people to get more active.

The study examined step records from 217,344 mall patrons who carried a free smartphone step-tracking app. After walking 1,000 steps at the mall, participants received a digital coupon to participate in a lottery for shopping points.

Researchers collected daily step count data for the entirety of 2021. They discovered that on days when individuals engaged in the mall walking program, they averaged over 1,200 additional steps compared to days they didn’t participate. Notably, women and those aged 65 and older exhibited the most significant increases in their daily step counts.

The authors highlight that malls can be an excellent environment for walking, offering a spacious and safe area free from the complications of poor weather or heavy traffic.
This research is still being monitored.

Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels
A man eating a healthy meal

Here’s what the latest research suggests. Intermittent fasting, which involves following a strict eating schedule to aid weight loss, is becoming increasingly popular. But does it really work?

Recent studies indicate that intermittent fasting might offer similar or even slightly better benefits for weight loss compared to traditional calorie-restriction diets. One of its key advantages is its simplicity, which can make it easier to stick to than other weight-loss plans.

Timing Your Eating

While other diets focus on what foods to eat and how much, intermittent fasting centers on when to eat. It involves not eating for specific periods throughout the day. There are several methods, but one of the most common is the 16/8 approach. In this method, you eat during an eight-hour window (like from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and fast for the next 16 hours (from 6 p.m. until 10 a.m. the following day). During the fasting hours, you can drink plain water, tea, or coffee, and it’s important to maintain healthy eating habits during your eating window.

Short-term studies show that people often find it easier to stick with intermittent fasting compared to low-carb diets. The 16/8 schedule can be simpler to follow since you’ll be sleeping for about half of the fasting period. This means you just skip late-night snacks and either delay or skip breakfast.

The State of Ketosis

So, how does intermittent fasting aid weight loss? Going for long periods without eating can push your body into a temporary state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy. Ketosis occurs when your body runs low on glucose (its main energy source) and starts using stored fat instead. For some people, fasting for sixteen hours is enough time to begin producing ketones and enter ketosis.

Intermittent fasting is associated with several health benefits, including a reduction in cardiovascular disease risk factors such as obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. Some research even suggests it may promote a healthier gut microbiome, improving digestion and offering protection against infections. Many who practice intermittent fasting report increased energy levels. However, the current evidence supporting these benefits is still limited, and the long-term effects remain unknown. Most studies have focused on smaller populations and only observed the effects over a few weeks to a year.
Transform your health in 12 weeks with Candour’s personalized fitness program for individuals over 40. Get expert coaching and tailored plans.

There’s no secret about it: staying fit is essential to maintaining good health. In today's fast-paced world, many people struggle to find time for themselves, leading to health challenges that can feel overwhelming. Various fitness pathways are being promoted, and while some offer quick results, many are unsafe or unsustainable. It’s important to be cautious—looking fit is not the same as being healthy.

Health statistics show a worrying trend: more people are experiencing serious health issues than ever before. Many in their 40s are starting to feel like they’re older. We cannot let this happen. Now is the time to take charge of your health. While it may be tempting to stay lazy or come up with excuses, remember this: if you want to enjoy your later years, you need to invest in your health now. And the good news is—it’s never too late to start.

Imagine transforming your overall health in just 12 weeks. You might be asking yourself, "Is this really possible?" The answer is yes, and Candour offers a proven fitness program to help make it happen.

With the holiday season just around the corner, now is the perfect time to commit to a healthier, happier you. Imagine starting the new year feeling confident, energized, and in the best shape of your life. While most people think the "new year" begins on January 1st, a fresh start can happen any day you decide to make a change.

What is the Candour 12-Week Program About?

This 12-week program is a personalized, one-to-one personal training sessions and online coaching plan designed specifically for individuals over 40 years of age who are ready to reclaim their health, fitness, and confidence.

Why Focus on People Over 40?

As we age, maintaining fitness and healthy habits becomes more challenging. Our bodies change, energy levels fluctuate, and finding time to focus on health can feel impossible. This program is tailored for those who may have lost sight of their fitness goals but are ready for a lasting, meaningful transformation.

What Sets "12 Weeks to a Better You" Apart?

This isn’t just another workout plan—it’s a comprehensive wellness journey that blends fitness, nutrition, and habit-building for long-term success.

Here’s what makes it unique:

  • Tailored to Your Life: Every fitness routine, nutrition plan, and habit-building strategy is customized to meet your personal goals and fit seamlessly into your daily routine.
  • Real Human Support: The expert coaches at Candour guide you through every step, providing real-time feedback, encouragement, and motivation. Plus, there’s a dedicated Candour Facebook group where you can connect with like-minded individuals on the same journey. This supportive community helps keep you motivated and accountable, ensuring you stay on track.
  • Convenience of Online Coaching: With Candour’s easy-to-use app, you can complete your workouts anytime, anywhere, making it a flexible option for even the busiest schedules.
  • A Proven, Holistic Approach: This program isn’t just about losing weight or toning muscles. It’s about transforming your body, mind, and lifestyle. By the end, you’ll have healthier habits, more energy, and a renewed outlook on life.
How the Program Works

Over the course of 12 weeks, you’ll follow a program designed to progressively build better habits, increase your fitness, and improve your overall well-being. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Personalized Fitness Routines: Each workout is crafted to address your specific needs. Whether you’re aiming to improve strength, flexibility, or endurance, the program offers a customized plan just for you.

  • Nutrition Guidance: Say goodbye to confusing advice and diet trends. With so many misleading fitness videos on social media, it’s easy to get lost. Candour simplifies nutrition with realistic, sustainable meal plans tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

  • Habit Coaching: Real, lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. Week by week, the program focuses on helping you build better habits so that by the end of the 12 weeks, you’ve made life changes that stick for the long term.

Is This Program Right for You?

Ask yourself:

  • Do you struggle with low energy and constant fatigue?
  • Have you tried other fitness programs but found it hard to stick with them?
  • Do you want a personalized approach that fits into your busy life?
  • Are you ready for a real, lasting transformation—not just a temporary fix?

If any of these resonate, this program could be the right fit.

Why This Program Works

The success of "12 Weeks to a Better You" lies in its ability to meet you where you are, regardless of your current fitness level or lifestyle. Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Expert Coaching: With years of experience, the trainers know exactly how to guide you toward success.
  • Ongoing Support: Your coach will be with you every step of the way, helping you overcome challenges and celebrate your victories.
  • Results That Last: The focus on habit-building ensures that the changes you make will stick long after the program ends.
Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?

This is your opportunity to start a fitness journey that goes beyond just looking good—it’s about feeling good inside and out. Imagine a future where you feel confident, strong, and energized every day. That future starts now.

Sign up for Candour’s 12-week program and take the first step toward becoming the best version of yourself. Don’t wait for change to happen—create it!

A positive outlook might help women slow down physical decline as they get older, according to a new study.

This research, led by Harvard and published in JAMA Psychiatry on March 20, 2024, looked at data from nearly 6,000 postmenopausal women, with an average age of 70, who were part of the Women’s Health Initiative. These women joined the study between 1993 and 1998 and were followed for six years. At the start, researchers measured their optimism using questionnaires. Their physical abilities were tested four times during the study, including grip strength, a timed walk, and how many times they could stand up from a chair in 15 seconds without using their hands.

The study found that women with higher optimism had better grip strength and could stand up from a chair more times compared to those with lower optimism. They also experienced slower declines in walking speed and chair stands over the six years. While the exact reason for this link is unclear, researchers think that optimistic people might be more active, social, and eat healthier.

Grab your gym clothes and walking shoes because your friend is probably right. While there haven't been many studies on exercise protecting against infections, the few that exist all suggest it does.

The biggest study on this, done by Harvard Medical School, was published in JAMA Network Open in February 2024.

The study tracked almost 62,000 adults aged 45 and above from before the COVID pandemic started in early 2020 until the end of 2022. Researchers gathered information on factors like chronic diseases, income levels, and lifestyle habits that might affect the risk of infection. They also kept an eye on who got COVID-19 and how severe their symptoms were.

Out of all the participants, 69% were considered "sufficiently active," meaning they did moderate to vigorous exercise for at least 150 minutes every week. Another 11% were "insufficiently active," and 20% didn't exercise at all.

The results showed that those who kept up with enough physical activity were 10% less likely to get COVID-19 and 27% less likely to be hospitalized because of the virus compared to those who didn't exercise. This protective effect was especially clear among women. Interestingly, people who exercised a little (but not enough to meet the recommended amount) didn't see much better results than those who didn't exercise at all. These findings suggest that a good amount of physical activity is needed to protect against COVID-19.

Do you need a little extra push to increase your daily steps? According to a study published online on April 7, 2024, by Circulation, reminders or rewards might help. In the study, researchers asked over a thousand people (average age 67) to wear activity trackers, walk daily, and set step goals. They were then randomly placed into one of four groups, each receiving different encouragement to exercise: the chance to win game points, earn money, get both money and game points, or receive a daily text message with their previous day's step count. After one year, all groups increased their daily steps by at least 1,500.

In contrast to the message-only group, participants in the money or game points groups walked over 500 more steps daily, while those in the combined incentives group walked nearly 900 more steps daily. Would you like to give this a try at home? Use a walking app that gives game points and incentives, and set a phone reminder to work out.

Photo by Boys in Bristol Photography

12 Tips to help you lose weight by walking

Without a gym membership, walking is an excellent way to get exercise and lose weight. It's simple to fit into your everyday schedule and used for talking with friends or listening to music while strolling. These easy suggestions will help you shed extra pounds.

Be consistent.

For weight loss to progress, consistency is essential. Make it a point to fit in a quick walk each day.

Set goals

Establish clear objectives for your walking regimen, such as a daily step total or a particular distance to cover.

Change the terrain and your speed.

To put your body to the test and burn more calories, vary your walking pace and the terrain you choose, such as hills or sand.

Use technology

Apps on your phone or wearable devices like fitness trackers can help you monitor your progress and maintain motivation.

The classic sit-up is a popular workout move. Whether you saw a Rocky training montage or learned how to perform the exercise in gym class, you've undoubtedly done numerous sets of it in an effort to get washboard abs over the years.

When the mood strikes, you can perform sit-ups almost anywhere on the floor, and you can perform a lot of them because the exercise only requires your bodyweight. How do you know when to give up, particularly if you're the kind of person who enjoys pushing the boundaries to achieve your objectives? Is there an optimal number of sit-ups you can complete in a day, or is it primarily based on your level of fatigue tolerance? This is the lowdown on sit-ups.

Just how many sit-ups a day are recommended?

Although everyone has different objectives, levels of fitness, and situations, most people should aim to complete 40 sit-ups per day, according to Men's Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. Even though that might not seem like a lot of repetitions—especially if your ultimate goal is to develop a six-pack of abs—he clarifies that quality always comes before quantity. Samuel says, "Those who are abs users will tell you to slow down on the way down."

'You end up curling up and laying back down really quickly if you try to bang out 50, 60, or 100 reps.' Put another way, it's not worth the compromises you'll probably have to make in order to complete a significant number of reps.

Kurt Ellis, C.S.C.S., owner and coach at Beyond Numbers Performance, says that age and general health and fitness level would also be taken into consideration when figuring out how many sit-ups are too many. Keep in mind that performing a lot of sit-ups may result in poor form, compensations in the movement pattern, and overuse injuries, says Ellis. Translation: Don't aim for a world record if you want better outcomes and long-term health.

How to Perform a Sit-Up Correctly

Speaking of bad form, analyzing your sit-up form is a necessary part of paying attention to quality reps. To execute a conventional sit-up:

Start by lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. In order to prevent pulling on your head and neck when you sit up, Ellis advises keeping your hands by your sides, palms facing up, as opposed to behind the neck.

Exhale as you raise your upper body toward your knees while using your core.

Breathe in, then slowly lower your upper body while keeping your composure.

Important Sit-Up Form Advice

Take your time.

Take care not to strain your neck when curling up.

Elbows should be spread wide if hands are behind the head.

Keep your hands extended throughout the movement if they are in front.

Imagine removing each spinal vertebrae from the ground one at a time.

Do you want a body that is stronger, faster, and healthier? Toning your body is about more than just losing weight; it's about having more energy, a clearer mind, and the confidence that comes from knowing you're in the best form you can be. Tone your body by eating and drinking healthily, exercising, and cleansing your body and mind.

Maintaining Healthy Eating and Drinking Habits

1 Eat more vegetables than you believe you require. You've heard that you should eat your vegetables; now is the time to put this advice into action. Vegetables give your body important vitamins, help digestion, provide extra hydration, and provide nutrients without consuming too many calories. Eating vegetables at every meal will help you look toned faster.
  • Make a salad or cook green vegetables as the main course of each meal. Eating plenty of leafy greens such as dandelion greens, spinach, kale, collard greens, mustard greens, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts will fill you up while also nourishing your body with vitamins A, C, and K.
  • Consume a variety of other vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, squash, green beans, cabbage, onions, and so on on a regular basis. Eat vegetables when they are in season since they are the most nutritious.
  • A vegetable breakfast smoothie is a great way to start the day. Instead of pancakes and bacon, make a robust green smoothie with almond milk, a couple handfuls of spinach or kale, and a kiwi or banana. Replace regular snacks with a smoothie of raw carrots, broccoli, or another vegetable.
2 Nourish your body with fruit. Eating whole fruits is another excellent way to provide your body with the nutrients, water, and fiber it requires to begin looking more toned. Try to eat several servings of fruit every day, preferably when they are in the season where you live.
  • Instead of buying fruit juice, eat full fruits such as berries, bananas, apples, pears, oranges, and melons. Eating fruit whole provides the fiber advantage; without it, you wind up taking too much fructose, the type of sugar present in the fruit.
  • Replace traditional sweets with fruit salads or try healthy fruit-based desserts. Try this really simple dish for a delightful, light spin on ice cream: freeze a banana solid, then place it in a food processor or blender and whip until creamy. The consistency will be similar to ice cream or custard.
3 Select lean proteins. To achieve muscular tone, you must feed your body a lot of lean protein. Meat contains protein, but vegetables, legumes, and nuts also contain it.
  • Eat lots of fish. Fish contains all of the protein your body needs, as well as important fatty acids that help your body stay strong and lean.
  • Eat beans and tofu. If you're a vegetarian, you can get your protein from chickpeas, black beans, fava beans, and other legumes. Tofu is another healthy option. 
  • Eat red meat in moderation. Steaks, hamburgers, bacon, and other beef and pork products are great on occasion, but they should not constitute the majority of your everyday diet if you want to obtain a toned body.
4 Remember to include fats and grains. A well-balanced diet also includes healthy fats that improve organ and skin health, as well as grains that provide fiber and minerals to your body.

  • Instead of processed flours, choose whole grains such as steel-cut oats, barley, buckwheat, and quinoa.
  • A healthy diet should include nuts, avocados, olive oil, grapeseed oil, and other healthy oils.

There’s a mini-chemistry lab in every cell of us, transforming food into fuel around the clock. It will affect our energy, weight, and even mood. Think of ourselves as cars. Cars run on gasoline, and we run on calories, i.e., the unit of energy. Even while sleeping, we’re also burning calories.

Most ladies who want to slim down will think about fat, carbohydrates, energy, and how to add an exercise plan to their schedule. But many have this confusion: why can’t I lose weight even though I plan exercise and control the amount of food? In fact, at this time, you need to have a certain understanding of metabolism because it is a matter of weight loss. Today, we are going to look at how to boost it and lose weight effectively. Here are some tips.
Interval exercises
For a simple example, you can walk for 2 minutes and then run or walk briskly for 1 minute instead of walking at a constant speed. Repeating the above method of walking for 20–30 minutes can help you improve your metabolism and efficiently burn fat. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) works on the same principle: give the body a high intensity of stimulation in a short time to achieve the effect of high-efficiency fat burning.
Healthy fat intake
Some people think they have to avoid fat intake to lose weight, but that’s terribly wrong. You need to eat healthy fat, such as omega-3 and unsaturated fatty acids, which can boost your metabolism while eating. You can absorb these healthy fats in nuts, fish, some olives, and so on.
Eat high-protein food.
Protein plays an important role in losing fat. First, it increases your metabolic rate because your body needs to consume extra energy to digest it. Second, it can maintain and help your muscles grow, and muscles will burn much more calories than fat. Finally, eating high-protein foods can increase your satiety and help you reduce your calorie intake. High-protein foods come mainly from meat, such as beef, lamb, and chicken, as well as eggs, soy products, and so on. Eating multiple small meals can also boost metabolism compared to three larger meals.
Eat more vegetables.
Vegetables such as spinach, purple cabbage, and broccoli can boost your metabolism because they may aid digestion. Black vegetables are rich in iron, which is very important for women and can increase the number of red blood cells in the blood to help the body transport nutrients.
Eat some spicy food.
Studies have shown that spicy foods can increase the body's level of fat burning. The spicy food contains capsaicin, which may increase body temperature to burn fat. But you should eat in moderation because eating too much spicy food may hurt your stomach.

Eat apples
Apples are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which can help boost metabolism and reduce the sense of hunger. It can also aid digestion between two meals.
Drink green tea.
Green tea contains tea polyphenols, which can help boost metabolism. Besides, green tea can also enhance its antioxidant abilities and strengthen its defenses against cancer.
Drink more water.
By increasing the amount of water you drink, you can increase your metabolic rate by up to 30%. According to your own situation, you must drink more than 2 liters of water per day. If you don’t like pure water, add lemon or lemon juice to it.

Avoid eating before bedtime.
Your metabolism slows down at night and doesn’t burn as many calories as during the day, so the calories you absorb during this period are easily converted to fat.
Reduce stress
When you’re stressed out, it’s hard for the body to burn fat. Try to reduce your stress levels and relax your mind with relaxation techniques and regular exercise to dissolve fat!
Promise enough sleep.
Lack of sleep will lead to endocrine disorders and slow down your metabolism. This is not a good thing. At the same time, it will increase your desire for high-calorie foods.
Go to the doctor.
If the above tips don’t work for you, you’d better go to the doctor. The situation of each person’s metabolism is much more complicated than controlling weight. Your family medical history, thyroid, hormones, and so on are all possible influences. If you can’t tell for yourselves, go to the doctor for a scientific evaluation of your body!
Our desire to hibernate and stay at home, feeling cozy in the middle of winter, is well expected. A brisk hike in the cool, fresh air is the perfect remedy for being cooped up indoors.

The winter season is usually bleak, peaceful, and breathtaking. There might be fewer people on the trail, which means you could see more wildlife. Additionally, according to Dr. Stuart Harris, head of Massachusetts General Hospital's Division of Wilderness Medicine, it's a fantastic chance to interact with the changing seasons and the living world around us. However, he points out that a multi-mile hike in difficult, icy conditions is very different from hiking in warm weather and calls for careful attention to safety and health. Before you go winter hiking, be aware of the following:

How to enjoy winter hiking safely

Before going on winter hiking, always put safety first.

When hiking in the winter, you need a totally different strategy, which is different from hiking during the summer season, and this is because the terrain is a little harder. However, it allows us to fully engage with the living environment around us. It is a part of our long history.

Prioritizing safety is very important, especially when traveling with people of varying ages and skill levels, such as elderly relatives or young children. For everyone to have fun and stay safe, it's important to have the right equipment and mindset.

How to Plan and Prepare for Winter Hikes

Make sure you are well-prepared ahead of time, particularly if you will be going with individuals of varying levels of fitness. Carefully prepare your itinerary.

Elderly or very young people are more susceptible to freezing temperatures, and hiking in the winter can be more physically demanding. Winter conditions can be harder on the heart than a perfectly-temperatured day," explains Harris. Consider the physical limitations of each member of your group and allow them to guide your actions. The goal of the exercise is to have fun, not to punish yourself.

Before setting out for hiking:

Dr. Harris suggests that you plan your route in terms of knowing the distance, height, and route. You should also review the local forecast for the hiking area and consider factors like wind speed and chill. The weather can change drastically in an hour, especially at higher elevations, so be aware of what to expect in terms of temperature and precipitation.

Make sure you know if you'll have access to emergency cell coverage if anything goes wrong.
Never go hiking without sharing your plans with someone. This is extremely important. If you are missing something or have an injury that affects you during your hike, the team can give you an idea of where to start looking. Fill out trailhead registers so park rangers will also know you're on the trail in case of an emergency.

Effective Strategies for a Healthier You

As we step into a new year, many of us are determined to prioritize our health and make positive changes. One common goal that tops the list is losing weight. However, with countless fad diets and conflicting information available, it's crucial to approach weight loss with a sustainable and science-backed approach. In this article, we will guide you through the most effective strategies to help you shed those extra pounds and achieve a healthier, happier you in 2024.

1. Set Realistic Goals:

Begin your weight loss journey by setting realistic and achievable goals. Avoid setting unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointment or frustration. Consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian who can help you set personalized and attainable targets based on your current health, body composition, and lifestyle.

2. Adopt a Balanced and Nutritious Diet:

Focus on making sustainable changes to your eating habits rather than following restrictive diets. Incorporate a balanced mix of macronutrients, including lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Fill your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. Prioritize portion control and mindful eating to avoid overeating.

3. Hydration is Key:

Don't underestimate the power of staying hydrated. Drinking an adequate amount of water not only helps curb hunger pangs but also improves digestion, boosts metabolism, and supports overall well-being. Aim to drink at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water per day and reduce your consumption of sugary beverages.

4. Regular Exercise Routine:

Engage in a regular exercise routine tailored to your fitness level and preferences. Incorporate a mix of cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, along with strength training exercises to build lean muscle mass. Find activities you enjoy to make exercise a sustainable part of your lifestyle.

5. Prioritize Quality Sleep:

Sleep plays a crucial role in weight management. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support hormonal balance, reduce cravings, and maintain energy levels. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a calming bedtime routine, and create a sleep-friendly environment to optimize your rest.

This practice helps you keep your balance and works the muscles on the inside and outside of your thighs. Not only that, but it teaches your body to move forward and backward, not just back and forth. Start by standing straight up with your arms at your sides and your feet together. Moving: Keep your right foot still and take a big step to the side with your left foot. Put most of your weight on your left leg as soon as your left foot hits the ground. Then, lean forward at the hips and bend your left knee to lower into a lunge. Hold on to your left thigh with your hands, and keep your right leg straight. To get back up, press with your left foot, shift your weight to your right foot, and lift your left knee to hip level. As soon as you feel stable, take another step out with your left leg to do another lunge. Keep going for 30 seconds. Do the steps again, this time moving to the right for 30 seconds.

Some tips and tricks:

During the move, keep your back straight (neither arched nor bowed), your shoulders back and down, and your abs tight.

When you lunge, don't let your knee go further forward than your toes.

What Is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented tea beverage that has grown in popularity. Fermentation happens when microbes such as yeast and bacteria break down carbohydrates into simpler molecules. Beer, wine, bread, kimchi, yogurt, and, of course, kombucha are all produced using this method.

You can buy it in a bottle in a variety of flavors at most grocery shops or create your own at home. Aside from its wonderfully acidic flavor, kombucha has health advantages and is high in bacteria and antioxidants.
Kombucha is manufactured from a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), which is also known as the "mother," and is similar to the "mother" found in vinegar. The SCOBY is added to brewed black or green tea with sugar, fermentation occurs, and kombucha tea is created! While homemade kombucha isn't often carbonated, many store-bought versions do for a fizzy soda pop-like feel.

Kombucha was first used for its medicinal benefits in Northeast China circa 200 B.C. Kombucha gained popularity and expanded throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, and Germany before arriving in the United States in the early twenty-first century. Kombucha is now available at practically every grocery shop!

5 Kombucha Health Benefits
The health advantages of kombucha are mostly attributable to fermentation, which results in a probiotic-rich beverage. Kombucha's health advantages originate from the fact that it is a tea-based beverage. While kombucha may be brewed with any caffeinated tea, including white, black, oolong, or green tea, research indicates that green tea kombucha provides the most advantages.

The evidence-based health advantages of consuming kombucha are listed below.

1. High in Probiotics
Kombucha, like many fermented foods, is high in probiotics.1 Probiotics are bacteria and yeasts that, when taken, provide health advantages. Consuming probiotic-rich foods like kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, and sourdough might help promote microbial diversity in your gut and general gut health. Gut health is important because it affects immune health; in fact, 70 to 80% of immune cells dwell in the gut. A healthy stomach also promotes regular bowel movements, digestion, cognitive function, and immunological health.

2. High in antioxidants
Green tea kombucha is high in antioxidant molecules known as polyphenols, which are prevalent in green tea. Green tea use may help minimize the risk of chronic illness. Green tea may also improve cognitive function, assist control blood sugar levels, and aid in fat burning.

3. Promotes Heart Health
Green tea beverages, such as kombucha, have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of heart disease. Researchers believe this is due to green tea's antioxidant components.

4. Aids in the reduction of blood sugar levels
Green tea has also been demonstrated to help regulate blood sugar levels. However, because some kombuchas include a lot of sugar, read the nutrition label and pick a kombucha that has no sugar added after fermentation.

5. Helps with Metabolic Function
Green tea includes epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a potent antioxidant that combats free radical damage. EGCG also has anti-inflammatory effects and may aid in the suppression of pro-inflammatory substances in the body.

Side effects of Kombucha
Kombucha has grown in popularity as a healthy beverage alternative. While Kombucha is more healthful than high-sugar drinks, the fermenting process results in caffeine, sugar, and trace levels of alcohol. Keep these warnings in mind, and drink kombucha in moderation.

Sugar content is high.
Some store-bought kombuchas may include a lot of sugar, depending on the brand. To select a kombucha with low added sugar, always check the ingredient list and nutrition data panel.

Mold and Pathogenic Bacteria
Proper fermentation and sanitation are critical for preventing hazardous bacterial development, especially in homemade kombucha. To limit the possibility of mold or other hazardous bacteria development, properly sanitize all glassware, wash your hands often, and sterilize your workplace.

The alcohol content
As a result of fermentation, kombucha naturally includes alcohol. Because most store-bought kombucha contains.5% alcohol or less, it may be advertised as a non-alcoholic beverage. Traditional beer has roughly 4.5% alcohol by volume.

To find out how much alcohol is in the kombucha you're drinking, always read the ingredient list. Also, bear in mind that some manufacturers purposefully create kombucha with a greater alcohol content as an alternative to beer.

Homemade kombucha also contains a trace of alcohol, ranging from 1% to 2.5% by volume.

Those suffering from IBS or other digestive difficulties should restrict their kombucha use since additional fruit juice and carbonation can aggravate digestive issues such as gas and bloating in some people.

Ingredients for Kombucha SCOBY: The bacterial and yeast symbiotic culture has an orange-yellow jelly-like consistency. If you have a kombucha-making acquaintance, peel a layer known as a "baby" off their SCOBY "mother." You may also buy a SCOBY from a health food store, online, or even create one from scratch at home.
Filtered Water: Spring water or filtered water works best. When possible, avoid using tap water.

Cane sugar, turbinado sugar, or brown sugar work well. Artificial sweeteners, maple syrup, honey, and agave nectar should be avoided.
Caffeinated Tea: Black tea, white tea, or green tea are the finest options. Avoid herbal teas and teas infused with essential oils, which can disrupt the fermentation process and promote the growth of bacteria or mold.
Prepared Kombucha: You may use unflavored store-bought or homemade kombucha as a starting point for your own kombucha. Avoid sweetened kombucha, which can introduce harmful germs and increase the likelihood of mold formation.
If you don't want to brew your own kombucha, you may check for starter kits or kombucha powders online!

Keeping your muscles strong, especially in your core, is important for maintaining an active and independent lifestyle. Our ancestors had strong muscles from their daily activities, but nowadays, we need to make a conscious effort to strengthen our muscles.

You should aim to do a core workout two or three times a week, but it can also be beneficial to incorporate daily core-boosting activities into your routine. Here are some simple ideas to get you started:

1. Sunday: Marching
March around your house or neighborhood, lifting your knees high and moving your arms to the music. If you need support, march near a countertop or try marching while seated on a stability ball.

2. Monday: Resistance band workout

Invest in some inexpensive resistance bands and follow a resistance band workout video on YouTube. One example is doing rows by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you, looping a resistance band around the soles of your feet, and pulling the ends of the band toward you, like rowing a boat.

3. Tuesday: Water workout

Swim laps or walk in the shallow end of a pool to work your core muscles. Treading water, swimming with a kickboard, and water aerobics are other effective options.

Plyometrics are dynamic exercises that can help improve strength, power, balance, and agility. It's important for beginners to start slow and with simple exercises.

What are plyometrics?
Plyometric training involves engaging in short, intense bursts of activity that specifically target fast-twitch muscle fibers in the lower body. These fibers play a crucial role in generating explosive power, which can enhance speed and jumping ability.

Competitive athletes in sports like basketball, volleyball, baseball, tennis, and track and field often incorporate plyometrics into their training routines. Additionally, plyometrics can also enhance coordination, agility, flexibility, and provide a great cardiovascular workout.

Who can safely try plyometrics?
There are various types of plyometric exercises, and many people are familiar with gym plyometrics that involve jumping onto boxes or over hurdles. However, these advanced moves should only be attempted under the supervision of a trainer once you have developed some skills and muscle strength.

It's essential to note that even the beginner-level plyometrics mentioned in this article can be challenging. If you have experienced joint issues, particularly in the knees, back, or hips, or struggle with balance, it's advisable to consult with your doctor before attempting any plyometric training.

How to maximize effort while minimizing the risk of injury
To ensure safety during plyometric exercises, consider the following tips:

1. Choose a surface with some elasticity. Opt for a thick, firm mat (not a thin yoga mat), a well-padded carpeted wood floor, or grass/dirt outdoors. These surfaces can absorb some of the impact upon landing. Avoid jumping on hard surfaces like tile, concrete, or asphalt.

2. Start with small jumps. Begin by jumping just a few inches off the ground. Remember, the higher you jump, the greater the impact upon landing.

3. Maintain proper form. Bend your legs when you land and avoid locking your knees. Aim to land softly, distributing the impact throughout your feet rather than solely on your heels or toes.

As one of the most popular and exciting film genres, action movies have countless fans and enthusiasts around the world. No good action movie would be complete without jaw dropping stunts, too; this article covers the history of stunts in film, as well as five of the most dangerous movie stunts of all time.

Background: the History of Stunts in Movies

The origins of professional stunt performers go back further than you might think; we can probably consider acrobats, circus actors, and combat performers to be just a few examples of stunt work before it was considered stunt work. While perhaps not quite as dangerous as some of the death-defying stunts you see in modern, big-budget Hollywood movies, it was still very much commonplace for actors in these professions to get hurt or injured as badly or even worse than comparing with professional sportsman.

And, back in the early 1900s, films started to hire performers to handle dangerous stunts on set. Cinema was more or less a brand-new field at the time, and an absolute novelty as a result; because of this, there were usually so many people who would willingly volunteer to perform stunts in a film, just so they could be part of the production, that it actually wasn’t necessary for professional stunt performers to be hired at all.

But, as the film industry continued to grow and the productions themselves became more elaborate and sophisticated, there was a greater need for stunt performers who could safely and reliably carry out high-risk stunts for the big screen.

As this change took place, the men who can probably be considered the first true professional stuntmen started getting hired to appear in movies. These were clowns and comedy performers like Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin; it probably goes without saying that the stunts these men had to perform were not quite on par with what you’d see in a big-budget action movie today.

It was action movies that created demand for professional stunt performers, too. As the genre grew in popularity, higher-risk stunts became increasingly the norm as a means of entertaining and shocking audiences. This led to more work for stunt performers, as well as the development of safety measures and devices that would help them to keep the risks inherent to their work as low as possible.

With that being said, even today, stunt performing is far from being a safe line of work. Regardless of the safety measures that might be in place when someone performs a particular stunt, there’s still a significant level of risk that the stuntman or woman simply has to accept as part of the job. Tragically, serious injury and even death are both possibilities that professional stunt performers have to accept every time they show up on set.

Of course, the risks inherent to working as a stunt performer pretty much speak for themselves. While the actual danger a performer is exposed to depends on the nature of the stunt and the production, broken bones are all too commonplace.

It’s also the norm for stunt performers to work with explosions and fires, creating a particular need for them to be able to protect their skin from burns wherever possible. Abrasions are another form of injury that many stunt performers have to deal with at some point in their careers, as are cuts and lacerations.

The Most Dangerous Movie Stunts of All Time

The Car Jump in Smokey and the Bandit

Smokey and the Bandit is a comedy action film revolving around the efforts of two bootleggers who are trying to transport hundreds of cases of beer across the USA. Its car jump scene is iconic among stunt enthusiasts, too; not only were there virtually no safety measures taken during production, but the stunt performer in the scene had to wear a cowboy hat; a crash here likely would have been fatal.

Photo by cottonbro studio from

Running is known to have positive effects on our overall well-being. It helps increase endurance, reduce body fat, build muscles, strengthen the heart, and improve cardiovascular health. It can also improve our mood, sleep, and confidence.

However, running may also have downsides, especially if you do it excessively. As with everything, knowing both sides of the story is crucial to deciding how much you should be running.

For starters, here’s how running may “potentially” harm you.

Damage to Weight-Bearing Joints

According to Harvard Health Publishing, there’s mounting evidence that running is beneficial to reducing the amount of wear and tear on weight-bearing joints (e.g., hip, knee, and ankle-foot) and the risk of arthritis. It doesn’t cause osteoarthritis or any other joint disease. However, in 2021, a group of professional physiotherapists explained that there are two major risk factors that increase damage to weight-bearing joints during a run.

The first is obesity. The heavier a person is, the more impact they have on their knees. This leads to more friction and abrasion of the knee joint’s lining. If the aim of the running programme is weight loss, it’s recommended to start with a combination of walking or brisk walking and other non-weight-bearing activities, such as bike riding, for cardiovascular training. This helps in developing good strength in the knees, allowing load management and knee protection.

Another factor is poor biomechanics, particularly a lack of strength in the major propulsion muscles. These include the calf muscles, quadriceps, and glutes, which all support the lower limbs when on a run. If these muscles have poor strength, the position and loads on the knee during a run are typically changed, increasing the chance of injury.

To reduce the risk of joint damage, seeking professional help and getting routine preventive care are necessary. Licenced experts will often recommend using specialised treadmills and incorporating non-impact exercises.

Everywhere you look, there are warnings: the coffee you're going to drink is hot! There will be construction! This item may contain peanuts!

The reasons for these cautions are often obvious. However, cautions can sometimes generate more issues than they solve. When I was at the gym lately, these warnings in bold red text on the exercise bike and treadmill were difficult to miss:

  • Before commencing any workout regimen, have a medical exam.
  • Excessive activity might cause significant damage or death.
  • Stop exercising immediately if you feel faint, dizzy, or in pain.
What did "any exercise program" precisely mean in the warning? What exactly is overexercise? Is it necessary to stop working out if you have any pain?

Finally, I wonder if these cautions create undue anxiety, discouraging individuals from exercising.

Is it okay to start working out without consulting a doctor?

Most of us don't need a doctor's consent. The majority of people can start an exercise routine safely at a low level and gradually increase their efforts over time. Select activities that would enable you to have a discussion, like:
  • utilizing manageable, low weights for you to lift
  • Taking it easy when walking
  • slow (less than 5 mph) bicycle riding
  • Balance and stretching exercises
  • mild housekeeping or gardening.
If your level of fitness is modest to begin with, gradually increase your routine. For instance, if you begin by walking for 10 minutes each day, gradually increase your stroll by one minute every week or two. Once you've been walking for 20 minutes a day, consider increasing your pace a little.

Who needs to exercise caution?
Exercise is undoubtedly dangerous for people with specific medical issues. If you're worried about your health or have any of the following conditions, it makes sense to consult a health care provider for exercise advice:

Coronary artery disease, which includes angina or prior heart attack symptoms. Too much exercise too quickly could strain the heart and result in a heart attack or a risky heart rhythm. Until it's obvious that you can handle more, lower-intensity exercises (such as quick, easy walks) could be preferred.
asthma brought on by exercise. Just before or during activity, your doctor may advise using an inhalation medication to open up the airways in your lungs.
such as a metabolic myopathy, affects the muscles. Your doctor might advise against doing specific workouts, such as long-distance running or sprinting.
back ache. For those with back problems, low-impact exercises like biking or swimming may be preferable to high-impact ones like jogging or basketball.
Mud runs are Dirty, challenging, and next-level fun.

Remember when you were a kid and you used to climb monkey bars, swing from ropes, and jump across streams? Rain only added to the excitement, leaving you soaking and filthy.

Sign up for a mud run to recreate those adventures. These outdoor team events involve maneuvering through military-inspired obstacle courses while becoming muddy.

The most well-known mud races are Tough Mudder and Spartan events. However, similar mud runs may be found in the majority of states. Some provide shorter distances and varying levels of difficulty. Others are only for women, children, or families.

How do mud runs work?

Typically, these events follow the same basic concept: participants cross a course that ranges from three to ten miles (or longer) and encounter 10 to 25 obstacles.

While some mud races can be done alone, the majority are designed to be team-oriented activities. Teams of five to ten persons are frequently coed. There is no time limit, however depending on the distance and number of obstacles, most teams complete the course in less than an hour to three hours or more.

The hurdles are difficult enough that most people require assistance navigating over, under, and across them, both physically and emotionally. This is when the "we're-all-in-this-together" comradery comes into play.

What kinds of obstacles are there in mud runs?
Common roadblocks include

Climbing over spider-web-like cargo nets

scaling walls of various heights

dangling from ropes with handles

strolling across beams or logs, carrying logs

sandbags slithering under barbed wire.
Then there is all the mud to contend with. Prepare to slog through muddy pits, crawl through muddy tunnels, and slide down mud-slick slides.


What advantages does a mud run provide for your health?
The advantages of these events stem from their design, according to Dr. Aaron Baggish, creator of the Cardiovascular Performance Center at the Massachusetts General Hospital, which is connected with Harvard.

"Obstacle racing combines large-muscle, whole-body resistance exercises superimposed on a long-distance endurance race," he explains. "You need strength, stamina, and mobility, so they are a snapshot of overall conditioning."

In addition to the physical advantages, mud races present emotional pleasures and psychological challenges for completing tasks that call for organization, coordination, and strategy.

How should one get ready for a mud run?
Mud races demand vigorous exercise, so talk to your doctor about your safety and ability before registering for an event. While practically everyone of any age can take part in these events, finishing them and lowering the chance of injury both require a minimum level of conditioning.

"Training for obstacle races incorporates many aspects of fitness and performance," claims Dr. Baggish. "Therefore, it's best to train with a coach or trainer who is aware of the fundamental skills required to finish these races," says the author.

Regardless of whether you work with a trainer, you should concentrate on:

aerobic exercise. Although you won't be running as steadily as you would in a regular road race like a 5K or half marathon, you still need to move quickly from obstacle to obstacle. "Optimal training for such obstacle races involves a combination of steady-state aerobic base training, like jogging or cycling, coupled with interval work that simulates the start-and-stop nature of competition," claims Dr. Baggish.
grip toughness. The only way to overcome gravity is to grip, hold, and pull oneself. Pull-ups and farmer carries, in which you walk back and forth while holding dumbbells or kettlebells in each hand, are two exercises that can be beneficial. To prevent injury while performing these workouts, proper form is crucial. When using weights, keep in mind to start slowly.
Plyometrics. A lot of obstacles require powerful jumps and swift movements. These actions can be mimicked with exercises like jump squats, burpees, and box jumps.
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