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Wednesday, February 2

7 nutrition tips to consider before starting a new workout program

Implementing a new workout regimen can result in incredible effects such as weight loss, stress reduction, and enhanced circulation. Whether you begin with a daily stroll, add resistance exercise to your regimen, or enrol in a group fitness class, all forms of exercise are beneficial to your health.

To invest maximum strength in a new style of training, it is necessary to pay attention to diet, among other things. While exercising at a high heart rate and lifting weights will help you improve your physical and mental health, combining your workouts with adequate nutrition will help you get the most out of your activities.

Here are seven fundamental nutritional guidelines that will enable you to perform at your best throughout training.

1. Before training, eat well.

In most circumstances, a pre-workout meal is required to maintain enough energy levels, supply critical nutrients to working muscles, and maintain appropriate blood sugar levels. There are various different ways to properly fuel up depending on how much time you have to digest food before beginning a workout.

If you eat less than an hour before your workout, for instance, if you exercise in the morning, attempt to fuel your body with a basic source of nutrition. In this instance, a serving of dried fruit or a snack bar is an excellent choice due to its high carbohydrate content and ease of digestion. Choose low-fat, high-protein, and high-fibre diets, as these nutrients are more likely to induce stomach discomfort during exercise.

If you have one to two hours between meals and workouts, your pre-workout snack can include additional foods and nutrients. If you have a little more time to digest meals before your heart rate rises during activity, whole-grain toast with peanut butter and a banana or a bowl of cereal with milk are also good options.

In both cases, it's critical to consume high-carbohydrate foods that are easy to digest and aid in meeting your energy requirements while exercising.

2. Nutritional support during exercise

If you intend to exercise constantly for longer than 60 minutes, it is critical to "refuel" the body during the workout. As with the pre-workout meal, this meal should be high in carbohydrates but lower in protein, fat, and fibre than the pre-workout meal.

Energy bars are an excellent source of energy throughout a workout, particularly at greater heart rates associated with aerobic exercises such as jogging. They are convenient to transport and contain carbs that are quickly digested. Certain bars contain caffeine, which may enhance performance; nevertheless, if you are sensitive to this ingredient, always carefully read the product's composition and nutritional information.

For people who exercise at a moderate heart rate for more than an hour on a regular basis, energy bars with high carbohydrate content and a low protein and fat content are a great option. With a decreased heart rate when exercising, you should be able to digest tiny amounts of fat and protein, which may help maintain your energy levels.

If your workout is less than 60 minutes, you generally don't need to snack throughout it; just remember to eat before and after to provide your body with enough "fuel."

3. Nutritional support during recovery

While carbohydrates are the most important nutrient prior to and during a workout, the focus should shift to a protein once the workout is complete. Protein is critical for muscle tissue regeneration and repair and should be ingested within 45 minutes of completing an exercise. The muscles are most sensitive to nutrition from the diet during this time period.

Fortunately, there are numerous simple and quick ways to obtain the recommended protein intake:

Protein Powder: Combine protein powder with water or your preferred milk to obtain a serving of protein and additional hydration.

Protein bars are another convenient method to get protein after a workout. Protein bars are available in a range of tastes and ingredient combinations, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Simply monitor the sugar content of these bars to ensure a balanced food intake.

Jerky: Jerky is an excellent source of protein if you're on the road and in need of a quick post-workout snack.

4. Hydration

While proper nutrition and recovery are critical for optimal sports performance, hydration is just as critical for sustaining health and strength throughout the activity.

While every one of us requires a different amount of fluid to be hydrated, I recommend following this basic rule: women require at least 2.3 litres of fluid each day, while males require at least 3.2 litres. Plain water should account for at least half of your overall fluid consumption to ensure optimal hydration. The remainder can be obtained through a variety of beverages, including soda, tea, and milk.

Always begin exercising with an adequate amount of fluid, and drink plenty of water throughout your workout to replenish the moisture lost through sweat. Reusable water bottles aid in fluid management and are significantly more environmentally friendly than disposable bottles. Choose an insulated container that will keep your drink cold throughout strenuous activities.

5. Electrolytes

Along with being hydrated, it's critical to consider your electrolyte consumption when beginning a new fitness regimen. While these minerals perform a variety of activities in the body, two of their primary tasks are to maintain fluid balance and to aid in hydration.

While electrolytes can be found in a number of meals, from processed to fresh fruits and vegetables, you may require a more concentrated source of electrolytes, i.e. supplements, when exercising in hot and humid environments. Because sweating depletes both fluid and electrolytes, it is critical to replenish them for both health and muscular function. Electrolyte pills can be mixed into the water you drink before and after workouts, or they can be added to your post-workout smoothie, which also contains protein.

6. Fight against inflammation

Exercise is beneficial to the body and can result in a variety of health advantages, including weight loss, increased circulation, and lower blood pressure. Activity, on the other hand, can cause inflammation in the body, particularly in people who engage in vigorous and high-impact exercise.

While not everyone engages in this form of exercise, it is critical to combat inflammation in the body through diet and supplementation. While omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, supplements may be the most practical way to ingest these anti-inflammatory nutrients.

Additionally, if you're experiencing joint pain during exercises or during the day, joint health vitamins may aid. They contain a number of minerals, including glucosamine, chondroitin, and methylsulfonylmethane, which are believed to aid in joint pain relief.

Finally, curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, has been shown to help reduce inflammation in the body, making it advantageous to take it as a supplement or to utilize it fresh or in the form of turmeric powder in cooking.

7. Substances that aid in the enhancement of athletic performance

While nutrition, hydration, and nutritional supplements all contribute significantly to the effectiveness of any workout, there are a few additional factors that can help you get the most out of your workouts.

Cherry Juice: Cherry juice is not only delicious, but it is also strong in antioxidants, which help protect cells from free radical damage. Additionally, cherry juice has been shown to lower inflammation and enhance sleep quality.

Caffeine: This substance may aid in athletic performance improvement by increasing your energy, alertness, and minimizing exhaustion during exercise. A cup of coffee or green tea 30-60 minutes prior to your workout can help you squeeze every rep and mile out of your training.

L-arginine: A precursor to nitric oxide, a naturally occurring molecule in our bodies that aids in blood vessel dilation. This amino acid has been shown to increase blood and oxygen delivery to muscle tissue, making exercise more productive.


When beginning a new workout program, optimize your diet to maximize your efforts. With a mindful diet prior to, during, and after your workouts, you can maintain your energy levels, provide your muscles with the nutrients they require to perform, and maximize your workout's effectiveness.

Do you feel as though following these guidelines requires too much of you? This is acceptable. Simply begin by implementing one or two recommendations. Over time, you can include healthy behaviours to develop a comprehensive approach to exercise that benefits your body in a variety of ways.

I extend my hand to you as we begin a new training program. Ensure that your exercises are varied and that you participate in the forms of physical activities that you enjoy. Assemble a support network composed of family, friends, and other sports enthusiasts to assist you in the process.

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