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Monday, September 09, 2024

Optimism May Help Women Stay Physically Stronger with Age

A positive outlook might help women slow down physical decline as they get older, according to a new study.

This research, led by Harvard and published in JAMA Psychiatry on March 20, 2024, looked at data from nearly 6,000 postmenopausal women, with an average age of 70, who were part of the Women’s Health Initiative. These women joined the study between 1993 and 1998 and were followed for six years. At the start, researchers measured their optimism using questionnaires. Their physical abilities were tested four times during the study, including grip strength, a timed walk, and how many times they could stand up from a chair in 15 seconds without using their hands.

The study found that women with higher optimism had better grip strength and could stand up from a chair more times compared to those with lower optimism. They also experienced slower declines in walking speed and chair stands over the six years. While the exact reason for this link is unclear, researchers think that optimistic people might be more active, social, and eat healthier.



  1. What an encouraging study! It's inspiring to see how optimism can help women maintain physical strength as they age. A great reminder that a positive mindset can truly impact our health. Thanks for sharing!

  2. L' ottimismo è il sale della vita.
    La vita è più bella se si e ottimisti.

  3. Yo creo en decretar, al universo, a Dios, o a quién quieras.
    Gracias por tus palabras en mi blog.

  4. So true.

  5. A positive outlook only goes so far, but it does help with making things happen. After I make something happen I usually have to spend a few days recuperating, but it's better than doing nothing at all.

  6. Optimism helps to live better.
    Melody, I salute you!

  7. Excellent reflection.
    Optimism really does well for our greet and life.

  8. That is so fascinating! I wish I was more optimistic naturally, but I recognize it is something that I can work on as well <3

  9. I'd like to believe that is true as I'm generally the most optimistic person I know. But so far, I haven't seen the results! Luck of the draw and genetics, maybe -- but at least the optimism makes getting through the harder things better!

  10. Optimism really helps, but doesn't come naturally to everyone


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