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Lifestyle Blogger

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Explain why I get a salty taste from everything.

This phenomenon undoubtedly detracts from your enjoyment of meals. However, you should be aware that there are numerous reasons why food may taste too salty.

Do you experience seasonal allergies? Postnasal drip, as well as allergies to certain foods, can cause a salty sensation. Potential causes include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diabetes, certain autoimmune diseases, and vitamin B12 insufficiency. Even persistent dry mouth, which can be caused by a variety of drugs, can make food taste particularly salty.

Even if you have one of these disorders, don't accept having a salty tongue. It's a good idea to discuss the problem with your primary care doctor. Who will work with you to find solutions to your problems, which could be as simple as altering your prescriptions? they may request some basic blood tests to determine the cause.



  1. I've never heard of that happening. It must be strange to have a naturally salty taste in your mouth... It curious.


  2. I enter under so many of those causes for food tasting salty but fortunately I don't have that problem although it might come in hand to me since I eat too much salt...
    Sorry if I were away from blogging but I had several problems in the late period. I am trying to come back gradually...

  3. Hi Melody!
    Very interesting post. I'll be honest, I do add salt to my food. I don't give salt a lot, but a little bit yes.
    Melody, I salute you!

  4. Não gosto de muito sal na comida porém sem sal é muito ruim bjs.

  5. Boa noite de quarta-feira. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Preciso evitar um pouco de sal, por questão de saúde.

  6. Querida amiga, hace rato que deje la sal, gracias por tus consejo
    Abrazos y besos, que tengas un feliz día

  7. I need to stop eating so much salt :(

    Thank you, Melody.

  8. Trato de moderar mi uso de sal. te mando un beso.

  9. I didn't know about this condition, so it would be best to visit the doctor to rule out this anomaly. Thank for share this info.

  10. coucou super billet di jour, chez nous il fait bien meilleur les nuits sont moins fraîche et la journée c'est des 26 degrés , je te souhaite une belle journée de jeudi

  11. For me it's the other way around. Meals rarely taste salty to me and I always feel like adding salt. I need to remind myself that too much salt is bad to avoid the temptation of salting everything.


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