
Tuesday, December 8


Exclusive breastfeeding for infants means that the infants receive only milk, no liquids or solids including water. Except for rehydration solutions, drop/syrups of vitamins minerals, or medicine. For the first 2-4 days of your baby’s life, your breasts will secrete colostrum. Colostrum is a yellowish fluid rich in proteins. These proteins are valuable and essential to the development of a healthy immune system. This protein that comes from colostrum is easily digested and absorbed by the body, especially by the fast-developing brain. Colostrum provides factors that promote maturation of the gut and good digestion.

Colostrum is the most superior and well-designed nutrition for your baby in the first few days of life. Quality proteins are present in breast milk. Breast milk is natural and nutritionally superior to formula. Other milk contains both saturated and unsaturated fats, as well as cholesterol, an important constituent of brain and nerve tissue. The fat in breast milk digest fast than that of formula.
The energy breast milk provides is more efficiently utilized, than the energy provided by formula.
Breast milk contains a full range of vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible combination.
Special immune protective proteins are present in breast milk. These immune protective proteins protect your baby from food allergies and infections. 

Exclusive breastfeeding enhances child growth and development.
It provides the right amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein needed for child growth. Breastfeeding uses an average of 500 calories a day, it helps the mother lose weight after giving birth. The baby's sucking causes a mother's uterus to contract and reduces the flow of blood after delivery. During lactation, menstruation ceases, offering a form of contraception. Mothers who breastfeed tend to achieve their pre-pregnancy figure more easily than mothers who bottle feed. Fewer trips to the hospital and less money is spent on medications.

Breastfeeding creates a mother and child bond. Hormones released during breastfeeding gives the mother feelings of warmth and calmness. It also contributes to the health and well-being of mothers; it helps to space children, increases family and national resources, reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancers, it is a secure way of feeding and it is also safe for the environment.
Exclusive breastfeeding enhances child growth and development.
It provides the right amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein needed for child growth. Breastfeeding uses an average of 500 calories a day, it helps the mother lose weight after giving birth.
Exclusive breastfeeding protects an infant against diarrhea and common childhood illnesses such as pneumonia. Exclusive breastfeeding has longer benefits such as reducing the risk of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence.


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