Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

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Exclusive breastfeeding for infants means that the infants receive only milk, no liquids or solids including water. Except for rehydration solutions, drop/syrups of vitamins minerals, or medicine. For the first 2-4 days of your baby’s life, your breasts will secrete colostrum. Colostrum is a yellowish fluid rich in proteins. These proteins are valuable and essential to the development of a healthy immune system. This protein that comes from colostrum is easily digested and absorbed by the body, especially by the fast-developing brain. Colostrum provides factors that promote maturation of the gut and good digestion.

Colostrum is the most superior and well-designed nutrition for your baby in the first few days of life. Quality proteins are present in breast milk. Breast milk is natural and nutritionally superior to formula. Other milk contains both saturated and unsaturated fats, as well as cholesterol, an important constituent of brain and nerve tissue. The fat in breast milk digest fast than that of formula.
The energy breast milk provides is more efficiently utilized, than the energy provided by formula.
Breast milk contains a full range of vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible combination.
Special immune protective proteins are present in breast milk. These immune protective proteins protect your baby from food allergies and infections. 

Exclusive breastfeeding enhances child growth and development.
It provides the right amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein needed for child growth. Breastfeeding uses an average of 500 calories a day, it helps the mother lose weight after giving birth. The baby's sucking causes a mother's uterus to contract and reduces the flow of blood after delivery. During lactation, menstruation ceases, offering a form of contraception. Mothers who breastfeed tend to achieve their pre-pregnancy figure more easily than mothers who bottle feed. Fewer trips to the hospital and less money is spent on medications.
Your child’s rooms are a place for them to play, spend time, learn, and grow. As a result, you want to put some time into the design and decoration of their room. Unfortunately, decorating these rooms isn’t always easy. You want a room that will not only be great for them as a young child but also one that can suit them for years to come.

This can be a tall order and can be intimidating or stressful for some parents. Thankfully, we are here to help you out with a few thoughtful tips. Without any further ado, this blog post is going to go over a few tips when it comes to decorating your kids’ room.

Find the Right Furniture

The first step to decorating a child’s room is to find the right furniture. Things like the colors of the walls and the art can be changed easily, but you don’t want to constantly be adding and removing furniture from a room. While everyone has their preferences, a child’s room should have a place to store their toys, a place for their clothes, and ample space to play or read.
You need to choose items that not only look good but are functional for your child. If you get a toddler a giant wardrobe that is 7 feet high, they aren’t likely going to be able to get much use out of it. Keep things the right size, and ensure things are as simple as possible. Except for the color, feel free to get a little bold and creative with color, as the room is for a child after all.

In addition to these types of furniture, finding the best mattress for kids is still an important part of decorating their room, so don't forget about it. You want to ensure your child can have a comfortable sleep every night, in order to be happy and perform well at school.

Don’t Be Afraid to Get Creative

Designing a children’s room gives you one of the best opportunities to get a little creative and unique. You don’t need to take it as seriously as you might the design of your living room or master bedroom. Look for unique additions that will excite your child and fit the space well.

For example, having a corkboard wall or a giant chalkboard could be a good inclusion, as could a fun bed frame or toy chest. Also, many children like to put things that they have or make on display, so adding some shelves (whether built-in or on the wall) is often a good idea. All in all, let your mind run wild when it comes to designing your children’s room, you never know the cool ideas you will have or products you will find.

Get Their Input

(via https://pixabay.com/photos/child-girl-young-caucasian-1073638/)

While it’s your home, it is your child that will likely be spending the most time in their room. Because of this, don’t forget to get their impact on how to decorate the room. You want to ensure they like how it looks and are motivated to spend time there. Ask them the colors they like and maybe even find ways to incorporate their favorite movie or TV characters

Now, it is also important to be reasonable. If your child wants each wall to be a different bright color, you may need to deny the request if it isn’t something you want to do. Especially with how many children change their favorite color frequently.

While some may be willing to go this far, if you aren’t, a nice compromise can be to get pieces of art in the color or style that your child loves. As their tastes inevitably change, you can simply change the art or pictures out without having to repaint the whole room once they outgrow their original color choice.

Ensure it is Safe

While you want their room to look good, excite them, and remain functional, you need to ensure that your child's’ room is safe. If they are going to be in there alone, you want to ensure there are no potential threats to their safety or health.

Thankfully, there are several things you can do to ensure the room is safe. The bed should be low, windows should have guards, large furniture should be stable and not prone to tipping, and have night lights to prevent falls. Keep cabinets locked, electrical cords should be secured, and access to any radiator should be blocked.

A good practice is to imagine that you are the size and age of your child. What things could pose a risk? Of course, as the child ages, certain things can be changed or removed as they become more responsible.

We hope the tips and information included in this article have been able to help you decorate your kids’ room.

It's not a new thing that women do better when it comes to taking care of children, but the question is why? it is simply because women are taught and tailored that way right from childhood. We have watched our mums do the same and this is not in any way bad but if we have to fight for equality then I think this has to be a part of a man's growing responsibility and parents need to start teaching male children that infant/childcare is not just for women. Men should be taught that taking care of children is normal and should be a shared responsibility between a man and a woman. Men are brought up feeling it's all about providing for their families. Well, what happens when you need to share duties especially take care of a child?.

This mentality needs to stop. It's our child and one person should not be obligated to take care of the child (only if agreed mutually). Some men go as far as telling their wives, partner or baby mama to take the child along even when she needs to go to work while he sits at home doing nothing and even if you are busy at home it is your child, take care of that child, create time because women always find a way around it. Men need to be brought up to understand that babysitting is a two-way duty and should not be done only by the woman, especially if both of you work.

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