Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

Lifestyle Blogger

This might not happen over night, but parents can help preschoolers sleep in their own beds. This might not happen over night, but parents can help preschoolers sleep in their own beds.

Step one: Understand the process

Children always want to sleep with their parents. This is because they feel loved and protected while also enjoying a snuggle. Most parents need privacy, but make sure you are emotionally ready before starting the sleep-ahead process.

If during this process you notice that the child becomes more irritable than usual, you should see a doctor.

Step two: Changing habits

When you change where your child sleeps, it also means you are changing the child's habit. Here are some tips to help the child change the habit to start sleeping alone:
The sleeping space has to be appealing. Nothing can replace you. A relaxed room makes it easier for the child to sleep. Decorate the room. Let the room represent the child's personality. Example: If the child likes angels or a particular character, let the wall paper be an artwork with their favorite character.
Add details that suit the child: if the child likes a bright room, use light curtains, but if they like a dark room, use light-blocking curtains. While the child is adjusting to the change, use white noise to help them sleep better. Avoid TV, iPad, or devices in the bedroom. These devices change their sleep patterns.
Create a consistent bedtime schedule. Avoid letting the child stay up late.
A consistent and calming bedtime routine is important. To help lower the energy level, give them a bath and snuggle with them while reading a bedtime story. This helps them wind down and end the day with you being the last face they see before they sleep off.
If your child finds it difficult to go to bed, you can sit in the room. Try to gradually shorten the time you are in the room.
If the child gets out of bed, take them back to bed. The child might not like it, but you need to not give in. Take them back to their room.
Let the child know you appreciate the progress. You can use a reward system, but be careful not to overdo it in order not to pass the right message.

If nothing is working and you notice the child getting really upset, it is advisable to talk to your doctor.

Photo by Artem Podrez

While it may not result in any major issues, a shorter-than-usual band of tissue may limit tongue movements.

A band of tissue known as the lingual frenulum holds the tongue partially to the front of the mouth. A small frenulum might limit the tongue's range of motion. This is referred to as a tongue tie.

A child with a tongue tie is unable to touch the top of their upper teeth with their tongue when their mouth is open or to extend their tongue past their bottom lip. Their tongue seems to be heart-shaped or notch-shaped when they extend it. A baby's tongue might be knotted if you can't get a finger beneath it, as they don't usually stick out their tongues.

How often do tongue-ties occur?
Tongue ties are common. People's definitions of this condition vary; therefore, it's difficult to pinpoint its actual prevalence. Roughly 8% of infants younger than one-year-old may have a mild tongue tie.

Is having a tied tongue an issue?
It's important to remember that tongue-ties are not always an issue. Many infants, kids, and adults have tongue-ties that don't give them any problems at all.

There are two primary ways in which tongue-ties can lead to issues:

They may make it difficult for some babies to latch on to the mother's nipple, which can lead to nursing issues. Both the mother's nipples and the baby's have pain when feeding due to this. Not every baby with tongue tie experiences it; a good number of them can breastfeed. When a breastfed baby is gaining weight well, gassiness or fussiness is not the result of tongue-ties. Bottle feeding does not provide any difficulties for infants with tongue-ties.

They may result in speech issues. Some kids with tongue-ties could have trouble saying some sounds, like t, d, z, s, th, n, and l. Speech delay is not caused by tongue-ties.
How should you respond if you believe your child or infant has a tongue tie?
See your doctor if you believe that your infant's poor latching is the result of a tongue knot. A baby may not latch onto the breast well for a multitude of reasons. To gain a better understanding of the problem, your doctor should carefully record all past events and examine your infant.

To receive assistance with breastfeeding, you should also see a lactation consultant. This is because there are numerous reasons why babies struggle to latch on, and with the correct care and assistance, many kids with tongue ties can nurse effectively.

If you believe that your child's difficulties pronouncing words could be related to a tongue knot, consult your physician. It just takes some time for many kids to pick up specific sound pronunciations. To be sure that tongue-tie is not the issue, it is also a good idea to get a speech-language pathologist's assessment.

What can I do about a tongue tie?
When necessary, a frenotomy—a surgical incision—can be used by a physician to relieve a tongue tie. A frenotomy can be performed with a laser or by just cutting the frenulum.

Still, there's no need to take any action regarding a tongue tie that isn't producing issues. Even though a frenotomy is a relatively simple operation, problems like bleeding, infection, or trouble feeding can occasionally happen. For this reason, doing it merely to avoid issues later on is never a wise idea. Only in situations where the tongue tie is obviously causing problems should the operation be considered.

It is also vital to understand that removing a tongue tie does not usually solve the problem, particularly when nursing. Research indicates that not all moms or newborns will clearly benefit from it. For this reason, consulting with a breastfeeding specialist is essential before choosing a frenotomy.

A frenotomy should be considered if a newborn with a tongue tie is not gaining weight and is not latching effectively, despite significant help from a breastfeeding expert. If it is carried out, it ought to be done quickly and by a professional with the necessary training.

What other information about tongue-tie procedures should parents be aware of?
A lot of doctors are ready to prescribe frenotomy even if the evidence for their advantages is unclear. If your child is being advised to have one, inquire about it:

Verify the precise reasoning behind the recommendation.
Find out whether there are any other choices, such as waiting.
Seek advice from another medical professional or speak with other members of your child's care team.
During this holiday season, when parents, friends, and family members are looking to purchase toys for the children on their lists or donate them to those who are less fortunate, I have a few suggestions for what you should avoid buying and what you should consider instead. Of course, not all gifts have to be bought. Daily opportunities for play bring joy and help children and teens sharpen their skills. Responsive games are great for infants and toddlers, as they help strengthen the bond between them and their carers while also promoting healthy development.

Here are 10 helpful tips to consider when selecting safe toys and using them in a safe manner. Make sure to select toys that are suitable for your child's age. 

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Smart Toys for a Safe and Joyful Holiday Season

Make sure to read the safety labels! Please be extra cautious with anything that has small parts or attached small parts if you have a child who is under 3 years old. Balloons are not suitable for this age group, either. 

Be cautious of magnets in toys. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission is cautioning people about the potential risks associated with toys that have small, ultra-powerful magnets. These include items like tiny magnetic balls and magnetic building sets. It's really important to make sure that children don't put this toy in their mouth. Furthermore, younger siblings, as well as older children and teenagers, might also face potential risks. These small magnets are much stronger than regular magnets. If someone accidentally swallows two or more of these objects, they can end up getting stuck in the intestinal walls, which can cause blockages and tears. 

It's not always a great idea to go for "vintage" toys. Although many vintage and used toys are probably safe to use, it's important to note that they may no longer have their safety labels. It's possible that you don't know if they have been recalled or if they are broken in a way that could make them less safe. Please exercise extra caution when dealing with items manufactured prior to 2008, as that was the year when toy safety laws were implemented. 

Moving toys. Make sure your child knows how to use toys like scooters, skateboards, and bikes safely and that they actually do use them safely. Make sure to also include the appropriate protective gear, such as helmets, to go along with these gifts. 

Toys that make noise. Yes, it's true that loud noises have the potential to cause damage to our hearing. It's important to consider the amount of noise we encounter throughout our lives, especially with the widespread use of earbud earphones. Starting early with additional noise is something you definitely want to avoid. You always have the option to mute the sound, but it might be a wiser choice to simply refrain from purchasing the toy. 

Slime. It seems that certain brands may contain elevated levels of toxic boron. You can try making your own slime using easy recipes that don't require borax. There are plenty of options available online. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can simply choose to avoid using slime altogether. Fidget spinners and other toys that are specifically made for adults. Be cautious if it states "designed for adults." This implies that the manufacturer is not required to comply with the toy safety standards set by the United States for children. 

"Hatching" playthings. When the eggs hatch, they produce tiny fragments that can potentially pose a choking risk. 

Smart gadgets and toys. There is a possibility that they might gather information that you would prefer not to disclose, and there is also a risk of potential hacking incidents. Mozilla offers a fantastic resource that can assist you in determining which devices are more secure compared to others. Don't forget to consider privacy when giving these items as gifts to children. 

Makeup. Certain brands may contain harmful chemicals. In my opinion, I believe that it's not really necessary for young children to wear makeup. 

What are some of your favourite back-to-basics toys to choose from? The best toys for kids are those that are straightforward and promote pretend play, creativity, fine motor skills, language development, and movement. Imagine things like dolls, puppets, costumes, train sets, blocks and other building sets, balls, jump ropes, bikes, Paw Patrol Toys, books, and, of course, all sorts of art supplies. The toys that provide the most long-lasting fun are the ones that require imagination and interaction, encourage kids to be active, and support their development. 

Paw Patrol Advent Calendar with 24 Surprise Toys

I have three specific types of toys that I would like to recommend: I'm looking for toys that don't have screens. A lot of kids spend way too much time in front of screens. 

Let's consider skipping the electronics this year. games that promote physical activity. These days, it seems like we're all leading such sedentary lives. 

Getting outside and exercising is really wonderful, so gifts like bikes and balls can be absolutely fantastic. If it's really cold outside or you don't have much outdoor space that's easy to get to, try finding activities that you can do indoors instead. I genuinely take pleasure in playing with balls that feature handles and permit sitting and bouncing. They are so much fun! Balance boards, riding toys, stepping stones, and even indoor tightropes are also great options for having a good time. You can use a yoga mat for various types of exercise. If you have the opportunity, it's a great idea to create a designated exercise area in addition to your home office setup. toy sets that can be used for group play. You should try looking for games that the whole family can enjoy together. There are plenty of options available, so you're bound to find something that everyone will love. You could also consider getting a train set or a building kit that both of you can enjoy doing together. Now, more than ever, we realise how much we rely on each other. It's important to find joy and have fun, especially during the holiday season. Combining both of these things is truly a wonderful gift.

Hey guys, you know what's really cool? Small pets! They can be so adorable and bring so much joy. But here's the thing: some of them can actually carry bacteria that can be harmful to us. So, it's important to be aware of that and take the necessary precautions when handling them. Safety first, right? Turtles, iguanas, frogs, and other small pets can actually carry germs that have caused outbreaks of illness in multiple states. It's pretty crazy, right? Just thought I'd share this interesting fact with you all!

You know, when it comes to picking pets for kids, a lot of people go for small animals like turtles, iguanas, and frogs. They're pretty popular because they're super easy to interact with and don't require a tonne of attention, which is great for families with a lot going on. They may be enjoyable, but it might be best to stay away from them.

So, here's the deal. The reason behind all of this is... drumroll, please. Did you know that reptiles and amphibians can actually carry germs that can make us humans sick? It's true! According to Dr. Elizabeth Hohmann, who's an expert in infectious diseases from Massachusetts General Hospital, one of the most common germs they carry is the Salmonella bacteria. It's important to be cautious when handling these reptiles and amphibians in order to stay healthy! Did you know that these animals actually prefer to live in warm and wet environments? It's crazy, right? And guess what? Salmonella, that pesky bacteria, just loves those kinds of places too! It's like a match made in heaven for them.

Have you heard about all the recent outbreaks of illness happening across the US? It's been pretty crazy!
Reptiles and amphibians sometimes have Salmonella. It's pretty interesting because, even though it doesn't make them sick, they can still carry the bacteria around. The CDC's warning on adopting those cute little pet turtles. Apparently, there have been some serious outbreaks of Salmonella illnesses and hospitalisations in 24 states. It's gotten pretty bad this year, so they're advising people to be cautious. Oh, by the way, did you know that other small pets like mice or hamsters, and even farm animals like chickens, can also carry and spread the bacteria? It's pretty interesting, right?

Salmonella can actually be spread to people in a bunch of different ways. It can happen when we come into contact with animals, their poop, food, or even things like toys and food dishes. Even the habitats where these animals live, like cages, tanks, aquariums, and water, can be sources of Salmonella exposure.

Dr. Hohmann says that they get the bacteria on their hands and then accidentally touch their mouths or noses. You know, this is something that tends to happen more often with younger kids.

People who are exposed to the bacteria can develop salmonellosis.

Who has a higher chance of falling ill?
Salmonellosis can affect anyone, but individuals 65 years of age and older, children under the age of five, and those with long-term medical conditions are more likely to experience severe symptoms, including hospitalisation.

Young kids sometimes struggle with personal hygiene and understanding safety rules when it comes to handling animals. As we get older or if we have chronic conditions like diabetes, our immune systems can become weaker. This means that we're more likely to get sick and catch illnesses. It's important to take extra care of ourselves and stay healthy! In really severe cases, those pesky bacteria can actually make their way into our bloodstream. And once they're in there, they can spread to other parts of our body and cause infections.

What signs and symptoms does this infection have?

The main symptoms of this thing are diarrhoea, fever, and abdominal cramps. If you happen to get infected, you might start experiencing these symptoms within six hours to four days. They usually stick around for about four to seven days before finally going away.

If you have a pet that might have Salmonella, it's a good idea to reach out to your paediatrician or primary care team for some advice. They'll be able to give you the best guidance on what to do.

There are definitely some situations where seeking immediate medical care is super important. For example, if you're experiencing severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, or sudden numbness or weakness in your face, arm, or leg, it's definitely time to head
If you or your child start experiencing any of these really serious symptoms, it's super important to get medical help right away.

diarrhoea and a temperature greater than 102°F; bloody diarrhoea that is so severe that you are unable to keep liquids down; Symptoms of dehydration include little to no urination, dry mouth and throat, or lightheadedness when standing up.

Toddler formulas are costly, unnecessary, and potentially unhealthy.

Once babies reach the age of one, they no longer need infant formula as their nutritional needs can be met through solid foods. Cow's milk or fortified plant milk like soy milk can be perfectly suitable for them without the need for excessive consumption.

In a recent report by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 2023, it was found that toddler milks do not provide any additional benefits for healthy growth and development. It's understandable that some parents may feel hesitant to transition from formula to cow's milk, believing that formula is more nutritious or easier to digest. However, the marketing strategies used by formula companies frequently influence these beliefs.

Toddler formulas marketed as "follow-up formulas," "transition formulas," or "growing-up milks" are not medically necessary and are mainly designed to retain customers past the age of one. As the AAP emphasizes, some toddler formulas can actually be worse than cow's milk. Parents should be aware of the actual needs of older infants and toddlers and not let marketing claims influence them.

It's worth noting that specialized formulas for children over 12 months with specific medical conditions are not the focus of this discussion.

Toddler formulas are not subject to FDA regulation, unlike infant formulas. Infant formulas have strict nutritional requirements and are subject to regular inspections. On the other hand, toddler formulas are not required to prove their claims about nutritional benefits, leading to wide variation in their composition.

This lack of regulation is concerning because some toddler formulas can be unhealthy, with inadequate or excessive protein content and added sweeteners. These sweeteners can contribute to the development of a child's preference for sugary foods and potentially increase the risk of obesity. Moreover, toddler formulas are often more expensive than cow's milk, creating an unnecessary financial burden for families.

Instead of relying on toddler formulas, it is recommended to focus on the healthy diet groups for toddlers. Encourage a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein sources (such as meat, fish, beans, and nut butters), and dairy or dairy substitutes fortified with calcium and vitamin D. It is also important to limit added sugars and, after the age of two, reduce the consumption of unhealthy fats. By establishing healthy eating habits early on, we can set children on the path to a lifetime of good nutrition.


The most typical cause of chronic stomach discomfort in kids and teenagers is difficult to identify and cure.

 The most frequent cause of persistent stomach pain in children cannot be diagnosed through testing or treated with medication. Because of this, diagnosing and treating the condition can be exceedingly difficult.

Functional abdominal discomfort may be a condition you are unfamiliar with. However, it is the most typical cause of stomach pain in kids and teenagers that lasts for at least two months.

What exactly is functional stomach pain?

We are still trying to comprehend how the mind and body are intertwined, but this is especially true of the brain and the gastrointestinal system. Pain can result from stress, especially chronic stress, despair, and worry. Sometimes the sole sign of stress is discomfort, especially in kids who are great achievers or have a tendency to keep their emotions to themselves.

Sometimes an infection or other sickness, rather than stress, is the cause of the discomfort, which either persists after the illness has passed or exacerbates it while being treated. Worrying about the discomfort and its potential origin can exacerbate the situation. The gastrointestinal nervous system has a tendency to overreact.

In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, it is not surprising that children are spending more and more time on electronic devices. And while there is undoubtedly much to be learned, investigated, and created using devices, there are skills that devices cannot always teach and which children must acquire. 


Play enhances executive function and mood regulation.

Children must acquire and practise executive function, emotional control, and general physical skills as they develop. The best method for children to acquire these abilities is through play, which is why we say that play is a child's work. As devices become more pervasive and as many children become more scheduled with lessons and organised activities, it can be easy to forget to schedule time for device-free play.

I also believe that parents and children are forgetting how to play. Parents used to bring toys for their children to play with while they waited to see me, but now they simply give them their phones. Devices are so pervasive and convenient that it can be difficult to put them down and find something else to do.

Play is necessary for optimal growth.
The Centre on the Developing Child at Harvard University has devised excellent handouts for parents on age-appropriate games and activities to support their child's development. I especially appreciate those that involve the parent as well, as this not only benefits the infant but also your relationship.

For kids, swimming is a fantastic activity. It's a terrific way to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. It's also an important safety skill.

Swimming can be challenging for kids with eczema, often known as atopic dermatitis. This is how parents may assist.


What is eczema?
Eczema is a skin allergy. Both allergies to food and allergies to environmental factors, such as pollen or cats, can cause it. Additionally, excessive sweating, hydration loss from the skin, sensitivity to chemicals or other substances, or other factors may all contribute to it.

The sun and swimming might be helpful for eczema.
In fact, swimming in a chlorinated pool may help with eczema. Baths with bleach, which are frequently advised as an eczema treatment, essentially transform the bathtub into a swimming pool.

The sun and being in the water can both be beneficial for eczema. The secret is to maximise the positive effects while avoiding any potential negative effects.

What to do before and after swimming if your child has eczema
The following recommendations are for parents:
  • Use sunscreen, especially one with zinc oxide or titanium, if you want to be outside. Look for delicate skin formulations and stay away from anything scented. Use UV-protective swimwear or clothing, especially if you struggle with shame about rashes.
  • Before swimming, especially in a chlorinated pool, apply an emollient. The skin can be protected by applying some oil before swimming. You want your child to be able to hold on to things, and you don't want them to slide and fall, so don't overdo it on the palms or soles. The ideal emollient for your child should be discussed with your doctor.
  • If it's your first time swimming in a pool, you might want to swim for a shorter period of time than usual to make sure the chemicals aren't too irritating. If at all possible, avoid entering a pool immediately after adding chlorine.
I've heard parents say that the nursery where their child is enrolled doesn't provide the service their child needs. If a nursery doesn't live up to expectations, it can hurt a child's health and education.
Parents should make it their top priority to give their children the best quality of life.

Handing over the emotional duty of making sure your child is safe, healthy, and properly cared for throughout their early years of life to a stranger can be daunting, which is why I will be providing advice on what to look for when choosing a day nursery.

1. Make sure the day Nursery is registered and ask for a copy of the most recent report that talks about the level of education and care as well as how well the facilities and equipment work. 

2. Examine the ambiance and overall vibe as you walk through the entrance and walk around the nursery. You are more likely to feel that your child will be happy and properly cared for in a day nursery if there is a good, clean atmosphere.

It's critical to conduct a comprehensive tour of the nursery and assess your feelings. Do the employees greet you in a polite and inviting manner? Are they eager and passionate about their childcare and the children? Are the kids at the nursery content and actively participating in their activities?

3. During your visit, speak with members of the nursery team, including the center director. Make sure that you have a positive experience and that you feel secure knowing that there are always open lines of communication between you and the staff. Before you go to a nursery, take some time to think of some questions you'd like to ask and keep in mind that there is no such thing as a stupid question. 

Are there any available slots at the time you're looking?
How many children do they currently have?
Do you have to bring your own baby food and diapers?
Where do the infants sleep during the day?
How long do you have to provide notice if you have to leave the nursery?
What are they going to do regarding security and visitors coming into the building?  
What types of activities will your child be engaging in?

What to do when a child's weight is below what is healthy for their age

When talking about children's and teens' weight, which is a sensitive subject, people often talk about the health costs of being overweight or obese. Occasionally, however, a youngster must gain weight. While there are numerous ways to accomplish this, not all of them are healthy.


What to do if your child appears to be underweight
If you are unsure whether your child needs to gain weight, consult with your doctor before beginning any weight-gain efforts. It is certainly likely that your child's weight is perfectly normal. Given that one in every five children in the United States is obese and another one in every six is overweight, it's understandable for a parent to believe their child is underweight in comparison. Checking your child's body mass index, a measurement based on height and weight that is used for children aged 2 and older, is one approach to determining if their weight is healthy.

Losing weight or being underweight might be a sign of a medical or emotional issue, so discuss your worries with your doctor. They may want to see your child determine whether any evaluations are required. If your child is under the age of two, it is very important that you consult with your doctor regarding weight concerns and strictly adhere to their recommendations.

Choosing nutritious foods for a youngster who needs to gain weight

If your child is over the age of two and the doctor believes that gaining weight is a good idea, the best way to go about it is to use nutritious foods and healthy practices.

Three strategies for encouraging healthy weight gain:

Make sure you feed your child three times daily, which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as two nutritious snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon). You can give your child a light snack if she or he finishes breakfast early. You want them to be truly hungry when you feed them, so try to limit their access to snacks and liquids between meals.

Provide nutritious, high-calorie foods. Consider nutritious fats and proteins. Some examples are:
Boil pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nut butter, and nuts.


Olive oil and vegetable oil



Whole milk, heavy cream, and cream cheese

Whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread and granola sweetened with juice,

Make the meal more delicious and nutritious by considering ways to add calories every time you make a meal or snack. For instance, you may add additional oil, butter, or cheese to pasta or nut butter to apple slices or toast.


Perhaps the very last thing you would like to do after your maternity leave ends is to take your child to an unfamiliar or odd environment for the entire day. Yet, the greatest thing parents can accomplish for their children is to register them in childcare.

If you've been contemplating the advantages of childcare and thus are concerned about how it will affect your baby, you may rest easy knowing that the household and families will continue to have the biggest impact on their development. Although many people believe that ideally, a child should stay at home and be cared for by their families, it is not always the case. There has been a great list of proof that sending a baby to daycare, like the one in Ringwood, offers a good number of benefits.
Regular Schedule and Activities

Even with the smallest children, daycare centers have a set daily plan. Here, meals, play times, and naps are scheduled as components of the day-to-day schedule. Varied and fun experiences like music and stories can encourage cognitive development and growth in older children. When you already get your child from daycare, their demeanor won't be all messy due to the organized and systematic day. This is due to the fact that their entire day adhered to a planned and well-organized schedule.

Academic Advancement

Children enrolled in daycare programs are introduced to a very structured curriculum that adheres to national standards and supports their growth academically. Children who attended daycare throughout their first four years and a half of life showed superior linguistic and cognitive development, according to the National Institute of Child Health And Human Development. Additionally, a study in 2016 indicated that at the age of 5, children who participated in regular childcare centers had math and reading skills that were noticeably better than those of comparable children who participated in home-based unstructured, childcare arrangements.

This year, back-to-school initiatives promote a secure return to full-time, in-person education in order to improve kids' academic and psychological well-being. Even though it may be tempting to keep summertime sleep patterns, it's important for kids to have a regular schedule where they sleep when it's dark and are awake when it's light. This is how our bodies work best. This is valid for home schooling families as well; no child should spend the entire morning in bed, even if the trip to school only requires a short walk to the kitchen table, allowing for more sleep than those who must take an early bus.

All of us need to sleep, but children especially need to sleep. Children who don't get enough good sleep are more likely to experience learning difficulties, behavioural issues, and health problems.

Here are a few easy steps you can take to ensure that your child gets the rest they require.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Have a schedule for
Our bodies function best when we go to bed and wake up at around the same time each day.

Eight to ten hours of sleep is required for teens and children. Count back 10 hours from the time your child is supposed to wake up in the morning. They should be getting ready for bed around that time (for younger children, count back 11 hours).
For instance, if your teen must get up at 7, they should be dressed and in bed by 9 p.m. (since most of us don't fall asleep as soon as our head strikes the pillow). By around age 8, a younger child should begin getting ready (showering, etc.).
Children and teenagers who practice heart-healthy behaviours live longer.

A new study confirms what we've always suspected: our health and habits as children and teenagers have an impact on our health as adults. And it's not just about our health; it's also about how long we live.

What did the research measure and discover?

Nearly 40,000 people from the United States, Finland, and Australia have been enrolled in the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohorts Consortium Outcomes Study. From the 1970s through the 1990s, they began registering them as children and have been tracking them ever since.

The effects of five risk factors were studied by the researchers:

The body mass index, or BMI, is a statistic that determines if a person's weight is within a healthy range.

total cholesterol value, which is a measure of how much pressure is imposed on the arteries when the heartbeats. systolic blood pressure, which is the highest number in a blood pressure reading and is a measure of how much pressure is placed on the arteries when the heartbeats. 

While cholesterol is necessary for the formation of cells and hormones, too much of it can cause heart disease and stroke.

triglyceride level is a measurement of the amount of fatty material in the blood. Too much of it, like too much cholesterol, raises the risk of heart disease and stroke.
smoking in youth.

The researchers followed up on all of these people, who were on average 46 years old, from 2015 to 2019. They discovered that over 800 of them had suffered a cardiovascular event (such as a heart attack or stroke), with more than 300 of them dying.

When the researchers compared the five factors' values to the results, they discovered that they were actually risk factors:

The risk of cardiovascular disease was nearly tripled in people who had higher than normal values for all of the risk variables.

The most significant risk factor was smoking, which was followed by BMI, systolic blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol.

It wasn't necessary to have all five variables to be at risk; for example, persons who were obese as youngsters were three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease — and those with high or near-high blood pressure were twice as likely.

None of this should come as a shock, but seeing it so clearly should serve as a wake-up call, particularly for parents.

What parents need to know about concussion care for children and teens

Pexel image

In fact, concussions are the most prevalent type of traumatic brain injury, accounting for more than half of all cases (TBI). We've learned from the experiences of former National Football League players that concussions can cause long-term health issues.
When a child or teen has a concussion, it's important that we do everything we can to make sure they get the best care possible and prevent concussions.
When a child suffers a concussion, it's difficult for doctors, parents, and coaches to decide what the best course of action should be. Children who have concussions can rely on recommendations made by the CDC, which examines all of the evidence and provides guidance. 
5 Ways to Teach Children and Adolescents Resilience

It would be an understatement to say that the last two years have been difficult for children and teenagers. Major worldwide events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have had an impact on our daily lives and put us to the test in unprecedented ways. Racial and political issues are also constants in the lives of young people of all ages.

Parents have a plethora of concerns and inquiries. What does all of this anxiety, instability, isolation, and change imply for my children? How can I assist them in coping? Will they be alright? The good news is that resilience, or the ability to persevere in the face of adversity and stress, can be learned and strengthened at any age. We can't keep our children from feeling unhappy, stressed, or having setbacks. We can, however, cultivate their ability to cope with and learn from adversity when it is possible.

How can families help their children develop resilience?

The relationship between parent and child, which is a significant contributor to healthy development in children and teenagers, is where resilience begins for every one of us. A safe, stable relationship with at least one caring and responsive adult is a powerful stress buffer, according to research on childhood trauma such as exposure to violence, divorce, mourning, and natural disasters. Recent research suggests that teenagers who feel linked to their parents or other caregivers, as well as their friends, and who have stable daily routines, are better able to cope with COVID-related stress (read more here, here, and here).

Parents may foster their children's resilience in five evidence-based approaches as we navigate the shifting demands of the pandemic (note: automated download) and the difficulties of our times.

All parents want their children to be successful in life — and by that, we mean not only having a good job and earning a good living but also being happy. And all parents wonder how they will accomplish this.
According to Harvard's Center on the Developing Child, it's less about academics and extracurricular activities and more about developing a basic set of abilities that enables people to overcome life's inevitable obstacles. All of these abilities fall under the category of executive function skills, which we utilize to regulate our behaviour. The majority of successful and happy people possess good executive function abilities.

What are the five most critical core skills?

ability to create and carry out concrete goals and plans.
Concentration is the capacity to concentrate on what is critical at any particular time.
Self-control entails exerting control over our responses to not only our emotions but also stressful situations.
Not only do we observe the people and things around us, but we also understand our place in them.
Flexibility is defined as the capacity to adjust to changing circumstances.
While these are abilities that children (and adults) can and do acquire throughout their lives, two critical stages are early childhood (ages 3 to 5) and adolescence/early adulthood (ages 13 to 26). During these windows of opportunity, children can benefit from learning and using these abilities. We'll discuss the second stage of adolescence in this post.
The most effective approach to acquiring any ability is to practice it. Here are some ideas for parents who aren't sure how to help and when to step aside.


When children are small, parents and caregivers naturally make plans for them. However, as children mature into adolescents, they must learn to do it on their own.
Take care not to micromanage your teen's life. Rather than that, establish some ground rules – simple ones like homework must be completed, kids require seven to eight hours of sleep per night, and regular exercise is critical. You may have additional ground rules, such as the requirement to attend family dinners or religious ceremonies. Then delegate the task to your teen. Intervene only if it is evident that ground rules are being persistently broken.
When teenagers have long-term projects, such as research or college applications, sit down with them and discuss how they intend to complete them. Allow them to generate ideas before you do!
Engage your teenagers in the planning of family activities and trips, as well as home renovations and other initiatives. Allow them to make some decisions (even if you may not always agree with them).


Teenagers can be extremely self-aware, but primarily of their own world. Assist them in developing the ability to see beyond it.
Discuss current events and news articles. Discuss how things influence people and how different people may perceive them differently.
Take your teen on adventures—even a simple walk in the woods or a visit to a nearby town can provide them with the opportunity to look around and notice things they might otherwise overlook.
As a family, participate in community service events; demonstrate to them how they can make a difference.
Establish family rituals for checking in, such as over dinner. Allow everyone to share their day.
Children toys

If you frequently trip over a building block, a doll, or a race car, you understand the difficulties associated with encouraging smaller children to put away their toys. The following are some ideas for encouraging children to clean up after themselves and maintain a neat home.

Make precise and targeted requests.

When you ask your child to put away a variety of items at the same time, you risk children forgetting at least one of your requests — or purposely skipping a few. Make one particular request at a time, such as "Please replenish the bin on the shelf with your blocks." Once your child has completed one activity, you can request that they put away a different toy.

Requests should be made in the form of a command, not a question, such as "Would you kindly clean up your blocks?" By posing a question, you allow the child to respond, "No." Additionally, unless you desire a group activity, frame the request for your child alone: "Please return your blocks to the container on the shelf," rather than "Let's tidy up the blocks."

Allow sufficient time for your child to cooperate, and repeat yourself only once.

Children, particularly young children, digest information more slowly than adults. After you make an initial request, mentally count to five to give a child time to process what you said and comply.

If after five seconds, you do not witness the desired action, repeat your request in a neutral tone followed by a possible logical consequence. For instance, If you do not properly store your blocks in the bin on the shelf, you will be unable to play with them for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, you can play with them.

Recite the five-count in your thoughts. If your child continues to refuse to comply with your request, state the following in a neutral tone: "To be fair, you did not place the blocks in the bin on the shelf, which means you will be unable to play with them for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow, you can play with them." You can then store the blocks out of the child's reach, ensuring that the toys are not used for the rest of the day.

Maintain your composure and choose logical conclusions

Two critical components of this technique are maintaining as much calm as possible and establishing a logical outcome.

Remaining composed is beneficial. You may be frustrated, which is understandable. However, it is preferable to pay as little attention as possible to disobedience. Even negative attention can encourage the conduct to occur more frequently.

Logical consequences are significant. Creating consequences that are prolonged and make no sense to the child may result in increased irritation and refusals. For instance, it would be illogical for the child to lose a week's television time for failing to put their blocks away. Rather than that, restricting access to the toy is a logical consequence.

Appreciate the behaviours you wish to see

Draw emphasis to behaviours you wish to see more frequently. When your child does put toys away, make a point of praising them. "Good work" can be perplexing: the child may not understand what he or she did well - sitting quietly, putting toys away, or something different. Rather than that, exclaim, "Excellent job putting the blocks in the bin on the shelf!"

Praise enthusiastically and reinforce the behaviour with touch, such as a pat on the back. If your child has difficulty processing sensory stimuli, particularly tactile stimuli such as a pat on the back, you might reinforce the behaviour with a nonverbal gesture such as a thumbs up.

You do not have to continue repeating commands until you are blue in the face and cleaning up after your children. The actions above can provide a break for you and teach your children to clean up after themselves.

Big emotions can be frightening. Anxiety, sadness, anger, and a variety of other strong emotions can quickly activate the fight-or-flight response in the body. That is true for adults, but it is especially true for children who are still discovering their emotions and learning to manage them. Now that school has resumed, there may be spillovers of strong emotions at school and home. While each situation, family, and child is unique, the following are a few evidence-based tips for parents to assist children and adolescents in navigating significant emotions.

Discuss your emotions.

To begin, it's beneficial to remember that emotions are natural. We all experience them, from pleasant to stressful. Children benefit from parents discussing emotions because it helps normalize feelings and teaches them that it is acceptable to discuss them with you. Additionally, regular conversations aid in the development of children's emotional competence and self-regulation abilities. This can be as simple as labelling your own emotions as they arise, associating emotional labels with specific physical cues, and discussing potential coping strategies. For instance, you could inform your child, "When I'm worried, I notice that my muscles and voice tremble. I've discovered that practising paced breathing and engaging in a grounding activity helps me feel better. Are you interested in practising with me?"

Try grounding.

Children and parents can experiment with a variety of coping strategies to assist in managing difficult emotions. Paced breathing and progressive muscle relaxation are two techniques that can be beneficial for calming the fight-or-flight response that may occur in response to strong emotions.

At times, emotions are irrational and extremely difficult to manage. Grounding is an effective tool for assisting children in remaining focused on the present moment and creating some distance from distressing thoughts during these times. Physical grounding strategies entail focusing on one's senses or surroundings, such as on the sensation of their breath during a breathing exercise or the soles of their feet while walking. Another popular option is "5-4-3-2-1," in which you list five visible objects, four tactile objects, three audible objects, two odour objects, and one taste object. Alternatively, you could assign a colour to each digit.

There are obviously times when washing up makes sense, such as when your child is grimy from a day in the dirt, is covered in sweat, paint, or other apparent dirt, or has had an explosive poop. If your kid has spent the day in a pool (the chlorine may irritate the skin), a body of water (there may be things in the water that are irritating or harmful), or covered in bug spray to fend off ticks and mosquitoes, it's also a good idea to wash off. When a smelly teenager takes a soapy shower, it's best for everyone in the vicinity.

For some skin conditions, a doctor may suggest daily bathing. To avoid illness, we must all wash our hands on a frequent basis. But, simply for the purpose of washing, a full-body wash? Not at all.

Instagram kid fashion is becoming more popular with time. Times are changing and kids outfits are no more just about wearing cute tulle dressesMore cuteness and style from the viral kids Instagram kid Siena Presley Smith.  Her outfits and shoes are super dope. 


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