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Parents find it difficult to discuss sex with their teenagers at any age. Many parents are reluctant to discuss it because they believe that doing so would be equivalent to endorsing it. Yet, 30% of high school students nationwide who participate in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) report having had sex by the end of their studies.

Learn effective strategies for parents to discuss sex and STI prevention with teenagers. This comprehensive guide covers essential tips for promoting healthy relationships, understanding common STIs, and ensuring your teen's health and safety. Discover how to approach this critical conversation confidently and responsibly.

Finding out for sure if your adolescent has had sex might be challenging. Even if they haven't, it's probable that they will eventually, so they should be prepared with knowledge to help maintain their health and safety.

Information that parents should be aware of regarding STDs

STIs, or sexually transmitted infections, are exceedingly prevalent. They can be transmitted through all forms of sex and may be brought on by bacteria, viruses, or other microbes. Even though the majority of STIs are curable, they can still impact a person's ability to conceive, harm a developing fetus, and occasionally result in serious difficulties or a permanent infection. Teens should be aware of them because of this.

Basic information about some of the most prevalent infections is provided below, including their causes, potential symptoms, and available treatments.


The most common bacterial STI in the US to be reported is chlamydia; however, there may be more instances than we know because many of them are asymptomatic.

If symptoms are present, they may include pain when urinating, discharge from the penis or vagina, or—in rare cases—pain and swelling in the testicles. It can be diagnosed by a urine test or by taking a swab from the affected area. Antibiotics can treat it. Infertility can result from it if left untreated; this is more frequent in women than in men.


Another STI brought on by bacteria is gonorrhea, which can likewise have no symptoms. When they manifest, the symptoms closely resemble those of chlamydia. For both men and women, gonorrhea can also result in infertility. Although curable, certain infections have shown resistance to the common medications used, necessitating further testing and care.

Trichomonas infection

A protozoa is the cause of trichomoniasis. This STI also has the potential to be asymptomatic. In most cases, drainage, itching, and irritation are the symptoms. Medication can be used to treat it.


The incidence of syphilis has increased. When an infection first appears, the site of entry is typically a solid, circular, painless sore. Usually present for three to six weeks, the sore may go undiagnosed due to its lack of pain.

The second stage is characterized by a more widespread rash, which may be subtle and go undiagnosed, as well as general symptoms of illness, including fever, sore throat, exhaustion, enlarged lymph nodes, or weight loss.

Syphilis can persist in the body for years and occasionally impact organ systems, including the brain, if it is not treated. Antibiotics can treat it, but the damage it might cause could be irreversible if it is discovered too late. Pregnancy can make this infection more dangerous.
I've heard parents say that the nursery where their child is enrolled doesn't provide the service their child needs. If a nursery doesn't live up to expectations, it can hurt a child's health and education.
Parents should make it their top priority to give their children the best quality of life.

Handing over the emotional duty of making sure your child is safe, healthy, and properly cared for throughout their early years of life to a stranger can be daunting, which is why I will be providing advice on what to look for when choosing a day nursery.

1. Make sure the day Nursery is registered and ask for a copy of the most recent report that talks about the level of education and care as well as how well the facilities and equipment work. 

2. Examine the ambiance and overall vibe as you walk through the entrance and walk around the nursery. You are more likely to feel that your child will be happy and properly cared for in a day nursery if there is a good, clean atmosphere.

It's critical to conduct a comprehensive tour of the nursery and assess your feelings. Do the employees greet you in a polite and inviting manner? Are they eager and passionate about their childcare and the children? Are the kids at the nursery content and actively participating in their activities?

3. During your visit, speak with members of the nursery team, including the center director. Make sure that you have a positive experience and that you feel secure knowing that there are always open lines of communication between you and the staff. Before you go to a nursery, take some time to think of some questions you'd like to ask and keep in mind that there is no such thing as a stupid question. 

Are there any available slots at the time you're looking?
How many children do they currently have?
Do you have to bring your own baby food and diapers?
Where do the infants sleep during the day?
How long do you have to provide notice if you have to leave the nursery?
What are they going to do regarding security and visitors coming into the building?  
What types of activities will your child be engaging in?
Playing responsive games with babies and toddlers helps them grow and learn in a healthy way.

Do you desire your child to develop into a healthy, happy, intelligent, capable, and resilient adult? Engage them in play. Games that are lively and adapt as the child grows are ideal for infants and toddlers.

Why is play important in the early years of life?
The brain's neural network expands by more than a million connections in the first few years of life. Additionally, these neuronal connections are made more effective by pruning. These procedures actually contribute to the development of the brain and help mold how it works for the remainder of the child's life. This is influenced by biology, primarily genetics, but also by a child's upbringing and experiences.

With attentive care, babies and kids flourish. The Harvard Center on the Developing Child coined the phrase "serve and return" to characterize this situation. Back-and-forth exchanges in which the child and carer respond to and engage with each other in a caring, loving way are the foundation of a healthy brain and a content child who will have a higher likelihood of developing into a healthy, content, capable, and successful adult.

One of the best methods to provide responsive care is through play. To increase the advantages of playing:
  • Bring all of your focus. Put down the phone and avoid multitasking.
  • Being reciprocal The "serve and return" component is this. You want to encourage interaction between newborns and their carers, even when they are little. The goal is to incorporate responsiveness into the play; it doesn't have to be reciprocal in an equal sense—you might be speaking in complete phrases while your baby is only smiling or cooing.
  • Be aware of developmental milestones. Your child will be able to participate fully, and you will be able to support their growth at the same time.
Great infant games to play: 6 to 9 months
Parents can get some fantastic suggestions and handouts from the Center for the Developing Child about certain games to play with their kids at various ages.

Children as young as 6 months and 9 months are acquiring the basics of the language, including mimicry. Additionally, they are beginning to learn how to move and explore their surroundings.

For this age group, try some of these games:

Play patty-cake or peek-a-boo.

Play games where you hide toys under a blanket, then you must "discover" them, or you can let the baby do it.

Have back-and-forth conversations. The infant may only make the sounds "ma" or "ba." You can respond by making the same noise or by acting as though your child is speaking ("You are silent! Really? Explain further! ").

Play imitation games. For instance, if your kid sticks out their tongue, copy them. Older infants will be able to imitate sounds like clapping or hammering, and they will like it when adults replicate those sounds with them.

Sing along to songs featuring motions, such as "Itsy Bitsy Spider" or "Trot, Trot to Boston."

Play simple games with objects, like dumping them and saying "boom" or putting toys in a bucket and taking them out.
You don't have to avoid activities that promote good health because of a physical impairment or other limitations.

According to health recommendations, adults should engage in at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Whatever you choose to do, as long as it gets you moving, doesn't matter.

But what if you find it difficult to be active because of an injury, illness, medical condition, disability, or even just normal ageing? Adaptive sports could provide much-needed assistance in those situations.

How do adaptive sports work?

Sports or activities for people with disabilities or physical limitations can be competitive or recreational. They frequently take place in tandem with conventional activities but are modified to accommodate individuals' unique physical capacities.

Dr. Cheri Blauwet, an associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School and a former wheelchair racer who is a seven-time Paralympic medalist and a two-time winner of the Boston and New York City Marathons, asserts that "eventually, almost everyone will experience some kind of disability that impedes regular exercise, whether it's mild arthritis, requiring a knee or hip replacement, limited vision, or a more significant physical disability." "But today, people can find almost any sport or activity that takes into account their abilities and helps them stay active thanks to advanced technology and supportive infrastructure."

Why is staying active important?
Obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and stroke risk factors increase when regular exercise is insufficient. Moods are also affected. According to Dr. Blauwet, those with disabilities are particularly vulnerable because it can be difficult to maintain an active lifestyle. "Adaptive sports are a way for us to keep up with our regular exercise and support our health and well-being moving forward."

Research supports this. One study found that people who engage in adaptive sports and activities report having better overall health, a higher quality of life, and more fulfilling social lives.

How can you find out what local adaptive activities are available?
The National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability and the Challenged Athletes Foundation have websites where you can find information about regional and local adaptive sports programmes and accessible events. Dr. Blauwet adds, "These programmes can also assist you in locating mentors, coaches, and the support network you require to succeed."
5 Ways to Teach Children and Adolescents Resilience

It would be an understatement to say that the last two years have been difficult for children and teenagers. Major worldwide events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have had an impact on our daily lives and put us to the test in unprecedented ways. Racial and political issues are also constants in the lives of young people of all ages.

Parents have a plethora of concerns and inquiries. What does all of this anxiety, instability, isolation, and change imply for my children? How can I assist them in coping? Will they be alright? The good news is that resilience, or the ability to persevere in the face of adversity and stress, can be learned and strengthened at any age. We can't keep our children from feeling unhappy, stressed, or having setbacks. We can, however, cultivate their ability to cope with and learn from adversity when it is possible.

How can families help their children develop resilience?

The relationship between parent and child, which is a significant contributor to healthy development in children and teenagers, is where resilience begins for every one of us. A safe, stable relationship with at least one caring and responsive adult is a powerful stress buffer, according to research on childhood trauma such as exposure to violence, divorce, mourning, and natural disasters. Recent research suggests that teenagers who feel linked to their parents or other caregivers, as well as their friends, and who have stable daily routines, are better able to cope with COVID-related stress (read more here, here, and here).

Parents may foster their children's resilience in five evidence-based approaches as we navigate the shifting demands of the pandemic (note: automated download) and the difficulties of our times.
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