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Friday, October 04, 2019

Princess of Goble by Precious K. Bonsu Book review.

This is a short story about a king who loved his kingdom just as much as he loved his daughter. He was very fair to the people of his kingdom and treated everyone equally. Later a tragic event befell the kingdom, and the daughter needed to stand for the kingdom using her skills. The princess was captured and it went from happy to be a sad story.

Focus: The focus of this book is based on a story of love, care, slavery, skillfulness and happy ending.

What I like about this book: The words which were used are easy to understand and the simplified to primary level.

Author: Precious K. Bonsu.
Pages: 27
Minutes to read: Without distraction 10mins.
Age recommended: 5-7 but adults can pass time with it.

Read this book for free: To read this book for free visit https://read.worldreader.org/.

Download a copy: Amazon.


  1. That book sounds very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

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  2. Great post, it looks like really interesting book :)...Would you like to follow each other? If yes, please follow me on my blog and I´ll follow you back :) - https://whatafancyworldbylaura.blogspot.com

  3. An happy ending story is always appreciated! :D
    Thank you for sharing!
    xx Elisa
    www.francinesplaceblog.com | DIY & LIFESTYLE BLOG

  4. Thanks for sharing this book with us. I do like a good children’s book with lessons about life and love.



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