Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

Lifestyle Blogger

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving from a thankful heart.

Have you taken the time to reflect on the year from its beginning to its near conclusion? I was at home when I had a deep reflection on Thanksgiving Day. God reminded me of all he has done for me this year, and I just started praising and worshiping him. God has guided every aspect of my life this year. God gave me peace, taught me patience, and shifted my heart from things that added no value to my life—and that didn't point me towards heaven. God provided me with a path to follow, which I will discuss in more detail soon, but overall, my heart is overflowing with joy. I want to thank God that I am among the living, and I am healthy enough to move around and do things. I want to thank God for keeping my parents alive, and I know that my prayer for them for 120 years will come true. I will look back on this post and say, "Yes, indeed, God is great."

Every day should be Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for?


  1. I'm actually posting a wrap up of my month tomorrow with a sentence a day about something I was thankful/grateful for. I typically spend the month of December reflecting on our year and thinking over those favorite moments and memories and trips. It's amazing how much can happen in just a single year!

    1. I love how you’re capturing those special moments one sentence at a time—what a meaningful way to express gratitude. It’s truly amazing how much we experience and grow over the course of a year. I’d love to hear about some of the highlights you’re most thankful for! Here's to celebrating the memories and all that 2024 has brought!

  2. What a beautiful post. Your faith is so inspiring to me! I love that you are able to see good in the world and live with such a thankful heart. <3

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words! It really means a lot to me. I’m just doing my best to stay positive and focus on the good, especially in a world that can feel overwhelming sometimes. Thank you for being a part of this journey!

  3. Melody, I haven't done a summary of the year yet.
    Unfortunately, but this year wasn't good for me and my family :( I know one thing: you have to enjoy life and every moment with your loved ones!!! And one more thing: the most important, the most precious is the health of us and our loved ones!!!!
    Melody, I salute you!

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that this year has been difficult for you and your family. It’s tough when life doesn’t go as planned, but I admire your perspective—focusing on the importance of cherishing every moment with loved ones and prioritizing health is so powerful. I truly believe that no matter what challenges we face, those things are what truly matter. Wishing you and your family strength, peace, and brighter days ahead. ❤️

    2. How good it is to be able to worship and praise God, God is certainly great, kisses.

    3. Absolutely! It’s such a gift to be able to worship and praise our amazing God. He is truly great, and His love and faithfulness inspire endless gratitude. Thank you for sharing your joy—it’s always wonderful to connect with others who feel the same. Sending you lots of love.

  4. Boa noite de Paz, querida amiga Melody!
    Que post maravilhoso!
    Sim, já refleti como o ano de 24 está mais positivo do que os anteriores que foram de muitas lágrimas e dores.
    Com você agora, mais ainda agradeço ao bom Deus por tantos benefícios.
    Realmente, sem Deus não dá para viver.
    Só Ele é Fiel!
    Não nos abandona jamais.
    Tenha dias e mais dias de Ação de Graças!

    1. Your kind words have filled my heart with so much joy. I'm so glad to hear that 2024 feels brighter and more positive for you. It’s such a beautiful thing to see how God’s faithfulness shines even in the midst of our past struggles.

      I couldn’t agree more – He truly never abandons us, and His love is the foundation of everything good in our lives. May your days ahead be overflowing with gratitude, blessings, and His endless grace. Sending you all my love and prayers for a year filled with joy and thanksgiving! Kisses and a big hug!

  5. This was lovely, Melody. There is so much for which to be grateful in every way. For me it is especially family and friends, who are fun, supportive, wonderful people; for little grand boys; my sweet cat; the fact that I have a roof over my head and my needs are met -- enough to share, enough to spare. I'm grateful for my medical team and for the ability to still travel and experience life. I'm grateful for my eyesight, too. Pretty much for most everything!!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this, my dear friend. Your gratitude is truly inspiring and a lovely reminder of all the blessings in our lives. Family and friends, little grand boys, a sweet kitty companion, and a warm home – these are treasures beyond measure. ❤️
      I love how you find joy and appreciation even in the small things, like your eyesight and the ability to travel. It’s such a beautiful mindset to have, being thankful for 'pretty much everything.' May your days be continually filled with love, laughter, and all the blessings your heart can hold. 💕

  6. Espero que hayas tenido un lindo día de acción de gracias. En mi pais no se celebra pero siempre debemos agradecer todo lo que Dios nos da. Te mando un beso.

    1. Thank you so much! Even if your country doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a beautiful day as well. You’re absolutely right—gratitude should be a daily part of our lives for everything God so lovingly provides.
      Let’s always keep that spirit of thankfulness alive, no matter where we are!

  7. I love this inspirational post, Melody. It pleases me to see a young person who knows God and praises His Lordship in their lives. Thankfulness and gratitude, to the King of Kings!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! Your encouragement means the world to me. It’s such a blessing to connect with others who share a heart for God and recognize His Lordship in our lives. Truly, all praise and thanksgiving belong to the King of Kings!
      May your days be filled with His love, peace, and endless reasons to give thanks. Let’s continue to glorify Him together, spreading His light and love in all we do!

  8. I'm grateful for a lot of things... But not yo god, I'm not a believer. There are people who went out of their way to help... I'm grateful to you too for your occasional visits 😊

    1. Wow, what a pick-me moment! No one asked you to believe in my God (capital G, by the way – show some respect). The question was simply, 'What are you grateful for?' Yet somehow, you managed to make it about your disbelief. Classic.

      It’s great that you're grateful for people who've helped you – that’s the bare minimum for gratitude, though. And as for your comment about me, occasional visits and all, maybe next time you can respond without trying to make yourself look 'above it all.' I do hope you find the light one day, but in the meantime, a little humility in your comments wouldn’t hurt. Just a thought. 😊

  9. Such a beautiful reflection on the year that has transpired. I am so glad to hear of the blessings bestowed upon you and your family this year. It's good to take time to appreciate all of the goodness in each day, month, and year. I've done a little reflecting on the year as well, and while it was so stressful as a small business owner, I am thankful that I was so busy because of the growth of my business. It was a good problem to have! I am thankful that my family made it through the year without any major illnesses (both of my husband's and my parents are senior citizens and it's always a worry on our minds that any day illness could strike one of them) so like you, I am thankful they are still here, happy and healthy. Like most years, you'll have some good days and bad days, but I am thankful that the good far outweighed the bad this year.

    1. Thank you for sharing your reflections—they are a beautiful reminder of the blessings that come despite challenges. I’m thrilled to hear about the growth of your business; what an incredible accomplishment! Being busy can indeed be a beneficial problem to have, and it’s a testament to all your hard work. I’m also so glad to hear that your family has stayed healthy. It’s such a blessing to have our loved ones with us, especially when we hold those worries for aging parents in our hearts. Like you said, every year brings its share of ups and downs, but focusing on the good that outweighs the bad is such a wonderful perspective to carry forward. Wishing you and your family continued health, happiness, and growth in the year ahead!

  10. It's good to be grateful. I am lucky that I can be grateful for many things.

    1. Gratitude can truly bring peace and joy into our lives, helping us appreciate the many blessings, big and small.

  11. Gostei de ver e ler. Eu vivo o dia a dia. Não costumo fazer retrospectivas do que passou. Conto com o agora e o amanhã.
    Feliz fim de semana
    Ilusões e Poesia ...

    1. It’s so refreshing to focus on the present and look forward to the future.

  12. Replies
    1. It’s amazing how many little things can bring joy and appreciation when we take a moment to reflect on them.

  13. Agradeço a Deus diariamente pela vida e por tudo quanto tenho vivido de bom e menos bom , porque tudo tem contribuído para a minha evolução.

    Abraço, tudo de bom !

    1. It shows strength and wisdom to be grateful for all experiences, knowing they shape who we become.

  14. Twoje wpisy są niezwykle inspirujące. A ty wyglądasz rewelacyjnie kochana.

  15. It keeps us happy and healthy to be thankful year round. I have so many blessings and I'm thankful to get to go camping now too! Hugs, diane

    1. Camping sounds like an amazing way to connect with nature and make even more cherished memories.

  16. Due to lack of time I am not thinking about summing up the year yet, but I am grateful for everything, because a lot of good things happen to me every day. Have a nice weekend!

    1. That’s such a wonderful way to approach things—staying grateful every day for the good moments as they come.

  17. Steht dir wirklich super, ich hoffe - ihr hattet ein schönes Fest. LG Romy

  18. Such inspiring post!
    I really never summed up my year: no time, not used to... but it's important to be conscious of our lucks and all the things we should be grateful!
    I' m grateful for many things from time to time but at the start of the year it really can help to keeps your mood up and starting the new year in the best way!

  19. Beautiful and wise post. Your gratitude and faith are wonderful. I'm also very grateful but I haven't made the summary of this year yet (I made the summary of 2023 and it was one of the best years in my life).
    Wishing you wonderful new week!

  20. A wonderful and inspiring post I think if we can look back at a year and there are more highs and good stuff then lows and bad stuff we have done ok

  21. Being grateful throughout the year contributes to our happiness and well-being.
    There are so many things we often overlook that we should be thankful for.

  22. Palavras cheias de motivo de reflexão. Obrigada.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  23. Boa tarde de terça-feira, com muita paz e saúde minha querida amiga. Louvar e adorar a Deus, não tem preço. Ficaríamos os 365 dias do ano.

  24. I didn't do any summaries. I feel gratitude every day.
    You look beautiful and this photo is great!!!

  25. I think it's important to reflect every day all the ways we should be grateful to God! Wonderful post!

  26. Such deep thoughts from one so young! I, too, am thankful for all my blessings. Most of all is my ability to find humor in every situation. Thanks for stopping by my blog (Mountain Mama's Point of View} !

  27. Ich hoffe ihr hattet ein wunderbares Happy Thanksgiving Fest!
    Liebe Grüße,

  28. O Dia de Acção de Graças é realmente muito importante
    nos Estados Unidos. Também nós devemos dar
    Graças a Deus por tudo o que nos concedeu durante este
    ano de 2024.

  29. I am grateful for everything I have. Best wishes. Have a wonderful December.🤗

  30. Olá! O feriado é nos EUA, mas todos devem ser
    gratos a Deus pela vida e por cuidar de nós!
    Suas fotos são muito bonitas! Abraço!

  31. Thanksgiving should be an every day event. Thanking God in the morning for seeing us through another night safely; and thanking Him at night for yet another day.

    God bless.

  32. I'm grateful for having a job where I can make a difference in life of others.

  33. Trzeba dziękować za każdy dzień, za każdą dobra rzecz, dobrą osobę którą daje nam Pan Bóg.

  34. Hello Melody💚
    A wonderful post .. You have wonderful faith! The photos are beautiful, you look great.
    I don't make any summaries, but every day with humility and gratitude I thank you for every day, for every moment, for everything I have!
    Best regards and good days😊🍀

    1. p.s.
      of course, for everything I thank God with gratitude and humility💚

  35. Yes I believe to celebrate Thanksgiving for being grateful and not for the "traditional" reason we were told as children growing up in the States. Love your red dress BTW.

    Allie of

  36. I need to spend some time reflecting on the year: it has been challenging in many ways, but there also has been many blessings!

  37. Melody, your post is extremely heart-warming and moving - I love grateful people. May God be always present in your everyday life. Red is definitely your colour. You look beautiful in this dress :)


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