
With the arrival of summer, it's time to break the pattern and add a few more shorts outfits. During the summer, no matter where you reside in the globe, you'll undoubtedly want to wear shorts at some point. There are a million ways to wear shorts, whether you're bringing out your old shorts from the back of your wardrobe or going shopping for fresh stylish ones. Here are seven different ways to wear denim shorts this summer. It's possible that skimming through this list could entice you to buy
new pairs of shorts.

Without a cake, a party isn't complete. Regardless of where you're celebrating or who you're celebrating with, in a wedding and birthday, this has become a tradition that adds so much beauty to the decor.

Give your loved ones the perfect custom cake that reflects their personality and creates a lasting memory! These cake designs serenely exude joy and love. It is ideal for both outdoor and indoor enthusiasts, as it is bursting with vibrant hues and nature's finest features. Cakes for all have a variety of birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduation, Cakes that you can choose from. Bring your inspiration boards in and Cake.forall will create something that will be the talk of the party. 

Keeping your nails in good shape can be time-consuming. Knowing you have snap-worthy fingers to flaunt pays off. Manicures might be expensive and time-consuming, but they are a fantastic way to relax. Taking your pals to the nail salon is a fun way to make the experience even better. A girls' day out might be exactly the thing to help you de-stress. The fact that you'll have beautiful polish is a bonus. 

Personally, long nails are very difficult for me. That's why I keep my manicure short and neat. If you've had difficulties finding nail art and trends that go with your short nails. I've compiled a list of 70 cute Instagram worthy short nail designs that you can try right away.

What's a birthday celebration without a delicious cake? It's always a delight to blow out the candles, cut the cake, and get all the attention from your loved ones, no matter how old you are! Cakes have recently become objects of pride, esteem, and fulfilment. In today's world, it's probably safe to say that cakes are no longer restricted to dessert tables, but have become part of the décor!

Whether you're celebrating your own or a loved one's birthday, these unique and finest cake designs will take your breath away!

Contact lenses come in a variety of styles, including hard, soft, everyday wear, and extended wear, all of which are deemed safe. However, significant issues may arise on rare occasions. Because contact lenses are worn by about 45 million individuals in the United States, a danger affecting even a tiny fraction of users might result in thousands of people being affected.

The most prevalent contact lens-related issues and conditions include:

Irritation or pain in the eyes.

Swelling around the eyes.

Hazy vision or light sensitivity.

Conjunctivitis ("pink eye").

Infectious keratitis (damage to the smooth, transparent front region of the eye) corneal ulcers (inflammation of the cornea due to an infection).

Although minor irritation may go away on its own in a day or two, if you have severe or persistent symptoms, you should stop wearing your contacts and consult an eye doctor. This usually necessitates a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Sleeping with contacts is dangerous.

The cornea is the eye's clear outer layer. It protects the eye and aids in focusing light on the retina, allowing you to see clearly. While contacts rarely injure the cornea, sleeping in contacts that aren't designed for lengthy wear can increase the risk of corneal infection or ulcer. 

One of the most difficult periods of the year to avoid salty, fatty, and sugary meals is during the holiday season. Who wouldn't want to savour the unique foods and sweets that conjure up memories?

While a piece or two of marbled roast beef, buttery mashed potatoes, or chocolate pie is OK once in a while, eating them regularly can contribute to weight gain, as well as elevated blood pressure, blood sugar, and “bad” LDL cholesterol. Nature's flavour-makers provide more than just tempting flavours, aromas, and colours. Antioxidants, flavonoids, and other beneficial chemicals found in many herbs and spices may help regulate blood sugar, mood, and inflammation.

Instead of butter, cream, sugar, and salt, use herbs and spices to enhance your dishHerbs and spices are a great way to spice up holiday dishes. Use some of the herbs and spices on the list below to add flavour to your cuisine. Play food chemist and try new combos that you've never tried before. The more herbs and spices you add, the more taste and health benefits you'll get.

Allspice is a spice that may be found in bread, sweets, and cereals, and it goes well with savoury meals like soups, sauces, grains, and vegetables.

Basil commonly known as great basil, is a Lamiaceae family culinary plant. Basil is a tropical plant native to Central Africa and Southeast Asia. It is a delicate plant that is utilized in cuisines all over the world. Basil comes in a variety of cultivars, as well as numerous related species or hybrids that are also known as basil.is sliced and used in salads, appetizers, and side dishes, as well as a pesto over pasta and sandwiches.

Cardamom is a spice that has been used in cuisine and medicine for millennia. Cardamom, which was once only found in Middle Eastern and Arabic cuisines, has gained popularity in the West. Cardamom is made from the seeds of several different plants that are related to ginger. 

Cilantro is a herb that may be used to season Mexican, Southwestern, Thai, and Indian dishes.

Cinnamon can be used in fruit compote, baked sweets, and bread, as well as savoury Middle Eastern meals.

Clove: It's great in baked products and bread, but it also goes well with vegetables and beans.

Cumin is a spice that is commonly used in Mexican, Indian, and Middle Eastern cuisines, as well as stews and chilli.

Potato dishes, salads, eggs, snacks, and dips all benefit from dill weed.

Soups, portions of pasta, marinades, sauces, grains, and veggies all benefit from garlic.

Ginger is a flavorful addition to Asian and Indian curries, stews, and stir-fries, as well as drinks and baked products.

Stews, soups, potatoes, beans, cereals, salads, and sauces all benefit from the addition of marjoram.

What is Hibiscus Tea, and how does it differ from other teas?

Hibiscus tea is made by boiling portions of the hibiscus plant, often known as Agua de Jamaica and by its scientific name Hibiscus sabdariffa. This tea tastes sour and is ruby red or deep magenta.

It's a popular beverage all around the world, and it's frequently used as a medicinal tea. Hibiscus blossoms and are called different names of names, including "Roselle" in some countries. It's widely available, and it can be enjoyed hot or cold, depending on your preference.

Health benefits of drinking Hibiscus tea includes Hypertension control, reduced high blood pressure, lowering blood sugar levels, and enhanced liver health. It aids digestion and can be used for treating depression. Research suggests that hibiscus tea can help with healthy, progressive weight loss by speeding up metabolism.

Corn, often known as maize, is one of the most widely consumed grains on the planet. We eat maize in a variety of ways, from corn on the cob to tortillas, cereals, and hominy grits.

Vitamins, critical minerals, fibre, and antioxidants abound in this fruit. It is beneficial to the heart, prevents constipation, aids in the management of diabetes, and is beneficial to the skin.

Corn is a cereal grain that originated in southern Mexico and is also known as maize. The edible portions of maize are the kernels or seeds. When it is fresh and sensitive, it can be eaten whole. The corncob, or the portion on which the kernels grow, becomes tougher and inedible as it matures.

Sweetcorn is a genetic variation with higher sugar content and lower starch content in the nutritive material.

Nutritional Information

Corn is a great source of vitamins A, B, E, K, and many minerals, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database. It also supplies the essential calories for a healthy, daily metabolism. Because of its high dietary fibre content, it aids in the prevention of digestive problems such as constipation. It also contains antioxidants, which function as anti-carcinogenic agents and aid in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

 Menopause brings about a variety of changes to your skin, one of which is breakouts. You may be curious as to why this is happening and what you can do about it.

During menopause, many women experience changes in their skin. For some women, this means dry skin, age spots, or a bruising tendency. Others see a decline in estrogen levels while male hormone levels, such as testosterone, stay constant, resulting in acne breakouts.

While you may be tempted to reach for teen acne remedies, your skin may not be able to take these harsh treatments as well as it did when you were younger. Look for products that can help clear your pores without overdrying your skin, such as those containing salicylic acid. If your acne isn't responding to therapy, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist.

Our forefathers had to eat whatever they could hunt or gather, which was a limited menu, to say the least. Today, we can stroll into a supermarket and select from a wide range of food options depending on our preferences rather than chance. But how do we make the best decision for our health?

Vegan and paleo diets are two trendy extremes today. While a vegan diet is undoubtedly better for the environment, is one of them likely to be better for your health?

What you need to know about vegan and paleo diets for optimal health

You might be shocked to hear that both diets can deliver good health benefits if they are carefully curated and potential dangers are considered. This is due to the fact that a nutritious diet can take many different shapes. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to eating for optimal health, and people react to diets in different ways. A vegan diet may suit some people, whereas a paleo diet may suit others.

However, if you strictly adhere to each diet, you must consider the following:

The paleo diet traditionally permits you to eat lean meats, healthy fats, and low-glycemic plant foods while excluding any whole or refined grains, legumes, select nutritious fruits and vegetables, and dairy. Nutritionists advise against excluding entire food groups, and you could be missing out on healthy fibre, B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, and a good source of plant protein if you do.

A traditional vegan diet consists of grains and legumes, as well as healthy fats and a wide variety of plant foods, but it does not include meat, dairy, or other animal products. Getting enough vitamin D and calcium may be difficult, but unless you take supplements, the main issue is vitamin B12 insufficiency.

Varicose veins develop when the veins immediately beneath the skin's surface become damaged, enlarged, and overfilled with blood.

The blood channels that return blood to the heart are known as veins. Oxygen-rich blood is pumped from the heart through arteries to the rest of the body.

The legs are the most prevalent site for varicose veins. In approximately half of the instances, the problem runs in families and is most likely caused by a hereditary weakening in the walls of veins or the valves that protect the blood from backing up within veins.

Varicose veins are also commonly caused during pregnancy. The amount of blood in the body increases during pregnancy, causing veins to dilate. Additionally, jobs that demand continuous standing (waitresses and waiters, nurses, mothers with young children) may force leg veins and valves to operate against gravity for long periods, increasing the risk of vein and valve damage due to pressure. Garters can potentially raise the risk of varicose veins by slowing blood flow in the legs due to their tight elastics.

Women are 2 to 3 times as likely as males to have varicose veins. Varicose veins are more common in obese persons.

Prior blood clots and damage to the deeper veins in one or both legs can cause varicose veins, which can occasionally progress to chronic venous insufficiency. Veins lose their capacity to properly transport blood back to the heart when this happens. This might result in severe limb oedema as well as skin blisters or ulcers.

Varicose veins are most often located on the inside of the leg, near the ankles, and in the back of the calf. Veins that have been impacted appear blue, bloated, stretched out, kinked, or twisted.

1. Make an effort to listen with empathy. When someone speaks to you, practice paying close attention and taking the time to understand what they're saying. 

2. Keep the focus on the other person while they're talking to you about a problem; don't turn it into a discussion about a problem you're having.

3. Maintain your composure. Keep calm during arguments to ensure that they are productive rather than damaging. If you can't keep your cool right now, take a step back and ask to resume the subject when you're in a better mood.

4. HALT. Keep the acronym HALT in mind. Ask yourself if you're hungry, angry (furious), lonely, or tired (weary) when you're upset about something. If this is the case, "pause" to meet those needs before returning to the problem.

5. Interact with people in person. Social media can sometimes exacerbate a tense relationship. On the internet, people may engage in more hostile confrontations than they do in person. Reducing time spent online fosters face-to-face, phone-to-phone, or video-to-video contact, which is frequently less contentious than words uttered from behind a keyboard, such as in text messages.

Many women are unaware that they have prediabetes, a condition in which blood sugar levels are increased but not high enough to cause diabetes. Despite the fact that prediabetes affects one out of every three adults, nine out of ten people with the disease are unaware of their condition.

Despite the fact that prediabetes has no symptoms, it can have a serious impact on your health. People with prediabetes are at nearly the same risk of cardiovascular disease as those with type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes increased the chance of acquiring cardiovascular disease by 15% and death from any cause by 13% over a 10-year follow-up period, according to a study published in The BMJ on July 18, 2020.

This is a high-risk factor for diabetes because people with prediabetes who already had plaque accumulation in their arteries were at a significantly increased risk of dying young. Within a three-year follow-up period, these persons had a 36 per cent greater risk of dying. Prediabetes causes high blood sugar, which can damage the blood vessels at the back of your eye, causing retinopathy, which can lead to blindness.

Prediabetes commonly escalates to full-blown diabetes if left untreated, a condition in which your body's cells are unable to absorb glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream. Blood sugar levels rise as a result, which can lead to even more health issues. Diabetes increases the risk of renal issues and infections, in addition to heart attacks, strokes, and blindness. Within five years, 15 per cent to 30 per cent of patients with prediabetes develop diabetes.

Positive relationships can improve one's health; but, when it comes to dysfunctional relationships, the opposite is typically true. Chronic emotional stress may increase your chance of developing a variety of health problems. 

A partner, a family member, a friend, or a professional colleague might all be in a stressful relationship.

While your connections with others may appear to be beyond your control but there are always certain warning indications that you are in a toxic relationship. These include the following:

After interactions, you may feel exhausted or depleted.

Ruminating on the relationship's bad aspects

Feeling as if your relationship is unbalanced as if one partner provides or takes more than the other

You have the impression that the other person does not value or respect you.

Examine the relationship's tendencies throughout time. Is it fair to say that there has been more take than give? Is it a tense situation? "It's a red signal to take a closer look if you identify such indicators in yourself.

This is an ongoing research

An infection, heart surgery, or unknown causes might cause the pericardium (the lining surrounding the heart) to become irritated. Pericarditis is a type of irritation that causes acute, stabbing pain in the centre of the chest. Although it normally goes away after four to six weeks, some people have many attacks.

How to make your walking workouts more effective

Interval and Nordic walking can help you get in better shape, while mindful walking can help you relax.

Walking for exercise has the advantage of requiring no particular skills or equipment aside from a comfortable, supportive pair of shoes. The disadvantage is that it can become tiresome after a while. Try reinvigorating your walking routine with these unique twists on this popular kind of exercise to break up your dullness.

Every step counts, some factors are more important than others. Adding short bursts of brisk walking to daily strolls can raise your heart rate and increase your cardiorespiratory fitness more than merely walking at a slower pace. Purchase a pair of Nordic poles and use them while walking to engage more muscles and burn more calories. You can also utilize walking to practice mindfulness, a mind-calming technique that can help you relax and relieve stress.

Here are some ideas for how and where you can try these tactics.

Walking in intervals

This routine is only for experienced walkers, not beginners, Interval walking involves alternating short spurts of quick walking with slower strides. Walk briskly for 15, 30, or 60 seconds after a five-minute warm-up. Then, for an equal period, slow down and recover at a normal rate (or you may want to double your recovery time). Begin with shorter intervals of quick walking and progressively increase the length of time as your stamina improves over the weeks and months. Alternatively, you can maintain the intervals and lengthen your entire workout time. Both a smartwatch and a watch with second-hand works in keeping track of time. Instead of using time, you might utilize landmarks to identify your intervals. Take a quick walk for one or two city blocks, between two telephone poles, or a quarter lap around a local track, for example.


This is an ongoing research

Is it possible to predict your longevity based on your current or previous menstrual cycle? A study published in The BMJ on Oct. 3, 2020, linked irregular or menstrual periods that are long (defined as 40 days or more) both in adolescence and adulthood to a higher risk of early death (before age 70) than those with normal or short menstrual cycles. The researchers discovered that the link was stronger for fatalities from heart and blood vessel disease and among women who smoked, based on data from roughly 80,000 women who took part in the Nurses' Health Study II.

Why do women have a higher risk of developing pain problems than men?

It's impossible not to observe a pattern when it comes to many prevalent chronic pain illnesses, such as fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, arthritis, or lupus. The majority of patients diagnosed with these diseases are women. Women are not only disproportionately impacted by diseases that cause chronic pain, but they also have a harder time acquiring a precise diagnosis and receiving adequate therapy.

Pain mystery. 

It is unclear why women tend to be more likely to have pain problems that last longer than a short time. It may be due to genetics. A biological explanation for these discrepancies may exist. Tho, the onset of menstruation often causes migraines to worsen in females.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may also be triggered by trauma, including sexual assault, which might lead to additional symptoms such as chronic pain. Women are more likely to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than males. Only ten per cent of women will be diagnosed with PTSD over their lives, whereas only four per cent of males will be diagnosed with the disorder.

What causes pain problems to be more prevalent in women?

Women tend to suffer more from pain problems than men, but far too many have to endure for longer than they should due to delayed diagnosis. One of the findings reported in a 2011 study done by the World Endometriosis Research Foundation showed that on average, a woman had to wait seven years from the time she first had symptoms to when she was diagnosed with endometriosis. Like the lining of the uterus, the tissue that causes endometriosis develops elsewhere in the body, resulting in inflammation and scarring. 

Also often found in people with fibromyalgia is the delay in diagnosis. The condition is thought to originate in the brain's pain response region.

This is ongoing research.

Cancer treatment may be aided by gut microorganisms. This research is still ongoing and being watched.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Research discovered that changing the type of microbes in the gut helped people with metastatic melanoma (a type of skin cancer that is aggressive) react to immunotherapy treatments that had previously failed them.

Will sleeping for extended periods protect you from dementia? Is this a true statement?

According to several published research, persons who sleep fewer than seven hours or more than nine hours a night are more prone to acquire different chronic illnesses, including dementia, than those who sleep seven to nine hours. These studies, on the other hand, have flaws. Some did not have a large number of patients. Others focused on how long people slept when they were 65 years old, rather than how long they slept when they were younger. Other trials lasted just around ten years, making it difficult to make any conclusions regarding long-term health impacts. Finally, the majority of research just accepted the individuals' claims regarding how long they slept. We also tend to lie a little when we report on our healthy living routines.

So, while I was inclined to believe that getting enough sleep was crucial for one's health and may even guard against dementia, I wasn't persuaded. However, recent research published in the journal Nature Communications on April 20, 2021, has gone a long way toward persuading me. 8,000 50-year-olds were chosen and tracked for 25 years by researchers. Participants in the research kept track of how long they slept each night, and some even wore gadgets that tracked their body movement, ensuring that their sleep reports were reliable. To put it another way, the study overcomes many of the flaws of previous research.

The study's findings were shocking. When people aged 50 slept an average of seven hours per night compared to those who slept just six hours per night, it was shown that those who slept less were 22 per cent more likely to acquire dementia. When adults aged 60 were compared, those who slept less were found to be 37% more likely to acquire dementia. The odds of acquiring dementia were considerably higher for those who slept less than six hours every night – people like you.

This prevalent issue is frequently overlooked or misinterpreted. Pelvic organ prolapse, a disease in which the uterus, bladder, small intestine, or rectum bulges into the vaginal wall or drops down through the vagina, affects around half of the women over 50. However, unlike other prevalent health issues, many women are reluctant to discuss it, even with their doctors. Some people do it out of embarrassment, while others do it because they believe it's simply something they'll have to cope with as they get older.

Pelvic organ prolapse conditions

Normal positions of pelvic organs

Cystocele and urethrocele




Uterine prolapse


Image by Health Havard.

The topic of whether having the COVID-19 vaccination might impact my mammography findings was raised in an article authored by Kelly Bilodeau, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch.

He explained that as your immune system prepares to detect and fight the virus, at least two of the authorized COVID-19 vaccinations may cause lymph nodes in the armpit (or other parts of the body) to swell. Although it's a safe transient response, it might cause some confusion on a mammogram. Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit or other surrounding areas are an indication of cancer in rare situations. Experts are now urging radiologists to use caution when interpreting the importance of enlarged lymph nodes observed on a woman's mammography if she has recently received the COVID-19 vaccination, to prevent unneeded testing and worry. If your breast imaging centre hasn't inquired about it, please do so. If your mammography reveals enlarged lymph nodes, your radiologist may recommend that you have further ultrasound testing or return in a few weeks to check if the swelling has subsided. If the swelling does not go away, further testing may be required. To minimize problems, schedule your mammogram before your first dosage or four to six weeks after your second dose. But don't forget to take the test and get your COVID-19 vaccine.

There is no shortage of fantastic and gorgeous locations throughout the world, but how do you select the right one for you?

Browsing through venues is one of the most lust-worthy portions of the wedding planning process, right up there with engagement rings and bridal dresses. However, with so many options—at every price point— but it may be difficult especially if you aren't sure where you want to marry. Inspiration and direction are required even for the most imaginative bride.

Your wedding location, which is the most essential aspect of any wedding, makes the celebration spectacular. With years-long waitlists for the most sought-after destinations, it's important to prepare ahead, especially for the most awe-inspiration. Because the location you choose will appear in every image and memory from the day, it's critical to select a location that reflects the significance of the wedding, stunning all guests with its uniqueness.

Here are our top selections for the most beautiful wedding venues across the world, ranging from European chateaux to tropical beaches and unusual American locations.

Your baby has come after 40 weeks of doctor appointments, nursery preparation, and anticipation. You think she's wonderful, healthy, and cute. Over the next few weeks, your excitement is replaced with anxiety: Is she eating enough? Whoa, why does she cry? Is she ill? These concerns follow you around all day and night. You're right, irritated, and anxious. Your loved ones start to worry about you, not just the baby. You wonder if your stress is typical.

Baby blues, ptd, or pta? (postpartum depression, or postpartum anxiety).

You've probably heard of baby blues or postpartum depression. During your postpartum medical appointment, you may have been asked about your mood. Hormone levels drop after birth, causing feelings of sadness, weeping, and overwhelm. These symptoms are minor and only last a few weeks. It's possible that something else is causing the symptoms.

Symptoms of PPD and anxiety (such as poor sleep, trouble relaxing, and irritability). Some women have prenatal and postnatal anxiety, but only a small percentage of those parents experience postpartum depression. Postpartum depression can make it challenging for women to respond to treatments like interpersonal psychotherapy or prescription antidepressants like bupropion (Wellbutrin).

Momentary bouts of postpartum anxiety, like with postpartum depression, might be related to hormone fluctuations. It may also rise in reaction to actual pressures, such as the baby's health, money, or negotiating new responsibilities in relationships. If a woman has experienced pregnancy loss (miscarriage or stillbirth) this can enhance her chances of having postpartum anxiety. Anxiety symptoms may recur after birth if you had anxiety before or during pregnancy. Hormonal changes can cause anxiety and sadness after weaning.

Postpartum panic episodes or OCD symptoms are common. Fear, dread, panic, shortness of breath, and dizziness are among the signs of panic attacks. Unwanted thoughts and compulsions, or deliberate actions to ease discomfort, are called obsessions. Unsettling symptoms for new mothers, especially when they entail hurting the child. Fortunately, obsessions caused by anxiety disorders seldom cause harm to newborns.

Even if your overall body weight is within acceptable limits, extra belly fat increases your risk of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association (AHA) in a statement published online by Circulation on April 22, 2021. The most dangerous form of fat for your heart, according to the AHA's evaluation of the research, is visceral adipose tissue (VAT), which is found deep within your body, surrounding your organs. not the type of fat that you can touch just beneath the skin. VAT is a physiologically active chemical that produces inflammatory molecules that can damage blood vessels and create other cardiovascular issues.

Stone fruits include peaches, olives, nectarines, mangoes, plums, cherries, lychees, apricots, and dates, which all have big, hard seeds or pits. They're all good sources of fibre, Vitamins A and C, and potassium.

While they're all tasty on their own, you might want to try them in any of these recipes:

Grilled Nectarines

Cut nectarines in half and remove the seeds before grilling. Brush both sides with a neutral oil (corn oil, for example) and a pinch of brown sugar. Grill for 3 to 5 minutes, turning once or twice until lightly browned. Serve with arugula, toasted pine nuts, and crumbled feta cheese as a side dish or dessert, or as a salad with arugula, crumbled feta cheese, and toasted pine nuts.

Roasted plums

According to a study that looked at the eating patterns of over 138,000 people throughout the world, a diet high in glycemic index (GI) items can raise your risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.

The GI scale, which ranges from zero to 100, assesses the number of carbohydrates in meals. The greater the number, the more quickly carbs are broken down. When you eat high-GI meals, your blood sugar levels increase quickly, causing the pancreas to release more insulin, and then drop quickly. Cravings and overeating may result as a result of this. Frequent repetition of this cycle may result in weight gain and insulin resistance, both of which are related to type 2 diabetes and increased cardiovascular risk.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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