Lifestyle Blogger

Saturday, March 9

Fight depression : Get through depression and tough times.

No matter how dark your situation seems, this is not the end. This is not the end of your story, this is not the final chapter of your life. I know it may be hard right now, but if you just hang in there, think it out over and over again, you will find that this tough moment will pass, and if you are committed to using this pain, using it to build your character, finding a greater meaning for the pain, you will find that in time you can turn your life around and help others going through the same struggles. The world right now is in the middle of a mental health crisis, it has been estimated that almost half the population suffers from depression at some stage throughout their life. Rather than joining the queue, it is important we learn about how we can change it. Believe it or not, we create our own negative feelings, and we can also ensure that we turn our lives around and be a positive change for others. The reason anyone is depressed always comes down to the consistent thoughts we think and the consistent believes we hold. Anyone that is depressed is because there was an external factor that did materialize in their life. They have lost something outside of their control or do not have something that is out of their control.

In school, we are taught how to get a job, no one teaches us how to live in a state of happiness, no one teaches us how important our conscious and unconscious thoughts and associations are, is our happiness not worth more than a job?  Yes, it is, and before you say happiness won't pay my bills, happiness will pay your bills, when you realize that you will be 10 times more energized, focused and take positive actions in your life when you first choose to develop yourself as a priority and then get to the stuff of the world.

Some are seen as people who have it all, but have ended their lives because they thought they were not good enough, a thought, a belief which told them they were not worthy, these people that many were jealous of, many envious of, were not good enough?

You must value yourself enough to take the time every single day to work on yourself, to engage in something that will ensure you are a positive influence on the world. This doesn't mean life will suddenly be perfect, the same life challenges will show up, but if your mind is strong, if your mind is at peace, your reaction to the challenging times will be very different. Your reaction will be, how can I make this work? not why is this happening to me? and then others will look to you not with pity but with hope because your strength they can hold on to, you can be that powerful.

You can leave the pain behind and focus on how you will react next, how you will react positively. Read all you can read to get your mind in a positive place, take steps to ensure you will be in a better position next time. Take little steps and soon you will be at the top of the staircase, do not give up, you are worthy, more than worthy, you deserve to experience how great life can be and you owe it to the world to be that positive change for others, to inspire others, who will look to you and say he did it, she did it and I can do it too.

Photo by lehandross from Pexels



  1. You're so right. We should do something for ourselves every day, take the time to grow and become a better person. Happiness is not something we can buy, it is something that happens when things fall in the right place...and it is up to us to do our best to stay in the positive frame of mind.

    1. Well said, happiness is very important in our daily living and ones we forfeit happiness for anything we start dissatisfying ourselves. Happiness is key and can drive us to our bigger dreams and picture.

  2. Thank you for these words and the reminder to value ourselves.

    Mai //

    1. Anytime dear,I am glad this served as a reminder for us all. We should value ourselves.

  3. This is such an important topic to discuss. And I really love what you said about is happiness not more important than a job...because it absolutely is. But in our society, we are taught that our happiness is second to 'achievements.' THANK YOU for this post. It is wonderful!

    1. A very important topic which some overlook, our happiness should always come first, when we put anything before our happiness it affects us without us knowing sometimes.

  4. Thank you for bringing up this important and timely topic. Depression seems to be at an all-time high as people isolate themselves with social media and screen time. I am very glad that you approach this in such a way that is inspirational and wise.
    We have to have realistic expectations and practice emotional hygiene, just as you say. I hope you are enjoying this wonderful weekend !

    1. You are welcome dear, I am glad you are following my inspiration and mental health series. Well, our society is full of depressed people who pass out their anger on social media, they need help.

  5. These words are very inspirational and true words to live by. Great post topic!

    1. As easy as it sounds living my this can be a stepping stone to a better and healthier lifestyle.

  6. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. You are welcome, read more on mental health and physical health.

  7. such an inspiration!

  8. I agree, sometimes it may seem difficult to get through hard times but taking little steps is the key. Thanks for sharing!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. That is totally right, little steps builds up great opportunities

  9. Thanks for this encouraging post! I'm sure someone will read this and get what they need to move forward from depression.

    1. That is the goal of each mental health series on this website.

  10. I agree with you when it comes to pushing forward and keep the fight going. Sometimes, things may seem hard but you'll pull through. I love the positive vibes from this post. Thank you for sharing!

    Nancy ♥

    1. Well said Nancy. Glad you enjoy reading.

  11. I think sometimes we are focusing on everything else we forget about our own happiness. Thank you for sharing this!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. You are welcome, meanwhile our happiness really matters.

  12. Thanks for sharing this. Being down makes things so much more difficult and it feels like one will never climb back up, but you're right that all it takes is a series of small steps. And every step is important even if it feels like it's too small to make a difference or that it's impossible to take.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

    1. Well, today is very practical, everything I planned today wasn't working and it felt like I was running round a circle. Honestly, it is very hard to take that little step forward, tho I wanted to sit home all day and cry but I decided to call a friend a take a walk to refresh my mind and try it again. it is so hard ... but little steps really matters.

  13. I am glad that we are readers and we are writers in this blogging world, you have written such an important issue that not so many ppl can relate. thank you for sharing!
    IG @grace_njio

    1. What other way to impact more and give back in a little way. Glad you appreciate it and I hope more people get to benefit from us.

  14. Glad to read the article. It is very informative for us. Thanks for posting.

    Nahid |

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. What a amazing post and great topic to talk about

    1. More people to be aware. Thank you for stopping by.

  17. Such a great post!
    xx- Nina

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  18. An important topic to deal with. It's so important to not only take care of our physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well. Especially with the world nowadays it's so easy to get caught up in things and forget to take time for yourself and your loved ones

    1. You are totally right, the world is on a fast lane and we need to watch ourselves.

  19. Great tips.
    Thanks for sharing.

  20. While some severe cases of depression may require medication, most of the minor cases of feeling down could be treated with some kind of mental stimulation that will help the sufferer to come out of the depressing situation.

    Leland West

  21. It truly means working on yourself every single day! Such a great post on such an important topic ❤
    Selina | Selina's Inspiration

    1. We need to put in effort everyday, we are the greatest investment we have.

  22. This is such an amazing read dear. Time to break the stigma that surrounds this topic. Thanks for sharing!

    Jessica |

  23. I must say this is so Important topic you have taken and get written.Everyone should read this.My friend had been throught this situation so I can feel the pain of the article.


  24. At the beginning I read "Flight Depression" and thought you will talk about fear of flying :) I heard that fact that a majority of population is suffering from depression in the modern life... It's pretty sad :( But the answer is from within. Great post as always! Motivational and deep.


Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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