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Thursday, July 22, 2021

10 Practical tips for losing weight

Obesity has long been linked to a variety of chronic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, depression, and even cancer. Simultaneously, there is a slew of false weight-loss claims in the media right now, fooling us that everything from acai berries to high-priced pills is the key to getting in shape. Weight loss involves a concerted effort to alter your habits and way of life.

The term "diet" is merely deceptive; diets do not work. They may assist in weight loss for a short time, but after they are finished, patients gain weight again... and often more than before.

Sure, a famous shake diet or a prescription weight loss medicine can help you lose weight quickly, but what happens once the plan is finished? Is it realistic to follow a smoothie diet for the rest of your life? Is your doctor able to assure you that you can take stimulants at any time?

1. Identify and eliminate the causes of any health issues.

You should consult your doctor before beginning a weight-loss program. You'll need to talk about your weight-loss goals, acquire authorisation for regular exercise, and examine some health issues. A basic blood test is commonly done to check for diabetes and thyroid disorders, and more tests may be required to ensure that you are healthy enough to begin a weight-loss program and that you do not have any health issues that lead to weight gain. weight.

2. Determine your body mass index (BMI).

It is critical to know if you are truly overweight and how much you are overweight before beginning to reduce weight. The body mass index (BMI) is one of the tools almost all doctors use to determine a person's proper weight:

BMI is calculated by dividing one's weight in kilograms by one's height in meters.

3. Make short and long-term goals for yourself.

What is the total amount of weight you need to lose? Consult your doctor about your optimal weight and set an initial and intermediate weight loss goal for yourself. Set reasonable short-term objectives, as expecting you to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time can lead to excessive frustration.

4. Begin with little steps.

Begin with tiny modifications while commencing on a long-term weight loss regimen. You are more likely to achieve long-term success if you set reasonable goals and work toward them gradually.

5. Cut down on your serving sizes

Even if your diet comprises solely of veggies and fruits, eating too much of them can lead to weight gain. As a result, maintaining the proper serving size is critical. Vegetables should make up half of your plate, pure protein sources should make up a quarter (skinless chicken, turkey, fish), and carbohydrates and starchy items should make up no more than a quarter.

6. Keep carbs to a minimum

It has been suggested that the obesity epidemic in the United States is largely caused by increased carbohydrate intake in our diets, rather than increased fat intake as previously thought. Americans have increased their carbohydrate intake while restricting their fat intake, resulting in an increase in diabetes.

Soft drinks, juices, and alcohol are among the most dangerous liquid foods. These beverages contain a lot of calories and should be avoided. Bread, rice, tortillas, beans, potatoes, and pasta are other common meals that are consumed in excess.

7. Choose proteins and fats that are good for you.

Peanuts, nuts and seeds, avocados, and soy are all good sources of heart-healthy fats and proteins. Instead of fatty vegetable oils or butter, use olive oil or cooking spray while cooking. Fried meals should be avoided. Make the switch to 1% or even skim milk. Reduce your intake of red meat and replace it with skinless chicken, turkey, or fish.

8. Consume fibre

Fibre gives you a lot of volumes and keeps you full for a long time. According to research, people who consume a high fibre diet had a lower risk of obesity and diabetes throughout their lives. Fibre should be consumed by adults in the amounts of 25-35 grams per day.

9. Boost your physical activity level.

Not only do the most successful weight loss regimens include food adjustments, but they often include physical exercise. While nutrition alone is more beneficial than exercise alone in terms of weight loss, it is ideal to combine the two. Furthermore, regular exercise aids in the long-term maintenance of weight-loss benefits and, of course, has a beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system.

10. 10. Give yourself a reward

Reward yourself for the tremendous effort and accomplishment with the food you enjoy weekly, but no more than once a week, and by limiting your portion size. If you try to give up all of your favourite foods, you're more likely to fail at your weight-loss goals.


No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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