
Gülizar Nisa Uray, Engin Altan Düzyatan, and Belçim Bilgin feature in the Turkish film My Father's Violin (Turkish: Babamin Kemani), directed by Andaç Haznedaroglu and released in 2022. Netflix released the film on January 21, 2022.

Is it a good idea for you to watch the movie My Father's Violin? Yes, this is a film with a novel plot and a fantastic conclusion. Two brothers were abused by their alcoholic stepfather and intended to flee, but things didn't go as planned. Years later, one has made a reputation for himself as a musician (after being separated, but acceptance was not easy due to past events.
Azman, the daughter of one of the brothers, is a really gorgeous and loving spirit. Her father, Ali Riza, left her with her uncle, Mehmet, who refused to seek custody of her and his trusted friends when he died. Will the uncle accept her, despite the fact that her father's friends want custody of the little 8-year-old girl, Ozlem, or will social services take over?
The summary of this movie is about an orphaned girl who bonds with her emotionally distant, successful violinist uncle through their common sadness and affinity for music.

Chief Daddy 2: Going for Broke, full Reviews

I'm going to give a brief and candid evaluation of this film, but first, let's applaud the producer for selecting an excellent cast. That was a film brimming with talent and Nollywood's most prominent stars, and as such, we all expected more. Nonetheless, will I call this film a wonderful film? Definitely not.

The first part of the film was ok, but the second part is simply confusing. I'm not going to write much about the film because you've probably already seen the reviews online, but here's how I felt while viewing it.

The movie Amina is centered on a North-west state in Nigeria which focuses the story on a female warrior who fought to keep her fathers throne in a male-dominated era. She was a curious princess who demanded she learnt how to fight and at that time women weren't allowed to go to war. 

With the movie being portrayed to promote one of the greatest stories of Zaria I actually expected more. I am not a movie critic so don't come for me. Amina's character was supposed to show a strong fighter, but as she wept after losing the most important person in her life, I lost connection with her character because I didn't feel the profound grief or the mirror of her performance didn't convey that to me. Considering that the Zaria people don't make many media appearances, the characters in this story are all expected to be top-notch.

The accent used in the movie is very brilliant and the father of Amina, he is a brilliant actor and should appear more in movies. Do I like the graphics? oh yes, it was beautiful and pure. The fight scenes were great and the ending was very impressive tho there was emptiness but a great story altogether.

Taylor Swift isn't only about to release new music next week. Additionally, the pop artist will release a short film titled All Too Well that she created and directed. The 31-year-old musician teased the project on Friday with a video of a car traveling down a gorgeous road lined with autumn leaves. "Nov. 12." "Remember it.," she captioned the video simply.

Fans of a Marvel comic book series starring The Eternals are aware that one of them is Makkari, a figure that can travel at the speed of sound.

He was depicted as a large white man with normal hearing. However, in the new film "Eternals," the same character is played by a deaf lady of color.

Lauren Ridloff is a native of Chicago, although she earned a master's degree in teaching from Hunter College in New York City and taught for over a decade at a Manhattan public school before finding recognition as 'Connie' on "The Walking Dead."

She is now one of a group of Eternals tasked with the mission of rescuing humanity from the terrible Deviants.

Makkari is the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first deaf superhero (MCU).

"This was my first major film," she explained with the assistance of her interpreter, Ramon.

Read more: abc7ny

I am pretty emotional right now, man on fire is a very relatable movie and I love every bit of the storyline because it was not expected and I didn't see some acts coming. The general round-up of the movie is centred on a man named Creasy, a former CIA officer and assassin. Creasy travelled to Mexico City to see Paul Rayburn, his brother-in-arms. Creasy tries to murder himself while in Mexico, but the bullet doesn't go off, so he considers it a second chance to live. who got a job to guide a little girl Pita full name Lupita a 10-year-old girl and her family but she was kidnapped at an attack just after her piano classes. Mr creasy was shot and in critical condition, the battle started when he recovered after he was told that Pita has been killed. Find out who was the mastermind behind the kidnapping and how the movie ended. 

Ferry is a gangster movie that is very absorbing and smooth, not the regular destructive crime movies but a movie about a man called Ferry who grew up in an abusive home seeing his Dad hit his mother always was not pleasing to him. One day he took a gun to shoot his Dad but couldn't pull through with it as a child and was called a loser by his Dad. Later in life, he met a very wealthy man named Brink, an emperor of the nightlife in Amsterdam who became his boss and a father to him. Ferry worked for Brinks doing lots of dirty jobs. 

A group of robbers broke into their store stole from them and also shot the boss's only son Mattijs. Ferry was set to revenge by killing all the robbers, but on his mission, he met a lady Danielle fell in love with her but she happens to be the sister of the last guy on his list to be killed. He found out more about the robbery from Danielle's brother Lars Van Marken, which left him with one of the biggest decisions of his life.

This is a movie about a family that newly moved into a neighbourhood after relocating from Boston. Their son Ethan visited the new neighbour Anna Fox a psychologist that works with kids, they got talking and became friends. It was Halloween season and children came to her house throwing snowballs got her distorted and anxious, she started crying and screaming when the new neighbour Jane Russell the mother of the 16-year-old who visited her days ago came to her rescue and offered to call emergency but she declined. She told Jane that she can't go outside because when she does gets panic attacks. She also mentioned that she is agoraphobic (Agoraphobia is a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn't be available if things go wrong. Many people assume agoraphobia is simply a fear of open spaces, but it's a more complex condition). When asked about her marital life by Jane, she has been separated from her husband and her 8-year-old daughter, Olivia.

Alistair Russell the husband of Jane Russell knocks on the door of Anna Fox and introduced himself. after which he asked her if any of his family had come around to see her that evening, but she replied was no, telling him that she had been alone.

 Later that night Anna Fox suddenly heard a woman screaming from a distance while taking her bath, she got out and quickly rushed to the window and called Ethan's Dad which went into voicemail and immediately she rang Ethan asking if everything was fine at their house, he replied yes with a stifled sob and ended the call. While still looking throw the window she saw Ethan's mum Jane horridly leaving the house. Alistair Russell called back within few mins with an unknown number, stating that she called his number, she told him she heard somebody scream not too long and wanted to check on to know what was going on but he insisted that no one screamed and that everything is fine.

 This movie is not the best movie to watch if you do not want to get angry, sad and disappointed at the same time. In my opinion, this movie has more details than what was shared.

This is a true story that happened in South Africa, in the year 1994, at the capital Johannesburg. A man named Gert de Jager abducted six girls who were never found. After his arrest, he confessed on tape. The Apartheid government refused to release it at that time but well it is on Netflix now and we can all watch it.

Gert and his girlfriend had kidnapped some girls, put them in the trunk of their car, and drive them to an unknown location at the start of the film. Gert indicated that he was operating on orders from a national party cabinet minister whose identity cannot be revealed to avoid being assassinated. The females were hot, weeping, and terrified when they arrived at the spot. They were dressed in matching gowns and escorted into a private jet. Some of the kidnapped girls were trafficked to both men and women, rather than being smuggled.

Tarrynlee Shaw Carter was being molested by her granddaughter, she was also kidnapped at James and Ethel Gray Park by Gert de Jager. The detective on the case of the murder of Tarrynlee Shaw Carter's grandfather was murder by an unknown person with her initials boldly written on his chest. The detective in charge of his murder case broke down several times trying to put the puzzle together.

This movie features a poor fisherman Mr Solomon living in a society that sees education as a waste of time. The battle all started after his educated wife left him but later came back and died. His hatred for education was beyond what words can explain. His daughter Ekah's got interested in education after seeing other children in school when she went to deliver fish from her father the fisherman. She had so much passion for education and wanted her to go to school so badly.

Each began to hide near the school window to listen to the lessons taught by the community school Bihbih who later discovered the talent in her. The teacher informed Ekah's Dad of her excellent performance and this was where the battle began. Upon finding out about her desire to go to school her this got the fisherman so mad that he swore that he rather dies than see her go to school.

The game began when Ekah's father's brother Lucas advised her father to give her hand in marriage to an old man but he didn't know that his brother was using Ekah as payment in exchange for the debt he owed the old man.

Meet the cast of the #TheTherapist. The stars of the movie showed out the red carpet at the premiere.
"The therapist" to hit the screens on March 26th.
Executive producer: @onomeodometa
@Produced by @esseodometa Director@Kayodekasum

Distributed by @genesispicturesng
#BNxSC #TheTherapist #GenesisPictures #TheTherapistmovie #hedgepictures

Men have upgraded their red carpet look. The anticipated movie La Femme Anjola movie starring Rita Dominic aired yesterday in cinemas. Here are the best men red carpet looks.

This movie is based on a book which was written by Debbie Macomber.

 It will soon be Christmas in California, Josephs mum gives him a task to convince a ranch owner to sell her family property. Joseph meets Callie and Hanny the owners of the Bernet ranch. Joseph pretending to be Manny who applied for a job to work at Callie's family ranch as a ranch hand. Things changed with time and Callie fell in love with Joseph. Joseph's mum keeps pushing him to fulfill his mission at the ranch she grew out of patience and showed up at the ranch. Callie finds out who Joseph truly is and that broke everything.

Callie's family is running short of time to pay back the money which was used for her mother's cancer treatment. The bank will soon cease the property if nothing is done. Callie found a breakthrough to save the family's property through the help of Joseph, the real manny, and Joseph's driver. 

This movie is centered on a love story with a happy ending. This is the normal love story we watch in movies just a bit twisted but you can tell from the starting of the movie that Joseph was gonna find love during this adventure. The movie makes you feel good even tho you know the ending you just want to keep watching and that's why it is a Christmas movie.


The Christmas Chronicles: Part one
Kate is the cutest kid ever. Santa got mad at Kate and her brother Teddy Pierce for crashing his gift sharing session. Santa and the kids got themselves into an emergency situation and now Christmas is in trouble because they need a ride back to the city for Santa to find his reindeer to continue his gift sharing before everyone wakes up. They are running out of time and so they started asking for help. They got lots of rejections and finally found a Porsche owner who always wanted a 1952 mickey mantle rookie card. He traded his car for the rookie card. His wife wasn't in agreement, Santa, Katie, and teddy were chased out. 

When Katie got into Santa's gift bag she got into the world of gifts where she met the elves, it was such a magical and imaginable moment. It became a lot more adventurous, thrilling with great fantasies.

Kate and Teddy explore the marvels of Santa’s Village in this sugary, busy Netflix sequel that stars Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn as Mr. and Mrs. Claus. This movie gives a perfect image of what Santa's gift delivery process looks like. Such a great Christmas movie for kids.

Citation Movie 2020 on Netflix.

In the movie, a bright student in Nigeria takes on the academic establishment when she reports a popular professor who tried to take advantage of her. This movie is real and brings to light what lecturers in Nigeria and the world as a whole do to students. It is so heartbreaking to watch this story because I witnessed a similar case during my secondary education. We might not all have a platform but yes this movie Citation is deep and bring to light the dirty happenings and politics in the educational sector. 

If you have seen the movie The paramedic on Netflix you will understand why you should not give room for anyone to subdue you in any form. I am not trying to do the spoiler alert thing but I just want every lady to take time out to see this movie because this is our everyday life.

We boost the illness of mentally sick people when we stay around them and give an excuse for why they treat us bad. In this Movie, Vane is the girlfriend of Angel a Sociopath. Just to make you understand better here is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath.

A sociopath typically has a conscience, but it’s weak. He may know that taking your money is wrong, and he might feel some guilt or remorse, but that won’t stop his behavior.

A psychopath doesn’t have a conscience. If he lies to you so he can steal your money, he won’t feel any moral qualms, though he may pretend to. He may observe others and then act the way they do so he’s not “found out,” Tompkins says. Source.

Angel in this movie is a sociopath whose girlfriend Vena fed his illness by allowing him to subdue her in many ways. Vena knew she deserved better but she let herself give excuses for her man Angel's behaviors. When she decided to leave he felt she didn't have any reason to leave because that has become a norm for him and he became violent after tricking her back into the house.

There is never a justification for child abuse of any form. The murder of Gabriel Fernandez was done coldly and preplanned in my opinion. He was exposed to repeated maltreatment with an end aim of death. The defendant claims it was out of anger but this has been done several times and this child has been tortured and stressed mentally. I always tell my friend, that family doesn't always mean connected by blood and this case has proven it, as Gabriel Fernandez, a child, helpless and with the heart of a child couldn't do anything but go through such ill-treatment from a man 10 times bigger than him who happens to be his mother's boyfriend. 

This is a documentary on Netflix that also exposed a failed system in America after everyone who was supposed to look into Gabriel's case failed him. He was killed by his mother's boyfriend.  This case is very sensitive and complicated as many people are being held responsible in connection to neglect for the death of Gabriel Fernandez. Gabriel was isolated from playing with his siblings and beaten regularly.

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Gabriel is an eight-year-old boy from Palmdale, California. Watching this documentary broke my heart because I could feel that Gabriel had so many unanswered questions such as 
Does anybody love me?
Does my mum love me?
Where is my uncle?
Where is my teacher?
Why is this guy that calls himself my mother's boyfriend doing this to me?.
Sadly he got no answers before he left this cold world to his eternal resting place.
Honestly, I do not get the focus of this movie, it is just like any other English love story movie. Gosh, I almost got angry after watching the movie. Nice video quality, good actors and actresses but the storyline was pointing towards nothing special. Of course, it's showing on hallmark so you know what is it. I can't even deal.

The summary of the movie is, she grew up around an island (Seaside of Willow Bay) and she always goes there to take photos, relax and do some findings. One day she met a guy and as usual, they bumped into each other while walking and she got angry, walked away after the rang, leaving her note behind because it fell off from her after they mistakenly bumped into each other. There was a wedding and they both attended the same wedding, her ex-boyfriend was there with his new girlfriend, blah blah blah and she kicked off things with this new guy and yes they fell in love. Of course, they have to its normal in every movie, they sailed together and had dinner so they kissed and yeah she found him and he found her. Besides she is biology a teacher. it's either a teacher, sell's girls, or a girl who is not so outgoing or doesn't socialize so much. Sick and tired of love stories because they point end up with the same vibe at the end of the day.
In this movie, a young girl called Frances living in New York City, found a handbag at the subway with an address note inside and decided to return the lost bag back to the owner but her good gesture turned her whole life around, making it a scary drama scene as the window wanted more than that because the window is not what she seemed to be. This movie teaches a lot, and if there is one lesson to learn from the movie title "Greta" it is that not all coffee invitations are harmless. In the world today, wicked people are looking for different ways to carry out their evil hidden secret agendas. This is like a fantasy for them,  some are psychologically unstable, while some are lonely but in any situation, it is never right to channel your frustration into making other people suffer. Do not fall into this plight, be wise, when you want to show love or help someone, do it and go your way, not everyone person is for keeps. Sometimes, after you help walk away, don't even exchange contacts or accept launch dates. Life can be that simple and also complicated at the same time.

IMDb: 6.1.
Duration: 98 min.
Quality: HD.
Release: 2019.
Directors: Neil Jordan.
Country: United States.
Genres: Thriller, drama, mystery.
Actors: Chloë Grace Moretz Isabelle Huppert,Maika Monroe, Colm Feore, Stephen Rea, Zawe Ashton, Jeff Hiller, Thaddeus Daniels, Raven Dauda, Parker Sawyers.

Lessons to learn from the movie "Greta" 
This movie subtitle says everyone needs a friend.
1. Sometimes help isn't needed.
2. You can not help everyone.
3. Not all coffee invitations are harmless.
4. Do not take lost items to an address, give it to security instead.
5. Coffee is a friendly drink but beyond it lies the death of so many.
6. Because you helped a person, doesn't mean you should exchange contact. 

Game of throne final season is racking as one of Google most top search at the moment, from February 4th up until now a game of throne is still topping the list. I shared a post to direct users to a website where they can watch the game of throne for free. Click here for directionsWe are all aware that not everyone is watching the game of throne and for some it is everything, well if you are watching this may be of interest to you. These are the most talked about and searched character in the game of thrones.

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