
Valentine's day is around the corner. If you are single and do not have a partner to celebrate valentine's day with, it is very normal, nothing is wrong, you are doing just fine. 
To some Valentine's day means a lot while to others it is just like every other day. This is a brief article on what some single ladies and men do wrongly on Valentine's month.

1. Answer every call and reply to every chat in the month of February.

Most single people tend to pay attention to almost everybody that texts or calls in the month of February hoping to be someone's valentine. They reply to everyone, act cool and nice just, so they can be asked out on a date.

2. You buy a gift for yourself, post it on social media, and lie that someone got you a gift
You really have time for shit and nonsense honestly. Image result for liar gif

3. Stop the whole Snapchat and Instagram post of  I am single, I don't have a valentine and I don't care.
Well, if you don't care then we also don't care to know, keep it to yourself, stop the cheap publicity.

Today is the 1st of January 2020, and I am so excited about my new projects and family. I wish you all a happy new year and a beautiful, stress-free vision for 2020.
Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels
Pain is a bad emotional experience that no one wants to feel.
Pain is a slow killer. Pain can eat deep into our minds. Pain can bring about positive or negative influence.

Everyone is striving for the top. Everyone wants to be the best and move as fast as they can to get to the top but not everyone is achieving that goal. You might be going through tough times, you are struggling just to keep your head above and breath. You are trying but things do not seem to be walking out the way you planned. You probably should be in a different place in this time of your life but you are here wondering why it has to be this way. You are smiling for the sake of appearance and it really hurts deep down but well what can you do?.

For some everything is working so well but they have a broken heart, relationship, marriage or family causing them constant pain. You feel the void of true love and you are constantly in a wondering state and asking yourself different questions. It hurts to feel alone, to be in a dark place and feel like no one cares about you.

Gifting doesn't have to be seasonal, you can decide to be good for goodness sake. It doesn't hurt to be nice to someone at your workplace, church, small groups, schools, or any organization you find yourself. Showing an act of love sometimes goes a long way than we see or can even imagine. We all have nice acquaintances that deserve a mug or even more.  They might have been there unknowing to them. A little thank you won't hurt.

Mugs are gifts that are not so practical to me, but I can also say they are the best gifts to give to a not so close person. Gifting is a choice and should come from the heart. Here are cute mugs options to gift an acquaintance.

Blue mugs

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels
Due to circumstances that life throws at us, and like we always say, "Life happens". Some people grow apart from their parents due to family issues, busy work lifestyle and bad behaviours from a bad child to good parents. Whatever brought about the gap, here are different ways to bridge the gap, rebuild and strengthen the relationship you had/have with your parents.

1. Arriving home early: Arriving home early if you still stay with your parents is a great way to start rebuilding a lost relationship with your parents. At least before they go to bed they see you. You get to see them and one way or the other you cross paths with them at home and start-up mini conservations that grow with time.

2. Visiting home more often: If you live away from your parents visiting home more often will help strengthen or the relationship you have with them. You get to see your parents more often, talk to them and ran some errands for them.

3. Apologise if you have done anything wrong that brought about the breakage and shift in communication. Let your actions are very practical and apology genuine.  

4. Create rooms for discussions: Ask them questions that make them feel wiser, tho they are but let them feel you are sorting to get information from them. They feel good impacting knowledge into their child and this can bring about a long conversation that can build back a lost relationship with time.

5. Lunch dates bring about a fresh feel between you and your family. It gives room to sit down together and talk. This a family in practical form.

Do you want to save money and purchase Christmas decorations for very cheap prices?. Most times it is advisable to purchase Christmas items during summer and at the end of the holiday season, it is much cheaper due to less demand.

Here is a list of cheap Christmas decorations you can buy for less than $10. All items such as Snowman, Harrods glitter, mini Christmas trees, hanging ornaments, traditional Santa shoes, Christmas throw pillow cover, bulbs, artificial pine garlands, bubble hearts, and lots more are available at affordable prices.

The festive season is full of life. We want to party, travel, meet up with friends, family members, and gift one another. While doing this we must be sure to keep in mind that this holiday season comes with so much excitement which can lead to poor spending and buying decisions. In other to spend wisely here are some tips on how to save money during the festive period.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

1. Don't get too excited. The festive season comes with a rush, it has a feeling of love and joy flowing everywhere. After decorating and lighting the Christmas tree the seasons rush gets even more. You need to watch out for this feeling because it leads to careless spending sometimes.

2. Create a budget plan. Follow this plan, write out the list of what you need during the festive period. To be more practical we are not supposed to spend much but most people always tend to go for Christmas items with a high cost which sometimes doesn't even make much difference from the low-cost decors.

3. Budget-friendly purchase: Don't buy items for Christmas by taking a loan. This is a very stupid decision and also a foolish one at that. There are very cheap Christmas decorative items for less than $5 and if you don't have cash for that be creative let your DIY spirit come into play.

Christmas is fast approaching, the bell will soon start ringing, festive feelings are setting in and shops are beginning to advertise Christmas lights, trees, and candles for affordable prices.  While we wait to celebrate Christmas in 2019, have you started thinking of which gift to present to your mother? She deserves it, doesn't she?

Special gifts to give to a Nigerian mum this Christmas. They don't cost a human head, you have nothing to worry about.

1. Skincare products: Most people tend to give food items and cash as gifts in Nigeria but there is more you can do for your mum. Getting her beauty products that can help enhance her skin is totally a good win for you and her. There are lots of good brands made with natural substances that can help moisturize her skin to look healthier and younger.

2. Vacation: This might sound a bit weird but some African mothers need a really good push and a reminder before they (Accept) to take a vacation. Mothers are more focused on us and most times they forget to explore more than their environment or where they grew up from. Buying and surprising them with a trip to take time out from motherly duties (tho, in reality, there is never a day off for mothers) to enjoy the beauty of other countries, states and towns is a very good idea. 

Photo by Adrienne Andersen from Pexels

Pregnancy photoshoots have taken different levels.  Let me just drop this here, you don't have to be naked during your pregnancy photoshoot to obtain amazing photos.
 Secondly, pls if you want to open your body feel free don't use pregnancy as a back up saying you are being proud of your pregnancy, you are not the 1st woman to conceive and you will not be the last. As I write and you read a new life is being made and born.

Just in case you are looking for decent, hot, fun, romantic and classy photoshoot inspiration to replicate for your pregnancy photo memory. Here some beautiful amazing pregnancy photo inspirations.

 More photo inspiration here.


It's been a while, sure you all are doing great? Life has been going on and lots of amazing things have been happening. Today's post is centered on how to style white dresses or how to style a white outfit. Styling is pretty tricky but with the right colors, textures, and accessories you will make any white outfit stand out. 
Photo by Rene Asmussen 

1. An all-white outfit is also cool and can be best worn to weddings, bridal showers, and beachside dates. Mixing different types of whites fabrics is a brilliant idea. There are different shades of white and matching them is another way to style the white.

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Buy the dress from Jarlo London. Check out the Petal lace dress, a perfect pick for you to a wedding. Pinkbasis red heel sandals

 2. We all know that the right accessories can uplift an outfit and so when wearing or styling white dresses, tops, pants and whatever the outfit might be let the accessories stand out in an artistic way. 

 3.  it's no doubt that white goes so well on a dark skin due to the contrast but if you want an extra pop on a white skin you can tan a little bit but whichever way the styling matters more and how you put your outfit together.

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The Nikit fold hem off-shoulder dress.
The sugar ruffles lace-up suede heels by Public desire also seen here, and my favorite woven bag also here.

4. Neutral colors best go with white outfits. They are very nice and are a good blend to any white outfit.

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Party dress from Every PrettyMirror sunnies from Szaleo, so much fun styling the large size Aztec print scarf halfway on my braids. Mike Suede Boots from public desire. Charms from Soufeel.
The wristwatch from AibiLaura Maryland Silver Gold With Germs Wristwatch. (coupon code MELODYJ using the code can enjoy $20 off for each purchase).

5. Mix match the textures to give a more stylish look to the monochromatic look. Mixing different fabric textures makes it look more daring and sophisticated. It doesn't just look like an ordinary all-white outfit combination but also looks well put together.

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Why should you wear linen this season? Before I explain, what is linen? Linen is a textile made from the fibers of the flax plant. Linen is laborious to manufacture, but the fiber is very strong, absorbent, and dries faster than cotton. Garments made of linen are valued for their exceptional coolness and freshness in hot and humid weather.

There are three types of linen fabric.

Irish linen refers to the linen that is produced in Ireland. It is spun in Ireland from 100% flax fibers. It is considered to be the best linen fabric because it is considered to be pure.

Flax is the only natural fiber in the entire world that is harvested, grown, and cultivated in Western Europe.

This type of linen focuses on clothes that can be worn throughout the year. Japanese linen dresses are considered to be one of the most beautiful dresses in the entire world.

You might be wondering why we are talking about linen this season. Well, there is a different good reason why you should wear linen this season, and it includes reasons why linen is the best fabric for summer.

Which fabric is best for summer?
The best fabric for summer is linen because it is light, very comfortable, and breathable. It has a very soft texture that dries really fast when it gets wet. I guess soon they will start producing bikinis and swimwear with linen fabric.

Travel light
When traveling, you want to be as comfortable as possible, and linen fabric will give you the comfort you need.
Linen is a good conductor of heat.
Linen is highly absorbent and a good conductor of heat. Your linen garment feels cool to the touch, and linen fabric will quickly remove perspiration from the skin. Linen is capable of absorbing moisture and then quickly absorbing it.
Linen is lightweight and versatile.
When you travel, you can easily fold linen clothing because of how light it is.
Naturally, insect repellent
Linen is thought to naturally repel insects like moths. So if you have linen in your wardrobe, you get an automatic insecticide. It's luxurious
Strength and durability
Linen is considered to be the strongest of all natural fabrics.

Where to buy Linen dresses

Check out these women dresses for special occasions. You can gift your mum a long maxi glamorous dress for mothers day. Moms are so special and we can't thank them enough but do the little we can by gifting them and appreciating them on this special day.

How are you planning on celebrating your mother on mother's day?
Photo by Peter Bucks on Unsplash
If you live in America or you watch paternity court, divorce court or couples court then you will understand what I mean by black Americans and facebook.
Allow me to air my observation please, Black Americans misuse facebook. Facebook is a social media platform which has its negative and positive effect which depends on how we use it.

Watching these programs and listening to a lot of stories and how much impact Facebook has on relationships and families is alarming. Some Black Americans basically put out everything about their lives on Facebook. You talk about how a man or a woman met the person who broke their home or relationship the answer is always '' we met on Facebook''. Issues such as she didn't tag me and he didn't comment on the picture I posted comes up when watching these tv shows and I keep wondering why grown-ups can't control how they use a social platform?.

Music Festival Fashion
Coachella 2019 is here again and it is super exciting even from afar. A lot of people attend the big event and what makes it even more talked about is the fashion, music and food. Well, are you looking to attend coachella this year then what are you wearing? 
If you still haven't decided on what to wear to coachella then you should keep reading to find out some celebrity styles to wear to coachella which I styled over the years. Each post contains the direct link to redirect you to the main article page.
 What are your favorite looks?

Without saying a word, you all know that this outfit mimics the Jamaican reggae legend Bob Marley. Featuring the Jamaican flag which I consider to be one of the most popular flags used for clothing.
Fixing this outfit was less stressful with much statements. The Rasta Jamaican Knitted Beanie cap is one must have for a Rasta outfit. Wishing you all a lovely Monday? Greetings from Ukraine.

You can wear these denim bottoms to the beach, casual walks, as well as to summer parties and all kinds of casual meetings. Pair denim bottoms with sophisticated blouses, smart casual blazers, printed shirts and fancy heels that will instantly elevate your look. Scroll down to see a fresh inspirational street style collection. Cutoffs Floral Embroidered Denim Shorts - Denim.


Read more: GET IT FOR LESS


This strappy slip dress is a key item for your wardrobe! I love this bold and super on trend sunflower print version featuring super slim straps, scoop back with crossover detail and flared smock fit. Team with chunky DMs for the perfect summer time look!

Can you look back and say it's been a good ride? however not an easy one. How much more pain can you feel, how much tears have gone down your cheeks and how strong were you?.

Sometimes we overlook the power of attachment and love, it's one of the strongest and greatest feelings put in us by God. Unfortunately, falling in love sometimes can't be helped but our actions can be controlled. Have you ever loved to the extent of having so much fear that something might just go wrong, meanwhile everything is going perfectly well?.

Do you know that when love breaks you it affects your whole self, no matter how much you try to act strong, love affects your thinking, but what matters the most is that you picked up yourself and dusted yourself like the king/queen you are.

We all have our biggest fear about love, for some, it's not being able to see the person/people they love just because death came too soon, some are afraid of falling out of love, while some are so afraid of repeated situations, etc.
I want to start by thanking God, but secondly I want to thank myself for never giving up. I will also like to thank myself for staying through to myself even in hard and difficult times.
Who I am today is because of me, I had to give up so many things to get to this point. I am thanking myself for coming this far and for the journey ahead.

Take time out to thank and appreciate yourself. Think about it, you have been through alot, you have overcome and you are still working towards greater goals. If there is nothing to inspire you today, at the moment, then let you inspire you.
Lastly, I want to thank me for being me.
There are lots of positive behaviors and experiences you can learn and give out from being a blogger and media publisher, and one thing I will not fail to do is ask questions to draw strength from people around me when I feel down. I believe that most informations are very helpful and like they say " A man that asks questions never misses his way. 

I will like to know what keeps you going? what makes you happy, and what you do look forward to during your down times?

I will appreciate you leave a comment below and let me know.
Have a great saturday.

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

In as much as I know a lot of people prefer Friday and Saturday to party due to work pattern but I still believe that from personal experience the best days of the week to party is Tuesday and Thursday.
Sounds odd right? I might just have my wedding on a Monday while you all are still at work, 🤣 lol. 

As a karaoke lover what gives me joy is going out and seeing empty seats at the karaoke, having to sing as much songs as I want. I like the fact that I get to enjoy the stage alone with no pressure and feeling so free to party with friends and very few people. If you haven't tried partying on Tuesday or Thursday just try it and you will automatically stop going to those stressful Friday filled up parties.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend?
What day of the week is best for you to have fun ? 

Photo by Lauren Fleischmann on Unsplash

 Heartbeat jewelry - a romantic gift for her

No matter the reason to present her a gift, whether it is Valentine's Day, the anniversary of a Wedding Day, her birthday or the day when you met each other, every girl will be pleased to receive some jewelry as a memorable gift. However, not every piece of jewelry will satisfy and impress her. The well-chosen jewelry should fit her style, be in her taste, well-designed and the main point - it has to reflect your feelings otherwise it would be a disappointment for both of you. 

How to choose a meaningful, romantic and sensual gift for a person you love? 
It is a pretty complicated task and everything depends on the personality of your woman. If she prefers romantic and playful accessories, she will be delighted  to have heartbeat necklace or ring. This kind of jewelry is rather chosen for young girlfriends than for status women. 

Discover the latest Gucci sunglasses trend and all designer brand lovers who shop under a budget can get their hands on some gucci accessories for less. If you will like to get any sunglasses from this luxury brand, here are my top picks of the SS19 collection for spring/summer. Read related post on GUCCI WALLET UNDER 500$ : SPRING FASHION.
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