
According to a recent nationally representative poll, more elderly women than men showed indicators of addiction to highly processed foods and beverages during the preceding year.

The survey, which is a component of the National Poll on Healthy Ageing from the University of Michigan, was released online on January 30, 2023. In July 2022, 2,163 persons between the ages of 50 and 80 who were questioned over the phone or online. In order to assess their own behaviours and thoughts regarding addiction to highly processed foods including sweets, salty snacks, sugary drinks, and fast food, participants responded to 13 questions. Intense cravings, an inability to reduce usage, and withdrawal symptoms are some characteristics of addiction. Participants had to admit to at least two of 11 symptoms, as well as considerable distress or issues with eating, at least twice a week in order to meet the criteria for addiction to highly processed foods.
1 easy way to get bigger boobs

Let me start by saying what got me so interested in this brand is the fact that over the years, when we talk about nude bras and inserts, all the shades we see are mostly beige, and hardly even deep shades that suit or are close to black skin. There was nothing like the colour cocoa for bras, but the inclusion of different colour shades by this brand is very impressive.

I remember back in school when my friends would go shopping for nude bras and come back with beige bras that looked off their skin colour. This is such a thoughtful brand that understands the importance of the breast pads being the same or close to the colour of your skin.

Patients immediately experience fear, confusion, and uncertainty as a result of the shock of receiving a cancer diagnosis and thinking about the subsequent treatments. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments wreak havoc on the body, which can also be detrimental to one's appearance. Hair loss, problems with the skin and nails, fluctuating weight, nausea, and exhaustion are unfavourable side effects of cancer treatment. Having to deal with these side effects on a daily basis makes coping with the illness challenging. When confronting cancer, women in particular experience diminished self-confidence and self-esteem. The good news is that many hospitals and clinics provide patients with beauty therapy services performed by certified beauticians and cosmetologists.

Improved standard of living

Patients who have negative effects on their self-image find renewal in the beauty therapy services offered by cosmetologists. Licenced beauticians frequently work with hospitals and clinics to give patients who require them beauty services. Beauticians offer more than just facials, manicures, and hair styling; whether these services are offered one-on-one or in group sessions, they also offer technical guidance, a sympathetic ear, and a peaceful respite. Studies have shown that providing patients with beauty and wellness treatments can improve their quality of life by instructing them in practises and offering assistance to minimise the physical adverse effects of cancer treatments.

Infertility is a problem that happens to a lot of people. It affects up to one in five people trying to get pregnant in the US and
186 million people around the world. In many cases, a thorough medical evaluation can identify key contributing factors in a woman, a man, or both partners that might respond to treatment or call for tools like in vitro fertilization (IVF) to help with reproduction.

But in a lot of cases, there is no clear reason why someone can't have children. New research suggests that inflammation might be to blame for some of these cases. And if so, will a diet or way of life that reduces inflammation help with fertility?

Investigating the link between inflammation and being unable to have children
Many health problems, like heart disease, stroke, and cancer, have been linked to long-term inflammation.

Even though it's not clear what role it plays in infertility, some evidence suggests a link:

When there is inflammation, like an infection, endometriosis, or polycystic ovary syndrome, the risk of infertility is higher.

Systemic inflammation can affect the uterus, cervix, and placenta, which can make it harder to get pregnant.

Women with infertility who had IVF and ate a diet low in inflammation were more likely to get pregnant than infertile women who didn't follow the diet.

Lifesaving screening tests include Pap smears and blood pressure checks. They are able to detect diseases that you have no reason to think are present. Early identification may allow for the treatment of the disease while it is still treatable and before irreversible complications develop.

Some screening tests prevent the disease for which they were developed. For instance, colonoscopies and Pap smears can detect precancerous abnormalities that can be treated to prevent their growth and transformation into cancer. And each year in the United States, missed screening tests contribute to thousands of preventable deaths. A new study on Pap smears reveals that the benefits diminish after a certain point. And many of us might benefit from a greater grasp of the limitations of screening and how specialists determine when individuals should stop undergoing routine screening tests.

Even the most effective screening tests have limits. It is able to miss the disease it is designed to detect (false-negative results). Or, it may produce anomalous outcomes when no disease is present (false-positive results).


Importantly, as people age, both life expectancy and screening advantages tend to diminish. Numerous illnesses found by routine screenings, such as prostate cancer and cervical cancer, generally present problems only after a period of time. A person in their 80s is more likely to pass away from another deadly ailment than from cervical cancer or prostate cancer. Moreover, many diseases, such as cervical cancer, become less prevalent with age.

As a result, many screening tests are no longer suggested indefinitely. At some point in your life, your doctor may inform you that you no longer need to repeat a screening test, even if you've grown accustomed to it.

People often say that pregnancy is a time of happiness and excitement, which is true for many people. It is hard to ignore the health risks and fears that can come up from some vulnerable patients getting a positive pregnancy test.

In the United States, just being pregnant poses serious short-term and long-term health risks, with the most serious pregnancy-related problems of any developed country, and about 700 people die every year as a result. This health problem affects women of color and low-income women the most. In fact, Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women.

From a health point of view, what makes pregnancy extremely difficult?
Pregnancy is like a long-term stress test that puts a lot of strain on the body's systems and creates new health risks. It changes how the kidneys, lungs, and heart work. It also changes the immune system and the way the body uses energy by affecting many organs. It gets more blood to all parts of the body. People who already have high blood pressure, diabetes, or other health problems will be hurt more by this. Furthermore, pregnancy can aggravate mental health issues like depression and anxiety, exacerbating the symptoms.

Two health problems that are specific to pregnancy are:

Preeclampsia. This can lead to high blood pressure and damage to the kidneys, liver, and brain, among other organs. Just being pregnant puts more pressure on the heart and blood vessels. According to the Preeclampsia Foundation, having a preeclampsia pregnancy more than triples a person's lifetime risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Preeclampsia is more likely to happen if you are younger than 18 or older than 40, have an autoimmune disease (like lupus), already have high blood pressure, or had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy.

Too much blood loss after birth (postpartum hemorrhage). Even though some things put people at a higher risk, any birth, even those with no problems, can cause a hemorrhage.

Most of the time, a person with health problems can still have a safe pregnancy. Still, if you already have a disease like heart disease or diabetes, you are more likely to have complications and die. More women are getting pregnant later in life, which makes it more likely that they already have heart disease. Large, multidisciplinary teams of health professionals are now often needed to care for pregnant women with complex cardiac needs or other health conditions. This wasn't always the case in the past.

Unintended pregnancy rates are high.
In the United States, almost half of all pregnancies are not planned. In some cases, this means that a pregnancy is wanted in the future, and in other cases, it means that a pregnancy is not wanted.

Why do so many people get pregnant when they don't want to? Nine out of ten sexually active women who don't want to get pregnant say they use some kind of birth control. Of course, not every method of birth control is very good. If you only use condoms, 13 out of 100 people will get pregnant in a year, while up to 23 out of 100 people will get pregnant if you also use other methods to figure out your fertility.

Clay addiction can cause infertility

Firstly, I would like to say that most people draw conclusions about this topic from unexperimented and proven facts, which are based on some cultural beliefs that were never checked and have never been proven right.

Today, I will answer this question, which is one of the questions I get asked frequently. As a doctor, when analysing factors, you cannot leave out the contents. So, we will start by analysing the properties of Nzu.

Please keep in mind that Nzu is clay. So, what is clay?

Clay minerals (hydrous aluminium phyllosilicates, such as kaolin, Al2Si2O5(OH)4) are found in fine-grained natural soil material called clay.

Clays become plastic when wet due to a molecular film of water surrounding the clay particles, but they become hard, brittle, and non-plastic when dried or fired.

Although most pure clay minerals are white or light in colour, natural clays can have a wide range of colours due to impurities, such as a reddish or brownish colour from trace amounts of iron oxide.

Clay is the world's oldest ceramic material. Prehistoric humans discovered clay's useful properties and used it to make pottery. The first known writing medium was clay tablets, and some of the earliest pottery shards date back to around 14,000 BC. Clay (Nzu) is used in a wide range of modern industrial processes, including paper manufacturing, cement manufacturing, and chemical filtering. One-half to two-thirds of the world's population lives or works in buildings that use clay as a load-bearing structure, often baked into brick.

There are three types of clay: kaolinite, montmorillonite-smectite, and illite. Chlorite, vermiculite, talc, and pyrophyllite are also clay minerals. In these categories, there are about 30 different types of "pure" clays, but most "natural" clay deposits are a mix of these different types, as well as other weathered minerals. Rather than chemical or physical tests, X-ray diffraction is the most effective method for identifying clay minerals in clays.

What is the composition of clay?

Clay has high levels of iron, alkali metals, or alkaline earths. Aluminum hydrous-layer silicates, with magnesium and iron aluminosilicates present on occasion.

Alkali metals (lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium. Caustic metal oxides are formed when alkali metals react with air. When exposed to air at room temperature, the heavier alkali metals (rubidium and cesium) will spontaneously ignite.

Heat, hydrogen gas, and the corresponding metal hydroxide are produced when alkali metals react with water. The heat generated by this reaction has the potential to ignite the hydrogen or the metal itself, resulting in a fire or explosion. The heavier alkali metals will react with water more violently.

Alkaline earth are di-valent cations. Calcium and magnesium are common in ground water caused by water percolating through deposits of calcium and magnesium-containing minerals such as limestone, chalk, and dolomite. Ref: here.

Aluminum hydrous-layer silicates: Both internally and externally, aluminium silicate can cause an allergic reaction. The compound irritates the skin when applied as a powder.

Both internally and externally, aluminium silicate can cause an allergic reaction. The compound irritates the skin when applied as a powder.

While no studies on internal consumption have been conducted, it is safe to assume that eating this powder can cause gastrointestinal distress. Keep in mind that aluminium silicate is used to keep materials from burning. It is not something you want inside of you. If you consume it, you will almost certainly vomit or need to go to the bathroom. Under no circumstances should you consume the powder. RefNaturalpedia.

Clay minerals are primarily composed of silica, alumina or magnesia or both, and water, but iron substitutes for aluminium and magnesium to varying degrees, and significant amounts of potassium, sodium, and calcium are also present.

There are 6 types of clay minerals: (1) kaolin-serpentine (kaolinite, halloysite, lizardite, chrysotile), (2) pyrophyllite-talc, (3) mica (illite, glauconite, celadonite), (4) vermiculite, (5) smectite (montmorillonite, nontronite, saponite), (6) chlorite (sudoite, clinochlore. These groups' information and structural diagrams are provided here.

One of the most beautiful aspects of womanhood is having children. Many women long for the day when they can "show off that round belly." The first step in confirming a pregnancy is getting a positive pregnancy test, but what are the warning signs?
1. The first sign or obvious indication of pregnancy is a missed period. Be ready to dash to the pharmacy next door and grab a pregnancy test.

2. Breast Sensitivity.

The body emits a variety of pregnancy-related signals, and sore breasts are one of them. Some women have sore breasts before their periods, so it would be best to take a test at home or go to the doctor to find out if you are pregnant.

Clay eating addiction

My skin and menstrual cycle were affected by Nzu, which is eating salted kaolin clay (
geophagia). A lot of people reached out to me after reading the article I wrote on how nzu affected my skin and menstrual cycle and asked me how I was able to stop nzu addiction because they were also struggling, which is why I shared this article and I urge everyone to read it.

You will be surprised at the number of people struggling with this habit, and, sadly, no awareness is being created to help reduce clay addiction. For people who do not know what nzu is, it is an edible clay that is eaten by people from different parts of the world. I used to believe that nzu was mostly eaten in Nigeria, but this is not the case. In Nigeria, it is known by different names depending on the tribe, such as ndom in Efik/Ibibio and eko in Bini/Edo, and it is also known as calabash chalk. Generally, this is edible clay.

Let's dive into how to stop nzu addiction. Nzu addiction is very prevalent in Africa and other countries. In Nigeria, it is overlooked because nzu isn't categorized as a hard drug, and with the state of the country, a lot of health issues are overlooked.

In this article we will focus on how to break out of nzu addiction, and in another article, I will talk about the harm nzu causes to your entire body. I'm being as honest as I can to give you a more imaginative insight into how it starts and how it can be stopped.

A lot of young men, girls, children, and pregnant women eat clay, and there has been research stating that clay is beneficial to your health, which isn't true. It's very contradictory in my opinion. I don't think this study was done right because it didn't state that the amount of nzu you take matters. It also didn't talk about how addictive nzu is, what its side effects are, or how it can harm your health.

Nzu addiction, or clay-eating addiction, for many Nigerians is inherited. For me, it started from going on errands to buy edible clay for my sister and also seeing them eating it. For most kids, it's their pregnant mum eating clay during pregnancy or seeing their mum and aunties, even uncles, eat clay. A lot of people saw people around them eating nzu and thought it was OK to do the same. This addiction also includes people with Pica, an eating disorder that causes them to eat things that don't have any nutritional value, like dirt, chalk, hair, paper, etc.

Here are 8 Benefits of breast massage your doctors wont tell you

We concentrate more on body massage, but our breasts also need massage. Breast massage is very beneficial and easy to perform. You can do it by yourself. If you've ever wondered about the benefits of breast massage or how to massage your breasts, continue reading. We have outlined the benefits of breast massage as well as self-massage techniques.

Breast massage is a gentle form of massage therapy that is done on the breasts. It can be used to boost a person's self-confidence, treat conditions that can change the way the breast looks, or just help them relax. Massage is an old method that has been known to help every part of the body for a long time.

Even so, breast massage is not something that most massage places or beauty spas talk about or do very often. But after you finish reading this article, your view of this amazing treatment will change completely, and you won't be embarrassed about it anymore.

It makes the breasts bigger. 

People always find women with big breasts attractive. Certain hormones affect how big your breasts are, and this type of massage can make your body generate more of these hormones. For the best results, a good massage oil should be mixed with a soothing essential oil. 

Reduce your blood pressure. 

When women with slightly high blood pressure get regular short breast massages, their blood pressure tends to drop significantly in a short amount of time. Over a long period of time, people who are like them but take medicine don't improve much. Because of this, it is true that breast massage has some healing effects on blood pressure that are not obvious. Since research is still going on, not much has been said about this find.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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