
Saturday, October 21

Decoding Instagram's Modesty Debate: Are Revealing Trends Empowering or Indecent?

MODLILY DESIGN Navy Hot Stamping Long Sleeve Maxi Dress

Instagram is becoming a place for explicit content. Let's discuss modesty. Over time, the idea of what's modest has changed, especially among Generation Z. In the UK, where I am now, it's common to see teens wearing revealing clothing like stretch leggings that show vagina lines (camel toe). This style is seen a lot online, but is it about being comfortable in your own skin or people just being indecent just because they can?

Many young people dress very revealing, even to the point where you can see their buttocks. I recently went to a buffet restaurant and saw someone whose underwear was visible as she sat. She wore a mini skirt and when she sat it went up and her buttocks was literally out but she seemed comfortable with it. This makes me wonder if this generation's fashion is pushing boundaries.

Navy Hot Stamping Long Sleeve Maxi Dress

Society, fast fashion, and social media play a big role in shaping what young people wear. Brands often sell the idea of comfort in your own skin. But I'm concerned that if this generation dresses so revealingly, what will the next generation consider normal? Will those who dress more modestly be seen as old-fashioned?

Being comfortable in your skin doesn't mean being naked. Your clothing reflects who you are and how people perceive you. It's saddening that parents seem to have less control over what their kids wear in places like the United kingdom, Japan  (Tokyo), Spain (Ibiza), Canada, and the USA(Miami, Florida) etc, where body positivity has gone in the wrong direction.

Blue maxi dress

Young people are influenced by fast fashion and social media, and some upload videos in their underwear for likes and comments. You don't need a porn site to see naked people anymore; just search on get ready with me or try on haul YouTube or Instagram.

This norm is why I'm cautious about young kids having phones, as every industry tries to engage them in such things for profit. Young people expose themselves online, leading to an increase in inappropriate activities and a decrease in morals.

No matter what, don't compromise your dignity for society. Always aim for modesty. If you're doing a "get ready with me" video or try on haul, choose covered clothing or skip the part where you're not dressed. Don't let social pressure make nudity the norm. Respect yourself and protect your privacy and body; not everything on social media is safe. Don't blindly follow trends.

A Nigerian social media influencer and celebrity, Khloe, who shared on her Instagram that she used to feel self-conscious about her camel toe but now feels comfortable revealing it. After reading this, I couldn't help but think that nobody should showcase their camel toe on social media; it wasn't an issue anyone demanded to see. It seemed like she was attempting to rationalize displaying it on Instagram through this rather provocative statement.


People are seeking validation from nudity and dressing the wrong way. People should stop embracing the idea of showing private body parts. Instead, shop for decent and quality clothing. Fast fashion isn't environmentally friendly or budget-friendly. Consider brands like Modlily and Rosewe for modest and stylish attire. You can look stunning without revealing too much.

For example, look at my maxi navy dress with gold accents. It's perfect for various occasions, promoting modesty. Modlily offers a range of modest dresses in different sizes, and you can find discounts too. 

Purchase this MODLILY DESIGN Navy Hot Stamping Long Sleeve Maxi Dress. Use code “ KOL10 ” for 10% off over $59.

I hope this message reaches those who need it. Share your thoughts on the obsession with nudity on social media especially Instagram in the name of "get ready with me" videos and try on hauls.


Is the rise of revealing fashion trends on Instagram a sign of self-confidence and body positivity, or is it pushing the boundaries of decency and morals among today's youth?


  1. I feel young people wear clothes that are too revealing because they really don't have enough self respect but that is just my thoughts

    1. I agree with you. Many young people lack self-respect and seek validation from society instead of facing the reality that life can't be just any way.

  2. I don't like Instagram, generally.

    1. That's completely fine. Instagram isn't for everyone, and personal preferences vary.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Christine. It’s a lovely dress from Modlily.

  4. I dont have an Instagram account, so its hard fot me to add something here. But for sure you have a good sense of fashion :)

    1. Thank you for the compliment! I appreciate it. It's okay if you don't have an Instagram account; your thoughts and opinions are valuable regardless of the platform.

  5. Boa Noite. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Meu Instagram

  6. Lindo vestido. Te mando un beso.

  7. Good article - I love your dress :-)

    Kids are dressing provocatively because society preaches immodesty - and their parents are falling down on the job by allowing it. Society is pimping children, and no one seems to mind.

    SHAME feels no shame anymore: that is very sad.

    1. Thank you for your kind words about the article and the dress! It's true, the way children dress can often reflect broader societal influences. Your concerns about immodesty and the role of parents are valid. It's essential to promote values and standards that prioritize modesty and respect. The changes in societal norms can indeed be concerning.

  8. Such an amazing dress! Social media is definitely a factor but so are the hometown locals..at least living here in the heartland. They still sport the local team logo and wear pajama pants when given a chance. Yet, it seems everyone is in leggings and skims under their hoodies, too. Who knows, maybe the weather has something to do with it. We don't have the winters like we used too.

    Ivy's Closet

    1. I completely agree with your perspective on modesty, and I appreciate your kind words about the dress. It's interesting how different factors, including social media and local culture, influence fashion choices. Climate changes can also have a significant impact on clothing trends but modesty should always come first when we dress and present ourselve in public and anywhere we go.

      Thank you for sharing your insights! 😊

  9. Anonymous10/22/2023

    wow what a great read and good on highlighting this topic - shy -https://www.shyyshianne.com/

    1. I'm glad you found it engaging and appreciated the focus on this topic. Thank you for your kind words! 😊

  10. Replies
    1. That's great to hear! Modesty is often a valued and respectable approach.

  11. Eu gosto de me vestir adequadamente, os jovens mudam muito com a moda, que lindo o vestido bjs.

    1. Thank you! It's important to feel comfortable in what you wear. I agree, fashion trends evolve quickly, and it's fun to see the variety but decency should never be left behind. Your compliment means a lot! 😊💋

  12. Self respect also in dressing is really important.
    Love your dress, you look so classy and gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much! I completely agree that self-respect extends to how we present ourselves. Your kind words mean a lot! 😊

  13. We seem to go through periods of shocking and then retreat into periods of more conservative clothing. I think media is pushing too much in the revealing way, but that'll change at some point, I'm sure. The more we rail against it, the more they'll push back. I roll my eyes and move on.

    1. You're absolutely right, fashion trends can be quite cyclical, swinging between shocking and conservative styles. Media does have a significant influence on these shifts. It's a fine line to tread, decency must be upheld. 😄👗📺

  14. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such kind encouragement, Melody! I am a Christian and as an ardent follower of Jesus, I am coming at the modesty issue from a Christian, Biblical perspective. Modesty is a non-negotiable in God's eyes, beginning way back in the first book of the Bible. When Adam and Eve made garments from fig leaves to cover themselves, they did so, due to shame and guilt over their rebellion and sinning against God. When God came to commune with Adam, as they were accustomed to do, the garments they had made from fig leaves were not modest. If you study fig leaves, you will find that they had gaping holes and there is no way the garments were not modest enough to sufficiently cover their body parts. So what did God do? He, Himself made modest clothes for them from animal skins. This set an unchangeable precedent, and as you read through the Bible, there are many references that support and cement God's concerns about His children covering their bodies. He wants us to dress in a way that does not incite lust or cause temptation. I am so thankful for my precious parents and the Godly way they raised me and instilled decency in my mindset and world view. Thank you again for stopping by my blog. It was nice to meet you. You are a beautiful person and so kind. May God's richest blessings be yours.🙏😊

    1. You're very welcome! I appreciate your thoughtful perspective on modesty from a Christian viewpoint. It's clear that you hold strong beliefs rooted in your faith, and I'm glad you shared your insights. It was nice to meet you too, and I wish you continued blessings and inspiration in your blogging journey. 🙏😊

  15. Nie posiadam Instagrama, a wulgarność jest wszędzie-niestety!
    Piękna sukienka na pięknej modelce:)
    Serdeczności zostawiam:)

  16. You look fabulous in your dress!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the compliment. 😊

  17. Não sigo nenhuma rede social. Mas gostei da reflexão que aqui partilhou. E gostei do seu vestido. Fica muito bonita com ele.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

    1. Thank you for your compliment! I'm glad you liked the reflection. I wish you an excellent week too. A kiss! 😊

  18. I love your dress, you look beautiful in it... modest but very elegant. It is important not to blindly follow fashion. Have a good day Melody:)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I completely agree about the importance of individual style. Have a wonderful day! 😊

  19. Hello :)
    I have an Instagram account but I rarely use it. A beautiful dress!
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Hello! Thank you for the compliment on my dress, and greetings from United Kingdom! If you ever decide to use Instagram more, it can be a great platform to share moments and connect with people but decent and moderation is important 😊

  20. Hello :)
    I have an Instagram account but I rarely use it. A beautiful dress!
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Hello! 😊 It's nice to hear from you. Instagram can be a fun platform but also a platform that can influences negatively too. Thank you for the compliment on the dress! Greetings from wherever you are in Poland!

  21. Olá, Melody!
    Tens toda a razão no que aqui falas em relação às indumentárias que juventude usa e expõe nas redes sociais. Sendo questionáveis muitas delas, onde efectivamente expõe o seu corpo, vivemos numa sociedade livre onde elas, e somente elas, são responsáveis pelo que publicam.
    A propósito, o teu vestido é muito lindo. Aliás, como tu.
    Muito Obrigado, pela visita e gentil comentário no meu cantinho.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride


    1. Hello, Mário!
      Thank you for your thoughtful message. I appreciate your understanding, and I'm glad you like the dress. Your kind words mean a lot.
      Wishing you an excellent week too!
      Hugs. 😊

  22. What a stunning dress, Melody! I love the shimmer of it! I completely agree with you on the IG note and just the way the world is in general nowadays. I was raised to be modest and while I think there's nothing wrong with wearing something that makes you feel good or even a little sexy, I do think there is a big boundary that gets crossed. I cannot imagine walking outside my house, let alone posting pictures or just being in a store somewhere, wearing leggings that you could see a camel toe or my booty, haha! I would die! I think there's just a difference between feeling comfortable in your own skin and just leaving absolutely nothing to be desired for. I just don't think it's good idea.

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Thank you for your kind words about the dress! I completely understand your perspective on modesty and personal boundaries. I grew up in a very religious background, which has kept me grounded in today's world. It's important to strike a balance between feeling comfortable in your own skin and maintaining a level of discretion. Everyone has their own comfort zones, and it's essential to respect individual choices when it comes to fashion and self-expression. However, let us not forget that decency should always be present. 😊

  23. I think that this is a problem especially for young generations, since they don't know yet very well the line bewtween being "daring" and don't respect yourself. And definitely socials make all this much more confuse....
    Adults can esily unfollow those who are "too much" and stop, but youngers are heavily influenced by the popularity.
    You look fab, anyway, beautiful dress!

    1. You're absolutely right! It's a challenge for younger generations who are still learning the balance between self-expression and self-respect. Social media can indeed amplify these challenges. Adults can unfollow, but the influence on younger individuals is substantial. Thanks for the kind words, and I appreciate your compliment on my dress! 😊 XO

  24. Hello, Melody,
    Your dress is very chic and not at all revealing. You're right, young people don't really realise how ridiculous their clothes are (some of them), maybe that's what they thought when young girls started wearing mini skirts! I also wonder what the next generation will wear!


    1. You're right, it's possible that the next generation may view decent dressing as old-fashioned, and societal attitudes towards self-expression can indeed shift over time. The way people choose to address themselves can be quite different from one era to another.

      It’s sad to see people naked and showing their bodies without any some of self respect on social media for likes views and money.

      Let’s offer a kind thought for those who may be struggling with their self-worth and making choices they later regret. May they find the strength, guidance, and support they need to lead fulfilling and self-respecting lives.

      Thank you for your comment about my dress. Modlily has lovely dresses and I enjoy wearing this brand.

      Have a lovely week.

  25. Some of the revealing fashion trends on social media platforms definitely cross boundaries of decency and morality. These trends may reinforce harmful stereotypes and undermine values of modesty and respect.

  26. Tens muita razão no teu ponto de vista.
    O teu vestido é deslumbrante.

  27. So chic & classy, love this dress.
    Bisous, have a beautiful weekend!

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