
Wednesday, April 24

Breakfast Chronicles: Dining Experience at Louis Fitzgerald Hotel

Breakfast Chronicles: Dining Experience at Louis Fitzgerald Hotel

I was in the middle of a beautiful dream when my friend rudely interrupted, insisting we go for breakfast. Still half-asleep, I grumbled about wanting more shut-eye but eventually dragged myself out of bed and threw on some clothes. Off we stumbled to the breakfast stand, bleary-eyed and grumpy.

Now, let's chat about my breakfast adventure at the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel in Dublin. But hey, before we dig into that, have you checked out my hotel review yet? If not, you're missing out—go give it a read. Alright, back to breakfast. I'm not exactly a breakfast connoisseur, but even I could tell the food wasn't exactly fresh. Hotels love to boast about their "fresh" orange juice, but let's be real here—who's squeezing oranges at the crack of dawn?

The food was... meh. Considering the staff issues I noticed, I wasn't expecting a Michelin-star meal. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't exactly a culinary masterpiece either. The breakfast area was neat and tidy, and my friend and I managed to snag a cozy corner to chow down. They did have a decent variety, and everything was served piping hot, so I'll give 'em that. Overall, not a bad experience, but definitely room for improvement. So, spill the beans—what's been your best hotel breakfast experience?

Breakfast Chronicles: Dining Experience at Louis Fitzgerald Hotel

Breakfast Chronicles: Dining Experience at Louis Fitzgerald Hotel

Breakfast Chronicles: Dining Experience at Louis Fitzgerald Hotel



  1. For year I've skipped breakfast, now is necessary to do IT, however I am foor simple food like coffee, bread and jam or cerezal with oatmilk...

    1. It sounds like you have a simple and comforting breakfast routine! Adding breakfast can definitely be a positive change for your day. Maybe you could try incorporating some fresh fruit or nuts with your coffee and toast for a bit of extra nutrition and energy to kickstart your morning.

  2. The hotel looks clean and tidy. Too bad the breakfast wasn't the best. Where I stay, I usually have a bite to eat, a bagel and cream cheese, but skip the eggs. I chuckled when you said "who's squeezing oranges at the crack of dawn?" I guess we get what we get when staying at a hotel. I like your beige and black outfit, and you have a new hair style, very nice.


    1. Thank you for your observations! Yeah, sometimes hotel breakfasts can be hit or miss, right? Bagels and cream cheese are a classic choice, and skipping the eggs is totally understandable. Glad you liked my outfit and noticed the new hairstyle! Always nice to change things up a bit.

  3. Sorry about your experience. From a hotel you had full right to expect much more. Even on the photos the meat does not look too good.
    Wishing you delicious food adventures in the future.
    Warm greetings from cold Poland :)

    1. Thank you for your understanding! It was a bit disappointing, but hey, it happens. Here's to hoping for better culinary experiences in the future. Warm greetings right back to you from wherever I am!

  4. The food looks SO yummy! What a cute spot!



    1. That is just look not taste, I promsie..lol

  5. Girl, you call it "bleary-eyed"?! You looked like a million bucks!

    1. Haha, thank you for the compliment! Sometimes the camera doesn't capture the full story, right? But I appreciate your kind words nonetheless!

  6. You made me miss English breakfasts. It's settled ten, On Sunday I am making myself a full English breakfast. Double ;p

    1. Sounds like a delicious plan! Enjoy every bite of that hearty English breakfast on Sunday. It's the perfect way to treat yourself!

  7. Looked like a nic place from the pics, too bad the breackfast wasn't so good...
    Anyway you look sooooo cute & cool, I looooove your hair!

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet words! Yeah, the breakfast was a bit of a letdown, but I'm glad you liked the photos and my hair! Sending you big hugs and kisses!

  8. The only time I have a cooked breakfast is whed we are on a holiday

    1. Cooked breakfasts on holiday are always a special treat, aren't they? There's something about starting the day with a hearty meal that sets the tone for a wonderful day of exploring and relaxing.

  9. Lately, I have loved going out to breakfast more than dinner.

    1. Breakfast outings can be such a lovely way to start the day! There's something special about enjoying a leisurely meal and some good conversation to kick off the morning. Plus, breakfast foods are often so comforting and satisfying.

  10. Parece un buen desayuno. Te mando un beso.

  11. I have never been to Dublin but I had breakfast in many great hotels all over Europe and they usually a have great variety of international dishes. I often have eggs, yogurt, fruits and home made cakes. I would have probably chosen the same things you did.
    P.S: you look fabulous for a person that just woke up!

    1. Your breakfast choices sound delicious! Eggs, yogurt, fruits, and homemade cakes make for a wonderful spread. Thank you for the compliment! Sometimes a little morning glow goes a long way, right?

  12. I'm sorry your breakfast experience wasn't good...Thank you for your interest and kind remarks on my blog.

    1. Thank you for your understanding! Despite the breakfast disappointment, I truly enjoyed engaging with your blog. Your content is always insightful and enjoyable. Looking forward to more interactions in the future!

  13. you look fabulous for a person that just woke up :P, I have never been to Dublin but I had breakfast in many great hotels all over Europe and they usually a have great variety of international dishes. I often have eggs, yogurt, fruits and home made cakes. I would have probably chosen the same things you did. Corrugated Boxes for packaging and Shipping Products

    1. Haha, thank you for the compliment! It's true, hotel breakfasts in Europe can be quite delightful with their variety of options. Your breakfast choices sound absolutely delicious! Maybe next time I'll opt for something similar to your favorites.

  14. That's too bad about breakfast. I read your hotel room review too. It sounds like an OK place to stay, but not a place you'd rush back to. Sometimes picking hotel is hard, especially when you don't know an area. You might get lucky and love where you stayed, and you may not. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a super rest of your week. And I should ask, did you have fun in Dublin?

    1. You hit the nail on the head! Picking hotels can indeed be a hit or miss, especially in unfamiliar areas. Dublin was a blast, thank you for asking! The city has so much charm and character. Have a fantastic rest of your week too!

  15. Jakie pyszne jedzonko. Aż zrobiłam się głodna.

    1. If you're feeling hungry, maybe it's time to whip up something tasty for yourself!

  16. Again I have to agree with Taita: you are looking absolutely fabulous!
    I'm sorry to hear the breakfast wasn't much to write home about ... xxx

    1. Thank you for the lovely compliment! Yeah, the breakfast was a bit of a letdown, but hey, at least the company and surroundings were enjoyable. Sending you lots of hugs and kisses! xxx

  17. Oh, I love your hair. Thanks for the post and all your content. Stay that savvy self that you are. Wishing you all the best.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate your support and encouragement. Wishing you all the best too!

  18. Too bad the breakfast wasn't enough good.
    I don't like to eat breakfast in hotels, because usually they don't serve healthy food.
    You look absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thank you for the compliment! Yeah, it's a common struggle to find healthy options at hotel breakfast buffets. But hey, at least the company and ambiance were nice, right?

  19. It is a shame that it did not meet your expectations, I had the opportunity to try the breakfast at the Westin Hotel in my city and it is very similar to what you show, coffee, chopped fruits, variety of breads, scrambled eggs with bacon, etc. I found it quite pleasant.

    1. It sounds like the breakfast at the Westin Hotel in your city is quite enjoyable! It's always interesting to see how breakfast offerings can vary from place to place. I'm glad you had a pleasant experience there. Maybe I'll have to give it a try next time I'm in your area!

  20. That's too bad about a meh breakfast. I love breakfast most and a good one can't be beat. You, on the other hand, look fabulous!

  21. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy breakfast...but on the upper side, you and your friend both look beautiful and fresh. So, at least something!

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