
Monday, April 22

Our Experience with Night Manager Gabriella at the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel in Dublin

Discover the real-life drama at Louis Fitzgerald Hotel with blogger experiences! From smooth travels to heated confrontations, get the inside scoop now!

At this point in my life, I've learned to let things go and not take them too seriously. Recently, I traveled to Dublin, and planning the trip with my friend Ebube was really easy. We booked my tickets using Easyjet, and I traveled to Dublin by Aircoach bus. 

My flight was very early, and with the added stress of potentially missing it, I did not sleep well. I've learned that while early flights may be cheaper, I need to give myself a break from booking them. Despite that, the journey was smooth—both the flight and the bus ride to Dublin. Overall, it was a great trip, and I'm grateful for the safe travels.

I haven't slept well all week, and I was hoping to sleep when I get to the hotel before my friend arrives.

My airport experience went smoothly, and I have Easyjet to thank for the seamless flight. However, I attribute the overall safe journey to God, giving Him all the glory.

Upon arriving on the reservation my friend made, there was a booking issue that required me to wait for my friend to arrive and resolve it. She managed to resolve it even before she arrived, and we went back to the hotel to rest and refresh. Later that night, we wanted to explore Dublin and see what the city had to offer. I was excited for the fun we had visiting Cafe En Seine, a suggestion from a friend who lives in Dublin and joined us there. After a good night out, he drove us back to our hotel to ensure we got in safely. However, the night manager, Gabriella, stopped us to ask for our room number, which we provided. Despite explaining that the person with us wasn't staying in the hotel, she became even more angry and insisted that he leave the property. She also demanded that both of us pay for staying in the room we had already booked.

We told her that we had already paid and everything was settled; we had checked in earlier. However, she continued to insist that we needed to pay. This confusion arose because she wasn't listening to us. Eventually, we managed to show her the reservation, which she refused to look at, but then she said it was booked for only one guest, even though we had already checked in.

Despite our protests and attempts to clarify the situation, she remained adamant and accused us of lying. She even threatened to ask us to leave the hotel. We were surprised and frustrated by her refusal to let us sleep in the room we had paid for. My friend became angry and told her to stop making unnecessary statements. That's when she threatened to call the police on us, accusing us of trying to sneak a guy into our hotel room, escalating the situation further.

My friends became furious with her and asserted that she had no right to threaten us with the police. We had all our documents in order, and she was simply being rude and unreasonable. Despite our objections, she gave us two options: either pay an extra fee and breakfast or wait for the police to arrive. We chose to wait for the police.

In an attempt to resolve the issue, my friend suggested that if she didn't want to allow me inside the hotel, she would stay alone while I went to her friend's house to sleep, and in the morning we would sort out the issue. She refused and said both I and my friend could not go into the room we paid for. She also refused us from taking our things from the room.

We were taken aback when, despite having paid for our hotel room, we were denied access to it, even at 3 in the morning. The night manager called the hotel guards to prevent us from entering. One of the guards expressed disappointment in her behavior and advised us to remain calm, highlighting her unpleasant demeanor. Her disrespectful treatment of the guards, as if they were her subordinates, left a poor impression. When another guest was entering, she abruptly demanded their room number and then instructed them to come to the front desk to speak with her.

This woman appeared intoxicated with power. She went to the extent of suggesting that we had hearing problems and required hearing aids, which caught us off guard. I couldn't discern if her behavior stemmed from racial animosity or if she was simply a troubled individual in a position of authority.

My friend's friend thought that offering an apology might smooth things over. Yet, the moment he apologized, she became even more hostile. My friend also tried to ease the tension by apologizing, attempting to understand if Gabriella, the night manager, was having a rough day or if there was a misunderstanding. However, she remained firm, asserting her sole authority. Growing frustrated, my friend's friend raised his voice, labeling her as unreasonable. Meanwhile, my friend, Ebube, was getting angry. We had a confirmed booking, and it was clear that Gabriella was being wicked.

She even asked the security guard to deactivate our room cards. She demanded that we pay for breakfast, which we declined, leading to her insisting that we leave the hotel altogether.

Experience Dublin with insights into hotel management and overcoming challenges. Discover smooth travels amidst booking disputes. 
In the end, we had no choice but to go to my friend's friend's house to spend the night. We did not want this to affect our little big trip, so we decided to relax, listen to music, and try to forget the ordeal. Despite not sleeping in the room we paid for, we managed to find joy.

The following day, we phoned ahead before heading to the hotel. We were invited to meet with the day manager, who calmly discussed the incident with us and apologized. Thankfully, everything was resolved, and we were able to enjoy the rest of our stay without any further issues.

As for my encounter with Gabriella, words can't fully capture the experience. However, one thing that stood out to me was how we handled the situation. Later that day, while chilling in the room with my friend, I played some music and reflected on how much we've grown. In the past, we might have refused to budge until our rights were acknowledged, but now we're more inclined to let things slide. There are always going to be unhappy people like Gabriella out there, but we didn't let her steal our joy. I genuinely hope she finds peace.

Special thanks to the morning manager and the front desk staff, who eventually resolved the issue and apologized for the inconvenience.

While sitting in the lobby the next day with my friend's brother, a lady approached us, introducing herself as another manager at the hotel. She expressed her desire to understand what happened. However, after explaining the situation, she insisted on speaking with the person who made the booking, stating she couldn't discuss matters with me since the booking wasn't in my name. This didn't sit well with me. Initially, she came off as defensive, which discouraged my friend's brother from engaging in conversation, as he felt it wouldn't lead anywhere. Later, my friend Ebube spoke to her. 

Bloggers staying at the Louis fitz gerald hotel

During our time in the lobby and conversing with her, we saw that others who had booked a stay at the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel in Dublin also faced challenges with the front desk staff. It's clear the hotel has serious issues with staff behavior and needs to invest in better training to resolve such issues. This lack of adequate training reflects poorly on the establishment.

Anyway, that's the story of my weekend from last week. All glory to God, who always makes everything beautiful in its time. How about your weekend?


  1. I' m sorry fot what happened with that Gabriella, butI'm happy that you've spent time with your friends and yes f or what I've read hotel's staff has issues to solve!!!

    1. Thank you for your understanding and empathy regarding the situation with Gabriella. It was definitely a difficult experience, but I'm grateful for the support of my friends during that time. As for the hotel staff, yes, it seems they had some issues to address. Hopefully, they'll take steps to improve their services in the future.

  2. Gosh, I hope the higher management would learn about this and do something about it. The lady isn't suitable for hospitality biz.

    1. Absolutely, I share your hope that the higher management takes note of this situation and takes appropriate action. Hospitality is all about providing excellent service and ensuring guests feel valued and cared for. It's clear that improvements are needed, and addressing staffing issues is crucial for maintaining a positive guest experience.

  3. I am literally speechless! And shocked! How is that even possible? That's not what I expected when I started reading your post. And what's more important - did they offer you anything else apart from their apology? Did they make it up to you? Unbelievable!

    1. I completely understand your shock and disbelief. It was certainly not the experience I expected either. As for the hotel's response, unfortunately, they only offered their apology and didn't provide any additional compensation or gestures to make up for the inconvenience. It was indeed disappointing and surprising.

  4. What a terrible experince! I dont' think I could stay as calm as you sounds. You deserved so much better. Glad this incident didn't ruin your trip.


    1. Thank you for your empathy and support. It was definitely a challenging experience, and staying calm wasn't easy. However, I'm grateful that my friend and I were able to navigate through it without letting it spoil our trip entirely. Your understanding means a lot to me.

  5. Que situação chata e incomprensível!

    Beijos e tudo de bom!

    1. It was indeed a frustrating and puzzling situation. Your understanding is appreciated. Thank you for your well wishes and kisses! Wishing you all the best too!

  6. I admine you for keeping the cool head and vere more for still being able to enjoy the stay. I know MINE would have been riuned totally in such circumstances.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. It wasn't easy to maintain composure in such a challenging situation, but I'm glad I was able to make the most of the remainder of my stay. It's important to try to salvage the enjoyment despite the obstacles encountered. Your understanding and support mean a lot.

  7. To rzeczywiście mało przyjemne doświadczenie.

    1. Rozumiem, że sytuacja wydała Ci się nieprzyjemna. Dziękuję za wyrozumiałość. Czy mogę pomóc w jakiś sposób?

  8. Siento tu mala experiencia y me alegro que no haya arruinado tu viaje. Nos seguimos leyendo. Besos y feliz semana.

    1. Gracias por tu comprensión y tus buenos deseos. Aunque fue una experiencia difícil, estoy agradecido de que no haya estropeado por completo nuestro viaje. ¡Nos mantenemos en contacto! Besos y que tengas una semana maravillosa también.

  9. I have no words: this is absurd! especially the managment of the personal, they've got are definitely many issues to solve!
    I wouldn't be so cool and calm as you been at your place!
    I'm sorry for your bad experience but happy to hear thet you enjoyed your trip anyway!

    1. Thank you for your empathy and understanding. It was definitely a challenging situation, and I understand your frustration. Despite the difficulties, I'm grateful that we were able to make the most of our trip and enjoy our time together. Your support means a lot. XO

  10. What a bloody stubborn minded person, they wanted to be right even when they knew they were not, stupid question but how does one have a room key if the had not checked in

    1. Your frustration is completely understandable. It was indeed baffling how the situation unfolded, especially when it seemed apparent that there was a mistake on the hotel's part. As for your question, it's not a stupid one at all. It's possible for a guest to have a room key if they were assigned one at check-in but hadn't physically entered the room yet. However, in our case, it seemed to be a miscommunication or error on the hotel's part. Thank you for your understanding.

  11. It's good that the issue was sorted out with the hotel and you and your friends were able to enjoy your getaway despite the mixup on your first day.

    1. Thank you for your understanding. Indeed, despite the initial setback, we were able to salvage the rest of our getaway and enjoy our time together. Your support is appreciated.

  12. A veces la gente con poder se pone soberbia. Que pena todo el incidente. Te mando un beso.

    1. Your observation is spot on. It's unfortunate when individuals misuse their authority, especially in customer service roles where empathy and understanding are crucial. Thank you for your empathy and support. Sending a kiss back!

  13. I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with a hotel manager. I worked in hotels and hospitality. I must say that I have never witness something like the situation you described! Such behaviour is extremely unreasonable and unprofessional!

    1. Thank you for your empathy and perspective. It's reassuring to hear from someone with experience in the hospitality industry who shares the sentiment that the behavior described was indeed unacceptable. Your understanding is appreciated.

  14. Oh wow! What an ordeal. So glad it was worked out tho... but, still!!


    1. Indeed, it was quite an ordeal to go through. I'm relieved that the situation was eventually resolved, although it was definitely a challenging experience. Your understanding is appreciated.

  15. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry that happened. What an awful hotel and truly terrible staff. There was absolutely no reason for you to have to endure any of that. I hope you file a formal complaint. I really appreciate you sharing your story here so others can consider this before they make a booking at that hotel. I certainly would never want to stay there.

    1. Thank you for your sympathy and understanding. It was indeed a disappointing experience, and I appreciate your support. I haven't filed a formal complaint yet, but your suggestion is a valid one. Sharing my story here was important to me because I hope it can help others make informed decisions when choosing accommodations. Your kind words mean a lot.

  16. Hello
    What a story, what a deplorable way of working, what a bad image it leaves of the country and the city! What a terrible image of this hotel! What a bad customer reception policy! Everything about this story is terrible!
    I wish you a happy week!

    1. Hello! Thank you for your understanding and empathy. It was indeed a disappointing experience, and I agree that it reflects poorly on the hotel and the city. I appreciate your well wishes, and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead as well!

  17. Oh my. I'd hate to be in your shoes.

    1. It was certainly a challenging situation to navigate. I appreciate your empathy. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I hope you're met with understanding and support.

  18. A bad case of people employed in a job they had no business being in! Sounds though, that if the hotel just had their stuff together, perhaps there wouldn't have been confusion in the first place. Leadership comes from the top.

    1. You're absolutely right. The experience highlighted the importance of having the right people in the right positions, especially in the hospitality industry where customer service is paramount. It's clear that effective leadership and proper organization are essential for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable guest experience. Hopefully, the hotel will take steps to address these issues moving forward. Thank you for your insight.

  19. WOW! There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of behavior and how horrible for you both. I always wanted to visit Dublin but I've now scratched that off the list. It is nice to know that there are jerks elsewhere besides the USA.

    1. I appreciate your empathy, and I'm sorry to hear that this experience has affected your perception of Dublin. While every place may have its challenges, Dublin is a vibrant city with much to offer. It's unfortunate that our experience at the hotel was marred by such behavior, but I believe there are many wonderful experiences to be had in Dublin and elsewhere. Thank you for your understanding.

  20. What a bad experience.
    Pleased this incident didn't ruin your trip though.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan, for your kind words. It was indeed a disappointing experience, but I'm grateful that it didn't overshadow the rest of our trip. We were determined to make the most of our time despite the setback. Your well wishes are appreciated. All the best to you too!

  21. That sounds truly awful. I am really impressed that you refused to let this experience set the tone for your time away.

    1. Thank you for your understanding and support. It was certainly a challenging experience, but my friend and I were determined not to let it ruin our time away. We focused on making the most of the rest of our trip and enjoying each other's company. Your encouragement means a lot to us.

  22. I am speechless! My mind boggles at how rude that night manager was! Kudos to you and your friend for remaining calm and collected, and not letting that awful incident spoil your weekend away! xxx

    1. Your disbelief and support are truly appreciated. Indeed, the behavior of the night manager was quite surprising and disappointing. However, my friend and I tried our best to handle the situation calmly and not let it overshadow our weekend getaway. Your encouragement means a lot to us. Thank you. xxx

  23. WOW thats insane. I hope they compensate you. That was totally ridiculous. Though glad you were still able to enjoy your trip.

    Allie of

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