
Ciara presented Laquan Smith with the ACE Hero Award while dressed in the designers' creations.

Ciara looked stunning in a Laquan Smith gown as she presented the designer with the ACE Award for Designer of the Year.

The singer, actor, and entrepreneur took her role as presenter seriously, which we adore. We are certain that she had everyone's attention when she strode up to the podium to present Laquan Smith with the Designer of the Year Award.

While many people associate aging with wrinkles and fine lines, the process of aging frequently has detrimental consequences on the entire body, not just the skin. Aging impacts every aspect of the body, from the suppleness of the skin and joint flexibility to vision and metabolism.

Fortunately, nature has not abandoned us when it comes to aging. While we have not yet discovered the fountain of youth, nature has endowed us with some very remarkable resources that may help us against the aging process and the damage that it frequently brings.

Continue reading to learn about five potent anti-aging vitamins.

1. Coenzyme -Q10 (CoQ10)4 

You've probably heard about the benefits of this naturally occurring molecule for heart health, but did you know that CoQ10 is also a potent anti-aging compound? CoQ10, also known as ubiquinol or ubiquinone, is a chemical that the body produces naturally. It is found in nearly all tissues of the body, which gives it the term ubiquinol, which refers to its ubiquitous or universal existence in the body.

CoQ10 is synthesized in the mitochondria, the microscopic organelles that serve as the cell's powerhouses, and it is critical for the body to generate the energy it requires to function.

According to studies, the body produces less CoQ10 as we age. Reduced CoQ10 production can result in an increase in cell death, which has been linked to conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and even Alzheimer's disease.

While the production of CoQ10 declines with age, supplementing with this miraculous molecule may help to halt the aging process. CoQ10 supplementation has been shown to minimize free radical damage in the body, regulate the body's reaction to inflammation, and even improve DNA repair processes! CoQ10 is a remarkable molecule that may aid in the prevention of the detrimental consequences of aging.

Children toys

If you frequently trip over a building block, a doll, or a race car, you understand the difficulties associated with encouraging smaller children to put away their toys. The following are some ideas for encouraging children to clean up after themselves and maintain a neat home.

Make precise and targeted requests.

When you ask your child to put away a variety of items at the same time, you risk children forgetting at least one of your requests — or purposely skipping a few. Make one particular request at a time, such as "Please replenish the bin on the shelf with your blocks." Once your child has completed one activity, you can request that they put away a different toy.

Requests should be made in the form of a command, not a question, such as "Would you kindly clean up your blocks?" By posing a question, you allow the child to respond, "No." Additionally, unless you desire a group activity, frame the request for your child alone: "Please return your blocks to the container on the shelf," rather than "Let's tidy up the blocks."

Allow sufficient time for your child to cooperate, and repeat yourself only once.

Children, particularly young children, digest information more slowly than adults. After you make an initial request, mentally count to five to give a child time to process what you said and comply.

If after five seconds, you do not witness the desired action, repeat your request in a neutral tone followed by a possible logical consequence. For instance, If you do not properly store your blocks in the bin on the shelf, you will be unable to play with them for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, you can play with them.

Recite the five-count in your thoughts. If your child continues to refuse to comply with your request, state the following in a neutral tone: "To be fair, you did not place the blocks in the bin on the shelf, which means you will be unable to play with them for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow, you can play with them." You can then store the blocks out of the child's reach, ensuring that the toys are not used for the rest of the day.

Maintain your composure and choose logical conclusions

Two critical components of this technique are maintaining as much calm as possible and establishing a logical outcome.

Remaining composed is beneficial. You may be frustrated, which is understandable. However, it is preferable to pay as little attention as possible to disobedience. Even negative attention can encourage the conduct to occur more frequently.

Logical consequences are significant. Creating consequences that are prolonged and make no sense to the child may result in increased irritation and refusals. For instance, it would be illogical for the child to lose a week's television time for failing to put their blocks away. Rather than that, restricting access to the toy is a logical consequence.

Appreciate the behaviours you wish to see

Draw emphasis to behaviours you wish to see more frequently. When your child does put toys away, make a point of praising them. "Good work" can be perplexing: the child may not understand what he or she did well - sitting quietly, putting toys away, or something different. Rather than that, exclaim, "Excellent job putting the blocks in the bin on the shelf!"

Praise enthusiastically and reinforce the behaviour with touch, such as a pat on the back. If your child has difficulty processing sensory stimuli, particularly tactile stimuli such as a pat on the back, you might reinforce the behaviour with a nonverbal gesture such as a thumbs up.

You do not have to continue repeating commands until you are blue in the face and cleaning up after your children. The actions above can provide a break for you and teach your children to clean up after themselves.

moissanite bridal sets

During an Instagram hoax, a woman was asked if her engagement ring was a real diamond in front of her husband. Confidently, she responded yes. The jewellery was examined and discovered to be fake. She was caught off guard, which got me thinking about how many other individuals haven't discovered that their partner lied about the ring's quality before they got engaged or got married. If you're buying an engagement or wedding ring, it should always come from the heart. Other than lying to your lover about the quality of a ring, different stones are affordable, yet lasting and original that you can purchase.

In recent years, Moissanite has grown in popularity as an engagement and wedding ring stone. Moissanite is a wonderful alternative to diamonds when purchasing an engagement ring. It's also great for engagement rings, wedding bands, and promise rings, among other things. It's a hard stone (9.25-9.5 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness) that should last for many generations. It resembles a diamond in appearance, but costs a fraction of what a diamond does!
Blue denim overalls are the original and, quite likely, the best overalls. Overalls, in my opinion, deserve their own place in the fashion hall of fame. Overalls have always been a fun and fashionable clothing option, from their heyday in the '90s to their slow but steady comeback over the last few years. Whether you're looking for something a little more elevated, want to wear something a little more trendy, or simply want to wear something cute and comfy, there is an overall outfit that will satisfy your fashion preferences.

Are you unsure about how to properly wear overalls? No need to be concerned! While classic denim overalls are a closet staple and extremely easy to style, they are far from the only option. Overalls have evolved far beyond their blue jean origins, allowing us to wear them in other areas of our lives, such as work and nights out with friends.

Overalls are a basic yet fashionable pick for any event, from backyard picnics to brunch with the girls. Take a look at how I styled my women's denim overall jumpsuit with floral print from Noracora, sophisticated yet casual which can work for a day-to-night look. The simple trick in this outfit is my shoes, they are more of a formal style. alternatives below that will remind you why overalls never go out of style.


Have you ever desired to enhance your look but were unsure how to do so? Jewelry is one of the most understated yet effective ways to add some edge to your wardrobe. If you're ready to go out and raise the stakes on your ensemble, consider adding a chain to your outfit. A bold necklace gives your outfit an edge without being overpowering, and they look excellent on everyone.

Over the years I found it a bit difficult to wear chains, I just felt like it was more of the masculine line of jewelry especially big chains because growing up I saw the likes of Jayz, 50 cent, T-pain, and most people in the music industry wear gold, silver, diamond chains and necklace with big pendants. I tried a couple of chains but I was not confident enough to wear them out. I felt it was too bold and didn't really compliment my outfits.

Tennis chain

I started to adapt to different fashion styles which made me try new fashionable items which I haven't tried before and that was when I started to like the way chains look on me when I wear them. With time, I immersed myself deeper in my environment and I saw necklaces for what they truly are: fashion accessory that makes a bold statement about who you are, and in some cultures a statement about your ancestry and tribe. They come in diverse forms and designs.

Before people even get to know us they get attracted to our outlook and your nails are part of what they see. Over the years I have met different friends who have always mentioned the importance of having neat and well-done nails.

If you believe that trimming or painting your nails is a simple task that can be done at home, you are correct. However, there are numerous benefits to having your nails done at a salon that you may not be aware of.

Maintaining a healthy nail through regular visits to a nail salon can help you look and feel wonderful. Your appearance - With professionally trimmed and clipped nails, you give a more professional and clean appearance to others. People will judge you based on your nails and will determine if you are self-sufficient.


1. Self-care

Whatever your profession or daily routine, visiting a nail salon and taking advantage of the services is an excellent opportunity to unwind and spend valuable time with yourself. 

Oh my, I am super excited about the festive period because it brings about good tidings, glittering feelings, and lots of discounts. As you all know the lockdown made us all spend most of our days at home, most events went virtual, weddings were postponed, schools went virtual and we all had to stay at home to protect ourselves. For some people, their relationship became even stronger and yes they got engaged and will soon be married. 

Jewelry sale 2021

Tho statics showed that some couples weren't able to make it through the lockdown due to distance and other factors but if you have made it we are glad to help you find the best engagement rings for your loved one. 

Choosing an engagement ring symbolizes your commitment to one another for the rest of your lives. The engagement ring is a wonderful representation of a strong connection and endless love. The style of your partner should be reflected and complemented precisely in the design of your engagement ring. The engagement ring you choose will be with them for the rest of their lives, so you want to be sure it's the perfect one for them.

Before purchasing an engagement ring you should have a hint of what your partner adores to be able to give that fulfillment in it. Getting an engagement ring should not be an issue when purchasing one from a trusted brand.

How to make Almond

Fresh-from-the-oven fudgy brownies are so enticing. The chocolatey aroma emanating from the oven is very seductive.

Homemade brownies tend to taste better and give you complete control over the ingredient list. That's a significant amount if you're trying to be aware of your sugar intake. However, the word "brownies from scratch" sounds like an enormous amount of work.

The problem is, baking from scratch can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be.

The components are as follows: overripe bananas, almond butter, and unsweetened cocoa powder. That is all! Without flour or eggs, these almond butter brownies are suitable for all sorts of eaters. (If the person you're baking for is allergic to nuts, substitute sunflower seed butter.)

Each ingredient is packed with nutritional advantages, including aiding in the prevention or treatment of chronic inflammation. Unsweetened cocoa powder is high in antioxidants (which assist the heart and brain directly), almond butter is a good source of protein, and bananas are a good supply of fiber and potassium. Cacao, nut butter, and banana are also associated with promoting restful sleep, which makes these almond butter brownies the ideal treat.

While some are yet to feel the tingles of Christmas, I am already planning a Christmas party with my friends. We are planning to have a private party to celebrate the years' success. It has been a long year and celebrating would be a great way of ending the year with glad tidings.

While planning a Christmas event, you should decide if you are hosting a virtual Christmas event, if not you might want to look your best to that Christmas party whether is an office party or a party with friends. You might want to incorporate the Christmas makeup in your outfit and we are suggesting red because it suits the season, looks great, is glamorous, and stands out.

I remember organizing a pretty small New year party with just two of my friends, I wore a red and a blonde wig which suits the theme and the shine I wanted. Red is always a great color to wear to special occasions and events. There are a variety of red dresses style that will suit the theme of Christmas and look good on different body types.

We are not planning to share dresses that are too expensive but affordable, classy, and Christmas party-worthy that will cost you less than $100 to purchase. We are giving you the best offers, just before you scroll down, what are your plans for Christmas gifts? well, we got you covered, check out the best Christmas gift ideas for 2021.

Red Satin Dresses
Satin gowns that will keep you winning all day and night. At the 2021 Christmas party, wow in a hot AF red satin gown or slide into smooth silky gowns to show it all out.

 Pillowcase weekly  hygiene


Do you want to have flawless facial skin and glow? then you need to keep in mind that your beddings should be a very big part of your skincare routine. You buy the good products, spend lots of money and lay your head on a dirty pillowcase, well you aren't getting anywhere with that, which brings us to the big question could your pillowcase be a contributing reason to your acne?

And if you think washing your sheets once a week is excessive, wait till you hear how frequently you are supposed to wash pillowcases.


A lot of people get bored having the same snacks each year at their Christmas party, yes we all want something different and crave a new taste. For this year's Christmas, while cakes are still the unique traditional dessert, Macarons are a perfect exchange or addition. Here we are not giving you the recipe just the best Christmas macaron design ideas that will help your macaron design look more outstanding even before it is consumed by your guest during the festive season or on Christmas day.

Peppermint Macarons

The skeletal remains of a child and three surviving siblings who appear to have been abandoned have been found inside an apartment in the Houston area of Texas, US.

One of the children, a 15-year-old, called the Harris County sheriff’s office on Sunday afternoon and told authorities that his nine-year-old brother had been dead for a year and the body was inside the apartment, the office said in a statement.

Deputies responded and found the teenager and two other siblings aged 10 and seven living alone in the apartment, said the Harris County sheriff, Ed Gonzalez. The other child’s skeletal remains were also located.

After the lockdown, a lot of us came to understand the privilege we had to walk around freely without having to worry about anything. Now that the heat is a bit low and tho with proper restrictions and adhering to the protective rules we might be able to throw a small party with family and friends and as all know a cake is a must-have at every event. It gives it more boost and a watery mouthfeel to look forward to. 

Christmas cakes have very bold details such as snowflakes, Santa clause, Christmas trees, and more. Getting the perfect Christmas cake is a jackpot, staying traditional to the Christmas colors is a way of fueling the spirit of Christmas which makes you feel the season's good tidings. 

Sudan's military on Monday dissolved its power-sharing government and imposed a state of emergency, plunging the country into its worst political crisis in the country's two-year transition.

Abdalla Hamdok, the Prime Minister, his wife, and a number of civilian ministers have been arrested.

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Sudan's military commander, announced in a televised address that an "independent and fair representative government" will assume authority until a new government is elected in 2023.

Burhan stated that some provisions of the constitution have been suspended and state governors have been removed.

Tensions between the military and civilian leaders of the country's Sovereign Council, a power-sharing ruling body, have risen in recent weeks.

Hamdok and his wife, Muna Abdallah, were arrested and brought to an undisclosed location on Monday, according to Adam Hireka, the prime minister's economic adviser.

Earlier in the day, the country's Ministry of Information announced on Facebook that Hamdok had been placed under house arrest by "military troops."

According to photographs from the scene early Monday, Hamdok's Khartoum residence looked to be encircled by armed personnel.

You are aware of the adage about apples and physicians, correct? Researchers tested the old adage a few years ago, using dietary data from roughly 8,400 adults, including 753 who reported eating an apple daily. While daily apple eaters appeared to use fewer prescription medications, they were no less likely than the rest of the research population to attend health care appointments.

However, in 2020, an article in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition discovered a slew of heart-health benefits associated with apple eating. Consuming one medium apple daily, the authors concluded, may help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation. Apples, both peeled and unpeeled, are a wonderful source of fiber and substances called polyphenols that promote heart health.
Pomegranates include hundreds of tasty ruby-red arils with a sweet, tart flavor. They're also packed with heart-healthy nutrients, particularly antioxidants that help reduce inflammation. Pomegranate juice, in fact, contains three times the antioxidants found in red wine or green tea. According to several studies, the juice may help lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.

However, as is the case with many fruits, it is recommended to consume the fruit whole (with fiber-rich seeds) rather than drinking juice. Pomegranate arils contain only 72 calories in a half-cup.
Too much coffee may increase the risk of dementia.

In the journals

While coffee can provide a much-needed mental boost, new research says that you should limit yourself to five or six cups per day; beyond that amount may be detrimental to your brain. The researchers studied over 400,000 adults who consumed coffee on a daily basis (either caffeinated or decaffeinated). Daily consumption was classified into six categories ranging from one to two cups to more than six cups. Around 18,000 individuals had their brain volume evaluated using MRI. The research discovered that, when compared to moderate coffee drinkers (one to two daily cups), heavy coffee drinkers (more than six daily cups) had lower overall brain volume, particularly in the hippocampus, the region responsible for short- and long-term memory.

Additionally, heavy drinkers had a 53% increased probability of being diagnosed with dementia compared to light drinkers. The risk was similar whether individuals consumed caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee.

The big question is, do you really have to yell?

You've been attempting to communicate your message, but it's not going through. It's driving you crazy, and you're a little upset, so you decide to take a different approach.

You yell.

Now and then, concert-level volume is appropriate, such as when announcing "There's a bear behind you" or "Power line down." But the main question is: how frequently do those scenarios arise? Rarely, is the answer.

Next, how often do you reach that level of intensity? "Too often," is the response. You're well aware that it doesn't work. It's never pleasant. It never improves the situation. You simply want to stop doing it.

It's great that you want it, but you'll need more to make it happen. Playing detective to find your triggers might help, as can setting realistic expectations, because beneath the yelling is tension, which isn't going away. 

How can you regulate yourself in a tight situation?

Begin with the fundamentals.

It helps to understand why we yell in the first place before we can stop.

We could be in a discussion and feel as if we aren't being heard. We take it as an insult, become irritated, and the limbic system of the brain interprets it as a threat, triggering the fight-or-flight reaction.

Our blood pressure rises, our respiration shallows and our muscles stiffen. We can start making assumptions now that our history is about to repeat itself again. Everything moves faster when we're high on adrenaline, and our focus narrows. "We don't think about innovative ideas as effectively when we're in survival mode. The first order of business is to defend, flee, or fight.

It's also not a one-man show. We're yelling at someone, and our attempt to exert control over the situation provokes that individual, resulting in the aforementioned emotional and physiological responses, as well as the possibility of a shouting match.

Even if we won't be able to celebrate Halloween, as usual, this year, nothing will stop us from wearing festive and spooky manicures. These nail art ideas can let you enjoy fall's most fun holiday, no matter the occasion, whether you're at home eating candy corn on the couch or dressed up at a socially distant celebration. Here are Halloween manicures to do at home, ranging from frightening spider webs to bloody vampires.

For reasons, you can almost certainly imagine, Halloween may still seem a little strange this year. Still, that's not a reason to neglect your Halloween nail art. Why not take a spooky self-care break and paint some cute ghosties, candy-corn stripes, or black cats on your nails, even if you're not wearing Halloween makeup? Fortunately, a slew of Instagram nail artists is equally enthralled by the eerie magic of October 31st, with some serving spider-webbed French tips, sleek orange-and-black designs, and candy-corn stripes, while others dish out oozing blood drips and deft homages to pop culture's scariest serial killers.

You can take inspiration from these creators' looks whether or not you're getting your digits done for Halloween. You may, of course, give them your own spin if you want to add your own personal touch. If you're not dressing up, these entertaining manicure ideas can stand alone, or they can be a great complement to your costume and spooky Halloween makeup.

No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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