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Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Supplements for Anti-Aging—Skin, Joint, Vision Health

While many people associate aging with wrinkles and fine lines, the process of aging frequently has detrimental consequences on the entire body, not just the skin. Aging impacts every aspect of the body, from the suppleness of the skin and joint flexibility to vision and metabolism.

Fortunately, nature has not abandoned us when it comes to aging. While we have not yet discovered the fountain of youth, nature has endowed us with some very remarkable resources that may help us against the aging process and the damage that it frequently brings.

Continue reading to learn about five potent anti-aging vitamins.

1. Coenzyme -Q10 (CoQ10)4 

You've probably heard about the benefits of this naturally occurring molecule for heart health, but did you know that CoQ10 is also a potent anti-aging compound? CoQ10, also known as ubiquinol or ubiquinone, is a chemical that the body produces naturally. It is found in nearly all tissues of the body, which gives it the term ubiquinol, which refers to its ubiquitous or universal existence in the body.

CoQ10 is synthesized in the mitochondria, the microscopic organelles that serve as the cell's powerhouses, and it is critical for the body to generate the energy it requires to function.

According to studies, the body produces less CoQ10 as we age. Reduced CoQ10 production can result in an increase in cell death, which has been linked to conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and even Alzheimer's disease.

While the production of CoQ10 declines with age, supplementing with this miraculous molecule may help to halt the aging process. CoQ10 supplementation has been shown to minimize free radical damage in the body, regulate the body's reaction to inflammation, and even improve DNA repair processes! CoQ10 is a remarkable molecule that may aid in the prevention of the detrimental consequences of aging.

2. Resveratrol 

There is no supplement that compares to resveratrol when it comes to anti-aging. One of the most significant causes of aging is DNA damage caused by the body's abundance of free radical species. This is referred to as oxidative stress. Increased levels of oxidative stress result in premature aging. That is where resveratrol enters the picture.

Although this remarkable polyphenol can be found in peanuts, blueberries, dark chocolate, and even wine, studies indicate that the biggest advantages of resveratrol are obtained through supplementation. For instance, research indicates that supplementing with resveratrol activates the body's anti-aging processes.

This contributes to the improvement of mitochondrial function and even the development of new mitochondria. Additionally, studies indicate that resveratrol functions as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting particular inflammation-producing pathways in the body and as an antioxidant by protecting DNA from free radical damage.

3. Astaxanthin 

Astaxanthin is a marine compound that is a member of the carotenoids family of compounds. Beta-carotene and other carotenoids are precursors to vitamin A. Astaxanthin is the vibrant chemical that imparts a pink or reddish hue to salmon, trout, and lobster. While astaxanthin is visually appealing, its primary benefit is its potent anti-aging qualities.

However, the risk of having type 2 diabetes increases with age. This may be linked to age-related skeletal muscle failure and increasing insulin resistance, according to studies. Insulin is the hormone that enables cells in the bloodstream to absorb sugar. Increased insulin resistance increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Fortunately, research indicates that astaxanthin can help reduce insulin resistance by lowering inflammation and oxidative stress. Additionally, we are all aware that as we age, our skin loses suppleness due to collagen degradation and the detrimental effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Astaxanthin may be able to assist in resolving this issue. According to research, supplementing with astaxanthin protects the skin from UV damage, increases its suppleness, and decreases the production of wrinkles. Astaxanthin is a potent anti-aging agent!

4. Lutein and Zeaxanthin

When it comes to skin, no anti-aging substance compares to lutein and zeaxanthin. Aging may wreak havoc on the skin's health, integrity, and look. This is significant because the skin is the body's largest organ! Your skin begins to lose collagen and elastin as you age. These are the proteins that help maintain the skin's suppleness and firmness. As collagen and elastin levels decrease, fine lines, wrinkles, drooping, and skin sagging may occur.

Unfortunately, this is not the only effect of aging skin. Additionally, aging skin suffers from increased levels of free radical damage, DNA damage, and even telomere shortening. Telomeres are the DNA's ends. Telomere shortening, which occurs as we age, has been linked to a variety of health problems, including aging skin.

However, lutein and zeaxanthin may be beneficial in the fight against skin aging. Lutein and zeaxanthin are both xanthophylls, which are yellow pigments in the carotenoid family of chemicals. Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in abundance in leafy green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach, and lettuce. While maintaining a balanced diet rich in vegetables is critical in the fight against aging skin, research indicates that supplementing with lutein and zeaxanthin provides the most effective for DNA health.

Indeed, one study found that supplementing with lutein and zeaxanthin coupled with vitamin C was connected with longer telomere length and thus improved health in older adults. While this is remarkable, lutein and zeaxanthin have also been examined for their skin-health benefits. When combined, these two xanthophylls help block harmful blue wavelengths, act as antioxidants for the skin, and improve skin tone, brightness, and even color!

Additionally, we cannot overlook the favorable impact that these two phytonutrient powerhouses may have on the eyes. Lutein and zeaxanthin are both being examined for their potential benefits to eye health, with some studies indicating that they may help reduce age-related blindness and macular degeneration.

These two carotenoids may play a critical role in the battle against aging.
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