
What you do in your life and how well you take care of yourself can seriously affect your health and your lifespan. Here are some good practices that will give you a longer life.

Immortality and eternal youth are tales that we all want to believe. So far, no one has come up with a recipe for living forever. However, the things we do in life can affect how long we live. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we’ll reduce even the short amount each of us has on this earth.

If you want to learn how to live longer and healthier, you’ve come to the right place. We have the secrets of long life right here!

Good Practices and a Healthy Lifestyle for a Long Life


Is There a Definitive Recipe for Living Longer?

No, there isn’t. In the end, it all comes down to what is good for you.

If you start doing everything you hear is good for you, you will be overwhelmed with choices. Some will tell you – you’ll live longer if you don’t smoke. Others will tell you endless tips about what you should eat. If you want to live a long healthy life, you need a plan. To get a full plan without much effort, use these examples of a healthy lifestyle. Read every topic about healthy lifestyle you can get your hands on, and you’ll be able to form your own effective plan to boost your wellbeing. Consider them a lesson and yourself a student!
The Halloween season is here; the spooky season to do all the scary and fun events, but while you are at it, remember that the coronavirus outbreak is still on, and even though the news isn't carrying as much information as before, we need to be careful. Wear a mask and stay in a safe environment.

Avoid spreading germs or coming into contact with germs during Halloween and learn how to protect yourself and your children.

How to protect yourself on Halloween Day
Photo by Daisy Anderson: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-family-wearing-a-diy-cardboard-box-mask-5589908/

Go visual on Halloween instead of worrying about protecting yourself. You don't have to go out and try to stay safe on Halloween. Instead, you can attend Halloween visual events.

There are Halloween gatherings held online using services like Zoom, Skype, and WebEx, which are referred to as "virtual Halloween parties. At these events, there are often games and activities with a Halloween theme, such as online haunted houses, scary scavenger hunts, and virtual trick-or-treating.

If you are wondering how, you can enjoy or participate in outdoor Halloween events but stay protected, here are tips to stay protected during your treat or trick.

Wear a mask. A mask protects you and prevents the spread of germs.

Disinfectant should be in your pocket. Use them as often as you need.

Woman Applying Hand Sanitizer
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-applying-hand-sanitizer-3987146/

Wear gloves while having fun and going around collecting candies or hunting houses. Touching corners, remember that wearing gloves is better than getting infected.

Avoid any food that you do not know the ingredients used in preparing it.
A lot of people go all the way-out during events and eat as much as they can, but you do not want to have food poisoning and end up taking sick leave or going to the hospital.

Does your child say that he or she has bad breath and that maybe other kids at school have told them about it? If so, that's not unusual and probably isn't something you need to worry about, but you should try to rule out some possible problems to find out what's going on. What could be causing this problem, is called "halitosis".

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth syndrome is a big reason why people have bad breath. This happens when kids breathe through their mouths instead of their noses, which, if they do it often, can make them dry out their mouths. Since saliva is important for keeping the mouth moist and getting rid of bacteria, bacteria that are already there may start to grow, which could cause bad breath.


If a dry mouth is listed as a side effect of a medicine, it could be adding to the problem. Talk to your family doctor or the pharmacist to see if they can give you something else.

Oral Problems

Of course, you can't rule out cavities, especially if you haven't been to the dentist in a while. Small pieces of food can get stuck between your child's teeth if they haven't been flossing and brushing like they should. This will lead to plaque and the growth of bacteria, both of which can cause tooth decay and cavities.

One of the most beautiful aspects of womanhood is having children. Many women long for the day when they can "show off that round belly." The first step in confirming a pregnancy is getting a positive pregnancy test, but what are the warning signs?
1. The first sign or obvious indication of pregnancy is a missed period. Be ready to dash to the pharmacy next door and grab a pregnancy test.

2. Breast Sensitivity.

The body emits a variety of pregnancy-related signals, and sore breasts are one of them. Some women have sore breasts before their periods, so it would be best to take a test at home or go to the doctor to find out if you are pregnant.

Some dental offices have a policy of taking your blood pressure before starting your appointment. Although high blood pressure won't directly affect the condition of your teeth, it can make some treatments more difficult. But Can High Blood Pressure Affect Your Dental Treatment?

Checking blood pressure

Basic dental techniques

There are many dental procedures where your blood pressure won't even be a minor concern. These are the fundamental techniques, such as a general inspection, scaling, and polishing of the teeth. Even straightforward restoration tasks like filling a cavity won't cause any issues. Your blood pressure can become an issue when you require a more invasive procedure that calls for anaesthesia. How come, though?

Anaesthetic and Beta Blocker Interaction

Although very effective, epinephrine tightens blood vessels, which may lead to an increase in blood pressure. A negative reaction is even more likely if you are taking beta-blockers as prescribed for your blood pressure. Although such a reaction is uncommon, in severe cases it can cause a cardiac episode or even a cerebral haemorrhage. As you can see, it's imperative that you inform your dentist exactly which blood pressure medications you're taking.

The human head is the heaviest part of the body. The neck and upper back muscles bear the entire weight of the head. Our daily activities can put strain on the neck's tissues, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Prolonged periods of sitting and working on a computer, long hours behind the wheel, poor posture, incorrect sleeping positions, and stress all put a strain on the neck muscles. Muscles contract and tighten, causing pain. If left untreated, this pain can creep up the neck and become a full-fledged headache. A neck massage is a very simple procedure that you can perform on yourself. You could also use massage oil to enhance the massage's beneficial effects.

When you smile at someone, you're trying to show them that you're kind and happy to meet them. How certain are you that your smile is flawless while you perform these actions? Do you avoid opening your mouth because there are spaces where your teeth should be or because they are misaligned? Both of these issues can be helped by a skilled cosmetic dentist. Taking care of stained or grey teeth is another issue with teeth that a dentist may assist with. This issue may be more prevalent. To enhance your smile, cosmetic dentists can offer teeth whitening.


Why should you consider whitening your teeth?


Having grey or stained teeth can make you feel self-conscious and prevent you from smiling. Contrarily, having gleaming white teeth can motivate you to grin broadly when you meet others, which can assist in forging friendships and making everyone's day, but it can also do more than that. A smile can boost your self-esteem and the confidence of others. It can assist you in landing a job, persuading a corporate board or a skeptical audience. There are numerous reasons to think about having your teeth whitened, but do you know which teeth whitening procedures work the best?

3 Questions About Tooth Whitening, Answered

Although many people wish they had whiter teeth, misconceptions and apprehension about the tooth-whitening procedure prevent some people from receiving the necessary care. Take a look at these Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening and their answers if you want to know more about teeth whitening.


1. What Causes Stains on Teeth?

Dietary choices may have a significant impact on the possibility that dental stains may form on teeth. For instance, if you frequently consume beverages with a dark colour, like black coffee or red wine, your teeth are more prone to becoming discoloured.

Another significant factor in tooth discoloration is smoking. Due to the chemicals in tobacco causing discoloration, smokers' teeth frequently appear yellow.

Last but not least, various drugs and medical disorders can discolour teeth. For instance, fluorosis, a disorder brought on by consuming excessive amounts of fluoride, can result in dark spots on the teeth. But this isn't a very common reason for stained teeth; most people just have stains that look bad and can be easily fixed with a quick tooth-whitening procedure.

Clay eating addiction

My skin and menstrual cycle were affected by Nzu, which is eating salted kaolin clay (
geophagia). A lot of people reached out to me after reading the article I wrote on how nzu affected my skin and menstrual cycle and asked me how I was able to stop nzu addiction because they were also struggling, which is why I shared this article and I urge everyone to read it.

You will be surprised at the number of people struggling with this habit, and, sadly, no awareness is being created to help reduce clay addiction. For people who do not know what nzu is, it is an edible clay that is eaten by people from different parts of the world. I used to believe that nzu was mostly eaten in Nigeria, but this is not the case. In Nigeria, it is known by different names depending on the tribe, such as ndom in Efik/Ibibio and eko in Bini/Edo, and it is also known as calabash chalk. Generally, this is edible clay.

Let's dive into how to stop nzu addiction. Nzu addiction is very prevalent in Africa and other countries. In Nigeria, it is overlooked because nzu isn't categorized as a hard drug, and with the state of the country, a lot of health issues are overlooked.

In this article we will focus on how to break out of nzu addiction, and in another article, I will talk about the harm nzu causes to your entire body. I'm being as honest as I can to give you a more imaginative insight into how it starts and how it can be stopped.

A lot of young men, girls, children, and pregnant women eat clay, and there has been research stating that clay is beneficial to your health, which isn't true. It's very contradictory in my opinion. I don't think this study was done right because it didn't state that the amount of nzu you take matters. It also didn't talk about how addictive nzu is, what its side effects are, or how it can harm your health.

Nzu addiction, or clay-eating addiction, for many Nigerians is inherited. For me, it started from going on errands to buy edible clay for my sister and also seeing them eating it. For most kids, it's their pregnant mum eating clay during pregnancy or seeing their mum and aunties, even uncles, eat clay. A lot of people saw people around them eating nzu and thought it was OK to do the same. This addiction also includes people with Pica, an eating disorder that causes them to eat things that don't have any nutritional value, like dirt, chalk, hair, paper, etc.

What is a holistic dentist?

A holistic dentist is one who takes into account other lifestyle factors, such as your diet, sleeping habits, or hormonal changes, that may be causing the problem and need to be addressed.

The first major step toward better oral health is selecting a qualified and licenced dentist. Despite the numerous options available, most people struggle to find a family dentist. While there is no doubt that a conventional dentist can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of common dental issues, the trend is rapidly shifting towards holistic dentists. Notably, holistic dentists are also licenced practitioners who primarily focus on the relationship between oral health and overall body health. Visit A Holistic Dentist For These 3 Excellent Reasons.

Biocompatibility Testing

Today, material science has taken over the field of dentistry, and dentists are still looking for safe and effective materials for dental procedures and devices. Some materials, however, contain chemicals that a patient may react to, resulting in complicated health issues. Holistic dentists understand that every body system is different and reacts differently to various dental materials. Holistic dentists prioritise biocompatibility testing before any dental procedure in this regard. Biocompatibility testing compares a patient's serum to specific chemical compounds to determine whether an allergic reaction is possible. The results help a dentist select the best dental treatment material for each patient.

How to Remove White Spots From Teeth After Whitening

Teeth whitening done at home doesn't yield immediate results (nor should it claim to). The results come on gradually over a period of weeks, and you will need to periodically whiten your teeth after that in order to maintain your results. But what if you're both disappointed and a little taken aback by those outcomes? Some individuals who make an effort to whiten their teeth might discover that while their smile as a whole is whiter, some individual teeth are even whiter than the rest. Is the emergence of white spots on teeth after whitening normal?

An unpleasant development

The emergence of these white spots is probably an undesirable development since you're trying to improve the appearance of your teeth. It happens occasionally, and there is a known reason why. Fortunately, there is also an obvious answer.


Your dental enamel, which is the area of the tooth being whitened, has an irregularity on its surface, which is the cause of the issue. When your enamel has a low level of calcium, it is said to be hypo-calcified, which can cause it to become brittle and uneven. This might be inherited or connected to your diet. It might also happen if you had orthodontic braces on for a long time, which would have covered some of your teeth. Simply put, whitening has made these white spots much more noticeable, even though they have always been present.

Regular dental exams are vital for maintaining healthy teeth and preventing cavities. Unfortunately, many individuals do not visit the dentist until they encounter a serious oral problem, such as a toothache.

Neglecting a dental examination can lead to more severe problems in the future. If you're delaying your next appointment because you're ashamed or can't find the time, here are five fundamental reasons why you should visit the dentist regularly.

Examine for cavities:

Cavities, or tooth decay, are the most prevalent dental condition affecting the majority of Australian adults. It is necessary to check for cavities at dental appointments. If you wait to visit the dentist for a toothache, he or she may be unable to assist you. Instead, the damaged tooth must be taken out to stop the cavity from getting worse and infecting the gums.

By practising good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist twice a year for routine check-ups, you can effectively prevent cavities. If you brush twice daily and floss once daily, especially after meals and before bed, you should be able to prevent most cavities.

Bear in mind that clutter doesn’t have to be physical all the time. Even mental clutter occurs when you don’t get rid of the negative thoughts. While it is hard for humans to fully control their thoughts, there are different ways to declutter the mind. A cluttered mind is a huge liability to the person. 

Worrying about things outside of your control, having external distractions, and complaining about everything in life are all things that are detrimental to mental health. And when your mind is cluttered, it will waste your time and mental energy. 

So, it's time to adopt healthy habits to become a better version of yourself. Below, we have stretched the best ways for you to declutter your mind and have a happy life:

The morning after a night of drinking is never enjoyable with a hangover. The most common symptoms of a hangover include headaches, exhaustion, thirst, and nausea. However, some individuals also report experiencing "hangxiety"—feelings of uneasiness during a hangover. Anxiety with a hangover affects approximately 12% of people, and the severity varies.

A hangover induces a state of physiological stress when the body recovers from a night of drinking. In general, physiological stress occurs when the body is under pressure—for example, as a result of a sickness or accident. A hangover functions in a similar manner. Not only does it change our immune system, but it also raises cortisol levels, which are often called the "stress hormone." Anxiety also changes blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels.

The brain also undergoes alterations. According to research, dopamine-related brain activity (a type of neurotransmitter) is reduced during a hangover. This is significant because dopamine plays a crucial role in anxiety regulation.

Intriguingly, the combination of stress and sleep deprivation (representing features of a hangover) can result in reductions in both mood and cognitive function (including attention and memory). Additionally, fatigue, worry, and the presence of other unpleasant hangover symptoms might make it difficult to do daily duties. For instance, a person with a hangover may be too focused on treating their nausea, headache, and weariness to properly manage worrisome thoughts.


According to our own research, people feel a negative emotional shift during a hangover. Many also reported having greater difficulty controlling their emotions than when they are not hungover. In other words, during a hangover, individuals feel terrible and find it difficult to recover.

However, when asked to regulate their emotions during a computer activity, participants were able to do so to the same level as when they were not hungover, albeit with greater effort. Some people may have anxiety because they have a harder time controlling their feelings when they have a hangover.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial which grows annual pseudostems (false stems made of the rolled bases of leaves) about one meter tall bearing narrow leaf blades.

Data Source: en.wikipedia.org 
  From the Web



Scientific name:
Zingiber officinale

What is a hearing aid?

Unfortunately, as you get older, you will likely encounter more and more health issues, and hearing loss is one of the most common illnesses associated with old age. There are numerous indicators that you may be suffering from mild hearing loss. If you often mumble to people or have trouble communicating in groups, you might need hearing aids.

What is a hearing aid?

A hearing aid is a device designed to improve hearing by making sound audible to a person with hearing loss. Hearing aids are classified as medical devices in most countries and regulated by the respective regulations. Small audio amplifiers such as personal sound amplification products or other plain sound reinforcing systems cannot be sold as "hearing aids". #wikipedia

It can be challenging to prioritise heart health during busy days. Simply put, it seems like you don't have time for routines that keep your ticker in tip-top shape, such as regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and a healthy diet. To add a few extra steps to your daily tally, you might choose to park further away from a store or take the stairs whenever you can. What else can you do, though? These three activities may fit into your schedule.

Replace a bad breakfast with a good one. 

Do you typically eat a quick breakfast that is high in processed meat, refined (as opposed to whole) grains, saturated fat, and added sugar? Regular consumption of that type of food may increase weight, blood sugar, cholesterol, or calories, all of which are bad for your heart.

Instead, opt for breakfast items high in fibre, a type of carbohydrate that either passes through the body undigested (insoluble fibre) or turns into a gel that coats the gut (soluble fibre).

Change your online correspondence to a face-to-face meeting. 

It's acceptable if your primary method of communication with others is texting, emailing, using social media, or making Zoom calls. A scientific statement from the American Heart Association that was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association says that it is not okay if these methods make you feel isolated or lonely, because these feelings have been linked to higher risks for heart disease, heart attack, or stroke.

Try to substitute some of your electronic back-and-forth with people with in-person meetings in order to combat loneliness and isolation. Maybe you can make time in your schedule for a brief lunch, a coffee break, or a stroll with a friend or coworker.

Since "it's just the flu," a lot of people think that they don't see the point in getting flu vaccines. They believe that influenza, also known as "the flu," is just a cold that will go away in a few days. Sadly, the flu usually has more severe symptoms than a cold, including worsened coughing, considerably worse aches and fatigue, and a higher fever. Additionally, the impact of the flu on the lungs might result in dangerously low blood oxygen levels. The flu can therefore result in hospitalisation and even death. This is not only a rare occurrence; according to the CDC, the flu caused 140,000 to 710,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 to 52,000 fatalities per year in the United States from 2010 to 2020. In comparison, about 40,000 people pass away in car accidents each year in the United States.

How does flu affect the heart?  The heart is rarely directly infected by the virus. Instead, the virus's negative effects on the heart are caused by atherosclerosis of the heart's arteries. Atherosclerosis affects many people over the age of 50, yet it hasn't always been recognised in some cases. Less oxygen is delivered to the heart muscle as a result of atherosclerosis, which narrows the arteries and lowers blood flow. The flu's impact on the lungs diminishes blood oxygen levels, which further reduces the heart's ability to receive oxygen. A heart attack or cardiac arrest may result from this (sudden death).

Multiple supportive relationships in the community can aid in weight loss.

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a major global health concern, not only in the United States but also in many other nations. Governments are searching for the most effective services to assist individuals in losing weight and improving their overall health. Data from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Spain were used in a recent systematic review and meta-analysis (a large study of studies) that looked at how well weight management interventions in primary care settings work.

Examining weight loss assistance in primary care

Researchers analysed 34 studies involving adults with a body mass index of 25 or higher (overweight). They investigated individuals who had received weight loss interventions in primary care settings. Instruction on weight management behaviours such as low-calorie diets, increased exercise, use of food diaries, and/or behavioural self-management approaches with support from clinic staff to set weight-related goals, solve problems, and increase self-efficacy were included in the interventions.

Interventions for weight loss were delivered via telephone, internet, email, or in-person and included group-based and/or individual connections. The study compared these interventions to not doing anything to help people lose weight, using printed or electronic information about weight loss, or teaching people how to control their attention to resist urges or behaviours without focusing on weight loss.

Here are 8 Benefits of breast massage your doctors wont tell you

We concentrate more on body massage, but our breasts also need massage. Breast massage is very beneficial and easy to perform. You can do it by yourself. If you've ever wondered about the benefits of breast massage or how to massage your breasts, continue reading. We have outlined the benefits of breast massage as well as self-massage techniques.

Breast massage is a gentle form of massage therapy that is done on the breasts. It can be used to boost a person's self-confidence, treat conditions that can change the way the breast looks, or just help them relax. Massage is an old method that has been known to help every part of the body for a long time.

Even so, breast massage is not something that most massage places or beauty spas talk about or do very often. But after you finish reading this article, your view of this amazing treatment will change completely, and you won't be embarrassed about it anymore.

It makes the breasts bigger. 

People always find women with big breasts attractive. Certain hormones affect how big your breasts are, and this type of massage can make your body generate more of these hormones. For the best results, a good massage oil should be mixed with a soothing essential oil. 

Reduce your blood pressure. 

When women with slightly high blood pressure get regular short breast massages, their blood pressure tends to drop significantly in a short amount of time. Over a long period of time, people who are like them but take medicine don't improve much. Because of this, it is true that breast massage has some healing effects on blood pressure that are not obvious. Since research is still going on, not much has been said about this find.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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