
Monday, July 18

7 Easy Ways to Help Reduce Stress

All of us have been under stress. For better or worse, stress is a common occurrence in everyone's life and can be brought on by a variety of causes.

Even though stress is something we all encounter, everyone experiences stress in a different way. Others who are under stress could experience digestive problems or a loss of appetite, while others of us experience an elevated heart rate or trouble sleeping.

Let's examine the various forms of stress, their effects on our bodies, and the steps we can take to manage stress in our lives more effectively.

Health Effects of Stress

Acute or chronic stress can be widely characterised. Acute stress, such as the kind you might experience if you are late for a meeting, might actually be good for you and your body, but chronic stress is more dangerous to your health and wellness.

Chronic stress is described as "a persistent experience of feeling hurried and overwhelmed over a lengthy period of time" by Yale Medicine.

Long-term stress can have a variety of detrimental effects on your body. In fact, stress that is not handled can exacerbate significant medical disorders including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, according to the Mayo Clinic. 2

Changes to your work and home environments, the addition of meditation to your daily routine, adjustments to your food and exercise routines, and the use of vitamins and other goods may all be necessary for stress management. One of these adjustments has the potential to significantly reduce stress in particular situations. Others may require a more major change in habits and lifestyle to relieve stress.

Here is my list of the best tools and techniques for lowering stress.

Stress-supporting supplements

The pressures in your life cannot be eliminated by taking a pill. However, a few of them might be able to lessen your stress levels and improve how you handle them.


One of the most widely used herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha has been used for generations to reduce stress, enhance focus, and boost vitality. As an adaptogen, this herb has the potential to aid in stress management.

Studies have looked into the effects of ashwagandha on anxiety, sleep, and stress. According to recent studies, ashwagandha may aid in lowering the body's cortisol levels, which can lessen the perception of stress. Additionally, compared to those who took placebo research, those who took ashwagandha root extract reported significantly better sleep.

As a capsule, tablet, or gummy, ashwagandha is simple to add to your regular self-care regimen.


A wide range of stress-relieving remedies frequently contains numerous different "calming" components. Lavender, magnesium, and vitamin B12 are frequently found in supplements claimed to aid in stress management.

Magnesium is a mineral that is increasingly seen in calming supplements since it may aid in muscular relaxation and calm the body as a whole. Another benefit of using one of these supplements to lower stress may be improved digestion, which may be supported by the use of magnesium supplements.

Similar to ashwagandha, recent research suggests magnesium may be able to lower stress and anxiety levels by reducing the body's production of the stress hormone cortisol.

You can boost your consumption of the magnesium-rich foods listed below in addition to taking a magnesium supplement:

dark-green vegetables with leaves
seeds and nuts

Limit Caffeine

For many of us, drinking coffee in the morning is a ritual, whether it's for the flavour, the energy boost, or just out of habit. While coffee beans have certain health advantages, such as antioxidants that protect the body from harmful free radicals, the naturally occurring caffeine in coffee may actually make people feel more stressed and anxious.

Actually, studies show that caffeine can raise blood pressure, which exacerbates the negative consequences of stress.

Caffeine may also lead to an increase in cortisol levels, which would exacerbate stress and anxiety symptoms.

For individuals who like one or two cups of coffee in the morning, switching to a decaffeinated variety can be a smart idea. Although decaf coffee still contains some caffeine, it is much less than what is present in ordinary coffee beans, making it less likely to increase levels of stress.

Limiting your caffeine intake from other sources is important if you notice that coffee makes you feel more stressed than usual. Concentrated sources of caffeine are frequently included in energy drinks, soda, tea, and several pre-workout supplements. To further reduce your caffeine intake, think about consuming less chocolate.

Improve Your Personal Care Program

Personal care can be approached in a variety of ways, and each of us has a different routine. What I would find luxurious and soothing, another person could find boring or uninteresting. To prevent stress from taking over and negatively affecting your mental and physical health, it's crucial to identify what relieves your tension and helps you unwind.

One simple approach to exercise self-care is to set up an at-home spa. Lavender or eucalyptus-scented bubble baths can help create a relaxing atmosphere. While you're bathing, a great face mask, body scrub, and hair treatment will help you unwind and reduce stress.

Other self-care activities can include calling a close friend, attending a fitness class, or taking a stroll in the evening while listening to your favourite podcast.

Work It Out.

Exercise is obviously good for your physical health because it improves circulation, tests your heart, and builds muscle, among other physical advantages. However, exercise is also good for your mental health.

All types of exercise, from yoga to cardio, can reduce stress, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Any deliberate activity can assist improve the release of mood-enhancing endorphins and aid in stress management, though it is most advantageous to include cardio and strength training on a weekly basis.

Maintaining hydration while exercising is crucial, especially in the summer when it's hot and muggy, so keeping a reusable water bottle on hand is a terrific habit to complement your workout.

Conclude Your Day.

You can regulate your stress levels by concluding each day with a de-stressing ritual. This habit will seem different for each person, just like self-care.

While some people might appreciate the spa-like experience mentioned above, others might choose to conclude their day with a great cup of tea and guided meditation. To unwind after a long day and let stress out before going to bed for some people, all it takes is lighting a candle and reading a book. It could take a few tries to find the routine that relieves your tension the most effectively, but once you do, attempt to include it into your regular routine.

Essential Oils

Whatever your self-care or stress-reduction routine entails, diffusing essential oils in a room can help you unwind. Aromas like clary sage, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lavender, and chamomile are said to promote restful sleep and reduce stress. Even on the busiest days, keeping your diffuser running all day with a calming blend of scents may help you manage your stress and maintain your composure.

While these particular essential oils might be ideal for promoting relaxation and stress reduction, other oils might have different health advantages. For instance, some people think that adding frankincense to your diffuser will enhance your immunological response, and peppermint gives off an energising, uplifting vibe.

Eat Healthily to Reduce Stress.

When things get rough, the food you consume might mean the difference between feeling overwhelmed by stress and managing to remain calm and comfortable.

Limiting sugar might make you feel more relaxed, which will reduce stress. Try using a low-calorie sugar alternative in place of regular sugar in your beverages and baking.

To help reduce stress, consider including fatty seafood like salmon on your weekly menu. Salmon and other fish, including sardines and tuna, contain omega-3 fatty acids that may increase serotonin levels and help lower stress and anxiety. If you don't like these types of fish, an omega-3 supplement is a great substitute.

Along with the previously mentioned foods high in magnesium, other foods such as artichokes, kimchi, eggs, and liver may also help alleviate symptoms of stress.

You may meet your nutrient demands, such as those for omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium while promoting your general health and long life by consuming a well-rounded diet that includes lean protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables.


Even if there are numerous techniques to handle stress, there are instances when it is simpler to say than do. It's crucial to test a few different approaches to see which is ideal for your lifestyle and circumstances because no one product or solution works for everyone.

Choose stress-reduction practices that are doable for your lifestyle and may be utilised frequently while introducing new habits. The most straightforward solutions aren't always the best ones!

If your stress is impairing your quality of life, in addition to the advice given here, speak with your doctor to go over further therapy options.

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No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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