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Monday, July 18

How to Rehydrate and 6 Signs You're Dehydrated

6 Signs You're Dehydrated

It's crucial to stay hydrated for good health. After all, the average adult human body contains roughly 60% water, with the lungs making up 843 percent of that total and the brain and heart making up about 73 per cent.

This means that you require a lot of water to flush out waste materials, lubricate joints, wet tissues in the eyes, nose, and mouth, and regulate body temperature.

It should be a primary concern to consume enough fluids, but many people frequently don't do so, which can result in long-term dehydration.

Dehydration can occur for a variety of reasons, including inadequate fluid intake. Dehydration can also be brought on by other illnesses such as diabetes mellitus, heavy perspiration, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Dehydration Warning Signs

When left untreated, dehydration can be a dangerous condition that poses a risk to one's life. Therefore, it's crucial to be aware of the symptoms and signs of dehydration in order to take charge of your health.

1. Headaches

You might have headaches more frequently if you are dehydrated. It makes more sense if you keep in mind that the brain is 73 percent water. According to one study, "brain dehydration" is a condition where there is hypertonicity in the brain due to dehydration.

This means that due to water loss, the structures in the brain, blood vessels, and regions of the brain that perceive pain, tighten up and put more pressure on these places, resulting in headaches.

It's interesting to note that the same study found that dehydrated people perceived pain more strongly. This suggests that people who are dehydrated are more likely to suffer pain than those who are sufficiently hydrated.

2. Tiredness

Fatigue and dehydration have been connected. According to one study, female hockey players who didn't drink water during a simulated activity found that they were more dehydrated than when they did.

The same study also revealed that these athletes struggled to keep their core body temperatures lower, which caused them to perceive themselves as getting hotter more quickly.

Dehydration's effect on the body's ability to regulate its temperature might also make you feel more exhausted.

3. Confussion and Brain Fog

Dehydration can cause brain fog and cognitive deterioration, and older people are more likely to have severe confusion.

According to a meta-analysis, dehydration that causes a loss of 2 per cent or more of body mass results in a variety of negative cognitive effects.

Slower reaction times, worse motor control, less accurate short-term memory, and decreased capacity to pay attention were among the bothersome signs of dehydration.

4. Skin Problems

Although some people might find it surprising, one of the main organs that is impacted by decreased fluid intake is the skin.

Dehydration has been linked in studies to skin problems like dryness and roughness. These same studies demonstrate that higher fluid intake improves skin suppleness, which is typically associated with healthier, younger-looking skin.

Dehydration has a profoundly deleterious impact on skin turgor, the skin's capacity to stretch and regain its shape, particularly in moderate to severe cases.

This means that squeezing and releasing skin from a body part, such as the forearm, will result in the skin not immediately returning to its original shape.

5. Diminished Urine Production or Dark Urine

An individual who drinks 2 litres of fluids each day will typically produce 800-2000 millilitres of urine in a 24-hour period.

Any urine flow that is less than this amount may indicate dehydration. Dark or stained urine is another indicator of dehydration.

When someone is properly hydrated, their urine should be a light straw colour, but when someone is dehydrated, their urine takes on a deeper hue and occasionally even a brown tinge.

Urine that is darker in colour indicates that your body is conserving water and that there are more waste items in it.

6. Increased Thirst and Dry Mouth

Dehydration can manifest as a dry mouth and an increased desire to drink fluids. The correct surface integrity of mucus membranes, such as those on the inside of the nose and eyes, is maintained by consuming enough fluids.

These mucous membranes act as the body's initial line of defence against external invaders, helping to keep infections from getting inside.

Dehydration causes the mucous membranes to dry out, which causes a dry mouth sensation.

One of the most obvious indicators that the brain is telling the body to replace lost fluids is an increase in thirst. If you are unsure of your thirst signals, a feeling of hunger may also be an indication of dehydration.

How to Drink Water

Understanding the symptoms of dehydration can assist prevent it from happening, but what can be done to best rehydrate the body?

Replacing the fluids the body has lost is the process of rehydration. This can be accomplished in a variety of methods, including drinking to restore lost fluids or rehydrating orally (or intravenously, or IV).

Using reusable water bottles, taking electrolytes and branch chain amino acids, obtaining collagen peptides, consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables, minimising sun exposure, and drinking fluids on a regular basis can all help to enhance the rehydration process.

Useful water bottles

Some people may find it challenging to routinely consume fluids due to forgetfulness, a lack of time, or easy availability of water.

An excellent reusable water bottle can help in this situation. Having a useful, fashionable, reusable water bottle nearby makes it much simpler to remember to stay hydrated than going to the water cooler down the hall.

A portable, reusable water bottle that you can take with you everywhere you go can act as a reminder to drink healthy liquids more frequently, which can avoid dehydration and is better for the environment than single-use water bottles.


Sometimes the body needs more hydration than can be provided by simply drinking water. This is particularly true if you've lost a lot of water through sweat.

Electrolyte loss also happens when there has been a lot of perspiration loss. Minerals called electrolytes, such as sodium, calcium, and potassium, are necessary for healthy physiological function.

These minerals support the functioning of the heart, brain, muscles, and nerves by maintaining the body's acid/base balance, moving nutrients into and waste out of cells, and balancing the quantity of water in the body.

If you decide to add electrolytes to your water when rehydrating after significant sweating, it may help correct any electrolyte imbalances and reduce dehydration more quickly than just drinking water.

Branched Chain Amino Acids 3.

Branch chain amino acids are an excellent alternative for rehydrating (BCAAs). Valine, leucine, and isoleucine, three important amino acids or protein building blocks, are known as BCAAs. They assist reduce tiredness and helping to reduce muscle soreness.

According to studies, BCAAs may also help with dehydration better than flavoured water and sports beverages made specifically for carbohydrates. According to one study, athletes who drank amino acid electrolyte drinks with BCAAs had superior cellular rehydration status than those who only drank flavoured water or sports drinks with carbohydrates.

4. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables with a high water content

The greatest strategy to prevent dehydration may be to drink plenty of fluids, but eating a lot of fresh produce with a high water content might also help you stay hydrated.

Consuming fresh produce including watermelon, cucumbers, cantaloupe, and celery has been shown to increase water intake and improve hydration status, according to studies.

5. Limiting Too Much Sun Exposure

While staying out of the sun isn't always a good strategy to hydrate, it can help avoid dehydration and heatstroke.

Heatstroke is a condition when the body's temperature rises quickly, sweating is compromised, and the body is subsequently unable to cool itself off.

Preventing skin dryness, which is linked to dullness, sunken eyes, and a propensity to develop more wrinkles is another benefit of avoiding excessive sun exposure.

Collagen peptides taken orally have been shown in an intriguing study on mice to assist in rehydrating the skin after exposure to damaging ultraviolet B, UVB, and solar radiation.

Additionally, wearing sunscreen whenever you are outside can help prevent skin dryness and more severe skin damage.

If untreated, dehydration is a dangerous condition that poses a risk to life. Dehydration can cause a number of indications and symptoms, such as headaches, weariness, brain fog, skin problems, dark urine, and a dry mouth. Fortunately, there are several ways to rehydrate, including using reusable water bottles, consuming electrolytes, ingesting branch chain amino acids, increasing your intake of seafood, fruits, and vegetables, taking collagen peptides, and avoiding exposure to the sun.

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