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Friday, November 19, 2021

How much water should you drink?

Do you know how much water you should drink on a daily basis? 

You're probably aware that it's critical to stay hydrated when the temperatures outside increase. However, regardless of the temperature, staying hydrated is a daily must. Unfortunately, many of us, particularly older individuals, are not drinking enough. "Compared to younger folks, older elderly are less thirsty. And this could be an issue if they are taking a prescription that has the potential to cause fluid loss, such as a diuretic.

The benefits of drinking water

Water is necessary for the efficient functioning of every system in the body. According to the Harvard Medical School Special Health Report's 6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating, water performs a variety of critical functions, including the following:

supplying your cells with nutrients and oxygen
cleansing your bladder of germ
assisting indigestion
avoidance of constipation
restoring normal blood pressure
heartbeat stabilization
joints that are padded
safeguarding internal organs and tissues
controlling one's body temperature
electrolyte (sodium) balance
Providing your body with enough water to perform those functions ensures that you stay hydrated.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydrationAvoid dehydration by drinking enough water throughout the day.
You run the danger of being dehydrated if you do not drink enough water each day. Dehydration symptoms include fatigue, low blood pressure, dizziness, disorientation, and dark urine.

Therefore, how much water should you consume?

The average person needs between four to six cups of water per day.

How much water a day should you drink?

The daily four-to-six cup rule is intended for those who are typically healthy. If you have underline health conditions, such as thyroid disease or problems with your kidneys, liver, or heart; or if you are taking medications that cause you to retain water, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opiate pain medications, or certain antidepressants, it is possible to consume too much water if you have certain health conditions.

How much water should you drink on a daily basis if you fall into that category?

You can't find a one-size-fits-all solution. When it comes to water consumption, Dr. Seifter recommends that you see your doctor if you aren't sure what much is right for your body. 

It's important to remember that even the healthiest people need different amounts of water depending on their activity level and the weather. If you're unsure how much water to drink during those times, consult your doctor, but a good rule of thumb for healthy people is two to three cups every hour, or more if you're sweating significantly.

Suggestions for preventing dehydration

Not only water keeps you hydrated. All beverages containing water help you meet your daily water requirements. And it is a fallacy that caffeinated or alcoholic beverages dehydrate you since they cause you to pee. Although they do, these beverages add positively to overall fluid consumption over the course of the day.

Of course, there are numerous reasons why water remains the superior option. Bear in mind that sugary beverages can contribute to weight gain and inflammation, increasing your chance of developing diseases such as diabetes. Caffeine in excess might cause jitters or prevent you from sleeping. Additionally, ladies should limit their alcohol consumption to one drink per day, while males should limit themselves to 1-2 drinks per day.

Consume fluids gradually throughout the day to avoid dehydration. A simple approach to accomplish this is to drink something at each meal, as well as social or with medication.

Additionally, fluids are obtained from water-rich foods such as salads, fruit, and applesauce.

How much water a day should you take in to stay hydrated?

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