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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

10 Common Dental Problems and how to Treatment

We all want healthy teeth and gums for a great smile, fresh breath, and an increase in confidence. But did you know that nearly half of all adults have or have had halitosis (bad breath)? It is one of the most common dental problems, but it is also one of the most easily treated.

Dental Problems
A girl brushing her teeth (pexel photo)

Here's a look at halitosis, as well as nine other common dental problems and their treatment options.

1. Caries of the teeth

Dental caries or dental cavities are other terms for tooth decay. It is the most common dental problem encountered by patients. Almost everyone has had tooth decay at some point in their lives.

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria form a film on the surface of the teeth called plaque. Acids are produced by bacteria from sugars in food. The acids eat away and permanently damage the tooth's enamel or outer layer. The acids then begin to attack the dentin layer beneath the enamel, which is softer.

This tooth breakdown can result in cavities or holes in your teeth. It can also cause toothaches, such as pain when eating or drinking hot, cold, or sweet foods.


Other signs of tooth decay include:

Breath that stinks.

Spots on your teeth that are black or brown

You have an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

The first step in dental care is determining the extent of your tooth decay and recommending a treatment plan. Fillings, crowns, and root canals are examples of such procedures. The extraction option may be followed by dental implants or dentures.

Regular (twice daily) brushing and flossing can help prevent tooth decay. Also, visit your dentist on a regular basis to have the plaque removed from your teeth.

2. Gum Disease

Gingivitis is a mild form of gum or periodontal disease in its early stages. It is a bacterial infection caused by plaque accumulation. Gums that are red, swollen, and bleed easily are common symptoms. You may also have bad breath and sensitive teeth that hurt when chewing.

Brushing infrequently and using ineffective brushing techniques can both contribute to gum disease. Crooked teeth that are difficult to brush properly can also be a problem. Tobacco use, pregnancy, and diabetes are also risk factors.

It is important to note that gingivitis can be painless and thus go unnoticed. Regular dental checkups are therefore advised.

Gingivitis can be treated with a thorough cleaning by your dentist. You must brush your teeth twice a day to keep them from returning.


Gingivitis, if left untreated, can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease. This happens when pockets of gum become infected. As the bone and tissue that hold the teeth become infected, this can cause damage to them.

It may also result in

Gums that are shrinking and receding

Permanent teeth that are loose

A shift in tone

You have an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

Bad breath that persists

Periodontitis can also cause an inflammatory response throughout your body.

Periodontitis dental care may include topical antibiotics to treat the infection or a referral to a periodontist, or a gum disease specialist.

3. Poor Breath

One of the most common dental problems is bad breath, also known as halitosis. It's also one of the most upsetting. Bad breath can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Oral hygiene issues

Mouth dryness



Acidic reflux


One or more of your foods may also be the source of your halitosis. Spices like garlic and onion are common offenders.

Because the causes of bad breath are so diverse, your dentist will conduct a thorough examination and recommend the best treatment option for you.

4. Sensitive teeth

When the enamel wears away and the dentin is exposed, your teeth become sensitive to hot and cold foods and drinks.

The dentin contains tubes that connect to the nerve deeper within the tooth. Hot or cold substances can travel through the tubes to the nerve, causing excruciating pain.

Tooth decay can cause tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity. Other possible explanations include:

Gum disease is a medical condition.

Infection of the roots

A broken or cracked tooth

Fillings or a worn-down crown

Erosion of the enamel

Gum recession

You may also have sensitive teeth because your enamel layer is naturally thin.

There are toothpaste and mouthwashes designed specifically for sensitive teeth. A fluoride treatment, crown, gum graft, or root canal may also be recommended by your dentist. The treatment you receive is determined by the severity of your case.

5. teeth with cracks or breaks

The following are the most common causes of cracked or broken teeth:


Hard to chew food

Piercings in the mouth

Teeth grinding while sleeping.

Depending on the extent of the damage, a cracked or broken tooth can cause severe pain. Whatever the severity of the crack or chip, you should have it examined and treated by a dentist as soon as possible. A veneer, crown, or tooth-coloured fillings are all options for correcting this dental issue.

Receding Gums

Receding gums can be caused by, and lead to, a variety of common dental problems. The condition can also lead to more serious problems, such as tooth loss. This is because the condition exposes the tooth's delicate root, making it vulnerable to damage. A variety of factors can contribute to receding gums, including:

Oral hygiene issues

Brushing your teeth too vigorously

Their blood pressure is high.

Women's hormonal fluctuations


Your receding gums could also be genetic, which means that the condition runs in your family. A thorough cleaning of your teeth by a dental professional is part of dental care for receding gums. Brushing techniques may also be demonstrated. Severe cases may necessitate a gum graft or other form of surgery.

7. Infection of the Roots

Bacteria can cause the base or root of your tooth to become infected and swollen. Cavities, cracks, or fractures in the teeth are the most common causes of this. Root infection can cause tooth tissue and nerve damage, as well as the formation of abscesses.

A throbbing toothache that is chronic (long-lasting and persistent) is a sure sign of root infection. Chewing and biting will be painful, and the area of your mouth affected by the infection will be extremely sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages. In some cases, the area of the face around the infection swells.

A root canal is used to treat a root infection. And, while many of us cringe at the thought of having a root canal, the procedure is actually very safe and painless because dentists use anaesthetic while performing root canals.

Erosion of the Enamel

Enamel erosion is a slow-developing condition that causes teeth to become discoloured and rounded. Its primary cause is a long period of consumption of sugary and acidic foods such as sodas and sweets. Tooth decay is caused by brushing your teeth too frequently, too hard, or for too long.

Enamel erosion causes teeth to become extremely sensitive, weak, and prone to cracks, chips, and cupping. On teeth that have had enamel erosion, the lost enamel cannot be restored. Cut back on sugary and acidic foods to significantly reduce further enamel erosion. Using toothbrushes with softer bristles is also beneficial. Dental veneers can also significantly improve the appearance of your teeth.

9. Parched Mouth

Dry mouth can affect anyone at any time. It is not a normal part of the ageing process, but it is more common in the elderly. Cancer treatments, salivary gland disease, nerve damage, and diabetes are all causes of dry mouth. Dry mouth and throat can also be caused by HIV/AIDS and certain medications.

Taking sips of water throughout the day can help relieve dry mouth and dry throat. You should also avoid substances that have a reputation for being drying. Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and sweets are examples of these.

The Grinding of the Teeth

When you grind your teeth, this is referred to as bruxism. Grinding occurs most frequently while sleeping, but it can also occur while awake. It can harm your teeth, cause jaw pain, and even cause headaches and earaches.

Grinding can be caused by certain dental conditions. These are some examples:

A new filling or crown that is higher than the rest of your teeth.

An unusual bite

Some people experience bruxism when they have a sleep disorder, are stressed, or are anxious. Treating these underlying issues may help to reduce or eliminate your grinding.

Your dentist can make you a custom-fitted mouthguard to wear at night. It will help to reduce grinding and provide some protection for your teeth. It will also aid in the correction of bite problems.

Dental issues can have an impact on your self-esteem, general health, and quality of life. Contact a dentist as soon as you notice any of these common dental problems so that treatment can begin as soon as possible. Go for routine dental care to avoid common dental problems.

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