
We're keeping tabs on this research.

A review article that appeared on September 1, 2022 in the International Journal of Cardiology suggested that psychological problems like anger, worry, sadness, and work stress may increase the risk of having the heart rhythm disease known as atrial fibrillation (afib).

The researchers analysed 13 studies with a combined participant population of more than 5.3 million participants. They discovered that the two most prevalent mental illnesses, anxiety and depression, were linked to an increased risk of afib by 25% and 10%, respectively. Anger was associated with a 15% increase in risk of Afib and significant work stress with an 18% increase in risk.

Treatment for a Toothache

While your first objective may be to relieve tooth discomfort as soon as feasible, you must first determine the potential cause. When we experience pain, our bodies transmit warning signals to our brains, indicating that something is wrong. Oral pain is typically an indication of a problem that requires immediate attention.

Oral discomfort can be caused by a variety of serious conditions, such as tooth decay, a damaged filling, a fractured tooth, infected gums, or an abscessed tooth. Without prompt treatment, you could develop major consequences if the latter occurs. The tooth and supporting bone may be lost as a result of these issues. Occasionally, bacterial infections can spread to other parts of the body, necessitating hospitalisation or worse. Due to these factors, it is crucial to seek emergency care if you exhibit any of the following symptoms of an abscessed tooth:

Red, swollen gums
A fever
A red, swollen lump in the mouth
Bleeding or pus
Throbbing pain
Having a bitter or salty taste in the mouth.
facial or jaw enlargement
A cracked or badly fractured tooth
How to Relieve Toothaches

Are you desperately seeking a temporary toothache remedy? You can get toothache relief with over-the-counter drugs, cold compresses, and other at-home therapies if your toothache is not caused by a major underlying disease or if you are awaiting an impending dentist appointment. Continue reading for the 10 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Toothaches Fast.
A number of cardiovascular diseases increase the chance of falling. Learn if you are susceptible and what you may do to stop these serious, frequently life-changing catastrophes.

In the United States, someone aged 65 or older is treated in an emergency department every 11 seconds for a fall-related injury. Even though most falls in older people are caused by a mix of problems, heart problems are often present.


According to a 2022 scientific statement from the American Heart Association, falls are a common yet underrecognized risk among people with heart disease. A fall can result in broken bones, concussions, and other serious—and sometimes fatal—injuries. Even if you only get minor bumps and bruises from a fall, the fear of another one can reduce your quality of life. That is why it is critical to be aware of the potential causes and ways to reduce your risk.


Dr. Lewis Lipsitz, chief of the Division of Gerontology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, says that falls caused by heart problems can be put into two groups: those caused by a temporary loss of consciousness (called fainting or syncope) and those caused by long-term damage to blood vessels.


Concerns about low blood pressure

"Syncope frequently occurs as a result of a temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain, leaving your brain cells without enough oxygen to keep you conscious," he explains. Low blood pressure (hypotension) is frequently to blame, particularly for a condition known as orthostatic hypotension, which refers to a drop in blood pressure that occurs when you stand up. It's more likely to happen if you haven't been drinking enough water or if you've been taking too much medicine to lower your blood pressure.

While studies occasionally reach incorrect conclusions, researchers can assist in correcting the record.

Photo by Pietro Jeng

When it comes to clinical research, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials are the most effective sort of study.
But even a well-designed experiment can provide questionable results. A recent follow-up on a 2019 cardiovascular study termed REDUCE-IT is an excellent illustration of a lesson that can be learned. While novel medicines are the focus of many clinical trials such as this one, the selection of the placebo is equally crucial.
What made this study so compelling?
In this type of study, people are randomly put into one of two groups: the treatment being tested (like a new medicine) or a fake treatment (called a "placebo").
Neither study participants nor researchers are aware of who is receiving the active medication versus the placebo. In other words, they are both blind to group assignment, hence the term "double-blind. The treatment assignment is coded and kept secret until the end of the trial, or it is decoded at set times to check on the effectiveness or safety of the treatment.
This decreases the likelihood that researcher or participant expectations may influence study outcomes. This implies that any changes in health or side effects can be traced to the treatment—or lack thereof.

I went for a walk, then went to a restaurant and ordered a 50ml Jack Daniel's with Coca-Cola. I got home and had two cans of Corona extra, and here I am at 4:21am writing because I woke up with a strong urge to urinate at 3am, went to urinate, and almost immediately felt the urge to urinate again.

I went back to bed, but this time I couldn't sleep. I farted a few times, but each time I became more restless. I became extremely cold and hungry. I dashed to the kitchen to drink lots of water to calm myself down, but my hunger grew stronger, so I decided to make noodles right away. I quickly checked online to see how I could quickly get rid of a hangover, and I got a few tips which helped.

because I was so cold, shivering and experiencing a fast heartbeat. I was confused and scared while I was making the noodles. I was really hungry, so I stood close to the heater while I cooked the noodles. After making the noodles, I ate quickly because all I wanted was food in my stomach. Once I did, I felt much better after a lot of urinating and drinking water.

At this point, I was terrified because I was confused about how my body was reacting. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to alcohol at this point because the feeling was so intense and frightening.

If you want to drink, please do so responsibly, but keep in mind that our bodies are all different, so alcohol's reaction is more of a case of different strokes for different people. And if you have a hangover, this is basically what your body is going through. I am going to explain it in the simplest terms.

Hangovers appear to be the body's way of alerting us to the dangers of overindulgence. Physiologically, it is a collaborative effort: The classic symptoms are diarrhoea, fatigue, headache, nausea, and shaking. Sometimes, systolic (upper) blood pressure rises, the heart beats faster than usual, and sweat glands overproduce, indicating that the "fight or flight" response is activated. Some people become light or sound sensitive. Others experience a spinning sensation (vertigo).

The causes are as varied as the symptoms. Alcohol is metabolised into acetaldehyde, a toxic substance at high concentrations. However, concentrations rarely reach that level, so that's not the whole story.

Because drinking disrupts brain activity during sleep, a hangover may be a form of sleep deprivation. Because alcohol disrupts the hormones that regulate our biological clocks, a hangover can feel like jet lag, and vice versa. Because alcohol can also cause migraines, some people may believe they are hungover when they are actually suffering from an alcohol-induced migraine.

Hangovers occur when blood alcohol levels begin to fall. In fact, according to a number of experts, the symptoms are at their worst when the levels reach zero.

The key component appears to be "drinking to intoxication"; how much you drink to get there appears to be secondary. Several studies have found that light and moderate drinkers are more likely to get a hangover than heavy drinkers. However, contrary research indicates that people with a family history of alcoholism have worse hangovers. Researchers say that some people may have drinking problems because they drink to get rid of hangover symptoms.

What relieves a hangover?

In 1998, Dr. Robert Swift of the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Rhode Island coauthored one of the few review papers on hangovers. It is still one of the most widely cited sources on the subject. The following list of hangover cures is based on that review, an interview with Dr. Swift, and several other sources.

1.Drink plenty of fluids.

When I say drink plenty of water, I don't mean 2 or 3 glasses; I mean 5 glasses. Alcohol increases urination because it inhibits the release of vasopressin, a hormone that reduces the amount of urine produced by the kidneys. You may be dehydrated if your hangover includes diarrhoea, sweating, or vomiting. Although nausea can make it difficult to consume anything, drinking lots of water can help ease your hangover.

2. Consume carbohydrates to refuel your body.

Food is extremely important for curing a hangover. If you consume cold food, you may vomit. Instead, consume warm or hot food. Freshly prepared meals are the best, trust me. Theoretically, a portion of the fatigue and headaches associated with a hangover may result from a lack of glucose, the brain's primary fuel. In addition, many individuals forget to eat when they drink, further reducing their blood sugar levels. Toast and juice are a method for restoring levels to normal.

3. Avoid dark-colored alcoholic beverages.

According to experiments, clear liquors, such as vodka and gin, cause hangovers less frequently than dark liquors, such as whiskey, red wine, and tequila. However, darker liquors contain chemically related compounds (congeners), including methanol. The same enzymes process ethanol and methanol, according to Dr. Swift's review paper, but methanol metabolites are especially toxic, so they may cause a more severe hangover.

4. Use a painkiller, but not Tylenol. 

Aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin and other brand names), and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may help relieve headaches and general aches. However, NSAIDs may irritate an alcohol-irritated stomach. Avoid taking acetaminophen (Tylenol). If you still have alcohol in your system, it could make the liver damage from acetaminophen worse.

5. Have a cup of coffee or tea.

Caffeine might not be a miracle cure for a hangover, but as a stimulant, it could help wake you up and help with the grogginess.

Putting on a happy face can make you feel better. However, dental problems can make you feel self-conscious about your smile.

What Is a Smile Makeover and How Does It Work?

If you have functional or cosmetic issues with your teeth, it can be difficult to put your best face forward. The contour, definition, and mobility of your face are influenced by the structure of your teeth and jaw. Even when you aren't smiling, dental disorders can alter your appearance. Furthermore, oral flaws can affect the way you speak, chew, and—yes—smile.
A smile makeover is a personalised treatment plan that improves the aesthetics, function, and comfort of your teeth and jaw. A smile makeover's operations are determined by the patient's dental history and desired outcomes. In some circumstances, a single process is sufficient to achieve the intended outcome. Many patients require a multimodal strategy to achieve the best results.

There are a variety of procedures to repair smiles, including:

Crowns in implant dentistry
bleaching your teeth
Extraction of teeth
Treatment for gum disease

What Kinds of Dental Issues Can a Smile Makeover Fix?

Every smile makeover is unique because each has unique dental concerns and desired outcomes. The following are some of the most common dental issues that a smile makeover can correct:
Restore the lustre of your teeth if they are dull, yellow, stained, or unevenly shaded. Teeth that are whiter can brighten your face and make you feel more secure in your smile.
Misalignment—Do you have crooked, irregularly spaced, overlapping, or gaps between your teeth? Orthodontic aligners and veneers can be used to correct these difficulties.
Missing teeth: If you've had a dental extraction or have lost teeth for whatever reason, it might affect how you look, talk, and eat. Your teeth may shift to fill the gaps, creating misalignment and jaw difficulties. The problem can be solved with dental implants, dentures, and bridges.
Hollow, sagging, haggard portions of the face— Your face shape is influenced by the anatomy of your teeth and jaw. If you've lost fullness in your cheeks or lips, you might be able to fix the problem by improving the structure of your teeth and jaw.

We're keeping an eye on the research

A study published in the June 1, 2022 issue of JAMA Network Open found that the risk of stroke went up when people sat for long periods of time but went down when they moved around more, even if they just did simple things like housework.

More specifically, 7,607 adults participated in the study by wearing an accelerometer (a device that records how fast you move) on their hips for seven days. Typically, these people were 63 years old. Two hundred forty-six people had strokes during the average 7.4-year follow-up period.

It was found that people who sat for 13 or more hours a day during the first week of motion tracking had a 44% higher risk of having a stroke than those who sat for less than 11 hours a day. There was also a higher risk when people sat for more than 17 minutes at a time, compared to when they sat for less than eight minutes at a time. 

Because our teeth are used on a daily basis and are impacted by a variety of factors, dental issues are a major concern in the health industry today. There is a constant search on the internet for the most effective methods to alleviate toothaches, and fortunately, the majority of causes remain the same as the years pass.

Dental pain can be quite severe. Getting relief from a toothache, an abscessed tooth, or any other dental ailment can be difficult. This article describes five methods for alleviating dental discomfort whenever it occurs.

Girl with toothach

1. To relieve pain and inflammation, take ibuprofen.

Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen is one of the quickest ways to alleviate some of the discomfort caused by dental pain. Ibuprofen can reduce swelling, resulting in less strain on adjacent teeth or gums, and can also assist in alleviating discomfort. Continue taking analgesics until your symptoms have completely disappeared.

2. Rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution.

Sodium chloride, also known as common table salt, is a useful remedy for dental pain. Mix a pinch of salt with a full glass of warm water, then rinse your mouth with this solution. Continue rinsing for a time, and then spit it out. Saltwater will assist in lessening pain and begin killing any bacteria in the affected area, thus accelerating your recovery.

3. Applying ice to a wound reduces pain and swelling.

Using an ice pack or commercial cold pack to numb the affected area is one of the quickest methods for relieving dental pain. Every few hours, you should use an ice pack or commercial cold pack for a few minutes. You should wrap the ice pack in a towel to protect your skin and leave it on for no longer than fifteen minutes, as leaving it on longer can cause more harm than good.

Patients with Parkinson's disease are helped by non-contact boxing. Other adults may benefit as well.

Get in shape by punching it up

"Non-contact boxing" may seem contradictory because many people believe that boxing exclusively entails opponents fighting one another. However, this type of exercise—which involves throwing punches but not taking them—has found use well outside of the ring. Physical therapists now use boxing fitness to help people with Parkinson's disease deal with their symptoms.
Parkinson's is a degenerative neurological illness that results in uncontrollable, involuntary tremors or shaking. Parkinson's patients also struggle with additional physical problems such as muscle weakness and stiffness, poor balance and coordination, exhaustion, a hunched posture, and a sluggish stride.
According to Laurie Keating, a physical therapy assistant with the Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Network who coaches Parkinson's patients in Rock Steady Boxing, "Non-contact boxing fitness has been shown to help many people with Parkinson's improve their balance, hand-eye coordination, mental focus, muscle strength, and body rhythm." But because older folks deal with many of the same physical and emotional issues as younger folks, boxing conditioning can also benefit them in the same way.
In this nook
A national programme called Rock Steady Boxing has close to 900 affiliates. Parkinson's patients are just one group served by boxing fitness, which has been steadily expanding over the past ten years. More than 5 million Americans will wear boxing gloves for fitness in 2021.
Punching bags and coaches' big boxing gloves are used during workouts. While class layouts might vary, the majority of them—including those provided by Rock Steady—involve a coach guiding you through a sequence of motions based on common boxing punches, including crosses, hooks, uppercuts, and jabs.
You could, for instance, punch in a pattern of jabs, crosses, jabs again, and two hooks for a predetermined amount of time. Other routines might have harder sequences, or they might just be repeating one or two punches quickly.

Although there have been few cases of monkeypox in children, it is helpful to recognise the warning signs and understand how this virus spreads.

As if worrying about COVID wasn't enough, parents are now hearing about monkeypox and wondering if they should also be concerned. Despite the fact that almost all cases of monkeypox have occurred in adults, parents should be aware of the disease's symptoms and what they can do to protect their children.

What is monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a virus belonging to the same family as smallpox and chicken pox. Its name comes from the fact that it was first observed in monkeys, but it can infect other mammals, including humans. It is essential to remember that the illness is typically mild.

What are the symptoms of monkeypox?

The incubation period, which is the time between exposure and the onset of illness, ranges from three to seventeen days. During this time, individuals feel good. Early signs of illness include flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, or mild cold symptoms. During this time, the illness could not be recognised as monkeypox because its symptoms are the same as those of many other viruses.

The rash appears within one to four days. It begins as a red mark, then develops into a bump that becomes fluid-filled, pus-filled, and scabbed before disappearing. The duration of the illness is two to four weeks. A person with monkey pox is contagious not only until the scabs have fallen off, but also until a new layer of skin has formed underneath them.

If you never start your day without a cup of coffee, you may be interested to hear that a new study suggests that drinking this very popular drink may make you much less likely to die in the coming years.
The study, which was published online by Annals of Internal Medicine on May 31, 2022, analysed data about coffee consumption from more than 170,000 people (average age 56) in the United Kingdom who did not have cancer or cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study. On average, researchers followed participants for seven years. In addition, they considered lifestyle, diet, gender, age, and ethnicity.
People who consumed 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day, even with one teaspoon of added sugar per cup, were 30% less likely to die during the study period compared to those who did not consume coffee. It did not appear to matter whether the coffee contained caffeine or not, but the benefit diminished after 4.5 cups per day.

Changing to a geriatrician may be a smart decision for Elderly people.

In your 60s and 70s, you may spend your days pounding the tennis court, presiding over board meetings, or travelling the world with your grandchildren—activities that seem at odds with the notion that it may be time to switch to a geriatrician.
However, if you are as proactive about your health as you are in other areas of your life, a geriatrician may be the best option. These internists get extra training on how to care for people 65 and older. They look at the "big picture" of each patient to make sure that advice and treatments fit their changing bodies and social situations as they age.
Dr. Suzanne Salamon, clinical chief of gerontology at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, says that a geriatrician may be a better fit for your outlook than a general practitioner, who may see older people as fading away.

Many desire to age in place but fail to plan for it.

While the vast majority of people over the age of 50 desire to remain in their current residences for as long as possible, a recent survey indicates that few have prepared for this "ageing in place" ideal.
In April 2022, 2,277 adults aged 50 to 80 provided online and phone responses for the National Poll on Healthy Aging. It was discovered that 88% of respondents rated home ownership as "very" or "somewhat" important. But only 15% of those who answered had really thought about what changes they might need to make to their homes to be able to age in place, like putting grab bars in the bathroom or making the master bedroom on the first floor.
Dr. Suzanne Salamon, clinical chief of gerontology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, says, "People want to remain in their homes, where everything is familiar." Some people in their 80s have lived in their homes for 50 years, but the stairs in many of these two-or three-story homes are hazardous.
Dr. Salamon says that a geriatrician can help a patient find out what kinds of help are available to them at home and encourage the patient and their family to talk about how to set and reach goals for ageing in place.

Gas ranges affect the indoor and outdoor air quality, circulating pollutants that increase the risk of asthma and other illnesses.

Gas ranges affect the indoor and outdoor air quality, circulating pollutants that increase the risk of asthma and other illnesses.

In previous blog posts, I've discussed the negative health effects of outdoor air pollution and how to reduce your exposure in order to lower your health risks. More and more evidence suggests that we should also think about the quality of the air inside our homes, and studies show that gas stoves can be dangerous.
Understanding the issues and taking a few precautions can protect your household if you have a gas stove, as many people do. These measures can also help to improve outdoor air quality.

Childhood asthma is linked to the use of gas stoves.

Both nitrogen dioxide and PM2.5, which are tiny airborne particles, are lung irritants and are produced when gas stoves are used for cooking. There is a link between nitrogen dioxide and childhood asthma. It is estimated that nitrogen dioxide pollution will cause nearly 2 million new cases of asthma in children in 2019.
According to an analysis of observational research, children living in households with gas stoves are 42% more likely to suffer from asthma. Although observational studies cannot conclusively show that gas cooking is the direct cause of asthma, data also demonstrates that asthma symptoms in both children and adults are more severe the higher the nitrogen dioxide levels are.
As people get older, the advantages of taking more blood pressure medicine must be evaluated against the risks. Years later, the benefit of a decreased risk of experiencing a cardiac event, such as a stroke, heart attack, or heart failure, becomes apparent. On the other side, after increasing medicine dosages for a few weeks, there is a chance of experiencing dizziness, fainting, and falls due to too-low blood pressure.

Researchers compared usual care with more intensive blood pressure control in six previously published clinical trials involving more than 27,000 adults with high blood pressure, aged 60 and older, in order to better understand how long it takes for older people to experience the health benefits of aggressive blood pressure treatment.

The researchers discovered that a significant decrease in the risk of a major cardiovascular event did not occur until 34 months after beginning more severe blood pressure treatment, with a target of systolic blood pressure (the first number in a reading) of less than 140 mm Hg.
Did you know that even though you have white teeth and a Hollywood smile, you may still have a dangerous gum disease such as gingivitis? What should you do to take care of it, and how is this even possible?

Gum Disease Risks

Many people believe that gingivitis is a gum disease that only develops after the patient has neglected their dentition and when the symptoms are particularly noticeable. Uncared for teeth can certainly lead to gingivitis or even periodontitis, but occasionally problems are localised rather than widespread.

Tender gums, puffiness or swelling, and a dark red look where the gums meet the teeth are the classic signs of gingivitis. When they brush or floss, a patient might detect bleeding, and in certain situations, the problem might result in poor breath.

Did you know that even though you have white teeth and a Hollywood smile, you may still have a dangerous gum disease such as gingivitis?

What Causes Gingivitis?

If plaque is allowed to build up on the surface and the edges of the teeth, gingivitis may develop. A diet high in sugar or starches can make it worse because it is a bacteria-based, sticky, and invisible film. Brushing and flossing are required to eliminate the plaque, but if the patient is not careful enough, some of the plaque may convert into tartar. This is also known as calculus, and it has the potential to swiftly solidify below the gum line, luring more bacteria there. Below that gum line, the tartar may cause a lot of irritation, inflammation, and decay. The gums may also begin to recede, which can lead to periodontitis, which can harm the teeth.
It is important that we recognise the importance of properly disposing of your face mask. We didn't think it could happen in our lifetimes, but it did. The pandemic has been raging around the world since early 2020. The good news is that medical researchers have gained a better understanding of how the coronavirus operates, and they are already working on effective vaccines and treatments.

However, until that vaccine or cure becomes widely available, the best way to reduce virus spread is to wear a face mask. Wearing a face mask that covers your nose and mouth and is sealed around the sides, when combined with social distancing, can effectively protect you from the virus. The level of coronavirus protection is determined by the type of mask worn. We all know this already.

Photo by CDC
The Environmental Consequences of Improper Face Mask Disposal
Face masks, even washable ones, are frequently discarded. Unfortunately, this poses a major environmental issue. Single-use masks are made of non-woven lightweight polypropylene, polycarbonate, polyester, or polyethylene. These materials, while keeping pathogens out, are made of plastic. Plastics, as we all know, are non-biodegradable, making their disposal a major global issue.
According to recent disposal and recycling statistics, face masks have replaced "plastic bottles." According to Green Matters, over 129 billion face masks are discarded every month because of the coronavirus. That's a massive amount of plastic waste that ends up in our already polluted oceans. Marine animals mistake these masks for food, which causes them to get stuck, eat them, choke, and die.
Masks can degrade into microplastic fibres as well. When these fish are harvested and prepared for human consumption, the microplastics they ingest can pass through our bodies, potentially harming our health.


Feijoa sellowiana is a flowering plant in the Myrtaceae family of plants. It is indigenous to the southern Brazilian highlands, eastern Paraguay, Uruguay, northern Argentina, and Colombia. It's popular as an ornamental tree and for its fruit.

Data Source: en.wikipedia.org 
  From the Web



Scientific name:
Acca sellowiana

Nutrition Facts


Calories26 cal

Serving Size

To burn these calories 

Macronutrients and calories


Macronutrients (% calorie yield)% Daily Value*

Total Fat  · 0.2 g (6%) 


Total Carbohydrate  · 6 g (88%) 


Protein  · 0.3 g (4%) 



Vitamin C · 13.8 mg


Potassium · 72 mg


View complete nutrition details

Disclaimer: *Bar represents Percent Daily Values and based on a 2,000 calorie diet with a max representaion of 100%. Your daily values may vary depending on your calorie needs.

Data Source: USDA · Nutritionix
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No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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