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Thursday, September 15

What is restorative dentistry?

Putting on a happy face can make you feel better. However, dental problems can make you feel self-conscious about your smile.

What Is a Smile Makeover and How Does It Work?

If you have functional or cosmetic issues with your teeth, it can be difficult to put your best face forward. The contour, definition, and mobility of your face are influenced by the structure of your teeth and jaw. Even when you aren't smiling, dental disorders can alter your appearance. Furthermore, oral flaws can affect the way you speak, chew, and—yes—smile.
A smile makeover is a personalised treatment plan that improves the aesthetics, function, and comfort of your teeth and jaw. A smile makeover's operations are determined by the patient's dental history and desired outcomes. In some circumstances, a single process is sufficient to achieve the intended outcome. Many patients require a multimodal strategy to achieve the best results.

There are a variety of procedures to repair smiles, including:

Crowns in implant dentistry
bleaching your teeth
Extraction of teeth
Treatment for gum disease

What Kinds of Dental Issues Can a Smile Makeover Fix?

Every smile makeover is unique because each has unique dental concerns and desired outcomes. The following are some of the most common dental issues that a smile makeover can correct:
Restore the lustre of your teeth if they are dull, yellow, stained, or unevenly shaded. Teeth that are whiter can brighten your face and make you feel more secure in your smile.
Misalignment—Do you have crooked, irregularly spaced, overlapping, or gaps between your teeth? Orthodontic aligners and veneers can be used to correct these difficulties.
Missing teeth: If you've had a dental extraction or have lost teeth for whatever reason, it might affect how you look, talk, and eat. Your teeth may shift to fill the gaps, creating misalignment and jaw difficulties. The problem can be solved with dental implants, dentures, and bridges.
Hollow, sagging, haggard portions of the face— Your face shape is influenced by the anatomy of your teeth and jaw. If you've lost fullness in your cheeks or lips, you might be able to fix the problem by improving the structure of your teeth and jaw.
Chipped or broken teeth— Teeth with structural flaws, such as chips or fractures, can detract from your overall appearance. They may also have sharp edges that irritate your tongue's delicate skin. Veneers, dental bonding, and crowns are all options for repairing your teeth.
Inconsistent proportions: If your teeth are out of proportion to each other or to your face, your smile may not look the way you want it to. To achieve aesthetically acceptable, balanced results, we can either extend short teeth or file long teeth.
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ dysfunction) -Misalignment or injury can cause pain, clicking, popping, mobility loss, discomfort, and swelling in the temporomandibular joint. In some circumstances, the issues that lead to TMJ conditions can be resolved.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Smile Transformation?

You may be a perfect candidate for this surgery if you have any of the conditions described above and want to feel more confident about your oral health and appearance. Your teeth and gums, on the other hand, should be in good shape. A dental examination may be performed to see if you are a good candidate for the surgery. Other concerns, such as decay, may need to be addressed before the smile makeover can begin.
Nonetheless, this process is extremely adaptable. Only the operations that are necessary for your case should be performed. We take a careful approach and try to get results that are as natural as possible with as few changes as possible.
Your teeth, gums, jaw structure, biting pattern, and dental health will all be evaluated by your dentist. If you choose us to restore your beautiful smile, ask questions and your dentist will walk you through the entire procedure so you know what to expect and how to care for your new appearance.

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