
Guava is a tropical tree that originates in Central America.

Their fruits are oval and have a bright green or yellow exterior with edible seeds inside. Guava leaves are also used as herbal tea, and the leaf extract is taken as a supplement.

Antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and fibre are abundant in guava fruits. They provide a lot of health advantages because of their high nutritional content.

Health benefits of Guava Fruits and Leaves.

Assist in lowering blood sugar levels.
People with diabetes or those at risk for diabetes may benefit from guava extract.

Assist in Relieving Painful Menstrual Symptoms.
Taking guava leaf extract regularly may help to alleviate the symptoms of unpleasant menstruation, such as cramping.

Guavas help to prevent diabetes because of their high fibre content and low glycaemic index. The low glycemic index prevents a rapid increase in sugar levels, while the fibre content keeps sugar levels in check.

Improve Your Heart's Health.
Guava leaf or fruit extract may improve heart health by lowering blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol, and raising good cholesterol.

Improves texture.
Guavas, guava leaves, and unripe guavas are all rich in astringent qualities. Apply a decoction of the leaves and berries to your skin to tone and tighten your face muscles, and voilà!

Booster of Immunity.
Guavas are one of the most abundant sources of vitamin C. That is correct. The vitamin C concentration of guava fruit is four times that of oranges. Vitamin C boosts your immune system and protects you from infections. It also maintains your eyes healthy.

Cancer Risk is Reduced.
Lycopene, quercetin, vitamin C, and other polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body, inhibiting cancer cell development. Because it is high in lycopene, guava fruit has been found to reduce prostate cancer risk and prevent the development of breast cancer cells.

Enhances Complexity.
Guava aids in the restoration of skin brightness and freshness. Prepare a DIY scrub at home to reap the benefits: Simply combine guava flesh and egg yolk in a bowl and apply on your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This scrub will exfoliate dead skin cells and brighten your complexion when used once or twice a week. Guavas are also high in Vitamin K, which can assist with skin discolouration and dark circles.

Is tomatoes fruit?

Tomatoes are classified as fruits in botanical terms.

One tomato can provide up to 40% of the daily required vitamin C intake. Tomatoes also include vitamin A, which is important for immunity, eyesight, and skin health; vitamin K, which is excellent for bones; and potassium, which is necessary for heart function, muscle contractions, and keeping healthy blood pressure and fluid balance.

They can help with skin health.

According to studies, combining tomato paste and olive oil protects against UV damage while also increasing pro-collagen production, a molecule that gives the skin its structure and keeps it firm. The lycopene in tomatoes, according to scientists, is essential: Cooked tomatoes have the highest concentration (while olive oil boosts its absorption from your digestive system into your bloodstream).

They may help prevent and protect against cancer.

In a research study, consumption of tomatoes has been linked to lower rates of prostate, ovarian, lung, and stomach cancers,

They might aid in the prevention of diabetic complications.

For patients with type 2 diabetes, tomatoes may be a protective food. In one research, patients with diabetes who consumed cooked tomato for 30 days had a reduction in lipid peroxidation (a chain reaction in which substances called free radicals to attack fat, leading to damage that ups the risk of heart disease).


The pawpaw, also known as papaya, is a fruit that grows in abundance throughout the Pacific Islands and is said to have the most health advantages of any fruit.

Pawpaw currently ranks as one of the most beneficial gifts nature has gifted us with, thanks to its many hidden advantages for skin, health, and hair, as well as its taste.

Here is a list of the health benefits of eating pawpaw

1. Treatment of Dengue fever

The juice of pawpaw leaves is widely recognized as a natural treatment for dengue fever, which is quite common in the Pacific Islands. The leaves contain a combination of nutrients and organic compounds that aid in platelet production. Papaya leaves are also abundant in vitamin C, which helps to boost the immune system. You can also boil the leaf of pawpaw to extract the juice or crush and press (extract) the juice from the crushed leaves.

The dengue virus causes dengue fever, a mosquito-borne tropical illness. A high temperature, headache, vomiting, muscular and joint aches, and a distinctive skin rash.


2. Papaya lowers cholesterol

Papayas are high in fibre, vitamin C, and antioxidants, all of which help to keep cholesterol buildup from forming in the arteries. A heart attack can be caused by much build-up of cholesterol in the arteries. Pawpaw, on the other hand, prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the arteries.

3. Papaya helps to boost immunity

Single papaya may provide more than 200 per cent of your daily Vitamin C needs, making it an excellent agent for boosting your immune system.

Stone fruits include peaches, olives, nectarines, mangoes, plums, cherries, lychees, apricots, and dates, which all have big, hard seeds or pits. They're all good sources of fibre, Vitamins A and C, and potassium.

While they're all tasty on their own, you might want to try them in any of these recipes:

Grilled Nectarines

Cut nectarines in half and remove the seeds before grilling. Brush both sides with a neutral oil (corn oil, for example) and a pinch of brown sugar. Grill for 3 to 5 minutes, turning once or twice until lightly browned. Serve with arugula, toasted pine nuts, and crumbled feta cheese as a side dish or dessert, or as a salad with arugula, crumbled feta cheese, and toasted pine nuts.

Roasted plums

With these nutrient-dense fruits, you can avoid dehydration and stay healthy this summer. If you want to increase your energy, defend your immune system, get some much-needed nutrients into your body, or simply freshen up your summer eating habit by eating one of these fruits everyday.

Avocados are extremely healthy since they are beneficial to the heart and general health.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit with great health benefits. Apart from the fact that they contain vitamins and serve as antioxidants here are other health benefits of pineapple.

1.Ease digestion.
They ease digestion because they contain bromelain which is a group of digestive enzymes that breaks down proteins and aids digestion for people with pancreatic insufficiency which occurs when the pancreas doesn't have enough specific enzymes to aid digestion.

2. Asthma prevention
Eating pineapple can lower your possibility of having asthmas according to studies. Fruits that have orange, dark gree, yellow colour like pineapple contain beta-carotene which is a red-orange pigment found in plants and colourful vegetables which helps retain lung strength, it is an antioxidant that protects the body from radicals.

3. Fight cancer
It prevents colon cancer, hinders the progression of cancer because it contains bromelain which modulates certain pathways that support malignant cancers. 

4. Reduction of blood pressure.

5. Improve fertility.

6. Great for the health. Fibre, vitamins and potassium are good for the heart.

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The word happiness is easily used everyday but the reality is that not everyone is happy. Happiness does not only depend on earnings, achievements, properties, and marriages, what we eat can contribute to our happiness. You want to be happy? keep reading.

1. Coconut

Coconut contains high levels of triglycerides. These are fats that aid your mood and also promote brain health. Do not take any form of processed or preserved coconut. The best form is unsweetened, natural pieces of coconut or coconut shavings.

2. Berries
Blueberries and Strawberries in White Ceramic Bowl
Berries are antioxidants and have been proven to regulate mood. They also help in the reduction of inflammation. Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries contain anthocyanidins and anthocyanins which help reduce depression and stress.

3. Avocado
Sliced Avocado Fruits on Round White Ceramic Plate
Apart from the fact that avocado is very good for our skin, hair, and nails they also make us feel good. They contain tryptophan which is an essential amino acid which when produced is used by the brain to produce serotonin a chemical also called the happy chemical because it contributes to our well-being and happiness.

4. Almonds
Almonds are rich in tyrosine which have been found to decrease our response to stress.
Brown Peanuts on Silver Steel Tray

5. Spinach
Bowl of Spinach
Spinach is an instant mood booster. Eating spinach and other leafy green vegetables will help to keep your serotonin levels up and improve your mood.

​Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin B6​.
Vitamin B6 from bananas is easily absorbed by your body and a medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 needs. 

Vitamin B6 helps your body:
Produce red blood cells,
Metabolize carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy,
Metabolize amino acids,
Remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys, and
Maintain a healthy nervous system.
Vitamin B6 is also good for pregnant women as it helps meet their baby’s development needs.

Vitamin C helps:
Protect your body against cell and tissue damage,
Your body absorbs iron better,
Your body produces collagen - the protein which holds your skin, bones, and body together, and
support brain health by producing serotonin, a hormone that affects our sleep cycle, moods, and experiences of stress and pain.

Squeezing oranges yields orange juice, which is a liquid extract of the fruit of the orange tree. Blood oranges, navel oranges, valencia oranges, clementines, and tangerines are just a few of the kinds available. Orange juice is popular all around the world. It's abundant in essential minerals including vitamin C and potassium. Furthermore, commercial versions are frequently supplemented with calcium and vitamin D.
1. Rich in Several Important Nutrients.
Orange juice is high in many nutrients, including vitamin C, folate, and potassium.
An 8-ounce (240-ml) serving of orange juice provides approximately.
Calories: 110
Protein: 2 grams
Carbs: 26 grams
Vitamin C: 67% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Folate: 15% of the RDI
Potassium: 10% of the RDI
Magnesium: 6% of the RDI

2. High in Antioxidants.
Antioxidants in orange juice promote health by preventing oxidative damage — an imbalance between antioxidants and unstable molecules known as free radicals.
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