
Mental health struggles are something that many people face at some point in their lives. It can be difficult to overcome these challenges on your own, but with the help of a doctor or therapist, you can learn how to manage your mental health and live a happy life. This article will discuss some practical medical tips that can help you overcome your mental health struggles.

Seek Professional Help

These issues should never be taken lightly, and you should always think about looking for professional help. Lots of facilities are offering various inpatient and outpatient mental health treatments that help you cope with your mental health disorder. Medications, therapies, and other methods are used to help you heal mentally and physically.

Most people who have a mental illness don’t seek out professional help because they feel like they can overcome it on their own. But seeking professional help is okay and it does not make you weak. In fact, it makes you stronger because you are taking the necessary steps to get better.

Learn About Your Issues

It's important to get informed about mental health and the struggles you're going through. It can be hard to come to terms with a mental health disorder but learning about your issues is a way to overcome that. By getting factual about mental health, you can start to understand your own experience and build a foundation for recovery.

Mental health disorders are complex, and there is still a lot of people don't understand about them. However, there is a growing body of knowledge about it, and learning about your disorder can be incredibly helpful. It can help you make sense of your symptoms, develop more realistic expectations for treatment, and understand your prognosis.

Find Social Support

Apart from therapy and other professional treatments, you should also seek support from your friends and family. Talking to people who know and understand you can be helpful in managing mental health struggles. These people can provide an important support system for you.

If you don't feel comfortable talking to your friends or family about your mental health, there are other options available. There are many online support groups that can provide some level of social support. This can be a great way to connect with people who are going through similar struggles.
Orion and the Dark

"Orion and the Dark" is about a little boy who is afraid of almost everything. He fears the dark, clowns, cell phone waves causing cancer, monsters, haircuts, mosquito bites getting infected, falling off a skyscraper, saying good morning and sounding like Goob dorning!, bees, dogs, and the ocean. He is anxious about being responsible for his team losing and terrified of locker rooms and Richie Panic, who calls him crying Orion. Richie bullies him, taking his art book and turning to a page where he has written all the things he fears, including Richie's name. Just before Richie walks away after bullying him, Orion says thank you to Richie.

He doesn't know why he did that but is quite disappointed in himself for not being able to stand up for himself.

The school had to visit the planetarium, but Richie didn't give his parents his permission slip. He fears being packed inside the school bus alongside his classmates. He is scared the bus might crash, and if they make it to the planetarium, the giant models of the solar system hanging from the ceiling might fall on him.

He really likes Lisa but can't walk up to her. He is afraid that if he goes to the planetarium, sits next to her, and their hands touch, he will have a panic attack and become a running joke around the school. So, he hides his permission slip from his parents. When his teacher asks him, he says his parents won't let him go to the planetarium and that they don't believe in space, but it's all lies.

He is also afraid of coming back home and finding his parents have sold their house and moved while he was at school. His fear is stopping him from doing a lot of things.

His dad finds the permission slip under the couch but he tells his parents he doesn't want to go. That night, his mom checks on him before bedtime. When she finishes, she turns off the light. He jumps from the bed and asks her to read him a bedtime story, but she doesn't have time, so he asks her to leave the door open so that light can come in, which she does.

When she leaves, he inserts different socket lights that blow off due to high voltage, and he panics. Of all the things he is afraid of, he is most afraid of the dark. He covers himself and turns on the flashlight, but it isn't working well. Soon, he starts screaming, "Darkness, why can't you leave me alone?" and darkness visits him.

Dark tells him millions of kids are afraid of him, but he is harmless. Dark doesn't like the way humans think about him. He says everyone is against him. He tells Orion that he is just a regular guy trying to do his job. He says people hate him, but he is just trying to do his job. He wishes people would give him a chance.

Orion feels bad for Dark and starts speaking with him. He tells Dark the list of people who bullied him. Dark wants to help him stop his fears and brings up an idea that will help him appreciate the beauty of the night instead of being terrified all the time. Initially, Orion refuses, but after giving it thought and remembering how he was bullied, he accepts, and Mr. Dark takes Orion for a night ride in the air.

They meet the night entities, and this is when the story becomes even more interesting. One thing is evident: Mr. Dark also has his insecurities, which he has to overcome.

This animation will give you a different way to view things if you fear the dark a lot but the story is a bit confusing.

Initial release: 2 February 2024
Director: Sean Charmatz
Distributed by: Netflix
Based on: Orion and The Dark; by Emma Yarlett
Music by: Robert Lydecker; Kevin Lax
Produced by: Peter McCown
Orion and the Dark Movie Review

"Orion and the Dark" is about a little boy who is afraid of almost everything. He fears the dark, clowns, cell phone waves causing cancer, monsters, haircuts, mosquito bites getting infected, falling off skyscrapers, saying "good morning" and sounding like "Goob dorning!", bees, dogs, and the ocean. He is also afraid of being responsible for his team losing, as well as locker rooms and Richie Panic, who bullies him by calling him "Orion." Richie takes his art book and turns to a page where Orion has written all the things he fears, including Richie's name. Just before Richie walks away after bullying him, Orion says thank you to Richie.

He doesn’t know why he does that, but he is quite disappointed in himself for not being able to stand up for himself.

The school plans a visit to the planetarium, but Richie doesn’t give his parents the permission slip. Orion is afraid of being packed inside the school bus alongside his classmates. He fears the bus might crash, and if they make it to the planetarium, the giant models of the solar system hanging from the ceiling might fall on him.

Orion really likes Lisa but can't approach her. He is also afraid that if he sits next to her at the planetarium and their hands touch, he will have a panic attack and become a running joke around the school. So, he hides his permission slip from his parents. When his teacher asks him, he lies, saying his parents won’t let him go to the planetarium because they don’t believe in space, but it's all lies.

He is also afraid of coming back home to find his parents have sold their house and moved while he was at school. His fear is stopping him from doing a lot of things.

His dad finds the permission slip under the couch, but Orion tells his parents he doesn’t want to go. That night, when his mom comes to check on him before bedtime, after she turns off the light, he jumps from the bed and asks her to read him a bedtime story. When she doesn't have time, he asks her to leave the door open so that light can come in, which she does.

When she leaves, he tries different socket lights, which blow off due to high voltage, causing him to panic. Of all the things he is afraid of, he is most afraid of the dark. He covers himself and turns on the touch light, but it isn't working well. Soon, he starts screaming, "Darkness, why can’t you leave me alone?" and darkness visits him.

Dark tells him millions of kids are afraid of him but he is harmless. Dark doesn’t light the way humans thought about him. He says everyone is against him and tells Orion that he is just a regular guy trying to do his job. He says people hate him, but he is just trying to do his job. He wishes people would give him a chance.

Orion feels bad for Dark and starts speaking with him. He tells Dark about the list of people who bullied him. Dark wants to help him stop his fears and brings up an idea that will help him appreciate the beauty of the night instead of being so terrified all the time, but Orion refuses. But after giving it thought and remembering how he was bullied, he accepts, and Mr. Dark takes Orion for a night ride in the air.

They meet the night entities, and this is when the story becomes even more interesting. One thing is evident: Mr. Dark also has his insecurities, which he has to overcome.

This animation will give you a different way to view things if you fear the dark a lot.

A business strategy is a framework that assists in defining the vision, objectives, and tactical decision-making procedures of an organization. However, finding these crucial components might be difficult. For the success of an organization's strategy, its leaders must comprehend its position in the market. Business strategy requires a deeper understanding of your organization and a profound sense of optimism over its potential for outstanding performance. Here is an introduction to value-based business strategy, regularly applied ways that can produce long-term success, and how to choose the proper strategy if you want to learn more about strategies that can benefit your organization.

What exactly is a business strategy based on value?
Typically, the most effective business strategies are value-based, meaning that prices are determined based on the perceived worth of products and services by consumers rather than their cost of production. Value-based business strategies are appropriate for companies like Apple and Amazon that offer products and services with several features.

The "value stick" best exemplifies the various components of value-based pricing. The value stick consists of four essential components for adopting value-based pricing: willingness to pay (WTP), price, cost, and selling propensity (WTS). The value of a company's product or service is determined by the position of each component.

Customer Pleasure
The top of the value stick reflects customer satisfaction or value, depending on how customers perceive your product or service. Due to the customer-centric nature of a value-based strategy, you may increase brand awareness, loyalty, and goodwill by conducting extensive research on your target market, establishing open lines of communication, and establishing strong relationships with consumers.

This allows your firm to get input regarding the value of your services and the WTP of your clients. It can also help you add important features to business-beneficial items.

Stress is a condition of extreme mental or emotional tension. Because some stress is unavoidable in everyday life, managing stress is crucial for many aspects of your health. Many scenarios lead to stress, from the rush to leave the house and navigate the traffic to minor irritants like a broken dishwasher or a blocked sink.

It's not healthy to have too much stress in your life because it can cause bodily issues. Stress excess compromises your metabolism, weakens your immune system, and may even alter how your brain processes information. An excessive amount of stress might make it difficult for you to obtain a good night's sleep and may harm your relationships. To prevent stress from rising to unhealthy levels, there are fortunately many healthy and constructive ways to handle it.

Tea's Relaxing Properties

Tea's Relaxing Properties
pexel photo

Numerous teas provide benefits for relaxation and stress reduction. The dried flowers and leaves of the chamomile plant are used to make chamomile tea. This tea is thought to relieve sleeplessness and anxiety. An unsettled stomach, a typical sign of stress, can be soothed by chamomile tea. You can have a cup of chamomile tea approximately 30 minutes before bedtime to help you get a restful night's sleep because it contains no caffeine.

Peppermint tea is a fantastic alternative. Benefits of this sort of tea include improved relaxation and improved digestion. Additionally devoid of caffeine, peppermint tea is a healthy beverage to sip before bed. The main component of peppermint tea, menthol, also lessens pain and inflammation. The tea can reduce inflammation and pain since stress chemicals like cortisol make these conditions worse.

Tea preparation alone is calming. Pick yourself a lovely teacup and saucer yourself. Add a few drops of lemon juice for vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and a few drops of raw, organic honey for sweetness and other health advantages.

Essential Oils for Reducing Stress

Essential Oils for Reducing Stress

The management of stress can benefit from the use of essential oils. Consider using geranium and rose essential oils. These essential oils support mood enhancement and stress reduction. Try lemon essential oil as well. While vitamin C enters your skin and strengthens your immune system, the energising aroma can uplift your mood. The discharge of poisons and negative energies that accumulate from repeated exposure to stressful conditions is aided by ylang ylang essential oil.

There are many applications for essential oils. For every ounce of shampoo or conditioner, one drop of essential oil can be added. Additionally, essential oils can be used topically to your pulse spots, such as the inner wrists. Your body's heat warms the oils, making them active. Find a little glass vial with a cork and use that to store essential oils instead. Check to see if the glass vial has a clasp so you may use it as a necklace. All day long, the oils will spread from the cork and offer their stress-relieving effects.

Take a Relaxing Bath

Take a Relaxing Bath

If you want to relax your body and reduce tension, think about taking a long bath. Try taking a bubble bath to unwind. If you tend to stiffen up when agitated, a warm bubble bath can assist your muscles, ligaments, and tendons relax. An Epsom salt or mineral bath can also be beneficial for reducing tension. These salts aid in your body's ability to remove pollutants. They also enhance your skin's ability to recover. Several drops of your preferred essential oils can also be added to the bathwater.

Stress-Relieving Meals

Stress-Relieving Meals
Pexel photo

You can try a variety of foods that reduce stress. A square of dark chocolate gives your brain endorphins. Antioxidants found in dark chocolate can help to counteract some of the negative effects of stress on the body. Make sure to consume very little chocolate. Because it includes caffeine, avoid eating it four hours before going to bed.

Pistachios are another superfood worth trying. In a single tiny container, pistachios include complex carbs, dietary fibre, protein, and healthy fats. They deliver nutrients like folate, riboflavin, potassium, lutein, and vitamin B-6. You can manage your weight, lower your cholesterol, and restore good skin thanks to these nuts. Pistachios are a fantastic source of antioxidants and support your immune system by reducing the negative effects of stress.

Another stress-relieving snack is seeds. Pick sesame, chia, or pumpkin seeds. These foods with little processing include important nutrients like manganese and copper, have a lot of dietary fibre, and make you feel full after a small amount.

In addition to experimenting with those superfoods, alter your diet in general. Your body will be more capable of handling stress when it is healthy. Prioritize whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats as well as complex carbohydrates. Make sure your body is well hydrated, paying special attention to getting adequate water. Reduce the amount of added sugar and caffeine in your beverages. Avoid using food, alcohol, or other addictive drugs as self-medication. In the end, they'll make your stress worse.

Exercise to Reduce Stress

10 Stress Management Tips for everyone

Exercise is beneficial for stress management. Your body naturally releases endorphins when you work out. Your mood is affected by the endorphins, which aid in letting go of unpleasant feelings. After an exercise, endorphins' effects might last for several hours. You don't have to be an athlete to benefit from exercise's beneficial stress-reduction effects.

Think about going for a 30- to 60-minute walk outside. Locate a lovely park and take in the scenery. You may wander around a mall in bad weather. You have the chance to challenge yourself by using the exercise equipment in the gym. You can enhance your metabolism and develop muscle via aerobic activity and weightlifting.

There is a certain sense of satisfaction in letting your energy out while performing a leg press or bench press after a particularly stressful day. Try low-impact exercises like yoga or swimming if you have sore joints. Try something different if your regular fitness routine is getting boring. Rock climbing, including indoor climbing, challenges you while working out your entire body. While exercising, turn on some motivating music to get your body going.

Book a stay that is just as stylish as one of the world's most fashionable cities if you want to really experience it. Here is a list of seven of the most stylish places to stay in Paris, ranging from lavish suites where the decor is inspired by a novel written in the 19th century to a boutique hotel located in the heart of the city that is housed in a building that is typically French.

COQ Hotel Paris

The COQ Hotel Paris is in the 13th arrondissement, which is a very diverse area. The name COQ stands for "Community of Quality." Its warm and welcoming public spaces, which include a sun- and plant-filled conservatory, a comfy sitting room with a fireplace, and a stylish and minimalist breakfast room, are examples of the homey spirit that permeates the establishment. You can anticipate muted, natural colours and eye-catching mid-century furnishings in this exceptional presentation of the Parisian style's understated aesthetic. In addition, a delicious traditional French breakfast consisting of fresh loaves of bread, croissants, fruit juices, and jams is provided.

Hôtel Montecristo

The famed French author Alexandre Dumas is responsible for penning the novel The Count of Monte Cristo, which served as the inspiration for the opulent design at Hôtel Montecristo. Tapestries, rattan furniture, and plush velvet upholstery can be found in the suites, all of which combine to create an atmosphere that will take you back in time to the 19th century. You can read yourself to sleep by the light of a painted ceramic lamp with a fringed lampshade or fall asleep while gazing at magnificent mural panels that are mounted over your bed. Bar 1802 in this hotel has the largest assortment of rum in all of Paris, so make sure to stop by there before you check out. Alternatively, there's the indoor pool, which features exotic plants, candles, and tiles in the style of Morocco, plus a sauna.

Hôtel Henriette

The charming Hôtel Henriette can be found on a peaceful street that borders the Latin Quarter in Paris. Inside, a floral-print fabric and patterned wallpaper create a relaxing atmosphere, which is enhanced by subtle details like vases filled with fresh flowers. The rooms are bright, colourful, and full of character, and they have vintage mirrors and parquet flooring. The apartments border a little courtyard area that is filled with greenery. Before venturing out to discover the neighbourhood's many points of interest, such as the well-known pedestrianised market street Rue Mouffetard and the Luxembourg Gardens, start your day with a cup of coffee served in a fine porcelain mug.

Chouchou Hotel

The beautiful Chouchou Hotel was given its name after a French expression of endearment, and it is affectionately covered in blue and white (a colour scheme that is characteristically French)—from the striped awnings gracing its attractive exterior to the marble and wood-panelled bar. The hotel draws both residents and tourists to its frequent live music events that it hosts as well as to its food hall-style restaurant, where you can discover good French wine and specialities like oysters and saucisson. The hotel also hosts live music events on a regular basis (dry-cured sausage). Upstairs, suites pay respect to French culture by having names like "La Vie en Rose," which is a tribute to the singer Edith Piaf, or by having framed images of the French legend Serge Gainsbourg.

Good morning beautiful people. This is not a video tutorial on how to braid your own hair but just a few tips that can keep you going while braiding your own hair. 

It all happened this way. I called in to book an appointment, only to get a message that the lady who started making my hair recently was travelling out of the country. She requested to introduce me to another lady, but I wasn't really sure if I would like the way she makes hair, tho I haven't even reached out to the lady.

I waved it off and started seeing a movie, suddenly I felt an urge to try braiding my hair by myself. I got up, took the necessary items needed, parted my hair into sessions and started braiding. 


Here are simple tips you need to know, which will help you braid your own hair.
Let me start by saying this, patience is a virtue, so you need to be patient.

1. Make sure you have enough braiding extensions. This is very important because, at the back of my hair, I started using other extension types because the one I used at large wasn't enough.

2. Part into sessions
If you do not part your hair into sessions, it becomes more difficult to braid a particular area and the hair ends up being so rough. Dividing your hair into smaller sessions for a start is the best way to obtain neat braids for beginners.

3. Use products that can make your hair softer and easy to grab.
I straightened my hair with a heated hair straightener. If you do not like this method you can use another protective method. I applied gel and coconut oil.

4. Watch youtube videos to understand how to grab your hair, tho that did not really help me because at the end of the day you just need to understand that part yourself.

5. Do not rush it. I know it is your first time braiding your own hair and you really want to see the finished look, rushing the braids isn't the best way to encourage yourself to braid your hair by yourself because if it doesn't look so good you might not want to try doing it again.

6. Rest when you feel like. You start feeling pains after a while because you are lifting your hands for a long time. Just rest and continue.

So, I got my finished looked and I have been rocking my braids. It is not the best, but I am happy with the outcome. Have you tried braiding your own hair? let me know in the comment session below.

Ciara in a Mugler power suit styled by style Maeve, hair by Lorenzo Calderon and makeup by Yolonda Frederick. In MUGLER RESORT 2021, she posed for the camera. The features on her beige suit, which included a blazer with cutout sides and sheer illusion panels trousers, made it stand out. This look has done exceptionally well for the fashion house, as seen by the fact that various celebrities and fashionistas have worn the jacket or the whole suit look like Ciara did.

At the Tony Awards, Matthew Lopez's play "The Inheritance" was voted best new play.

“Howards End” serves as the beginning point for the two-part, seven-hour epic, which examines gay life in the early twenty-first century. Andrew Burnap was named best actor in a play, Stephen Daldry was named best director, and Lois Smith was named best actress in a prominent part in a play.

The renowned piece was directed by now-three-time Tony Award winner Stephen Daldry and won several best play awards in London, where it opened in 2018.

The majority of people desire to be energetic and to feel alive. Dr. John Travis developed a wellness spectrum in the 1970s, with illness on one end, a point of neutrality in the middle (when a person shows no signs or symptoms of disease), and wellness on the other.
Wellness refers to a condition of health and well-being that extends beyond the absence of illness. People in this state are confident, open to new challenges, curious, and eager to take action. They're doing well. Wellness seekers might want to climb a mountain, read a new book, learn to play a new instrument, or actively interact with new people.
Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer are among the most common health problems that people face today. People who are suffering from these (and other) ailments are on the disease side of the spectrum. Smoking, alcohol substance use disorders, a lack of exercise, sleep deprivation, and a diet high in processed foods, sugar, saturated fat, and artificial flavours are all risk factors for developing these disorders. Another factor that can put you at risk for these disorders is your weight, especially if you carry additional weight around your waist.
A Tour Through a Gryffindor-Inspired Mansion: Step into the World of Magic

Welcome, all wizards, witches, and muggles alike, to a magical journey through a Gryffindor-inspired mansion. Join us as we explore the enchanting halls and secret chambers of this extraordinary abode, where the spirit of bravery and adventure come to life!

As you step through the grand entrance, you are immediately transported into a world of wizardry. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting the noble history of Gryffindor, and the flickering light of ancient chandeliers illuminates the space, casting a warm and inviting glow.

The common room, a place of camaraderie and courage, beckons you with its roaring fireplace and plush, scarlet armchairs. Curl up with a book from the extensive library, or engage in a friendly game of wizard's chess. The room is adorned with memorabilia of famous Gryffindor alumni, reminding you of the bravery and heroism that define this noble House.

Venture deeper into the mansion, and you'll discover a hidden passage leading to a fully equipped potions laboratory. Brew your own magical concoctions as you channel your inner Snape or Slughorn. Shelves line the walls, filled with rare ingredients and ancient spellbooks, inviting you to uncover the secrets of the magical arts.

The bedrooms are a haven for weary travelers, designed with comfort and a touch of magic in mind. Each room is adorned with Gryffindor-themed decor, from lion-emblazoned bedspreads to crimson curtains that cascade elegantly over the windows. As you drift off to sleep, dreams of Quidditch victories and daring adventures dance in your head.

The highlight of this enchanting mansion is its very own Quidditch pitch, where you can experience the thrill of flying on broomsticks and engaging in heart-pounding matches. Whether you're a seasoned player or a novice, the pitch offers an exhilarating experience that will have you feeling like a true Gryffindor champion.

After a day filled with magic and adventure, head to the Great Hall, where a sumptuous feast awaits. Long, wooden tables stretch as far as the eye can see, groaning under the weight of delectable dishes. Raise your goblet and toast to the spirit of Gryffindor, celebrating friendship, bravery, and the magic that lies within us all.

So, dear witches and wizards, immerse yourself in the world of magic as you embark on a tour through this Gryffindor-inspired mansion. Let the spirit of bravery and adventure guide you as you explore its halls and uncover its hidden wonders. May this extraordinary experience ignite the magic within your soul and leave you forever enchanted. Accio unforgettable memories! 

If you're having a bad day, remind yourself that you've made it through every bad day before. You'll get through this one as well. Do you have a horrible day on your hands? We've all got them. However, by reminding yourself of these some things, you can make your day better.

Deep breathing might help you relax and change your perspective.

Instead of snuggling up with Netflix, go watch a movie in the theatre (though this can help sometimes, too). Instead of concentrating on your unpleasant day, it will help you to disengage and immerse yourself in the imaginary narrative.

Write down the events or situations that brought you down to gain some perspective on how little or significant these difficulties are in the grand scheme of things.

Make a phone call to the individual who always reminds you why you're great. Make a plan with someone who lives nearby if it's someone you know.

To raise your mood, read some inspiring quotations.

When you travel, one of the best parts is getting to experience life as a local, whether it's eating at a family-run restaurant or making new friends while buying at a market off the beaten path. Book one of these six European homes-away-from-home for a long stay, and you'll get a flavour of local life while also enjoying some extra luxuries.

Madrid, Spain

Amor de Dios 17 Boutique Hotel, Madrid, Spain

Amor de Dios 17 Boutique Hotel, Madrid, Spain

For a sunny, cultural and delicious food-filled long stay in Europe, look no further than Madrid. More specifically – Amor de Dios 17 Boutique Hotel, is set within a Madrid townhouse in a quiet street in the centre of the city. It’s located between must-visits Plaza Mayor (Madrid’s expansive and atmospheric main square) and The Prado Museum (housing Spain’s largest national collection of art, and one of the largest collections in the world). First, go sightseeing and then settle in with late-night dinners at bars and beer gardens such as Cervecera Restaurante Plaza Mayor, which has outdoor seating right on the plaza and is a great place to people-watch. The Santa Eulalia Boulangerie Patisserie, a 15-minute walk from the hotel, is a nice place to grab a cup of coffee and some freshly baked bread and pastries for breakfast.

Munich, Germany

Schwan Locke, Munich, Germany

Schwan Locke, Munich, Germany

Munich has many strings to its bow; surrounded by easily accessible, resplendent nature, and known for its great beer, bakeries and pleasant pace of life, the Bavarian capital is a great place to try to settle into the local scene. To treat yourself to a little luxury while doing so, spend your long stay at Schwan Locke, where studio apartments boast modern, playful interiors in a soothing pastel and earthy colour palette.

I had lunch with my partner at the Howgait pub in Glasgow. The design is cool and it gives an old vibe which just relaxes you when you get in. Smiley waiters and it was a sunny day which made it a perfect day.

Well after much walking around we needed to eat and we ordered the chicken wings bucket and chips. What's food without a play of potato chips right? While waiting for our making order I took some photos and I think overall this place looks good.

They offer student and NHS discounts, 50 per cent off cocktails if you share and review their service on Google, Facebook and that tripadvisor. 

You can watch sports for free and also book events here. Quiz on Monday by 8pm, bingo on Thursday by 6:30 pm and live music 8-10 pm everyday. DJ and playing and karaoke.

Our meals were quick to arrive and delicious.

Jim Reid former Toronto Top Level Athlete & Coach

Hi Melody
To the majority of people exercise is better for us than dieting to lose weight. But the majority is wrong about significant weight reduction by exercise. Exercise is better for fitness, but very inefficient and ineffective for weight reduction. Also, the minority who believe dieting is better for weight loss are also wrong. Dieting involves all sorts of commercialized schemes, which are unhealthy in the long term and so shocking to our bodies, we have huge cravings after the weight went down that cause us to go back to our old everyday diets of eating everything we feel like when we feel like and how we feel like. The pounds come back like bad thoughts.

The TRUTH is that we will reduce weight steadily by self-control over what we eat for the rest of our lives. Once we learn the knowledge about our metabolism systems and nutrition knowledge and change our eating lifestyle, we will control our body's metabolic balance and recover the perfect metabolic fitness our inner body will manage for us every single day.

The other ingredient is our self-control. Our human spirit can control the thoughts and feelings generated in our minds by our bodies along with our carnal spirit, which we are born with.

Once we choose to put our maturing spirit mind in control to learn about our body and how it uses what we feed it, we can begin to overcome all the temptations, cravings and addictions, which make up our carnal natures.

Don’t read the spam link attached to the question.

Or fall for the either/or proposition, or think you should be able to concentrate on one to the exclusion of the other.

Diet and exercise work together to form a virtuous cycle.

Of course, it’s the reverse of the one that leads to inactivity and loss of fitness.

The more you exercise, the greater the strength, and the greater the ability to burn calories.

So if “weight loss” is the goal, both are necessary.

But why should “weight loss” be a greater goal than strength, fitness, health and vitality?

No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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