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Monday, September 20, 2021

How to lose belly fat very fast

As people reach their middle years, their fat-to-body-weight ratio tends to rise – more so in women than in men. The majority of extra pounds accumulate around the stomach.

We may have formerly regarded these changes as an unavoidable part of growing older. However, we've now been informed that as our waistlines expand, so do our health risks. Visceral fat, or abdominal fat, is of special concern since it plays a larger role in a range of health issues than subcutaneous fat, which you can grip with your hand. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is hidden deep within the abdominal cavity, where it fills in the spaces between our organs.

Visceral fat has been related to metabolic problems and an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It's also linked to breast cancer and the need for gallbladder surgery in women.

Subcutaneous fat accumulates in the lower body (the pear form), whereas visceral fat accumulates in the abdominal area (the apple shape). Several variables, including genes and hormones, determine where fat is stored. As the body of evidence against belly fat grows, researchers and doctors are attempting to quantify it, link it to health concerns, and track changes as people age and gain or lose weight.

It's subcutaneous fat that you can pinch. The visceral fat in your stomach can be seen and measured, but not squeezed.

How can you get rid of abdominal fat? Exercising and eating a healthy diet.  Even more essential than nutrition is staying physically active throughout the day and allocating time for regular exercise.

According to research, fat cells, particularly those in the abdomen, are biologically active. Consider fat as an endocrine organ or gland that produces hormones and other chemicals that have a tremendous effect on our health. Although scientists are still working to understand the functions of individual hormones, it's apparent that extra body fat, particularly abdominal fat, disrupts the natural balance and function of these hormones.

Scientists are now discovering that visceral fat releases immune system chemicals known as cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor and interleukin-6, which can raise the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cells' sensitivity to insulin, blood pressure, and blood clotting are considered to be harmed by these and other biochemicals.

It's possible that the presence of extra visceral fat near the portal vein, which transports blood from the intestine to the liver, is one of the reasons it's so dangerous. Free fatty acids and other substances produced by visceral fat enter the portal vein and go to the liver, where they might impact the synthesis of blood lipids. Higher total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower HDL (good) cholesterol, and insulin resistance are all associated with visceral fat.

Insulin resistance occurs when the body's muscle and liver cells do not respond properly to normal amounts of insulin, the pancreatic hormone that transports glucose into cells. Blood glucose levels rise, increasing the risk of diabetes. Let's get to the good news.

You can lose belly fat by exercising and eating a healthy diet.

So, what are our options for dealing with tubby tummies? It turns out, quite a bit. Regular moderate-intensity physical activity — at least 30 minutes per day (and maybe up to 60 minutes per day) to regulate weight and reduce belly fat — is the beginning point for bringing weight under control in general and battling abdominal fat in particular. Strength training (weightlifting) can also aid in the reduction of abdominal fat. Spot exercises like sit-ups can tighten abdominal muscles, but they won't get rid of visceral fat.

Diet is also crucial. Pay attention to portion sizes, and prioritize complex carbs (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) and lean protein over simple carbs like white bread, refined-grain pasta, and sugary beverages. Saturated and trans fats should be replaced by polyunsaturated fats.

Drug therapies for abdominal obesity are being developed by scientists. For the time being, doctors emphasize that changing one's lifestyle, particularly exercising, is the most effective method to combat visceral fat.

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