
The idea that a vegan diet cannot provide enough protein to support a healthy lifestyle is one of the most persistent myths about it. But if you know where to look, it's actually quite simple to get the daily recommended amount of protein! If you need a little pick-me-up, there is an amazing selection of vegan protein powders available, but the best course of action is to get your protein from whole foods like beans, lentils, and vegetables.

According to Viva! statistics, half of the people in the UK are reducing their meat consumption, and many are trying veganism during Veganuary. Approximately two million people, or 3% of the population, already identify as vegans. So, how do you confidently follow a vegan diet and ensure that you are getting the recommended amount of protein?

How much protein should we eat per day?
The UK Eatwell Guide states that each kilogram of body weight requires 0.75 grams of protein. For the average woman, this equates to roughly 45 grams per day.

The best sources of vegan protein

1. Lentils and beans (20 g of protein per 100g)

Any simple dinner hack to start with is to replace the meat in recipes like chili or stews with a plant-based substitute, like beans or lentils.

Lentils and beans work well to thicken dips and sauces, as well as adding flavor to soups and curries. They are a great way to get some vitamins B and fiber.

To increase the nutritional value and bioavailability of beans, fermenting them—a process also called tempeh—is a great idea. Although soy is frequently used, any bean will do. As an alternative, you can sprout them and use the results to make Ezekiel bread, which is made from sprouted legumes or whole grains and has about 8 grams of protein per slice.

2. Nuts and seeds (100g of pumpkin seeds contain 24.4g of protein).

Nuts and seeds are a good source of plant-based protein, whether you add them to smoothies, eat them as a snack in the afternoon, or sprinkle them over porridge. However, there are other advantages as well: "They have the added benefit of containing calcium, zinc, selenium, and fatty acids. Think outside the box and include a wide variety of foods in your diet."

3. Chickpeas (100g protein, approximately 7.7g)

Chickpeas can be used in almost any type of dish, including stir-fries, wraps, and curries. In fact, the leftover aquafaba—a term for chickpea water—can be used to make meringue and mousse, two delectable desserts.

As a source of protein, chickpeas are extremely adaptable. They can be roasted with a little olive oil and paprika for a nutritious afternoon snack, added to curries, blended into soups, and much more. They serve as a good source of fiber and iron as well.

4. Foods made from soy (about 8g of protein per 100g)

Foods made from soy, like tofu, offer fatty acids, calcium, and an alternative plant-based protein source with a good amino acid profile. Tofu can be especially delicious when added to noodle dishes and Asian-inspired curries. It can also be crispy-fried in a mixture of oil, corn flour, and soy sauce. If you haven't already, give it a try!"

Remember that soy beans and edamame have an impressive 11 grams of protein per 100 grams of food.

5. Vegetables and fruits

(roughly 2–9 grams of protein per cup)

All fruits and vegetables contain protein, which may surprise you. Green peas, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts, which normally contain 5g of protein per cooked cup, or sweetcorn, despite being categorized as a grain, are among the vegetables that have the highest protein content.

The expert continues, "We can look at guava, cherimoyas, mulberries, blackberries, nectarines, and bananas with around 2-4g of protein per cup." Let's not forget about our fruit friends.

The largest internal organ in the human body is the liver. It is especially vulnerable to the negative effects of alcohol and is more likely to experience them. However, if you quit drinking, your liver can regenerate.

How Alcohol Affects Liver

Detoxification is one of the hundreds of physiological functions that depend on the liver, particularly following alcohol intake. Prolonged and excessive alcohol use can damage not only the liver but also the brain and heart.

Ashwin Dhanda, an associate professor of hepatology at the University of Plymouth, clarified that consuming too much alcohol is linked to a number of illnesses, including fatty liver degeneration, which is the accumulation of fat in the liver, and cirrhosis of the liver, which is the formation of scars. Certain conditions might not manifest symptoms until much later in the course of the damage.

First of all, drinking alcohol causes liver fat. The liver becomes inflamed due to this fat. The liver tries to heal itself in reaction by producing scar tissue. If this keeps happening uncontrollably, the liver may develop cirrhosis, or an entire network of scars separated by tiny patches of healthy liver.

When the liver fails in the later stages of cirrhosis, patients may have jaundice, edema from fluid retention, drowsiness, and confusion. This can be fatal and is a serious matter.

Liver obesity will be seen in the majority of people who consistently consume more alcohol than the advised limit of 14 units per week (roughly six pints of regular-strength beer (4% strength) or roughly six medium (175 ml) glasses of wine (14% strength). Extended and heavy alcohol use raises the possibility of liver cirrhosis and scarring.

The classic sit-up is a popular workout move. Whether you saw a Rocky training montage or learned how to perform the exercise in gym class, you've undoubtedly done numerous sets of it in an effort to get washboard abs over the years.

When the mood strikes, you can perform sit-ups almost anywhere on the floor, and you can perform a lot of them because the exercise only requires your bodyweight. How do you know when to give up, particularly if you're the kind of person who enjoys pushing the boundaries to achieve your objectives? Is there an optimal number of sit-ups you can complete in a day, or is it primarily based on your level of fatigue tolerance? This is the lowdown on sit-ups.

Just how many sit-ups a day are recommended?

Although everyone has different objectives, levels of fitness, and situations, most people should aim to complete 40 sit-ups per day, according to Men's Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. Even though that might not seem like a lot of repetitions—especially if your ultimate goal is to develop a six-pack of abs—he clarifies that quality always comes before quantity. Samuel says, "Those who are abs users will tell you to slow down on the way down."

'You end up curling up and laying back down really quickly if you try to bang out 50, 60, or 100 reps.' Put another way, it's not worth the compromises you'll probably have to make in order to complete a significant number of reps.

Kurt Ellis, C.S.C.S., owner and coach at Beyond Numbers Performance, says that age and general health and fitness level would also be taken into consideration when figuring out how many sit-ups are too many. Keep in mind that performing a lot of sit-ups may result in poor form, compensations in the movement pattern, and overuse injuries, says Ellis. Translation: Don't aim for a world record if you want better outcomes and long-term health.

How to Perform a Sit-Up Correctly

Speaking of bad form, analyzing your sit-up form is a necessary part of paying attention to quality reps. To execute a conventional sit-up:

Start by lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. In order to prevent pulling on your head and neck when you sit up, Ellis advises keeping your hands by your sides, palms facing up, as opposed to behind the neck.

Exhale as you raise your upper body toward your knees while using your core.

Breathe in, then slowly lower your upper body while keeping your composure.

Important Sit-Up Form Advice

Take your time.

Take care not to strain your neck when curling up.

Elbows should be spread wide if hands are behind the head.

Keep your hands extended throughout the movement if they are in front.

Imagine removing each spinal vertebrae from the ground one at a time.

Your sexual life is no different from any other aspect of your life in that it changes with time.

"Health problems, physical changes, or changes in desire are just a few of the challenges that partners in relationships face that can affect intimacy," says Dr. Sharon Bober, director of the Sexual Health Program at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, which is affiliated with Harvard. "Older couples often have core beliefs, including that their sex life is bound to diminish or that individuals need to conform to a certain ideal as they age, but with communication, planning, and creativity, both partners can continue to enjoy a satisfying sexual relationship over time."

Here are three typical problems that older couples encounter and how to resolve them:

Get into a rut
Most long-term partners eventually fall into romantic ruts. Here are some ways to get back on course.

Restart your dating life. Your fulfilling sexual life doesn't start in the bedroom. Plan regular dates with your significant other and think about doing things that are novel for you both, such as attending a class together, taking part in a local event, or taking an impromptu overnight or weekend romantic getaway. "Doing something different and unexpected can offer a shared sense of excitement that increases desire and can bring you and your partner closer together, which also helps cultivate desire," Dr. Bober says.

Turn it around. Pay more attention to your partner's happiness and contentment and less attention to yourself. According to Dr. Bober, "this can be a big turn-on for both people."

According to a study published online by Menopause on September 12, 2023, women who have both of their ovaries removed prior to menopause have significantly increased chances of developing multiple chronic health conditions decades later.

The 274 women (average age 67) in the study had either undergone a hysterectomy or had their ovaries removed prior to menopause for a noncancerous condition. The women had thorough physical examinations for an average of 22 years following their surgery to determine whether any chronic conditions existed and to assess their level of strength and mobility.

Women under 46 who had their ovaries removed had 64% higher odds of having arthritis, twice the likelihood of having obstructive sleep apnea, and almost three times the likelihood of having had a bone fracture as compared to women of the same age who still had their ovaries. In a test that involved a six-minute walk, they also did worse. In addition, ovary removal patients between the ages of 46 and 49 were more likely to develop arthritis and sleep apnea than non-operating patients of the same age. Nonetheless, ovary excision prior to menopause was not associated with any of the following conditions: cancer, diabetes, dementia, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, irregular cardiac rhythm, osteoporosis, or diseases of the kidney, liver, or thyroid.

The authors of the study advised women who have their ovaries removed before menopause to think about starting estrogen therapy around age 50.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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