
There are various health benefits of foot massage

Foot massage, also known as reflexology, is foot care. 
There are various health benefits of foot massage, and that is why you should not go a day without getting a foot massage. Keep reading to find out why.

Every day, their feet put in a lot of effort. They not only aid in locomotion but also support the body's weight. Unfortunately, foot care is frequently overlooked. It is critical to maintain clean and relaxed feet.

Massage your feet for a few minutes every day to help relax the muscles in your feet, strengthen them, make them more flexible, relieve stress, and improve blood flow.

Benefits of Foot Massage

1. Boost blood circulation
The primary method of increasing circulation in the feet is loosening techniques. When you loosen your feet and ankles, the blood flows better and the next treatment, like massage or reflexology, works better overall.

The therapist can check how mobile the foot and ankle joints are by manually moving the tissues back and forth and side to side.

2. Encourage restful sleep

Regular massage has been shown in studies to improve sleep and circadian rhythm. Let your massage therapist know if you want to improve your sleep. Swedish and myofascial massage are among the techniques available.

For pain or discomfort relief, you can also try energetic techniques like deep tissue massage or therapeutic massage, as long as they don't make you feel worse.

3. Get rid of back pain
Foot massage may help alleviate some aspects of back pain due to the interconnectivity of the body's tissues. But the fact that they are connected may mean that other areas, like the calves and hamstrings, also need to be worked on.

4. Unwind the body.
Swedish and Ayurvedic foot massage are the most relaxing foot massage techniques. Swedish massage uses long strokes and circular motions, as well as other types of gentle strokes, to help you relax.

The speed and pressure with which these strokes are executed are critical to achieving tranquillity. Warm oil is combined with gentle strokes in Ayurvedic massage to balance the doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

We're keeping tabs on this research.

A review article that appeared on September 1, 2022 in the International Journal of Cardiology suggested that psychological problems like anger, worry, sadness, and work stress may increase the risk of having the heart rhythm disease known as atrial fibrillation (afib).

The researchers analysed 13 studies with a combined participant population of more than 5.3 million participants. They discovered that the two most prevalent mental illnesses, anxiety and depression, were linked to an increased risk of afib by 25% and 10%, respectively. Anger was associated with a 15% increase in risk of Afib and significant work stress with an 18% increase in risk.

There's no question that contentment is a key ingredient to leading a happy life. But what if you're not content with your current situation? What if you feel like you could be doing more? This blog post will discuss some tips on how to reach a higher level of contentment and achieve greater happiness!

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1) Get rid of negativity

First and foremost, it's important to get rid of anything that's causing negative feelings. This might include toxic relationships, a stressful job, or any other situation that makes you feel unhappy. Once you've removed these negative influences from your life, you'll be able to focus on reaching a higher level of contentment.

It can also be helpful to set goals for yourself. Having something to strive for will give you a sense of purpose and help keep you motivated. Make sure your goals are realistic and achievable, so you don't get discouraged along the way.

2) Find things that make you happy

It's important to find activities, people, and things that bring joy into your life. This might include spending time with friends and family, pursuing a hobby, or taking a trip to a place you've always wanted to visit. When you surround yourself with positive influences, it'll be easier to achieve contentment.

In addition to finding happiness externally, it's also essential to focus on internal happiness. This means taking care of yourself emotionally and mentally as well as physically. Make sure to schedule time for relaxation and self-care, so you don't get overwhelmed by day-to-day stressors.

Long-term grief disorder is now a recognised mental health issue.

Long-term grief disorder is now a recognised mental health issue.

We all experience grief differently and on our own timelines when a loved one goes away. However, physicians now have a formal diagnosis for it when a high level of grieving persists for more than a year. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)—the manual used by physicians to make mental health diagnoses—included "prolonged grief disorder" in March 2022.


"Not just missing your loved one after a year counts as prolonged mourning. It hinders function and is incapacitating. " "It goes beyond accepted societal, cultural, and religious standards.

Prevalence and signs


Only people who are grieving the loss of a loved one are considered to have prolonged grief disorder. According to estimates, 7% to 10% of adult bereaved people have the disorder.


The symptoms are extremely specific. A person with extended grief still feels a strong longing or yearning for the person who died or is so consumed by thoughts and memories of the person who died that it gets in the way of their daily life after a year.


Also, for a person to be diagnosed with chronic grief, they must show at least three of the following signs:


Acute anger, bitterness, or sorrow relating to the loss; difficulties re-engaging with life; emotional numbness, especially regarding connection with others; a feeling that life is now worthless; intense loneliness as a result of the death. A feeling that a part of oneself has died.

Other illnesses like depression, PTSD, or drug use can't explain the symptoms better.

 Continually grieving

The veil of grief can wrap us for a variety of reasons, keeping us lost in another reality. The risk elements are divided into two groups:


circumstances surrounding the death, such as trauma, suddenness, or violence; lack of planning; death of a child or younger person; or death in a hospital intensive care unit; circumstances surrounding the bereaved person, such as a history of mental disorders, such as depression or drug use; other losses in life; or a lack of social support.

This year, back-to-school initiatives promote a secure return to full-time, in-person education in order to improve kids' academic and psychological well-being. Even though it may be tempting to keep summertime sleep patterns, it's important for kids to have a regular schedule where they sleep when it's dark and are awake when it's light. This is how our bodies work best. This is valid for home schooling families as well; no child should spend the entire morning in bed, even if the trip to school only requires a short walk to the kitchen table, allowing for more sleep than those who must take an early bus.

All of us need to sleep, but children especially need to sleep. Children who don't get enough good sleep are more likely to experience learning difficulties, behavioural issues, and health problems.

Here are a few easy steps you can take to ensure that your child gets the rest they require.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Have a schedule for
Our bodies function best when we go to bed and wake up at around the same time each day.

Eight to ten hours of sleep is required for teens and children. Count back 10 hours from the time your child is supposed to wake up in the morning. They should be getting ready for bed around that time (for younger children, count back 11 hours).
For instance, if your teen must get up at 7, they should be dressed and in bed by 9 p.m. (since most of us don't fall asleep as soon as our head strikes the pillow). By around age 8, a younger child should begin getting ready (showering, etc.).
Building happy teams has arguably never been more important than during the Great Resignation. Company executives battling to retain outstanding staff rely on certain basics such as bonuses, increased retirement contributions, and promotions.

These common strategies can undoubtedly motivate and entertain team members. However, with more companies dangling the same carrots, people tend to go toward the biggest ones. Then, every time someone leaves, you have to try to put your team back together again.

As employees seek professional fulfilment in areas other than their income, you have an opportunity to be creative. Here are three methods for creating a happier, more productive team.

1. Increase the volume of their workplace.

We never grow tired of wanting better toys. They may not be the same as those we had when we were younger, but we still adore them. At whatever age, our "stuff" keeps us happy and fulfilled.

Your team members may only require a desk, computer, chair, phone, wastebasket, and stapler. Giving them more than the minimal necessities, on the other hand, can make them feel special. You shouldn't have to spend too much money on it.

Not everyone can afford a corner office, but they can incorporate parts of one into their workspace. Consider light therapy lamps (often known as "happy lights") in windowless offices, as well as more ergonomic seats and footrests. Perhaps a team member would like a standing desk or a treadmill workstation to keep them moving as they work.

Obviously, there are several electronic devices that would warm the hearts and workstations of employees. Screens that are larger and of higher quality, monitor stands, and mouse pads that charge mobile devices are a few examples. In a less technological vein, green plants may do wonders for the aesthetic appeal of a sterile area.

The members of your team will not all desire the same creature comforts; therefore, you must cater to their specific desires and needs. Have kids prepare wish lists so you can assess the cost of the desired items and begin budgeting for them. Keep in mind that these workplace enhancements are significant contributors to both team happiness and productivity.

2. Organize extracurricular team activities.

Not only do members of the happiest teams work well together, but they also like each other. Logic dictates that if they love spending time together outside of work, they will be happier on the job. It is your responsibility to establish extracurricular opportunities that will strengthen these friendships.

Food and drink are always excellent opportunities for social interaction and conversation. Team breakfasts, lunches, and happy hours provide employees with an opportunity to unwind and enjoy one another's company. They are comparable to joyfully chaotic holiday family meals.

And don't overlook entertainment. Have various teams battle against one another for cheesy travelling trophies and boastful bragging rights. Who can answer the Wordle of the day in the fewest attempts and quickest time? Then there's bowling, NCAA basketball tournament brackets, and exciting Minecraft competitions.

Allowing staff time for activities while they are on the clock is one of the keys to team happiness here. You cannot expect a single father with a child to spend all night with the same folks he saw during the day. Furthermore, you don't want him to feel like he's missing out on the pleasure every time he prioritises his family.

Hosting these non-traditional corporate holiday parties will not prevent work from being completed. In contrast, coworkers tend to discuss work even in social settings. After dinner and a movie in the conference room, who knows what unique solutions your team may come up with?

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Cosiness: The Solution We Need in Our Lives Now (and How To Get Better at It)

Everybody is feeling the need to have a metaphorical hug right now. It's hardly a surprise that the Danish concept of hygge is becoming more popular. Danish people have been using hygge, which is about embracing the little pleasures of life and cosines, to improve their overall happiness. But what do we have to remember about the concept of comfort? It's a good idea to know some of the benefits but also how to start practicing comfort in ways that are practical and beneficial for you.

The Benefits of Cosiness

There are a wide variety of comfort benefits in the world. From a health perspective, we are going to recover better from anything. When we feel stressed, this increases our levels of cortisol. The stress hormone is going to prolong any sense of illness because the stress is going to affect our nervous system and immune system. This is why the simple notions of comfort in our lives can do a lot for us. Whether it's ensuring that your chest and back remain supported by having deep plunge bras or wrapping yourself up in a blanket and having extra thick socks, comfort is going to reduce our stress response, which means that we're not going to feel those spikes of anxiety and depression.

Additionally, it helps you be more content. When we feel more content in our lives, we become more present, and we increase our notion of self-care, but it also ensures that we don't use ineffective coping strategies. A lot of people focus on watching too much television, spending more time on social media, or quelling stress with alcohol or drugs. When we feel more content, we start to realize that the strategies we have been using were not so affected.

How Do We Practice Comfort?

Comfort is about understanding that, like anything in life that is beneficial, it requires practice.
Create the Right Environment

The best place to begin is in the home. You need to start surrounding yourself with things that will relax you. You might not have the money to completely alter the look and feel of your home, but you can reduce stress in your life by decluttering. When we remove unnecessary clutter, we start to feel less stress pulling on us because there are fewer things to deal with. The simple act of tidying regularly will give you the ability to deal with stress more effectively because you're not experiencing that decision fatigue.

Priorities Self-Care

If you want to feel comfortable, you've got to understand that you are worth the effort. Many people feel that they are constantly giving to others, whether it's through social media or a lack of faith in themselves. It's about realizing that you can, and should, dedicate time to yourself and it is a gift to offer yourself comfort. It's something that we tend to lose touch with as we get older. As children, our parents tucked us in at night and as we became adults, we started to believe that we've got to be strong and attentive grown-ups. Having those opportunities to wrap yourself in a blanket is going to make you feel more in touch with yourself, comfortable, and therefore, cozy.

Slow Down

One of the hardest things to come to terms with is that we need to take it easy. Adrenal fatigue is a very real problem in the modern world that stems from doing too much too quickly. When we start to slow down, we become more present and exhibit more traits of mindfulness. We need to learn how to slow down, even if we have a busy life. It's about ensuring that we can compartmentalize where we need to start calming down and realising that there are aspects of our lives that don't require us to go a mile a minute. When you begin to take the pressure off yourself to go fast, you soon begin to understand that when you let things be and operate at the speed they were originally intended, you begin to do away with all of your preconceptions and fakery around what you're giving out to the world. This means that you may be more relaxed in who you are and can have significant carryover into other aspects of your life. For example, you may feel more attractive in yourself which comes from a sense of calm, sense of care, and a sense of self.

For many people, we are enduring an incredibly tough time. Now has never been a better opportunity to practice comfort.

How safe are outpatient ketamine clinics? Ketamine is approved for the treatment of difficult-to-treat depression.

How safe is Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression?

An uncommon class of psychedelic drug known as a dissociative, ketamine, is experiencing a resurgence in use. Ketamine, sometimes known as "special K," is a common anaesthetic used in hospitals and veterinary clinics that was originally developed from PCP, also known as "angel dust."

Both ketamine's medical and recreational uses are supported by its effects, which include pain control, amnesia, intoxication, dissociation, and euphoria. Due to its clearance for treating treatment-resistant depression (TRD), which is severe depression that has not improved with other therapy and includes people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it has recently become more extensively used.

Evidence of ketamine's benefits

Esketamine (Spravato), a prescription form of ketamine that is administered through a nasal spray, was approved by the FDA in 2019 for TRD. However, the rules state that it can only be used "under the supervision of a health care professional in a qualified doctor's office or clinic." Therefore, medical personnel must watch you using it and then follow you after you've taken your dose to monitor your vital signs and your overall clinical progress.

In research when ketamine was compared to a placebo, depression scores decreased subjectively and statistically significantly, and the efficacy of ketamine for TRD was first shown for short-term treatment. (In both trial groups, patients continued taking their normal antidepressants out of anxiety that TRD wouldn't be treated in the placebo arm.) In a study where ketamine (together with the standard antidepressant) helped patients stay in stable remission 16 weeks into treatment, it was discovered that nasal ketamine has longer-term efficacy.
With ketamine, TRD relief happens quickly. People who are struggling with the crushing weight of depression can start to feel the effects of ketamine in about 40 minutes, whereas they may have to wait weeks for an SSRI to help.
Is ketamine the best course of treatment for you? 
Your primary care physician, your mental health professional, and any other healthcare providers who are involved in your treatment should be involved in this conversation. Keep in mind that ketamine is not a first-line treatment for depression and is typically only used when other, more established treatments have failed. It is not regarded as curative; rather, it is thought to alleviate symptoms for a limited time. By looking at the bad effects, it is easier to figure out who shouldn't get ketamine treatment.
Should you seek therapy at a ketamine clinic? 
Ketamine outpatient clinics run independently are springing up everywhere. These clinics are thought to number in the hundreds to thousands at present, practically all of which were started when ketamine was authorised for TRD in 2019. These clinics are typically for-profit businesses with a staff that includes a nurse, a social worker, a psychiatrist or anesthesiologist (who can administer the infusion), and (of course) the entrepreneurs who make it all run.
How safe are ketamine clinics? 
These ketamine clinics present a number of concerns, such as what to look for in a reliable ketamine facility. We don't currently have any conclusive responses to that query. One wonders whether ketamine infusions, which can result in a deep dissociation from reality, would be better managed in a hospital setting where there are guidelines for safety in case something goes wrong. The level of communication, if any, between the ketamine clinic staff and your healthcare providers was unclear (in part because I didn't actually follow through with the therapy), and normally the treatments you receive wouldn't be recorded in your primary electronic medical record.

Stress is a condition of extreme mental or emotional tension. Because some stress is unavoidable in everyday life, managing stress is crucial for many aspects of your health. Many scenarios lead to stress, from the rush to leave the house and navigate the traffic to minor irritants like a broken dishwasher or a blocked sink.

It's not healthy to have too much stress in your life because it can cause bodily issues. Stress excess compromises your metabolism, weakens your immune system, and may even alter how your brain processes information. An excessive amount of stress might make it difficult for you to obtain a good night's sleep and may harm your relationships. To prevent stress from rising to unhealthy levels, there are fortunately many healthy and constructive ways to handle it.

Tea's Relaxing Properties

Tea's Relaxing Properties
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Numerous teas provide benefits for relaxation and stress reduction. The dried flowers and leaves of the chamomile plant are used to make chamomile tea. This tea is thought to relieve sleeplessness and anxiety. An unsettled stomach, a typical sign of stress, can be soothed by chamomile tea. You can have a cup of chamomile tea approximately 30 minutes before bedtime to help you get a restful night's sleep because it contains no caffeine.

Peppermint tea is a fantastic alternative. Benefits of this sort of tea include improved relaxation and improved digestion. Additionally devoid of caffeine, peppermint tea is a healthy beverage to sip before bed. The main component of peppermint tea, menthol, also lessens pain and inflammation. The tea can reduce inflammation and pain since stress chemicals like cortisol make these conditions worse.

Tea preparation alone is calming. Pick yourself a lovely teacup and saucer yourself. Add a few drops of lemon juice for vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and a few drops of raw, organic honey for sweetness and other health advantages.

Essential Oils for Reducing Stress

Essential Oils for Reducing Stress

The management of stress can benefit from the use of essential oils. Consider using geranium and rose essential oils. These essential oils support mood enhancement and stress reduction. Try lemon essential oil as well. While vitamin C enters your skin and strengthens your immune system, the energising aroma can uplift your mood. The discharge of poisons and negative energies that accumulate from repeated exposure to stressful conditions is aided by ylang ylang essential oil.

There are many applications for essential oils. For every ounce of shampoo or conditioner, one drop of essential oil can be added. Additionally, essential oils can be used topically to your pulse spots, such as the inner wrists. Your body's heat warms the oils, making them active. Find a little glass vial with a cork and use that to store essential oils instead. Check to see if the glass vial has a clasp so you may use it as a necklace. All day long, the oils will spread from the cork and offer their stress-relieving effects.

Take a Relaxing Bath

Take a Relaxing Bath

If you want to relax your body and reduce tension, think about taking a long bath. Try taking a bubble bath to unwind. If you tend to stiffen up when agitated, a warm bubble bath can assist your muscles, ligaments, and tendons relax. An Epsom salt or mineral bath can also be beneficial for reducing tension. These salts aid in your body's ability to remove pollutants. They also enhance your skin's ability to recover. Several drops of your preferred essential oils can also be added to the bathwater.

Stress-Relieving Meals

Stress-Relieving Meals
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You can try a variety of foods that reduce stress. A square of dark chocolate gives your brain endorphins. Antioxidants found in dark chocolate can help to counteract some of the negative effects of stress on the body. Make sure to consume very little chocolate. Because it includes caffeine, avoid eating it four hours before going to bed.

Pistachios are another superfood worth trying. In a single tiny container, pistachios include complex carbs, dietary fibre, protein, and healthy fats. They deliver nutrients like folate, riboflavin, potassium, lutein, and vitamin B-6. You can manage your weight, lower your cholesterol, and restore good skin thanks to these nuts. Pistachios are a fantastic source of antioxidants and support your immune system by reducing the negative effects of stress.

Another stress-relieving snack is seeds. Pick sesame, chia, or pumpkin seeds. These foods with little processing include important nutrients like manganese and copper, have a lot of dietary fibre, and make you feel full after a small amount.

In addition to experimenting with those superfoods, alter your diet in general. Your body will be more capable of handling stress when it is healthy. Prioritize whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats as well as complex carbohydrates. Make sure your body is well hydrated, paying special attention to getting adequate water. Reduce the amount of added sugar and caffeine in your beverages. Avoid using food, alcohol, or other addictive drugs as self-medication. In the end, they'll make your stress worse.

Exercise to Reduce Stress

10 Stress Management Tips for everyone

Exercise is beneficial for stress management. Your body naturally releases endorphins when you work out. Your mood is affected by the endorphins, which aid in letting go of unpleasant feelings. After an exercise, endorphins' effects might last for several hours. You don't have to be an athlete to benefit from exercise's beneficial stress-reduction effects.

Think about going for a 30- to 60-minute walk outside. Locate a lovely park and take in the scenery. You may wander around a mall in bad weather. You have the chance to challenge yourself by using the exercise equipment in the gym. You can enhance your metabolism and develop muscle via aerobic activity and weightlifting.

There is a certain sense of satisfaction in letting your energy out while performing a leg press or bench press after a particularly stressful day. Try low-impact exercises like yoga or swimming if you have sore joints. Try something different if your regular fitness routine is getting boring. Rock climbing, including indoor climbing, challenges you while working out your entire body. While exercising, turn on some motivating music to get your body going.

Essential oils can help you focus quickly and naturally.

Essential oils have several beneficial applications. One unexpected application is in assisting people in maintaining concentration.

Individuals who are mentally fatigued may benefit from the use of basil oil. Basil's aroma is initially relaxing, but it gradually becomes stimulating.

Sage oil helps aid concentration. It is excellent for stimulating the intellect, and studies suggest that sage oil may help with Alzheimer's symptoms.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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