
Building happy teams has arguably never been more important than during the Great Resignation. Company executives battling to retain outstanding staff rely on certain basics such as bonuses, increased retirement contributions, and promotions.

These common strategies can undoubtedly motivate and entertain team members. However, with more companies dangling the same carrots, people tend to go toward the biggest ones. Then, every time someone leaves, you have to try to put your team back together again.

As employees seek professional fulfilment in areas other than their income, you have an opportunity to be creative. Here are three methods for creating a happier, more productive team.

1. Increase the volume of their workplace.

We never grow tired of wanting better toys. They may not be the same as those we had when we were younger, but we still adore them. At whatever age, our "stuff" keeps us happy and fulfilled.

Your team members may only require a desk, computer, chair, phone, wastebasket, and stapler. Giving them more than the minimal necessities, on the other hand, can make them feel special. You shouldn't have to spend too much money on it.

Not everyone can afford a corner office, but they can incorporate parts of one into their workspace. Consider light therapy lamps (often known as "happy lights") in windowless offices, as well as more ergonomic seats and footrests. Perhaps a team member would like a standing desk or a treadmill workstation to keep them moving as they work.

Obviously, there are several electronic devices that would warm the hearts and workstations of employees. Screens that are larger and of higher quality, monitor stands, and mouse pads that charge mobile devices are a few examples. In a less technological vein, green plants may do wonders for the aesthetic appeal of a sterile area.

The members of your team will not all desire the same creature comforts; therefore, you must cater to their specific desires and needs. Have kids prepare wish lists so you can assess the cost of the desired items and begin budgeting for them. Keep in mind that these workplace enhancements are significant contributors to both team happiness and productivity.

2. Organize extracurricular team activities.

Not only do members of the happiest teams work well together, but they also like each other. Logic dictates that if they love spending time together outside of work, they will be happier on the job. It is your responsibility to establish extracurricular opportunities that will strengthen these friendships.

Food and drink are always excellent opportunities for social interaction and conversation. Team breakfasts, lunches, and happy hours provide employees with an opportunity to unwind and enjoy one another's company. They are comparable to joyfully chaotic holiday family meals.

And don't overlook entertainment. Have various teams battle against one another for cheesy travelling trophies and boastful bragging rights. Who can answer the Wordle of the day in the fewest attempts and quickest time? Then there's bowling, NCAA basketball tournament brackets, and exciting Minecraft competitions.

Allowing staff time for activities while they are on the clock is one of the keys to team happiness here. You cannot expect a single father with a child to spend all night with the same folks he saw during the day. Furthermore, you don't want him to feel like he's missing out on the pleasure every time he prioritises his family.

Hosting these non-traditional corporate holiday parties will not prevent work from being completed. In contrast, coworkers tend to discuss work even in social settings. After dinner and a movie in the conference room, who knows what unique solutions your team may come up with?

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Cosiness: The Solution We Need in Our Lives Now (and How To Get Better at It)

Everybody is feeling the need to have a metaphorical hug right now. It's hardly a surprise that the Danish concept of hygge is becoming more popular. Danish people have been using hygge, which is about embracing the little pleasures of life and cosines, to improve their overall happiness. But what do we have to remember about the concept of comfort? It's a good idea to know some of the benefits but also how to start practicing comfort in ways that are practical and beneficial for you.

The Benefits of Cosiness

There are a wide variety of comfort benefits in the world. From a health perspective, we are going to recover better from anything. When we feel stressed, this increases our levels of cortisol. The stress hormone is going to prolong any sense of illness because the stress is going to affect our nervous system and immune system. This is why the simple notions of comfort in our lives can do a lot for us. Whether it's ensuring that your chest and back remain supported by having deep plunge bras or wrapping yourself up in a blanket and having extra thick socks, comfort is going to reduce our stress response, which means that we're not going to feel those spikes of anxiety and depression.

Additionally, it helps you be more content. When we feel more content in our lives, we become more present, and we increase our notion of self-care, but it also ensures that we don't use ineffective coping strategies. A lot of people focus on watching too much television, spending more time on social media, or quelling stress with alcohol or drugs. When we feel more content, we start to realize that the strategies we have been using were not so affected.

How Do We Practice Comfort?

Comfort is about understanding that, like anything in life that is beneficial, it requires practice.
Create the Right Environment

The best place to begin is in the home. You need to start surrounding yourself with things that will relax you. You might not have the money to completely alter the look and feel of your home, but you can reduce stress in your life by decluttering. When we remove unnecessary clutter, we start to feel less stress pulling on us because there are fewer things to deal with. The simple act of tidying regularly will give you the ability to deal with stress more effectively because you're not experiencing that decision fatigue.

Priorities Self-Care

If you want to feel comfortable, you've got to understand that you are worth the effort. Many people feel that they are constantly giving to others, whether it's through social media or a lack of faith in themselves. It's about realizing that you can, and should, dedicate time to yourself and it is a gift to offer yourself comfort. It's something that we tend to lose touch with as we get older. As children, our parents tucked us in at night and as we became adults, we started to believe that we've got to be strong and attentive grown-ups. Having those opportunities to wrap yourself in a blanket is going to make you feel more in touch with yourself, comfortable, and therefore, cozy.

Slow Down

One of the hardest things to come to terms with is that we need to take it easy. Adrenal fatigue is a very real problem in the modern world that stems from doing too much too quickly. When we start to slow down, we become more present and exhibit more traits of mindfulness. We need to learn how to slow down, even if we have a busy life. It's about ensuring that we can compartmentalize where we need to start calming down and realising that there are aspects of our lives that don't require us to go a mile a minute. When you begin to take the pressure off yourself to go fast, you soon begin to understand that when you let things be and operate at the speed they were originally intended, you begin to do away with all of your preconceptions and fakery around what you're giving out to the world. This means that you may be more relaxed in who you are and can have significant carryover into other aspects of your life. For example, you may feel more attractive in yourself which comes from a sense of calm, sense of care, and a sense of self.

For many people, we are enduring an incredibly tough time. Now has never been a better opportunity to practice comfort.

How safe are outpatient ketamine clinics? Ketamine is approved for the treatment of difficult-to-treat depression.

How safe is Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression?

An uncommon class of psychedelic drug known as a dissociative, ketamine, is experiencing a resurgence in use. Ketamine, sometimes known as "special K," is a common anaesthetic used in hospitals and veterinary clinics that was originally developed from PCP, also known as "angel dust."

Both ketamine's medical and recreational uses are supported by its effects, which include pain control, amnesia, intoxication, dissociation, and euphoria. Due to its clearance for treating treatment-resistant depression (TRD), which is severe depression that has not improved with other therapy and includes people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it has recently become more extensively used.

Evidence of ketamine's benefits

Esketamine (Spravato), a prescription form of ketamine that is administered through a nasal spray, was approved by the FDA in 2019 for TRD. However, the rules state that it can only be used "under the supervision of a health care professional in a qualified doctor's office or clinic." Therefore, medical personnel must watch you using it and then follow you after you've taken your dose to monitor your vital signs and your overall clinical progress.

In research when ketamine was compared to a placebo, depression scores decreased subjectively and statistically significantly, and the efficacy of ketamine for TRD was first shown for short-term treatment. (In both trial groups, patients continued taking their normal antidepressants out of anxiety that TRD wouldn't be treated in the placebo arm.) In a study where ketamine (together with the standard antidepressant) helped patients stay in stable remission 16 weeks into treatment, it was discovered that nasal ketamine has longer-term efficacy.
With ketamine, TRD relief happens quickly. People who are struggling with the crushing weight of depression can start to feel the effects of ketamine in about 40 minutes, whereas they may have to wait weeks for an SSRI to help.
Is ketamine the best course of treatment for you? 
Your primary care physician, your mental health professional, and any other healthcare providers who are involved in your treatment should be involved in this conversation. Keep in mind that ketamine is not a first-line treatment for depression and is typically only used when other, more established treatments have failed. It is not regarded as curative; rather, it is thought to alleviate symptoms for a limited time. By looking at the bad effects, it is easier to figure out who shouldn't get ketamine treatment.
Should you seek therapy at a ketamine clinic? 
Ketamine outpatient clinics run independently are springing up everywhere. These clinics are thought to number in the hundreds to thousands at present, practically all of which were started when ketamine was authorised for TRD in 2019. These clinics are typically for-profit businesses with a staff that includes a nurse, a social worker, a psychiatrist or anesthesiologist (who can administer the infusion), and (of course) the entrepreneurs who make it all run.
How safe are ketamine clinics? 
These ketamine clinics present a number of concerns, such as what to look for in a reliable ketamine facility. We don't currently have any conclusive responses to that query. One wonders whether ketamine infusions, which can result in a deep dissociation from reality, would be better managed in a hospital setting where there are guidelines for safety in case something goes wrong. The level of communication, if any, between the ketamine clinic staff and your healthcare providers was unclear (in part because I didn't actually follow through with the therapy), and normally the treatments you receive wouldn't be recorded in your primary electronic medical record.

Stress is a condition of extreme mental or emotional tension. Because some stress is unavoidable in everyday life, managing stress is crucial for many aspects of your health. Many scenarios lead to stress, from the rush to leave the house and navigate the traffic to minor irritants like a broken dishwasher or a blocked sink.

It's not healthy to have too much stress in your life because it can cause bodily issues. Stress excess compromises your metabolism, weakens your immune system, and may even alter how your brain processes information. An excessive amount of stress might make it difficult for you to obtain a good night's sleep and may harm your relationships. To prevent stress from rising to unhealthy levels, there are fortunately many healthy and constructive ways to handle it.

Tea's Relaxing Properties

Tea's Relaxing Properties
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Numerous teas provide benefits for relaxation and stress reduction. The dried flowers and leaves of the chamomile plant are used to make chamomile tea. This tea is thought to relieve sleeplessness and anxiety. An unsettled stomach, a typical sign of stress, can be soothed by chamomile tea. You can have a cup of chamomile tea approximately 30 minutes before bedtime to help you get a restful night's sleep because it contains no caffeine.

Peppermint tea is a fantastic alternative. Benefits of this sort of tea include improved relaxation and improved digestion. Additionally devoid of caffeine, peppermint tea is a healthy beverage to sip before bed. The main component of peppermint tea, menthol, also lessens pain and inflammation. The tea can reduce inflammation and pain since stress chemicals like cortisol make these conditions worse.

Tea preparation alone is calming. Pick yourself a lovely teacup and saucer yourself. Add a few drops of lemon juice for vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and a few drops of raw, organic honey for sweetness and other health advantages.

Essential Oils for Reducing Stress

Essential Oils for Reducing Stress

The management of stress can benefit from the use of essential oils. Consider using geranium and rose essential oils. These essential oils support mood enhancement and stress reduction. Try lemon essential oil as well. While vitamin C enters your skin and strengthens your immune system, the energising aroma can uplift your mood. The discharge of poisons and negative energies that accumulate from repeated exposure to stressful conditions is aided by ylang ylang essential oil.

There are many applications for essential oils. For every ounce of shampoo or conditioner, one drop of essential oil can be added. Additionally, essential oils can be used topically to your pulse spots, such as the inner wrists. Your body's heat warms the oils, making them active. Find a little glass vial with a cork and use that to store essential oils instead. Check to see if the glass vial has a clasp so you may use it as a necklace. All day long, the oils will spread from the cork and offer their stress-relieving effects.

Take a Relaxing Bath

Take a Relaxing Bath

If you want to relax your body and reduce tension, think about taking a long bath. Try taking a bubble bath to unwind. If you tend to stiffen up when agitated, a warm bubble bath can assist your muscles, ligaments, and tendons relax. An Epsom salt or mineral bath can also be beneficial for reducing tension. These salts aid in your body's ability to remove pollutants. They also enhance your skin's ability to recover. Several drops of your preferred essential oils can also be added to the bathwater.

Stress-Relieving Meals

Stress-Relieving Meals
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You can try a variety of foods that reduce stress. A square of dark chocolate gives your brain endorphins. Antioxidants found in dark chocolate can help to counteract some of the negative effects of stress on the body. Make sure to consume very little chocolate. Because it includes caffeine, avoid eating it four hours before going to bed.

Pistachios are another superfood worth trying. In a single tiny container, pistachios include complex carbs, dietary fibre, protein, and healthy fats. They deliver nutrients like folate, riboflavin, potassium, lutein, and vitamin B-6. You can manage your weight, lower your cholesterol, and restore good skin thanks to these nuts. Pistachios are a fantastic source of antioxidants and support your immune system by reducing the negative effects of stress.

Another stress-relieving snack is seeds. Pick sesame, chia, or pumpkin seeds. These foods with little processing include important nutrients like manganese and copper, have a lot of dietary fibre, and make you feel full after a small amount.

In addition to experimenting with those superfoods, alter your diet in general. Your body will be more capable of handling stress when it is healthy. Prioritize whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats as well as complex carbohydrates. Make sure your body is well hydrated, paying special attention to getting adequate water. Reduce the amount of added sugar and caffeine in your beverages. Avoid using food, alcohol, or other addictive drugs as self-medication. In the end, they'll make your stress worse.

Exercise to Reduce Stress

10 Stress Management Tips for everyone

Exercise is beneficial for stress management. Your body naturally releases endorphins when you work out. Your mood is affected by the endorphins, which aid in letting go of unpleasant feelings. After an exercise, endorphins' effects might last for several hours. You don't have to be an athlete to benefit from exercise's beneficial stress-reduction effects.

Think about going for a 30- to 60-minute walk outside. Locate a lovely park and take in the scenery. You may wander around a mall in bad weather. You have the chance to challenge yourself by using the exercise equipment in the gym. You can enhance your metabolism and develop muscle via aerobic activity and weightlifting.

There is a certain sense of satisfaction in letting your energy out while performing a leg press or bench press after a particularly stressful day. Try low-impact exercises like yoga or swimming if you have sore joints. Try something different if your regular fitness routine is getting boring. Rock climbing, including indoor climbing, challenges you while working out your entire body. While exercising, turn on some motivating music to get your body going.

Essential oils can help you focus quickly and naturally.

Essential oils have several beneficial applications. One unexpected application is in assisting people in maintaining concentration.

Individuals who are mentally fatigued may benefit from the use of basil oil. Basil's aroma is initially relaxing, but it gradually becomes stimulating.

Sage oil helps aid concentration. It is excellent for stimulating the intellect, and studies suggest that sage oil may help with Alzheimer's symptoms.
Can the use of essential oils help you sleep better at night?

The Best Essential Oils for Sleep

Numerous essential oils can be used as an all-natural substitute to promote restful sleep. This is due to the fact that inhaling essential oils not only has a calming effect but also has the potential to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and relieve stress that has built up.

Because essential oils are concentrated, their power comes from this. A diffuser, which emits the oils as a mist into the air, is one of the most popular and convenient ways to use them. Recent research has demonstrated the wide range of beneficial qualities of several essential oils. Here are a few of the most commonly used for sleeping.

Cedarwood: Supports the pineal gland's ability to release melatonin, the hormone that encourages restful sleep.

Lavender is one of the most widely used essential oils, known for its relaxing properties.

Frankincense: promotes sleep as well as a number of other activities, such as regulating emotions, soothing the mind, and aiding the body's healing process.

Roman chamomile, clary sage, sweet marjoram, patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang are other calming and sleep-inducing essential oils.

Are you having trouble focusing on even the simplest tasks? Here are eight suggestions to help you maintain focus.

Are you having trouble focusing on even the simplest tasks? Here are eight suggestions to help you maintain focus.

Your brain is a three-pound supercomputer with a virtually limitless capacity for learning, memory, and problem-solving. However, it eventually slows with age, just like any other body part. Certain cognitive abilities, particularly the capacity for concentration and focus, may become more difficult for people to use with time.

Since we are less likely to routinely partake in mentally stimulating activities like working and socialising, older people's brains can also get "rusty."

Fortunately, there are techniques for maintaining focus. Here are a few tactics:

Try the following when you find your focus waning or need to prepare your brain for circumstances that call for intense concentration:

Avoid multitasking. Don't act like a mental superhuman; "Work on one task at a time until it is finished before moving on to the next." Your mind won't have to compete with outside stimuli in this way. "

Work in time blocks. Find the time that works best for you to think. When performing normal mental tasks, such as reading a paragraph from a book, keep track of how long it takes for your attention to wander. "You should be able to locate a range where your attention is at its peak." Work within this time limit (remind yourself when it expires), take a break and then repeat the exercise.

It's no secret that attention control is critical for effective time management and productivity. However, in order to keep focused on the task at hand, you must avoid allowing distractions to derail your goals.

This is where mindfulness practice comes in. Small studies suggest that mindful meditation can be a useful strategy for calming a racing mind and aiding in the maintenance of laser-like attention. In fact, just a few minutes every day can have a significant effect.

By the way, the term "meditation" refers to a variety of spiritual and relaxing techniques. There are many different types of meditation and methods for doing them.


Within this broad category, neuroscientists have explored how two particular meditation practices—focused attention (FA) meditation and open monitoring (OM) meditation—can be utilised to improve cognitive processes. You may help your brain to pay more attention, concentrate more, and focus more by developing a regular practice of either one.

A glance at each is provided below.

How can you meditate while paying close attention?

There are four main components to this kind of mindful meditation:

focusing attention on a certain object or sensation while sustaining it; recognizing distractions and mind wandering; disengaging from distractions; and returning your attention to your focal point while rephrasing the distraction as "just a thought."

This type of meditation involves maintaining your attention on a specific item or sensation, such as the flow of air through your nose while you breathe. You must continuously assess your concentration level if you want to maintain this focus. If your thoughts start to wander, you recognize the distraction and bring them back to your focal point.

All of us have been under stress. For better or worse, stress is a common occurrence in everyone's life and can be brought on by a variety of causes.

Even though stress is something we all encounter, everyone experiences stress in a different way. Others who are under stress could experience digestive problems or a loss of appetite, while others of us experience an elevated heart rate or trouble sleeping.

Let's examine the various forms of stress, their effects on our bodies, and the steps we can take to manage stress in our lives more effectively.

Health Effects of Stress

Acute or chronic stress can be widely characterised. Acute stress, such as the kind you might experience if you are late for a meeting, might actually be good for you and your body, but chronic stress is more dangerous to your health and wellness.

Chronic stress is described as "a persistent experience of feeling hurried and overwhelmed over a lengthy period of time" by Yale Medicine.

Long-term stress can have a variety of detrimental effects on your body. In fact, stress that is not handled can exacerbate significant medical disorders including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, according to the Mayo Clinic. 2

Changes to your work and home environments, the addition of meditation to your daily routine, adjustments to your food and exercise routines, and the use of vitamins and other goods may all be necessary for stress management. One of these adjustments has the potential to significantly reduce stress in particular situations. Others may require a more major change in habits and lifestyle to relieve stress.

Here is my list of the best tools and techniques for lowering stress.

Stress-supporting supplements

The pressures in your life cannot be eliminated by taking a pill. However, a few of them might be able to lessen your stress levels and improve how you handle them.


One of the most widely used herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha has been used for generations to reduce stress, enhance focus, and boost vitality. As an adaptogen, this herb has the potential to aid in stress management.

Studies have looked into the effects of ashwagandha on anxiety, sleep, and stress. According to recent studies, ashwagandha may aid in lowering the body's cortisol levels, which can lessen the perception of stress. Additionally, compared to those who took placebo research, those who took ashwagandha root extract reported significantly better sleep.

As a capsule, tablet, or gummy, ashwagandha is simple to add to your regular self-care regimen.

Being more mindful could help you live a longer and healthier life.

We accept that our weight, genes, nutrition, exercise, and whether we smoke (or used to) are all part of the complicated mix that decides how healthy we are, the diseases we might have, and the diseases we might avoid.

However, another aspect that may not receive as much attention as it deserves is our personalities. Personality type is linked to not only health practices but also health outcomes, such as longevity, according to research.

Could people, in the same manner, that they try to change their food and exercise routines, change their personalities into more healthful types? Most likely not. Personality is ingrained far too deeply. But that doesn't rule out the possibility of tinkering with our ideas and behaviours. And the first step can just be becoming more conscious of one's own personality and how it affects one's health.

There are five major types.

There are numerous theories and classification systems for personalities. One of the most common divides people into five personality types: agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness. There are numerous facets to each of them. Aspects of agreeableness include, for example, trust and benevolence. Anxiety and impulsivity are two characteristics of neuroticism. The "Big Five" are a collection of traits that have a tendency to cluster together. Personalities might be a more complicated blend. Agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness are all traits that can be found in a person's personality.

Childhood is where a person's personality emerges, and it tends to last until maturity. Personality, on the other hand, isn't fixed in stone. Different aspects of a person's personality are revealed in different situations. With age, one's personality evolves. According to studies, openness peaks in young adults, and the majority of us become more conscientious as we age.

Conscientiousness is the personality trait that most consistently connects with excellent health. People who were assessed as diligent as 8-year-olds by their parents and instructors lived longer, according to one study. Conscientiousness has also been linked to reduced blood pressure, lower risks of diabetes and stroke, and fewer joint problems, according to other studies. Even after statistical adjustments for education, substance misuse, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, researchers found that conscientiousness is linked to better health.

The link between conscientiousness and good health is easily explained by better health behaviours. This has been proven through research. People with conscientious personalities are less likely to participate in harmful activities (smoking, heavy drinking, risky driving) and are more likely to follow healthy ones. But it's not as simple as that. For example, some types of conscientiousness appear to be more closely associated with good health than others. Self-discipline has been identified as a key attribute in certain studies. Other research has found that conformity—following society norms—is important.

Stress can harm one's health, and a conscientious personality will avoid stressful situations, whilst a neurotic personality will seek them out. Conscientiousness can influence employment choices, friendships, marriage stability, and a variety of other factors that affect health and, ultimately, longevity.

Patrick L. Hill, a psychologist at the University of Illinois, and his colleagues released a study suggesting that conscientiousness may have cognitive benefits, which could explain why it's linked to living longer. If a person has self-control and is organized, both aspects of conscientiousness, his or her cognitive performance may be better able to withstand the effects of aging and disease on the brain than someone who does not.

Although Hill and his colleagues discovered just a minor effect of personality on cognitive function, they were intrigued enough to ask whether "personality traits may influence critical outcomes by virtue of their encouragement of cognitive skills."

What you can do to help
Some people are fortunate enough to have conscientious personalities. Many of us have to put forth the effort. Here are a couple of ideas:

Concentrate on the details. Making a resolution to be more conscientious is unlikely to get you very far. You might have better success if you concentrate your mind on being punctual or organizing your workstation.

Make daily plans and make an effort to stick to them. Setting a timetable for yourself and sticking to it promotes order and self-discipline.

Make use of reminders. It's easy to get off track if you're not naturally conscientious. Reminder programs are available on computers and smartphones.

Maintain a social presence. Being in contact with family and having friends can support conscientious behaviours like being on time and expressing gratitude since conscientiousness is basically social.

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Leverage your strength for a more positive life

Strengths are innate capacities for particular thoughts, emotions, and actions. Everyone possesses these capacities to vary degrees. Your unique pattern of strengths contributes to your uniqueness.

When you play to your strengths, you are likely to feel more energized and perform better than when you attempt to employ a less natural ability. A person attempting to persuade a local school board to ban the sale of soft drinks, for instance, might have the courage to speak up forcefully and clearly at a general meeting (despite the almost-universal fear of public speaking). Another person with great team-building skills would feel uncomfortable speaking out in a meeting, but could successfully generate consensus among parents, dietitians, and others to evaluate the issue and reach a conclusion.

It's crucial to pause and practise mindfulness.

How to practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practise of paying attention on purpose to the present, such as how the air smells and feels while walking your dog or how a bite of bread tastes with dinner. The ultimate goal is to help you shift your focus away from your usual worries and toward a deeper understanding of the present moment and a broader view of life.

When scientists look at mindfulness, they find that it can improve both physical and mental symptoms and lead to positive changes in attitudes and behaviours that affect health.


Here are two independent mindfulness exercises you can attempt.

Fundamentally, mindfulness practise

  • Sit on a chair with a straight back or cross-legged on the floor.
  • Focus on a part of your breathing, like the feeling of air going in and out of your nose and mouth or the way your stomach rises and falls as you breathe in and out.
  • Begin to broaden your concentration once you've narrowed it to this extent. Become conscious of sounds, sensations, and thoughts.
  • Accept and consider each thought and sensation without assigning value to them. If your mind begins to run, bring your attention back to your breathing. Again, broaden your consciousness.

Have you ever been so immersed in your work that all distractions and background noise vanished? The only thing that existed was the brush and your painting, your skis, and the hill, and your automobile and the road. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a well-known professor of psychology at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, Calif., calls this state of deep involvement "flow."

He spent decades studying people's contentment with their daily activities, discovering that individuals are most satisfied when they are completely absorbed in and focused on what they are doing. In research by Csikszentmihalyi and others, flow experiences were linked to good feelings in the near term, and people who experienced flow more frequently were happier in the long run. People differ in how much they value flow experiences and how easy it is for them to enter flow, according to researchers. No matter how happy you are by nature, knowing how flow happens (or doesn't) in your life and creating more flow experiences can be a powerful way to boost your happiness.

What exactly is flow?

Positive Psychology, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School, says that there are some things that all flow experiences have in common.

You become unconcerned with the passage of time. When you aren't paying attention to the clock, hours can feel like minutes.

You're not thinking about yourself. Your knowledge of yourself is limited to the activity itself, like where your fingers are on a piano keyboard, how you chop vegetables with a knife, or how your body parts stay balanced when you're skiing or surfing.
Extraneous thoughts do not distract you. Instead, you're completely focused on the task at hand, whether it's understanding or expressing a line of reasoning at work, making beautiful layers of frosting for a cake, or getting out of a tough chess situation.
You're up and about. Flow activities are active rather than passive, and you have some choice over what you do.

You work with ease. Even if you're working harder than normal, everything "clicks" and feels practically effortless when you're in flow.

You'd like to do it all over again.

Adapting to your ability level

The good news regarding flow and pleasure is that you can expand your flow experience and reap the advantages. It requires some effort and comes more naturally to some individuals than others.
No one is flawless. However, many individuals struggle with perfectionism, which can trigger a cascade of anxieties. Depending on how it is used, stubbornness can be both a strength and a weakness. Dr. Szymanski teaches psychology at Harvard Medical School and runs the International OCD Foundation as its executive director.

According to Dr. Szymanski, the intention to do something well lies at the heart of all perfectionism. If you can maintain focus on your intention and desired outcome while adjusting your strategy as necessary, you will be fine. But when you cannot tolerate making a mistake and your strategy is to not make any, perfectionism begins to veer in the wrong direction. " In its worst form, perfectionism can make a person afraid to do anything because they don't want to make a mistake.
Dr. Szymanski has given you the following exercise to help you decide which projects and activities are the most important and to keep your personal strategy in place:

What do you value most in life? 

What would you like the past 50 years to represent? If this seems overwhelming, consider where you would like to focus your efforts over the next five years.

Nobody can be a perfectionist in all areas. Consider your current objectives and projects and rank them accordingly. Use the letters "ABCF" to determine where you want to excel (A), where you want to be above average (B), where you want to be average (C), and where you can let go (F) (F). For instance,
A (one hundred percent effort) is reserved for your top priorities. For example, if your career is the most important thing to you, you might want to impress your boss, make sure your clients are happy, and do good work.
B (above average, maybe 80% effort): You might enjoy golf, tennis, or learning a new language. You enjoy these activities but have no plans to pursue them professionally.

C (moderate effort): Perhaps having a clean home is also essential. But how often should you clean your home? People do not visit it on a daily basis. Could you simply clean on weekends? Or concentrate on the few rooms with the most foot traffic?

Although travel broadens the mind, what about the body and spirit? A growing number of spa hotels now provide customers with personalized wellness experiences. We've produced a list of the greatest spa hotels from around the world, whether it's steaming away your worries in a Swiss sauna or floating in a heated infinity pool with a view.

The Peninsula in Bangkok, Thailand

The Peninsula in Bangkok

This large spa hotel, perched on the west bank of the Chao Phraya river, satisfies all of the senses. The luxurious guest rooms are a visual pleasure, and the spa's aromatherapy treatments and vibrating sound techniques will leave you feeling thoroughly revitalized. If you've got your fill of seclusion in one of the Peninsula's 12 poolside salas – or pavilions – there are monthly self-care events led by a variety of health professionals.

Lotus Therme Hotel & Spa in Hévíz, Hungary

Lotus Therme Hotel & Spa in Hévíz

Lotus Therme Hotel & Spa in Hévíz

The Lotus Therme Hotel & Spa is located just a 20-minute walk from Lake Hévz, the world's largest swimmable thermal lake, and is surrounded by 17 hectares of forest. The old lake at the hotel's doorstep serves as a source of wellness inspiration. Indulge in a variety of mud-based beauty treatments, discover the therapeutic power of Ayurveda treatments, or simply relax in the hotel's thermal hot tub and let your worries drift away.

Jumeirah Al Qasr – Madinat Jumeirah in Dubai, UAE

Jumeirah Al Qasr – Madinat Jumeirah in Dubai

Jumeirah Al Qasr – Madinat Jumeirah in Dubai

The expression "oasis in the desert" is frequently used in the Middle East, yet few words can adequately convey the Jumeirah Al Qasr's aquatic grandeur. Every bedroom in this opulent, classically decorated hotel overlooks the Persian Gulf, and it was designed to look like a Sheikh's summer house. The hotel grounds have an extensive network of canals that are great for meandering through, inspired by traditional Islamic gardens. The Talise Spa carries on the water motif with overwater treatment rooms that offer a bespoke menu of therapies for the mind, body, and spirit.

Most individuals with dementia or mild cognitive impairment (a reduction in thinking ability) develop behavioral changes, such as depression and agitation, over time. Which is preceding? A study published online by Neurology on January 14, 2015, indicates that psychological and behavioral changes may occur before moderate cognitive impairment or dementia develops. Researchers analyzed the everyday functioning, memory and thinking abilities, as well as psychological and behavioral symptoms of over 2,400 individuals aged 50 and older who showed no signs of cognitive impairment. The study also implies that older persons may exhibit a pattern of depressed symptoms unrelated to cognitive deterioration. What is the takeaway? "There are numerous causes for older persons to experience depressive symptoms. If you are having mood or cognitive changes that continue more than a few weeks, you should discuss this with your doctor or visit a mental health professional for assistance in determining possible causes "says Dr. Nancy Donovan, a Harvard Medical School psychiatry instructor.

According to a recent report from the Million Woman Study, although poor health can lead to unhappiness and a shorter life span, unhappiness alone is not related to a shorter life span. Beginning in 1996, this investigation has tracked the deaths of hundreds of thousands of women in the United Kingdom.

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/unrecognizable-person-running-on-cold-sandy-beach-5480744/

We are all aware that motivation is essential for achieving personal and professional objectives. However, if you wait for motivation to hit like a bolt of lightning, you'll be much less likely to take any action. Even if you've set a lofty goal for yourself, it's all too easy to lose motivation due to feelings of overwhelm, procrastination, or impatience. The actions outlined below can assist you in increasing your motivation to achieve the goals that are important to you.

The significance of your objective

Before you select a goal, you must first determine its significance – that is, why is achieving this goal so important to you? What does this success mean to you? "I want to drop 10 pounds so I can have more energy to play with my grandchildren," for example, is significantly more meaningful than "I want to reduce weight." Perhaps your goal is to paint a room a different color because you believe it would bring you more happiness. This is not the same as establishing a goal of "paint room."

If you create a goal and find yourself procrastinating or failing to achieve it, reconsider the objective's meaning. Is this a goal that you still care about? If that's the case, think about the significance behind your procrastination or the challenges you're having.

Make your goal a reality.

Make a thorough plan to reach your goal. This plan should be guided by the term SMART:

(What specifically do you aim to achieve?)
(How will you know when you've succeeded?) Measurable
Achievable (Can you achieve the aim you've set?)
Realistic (Does it make sense for you to set this objective right now?)
Time-bound (Can you give me an estimate of how long it will take you to achieve this goal?)

A goal of "exercise more" is an example of a goal that is overly broad and will not lead to success. Instead, make a goal for yourself to walk 50 steps in the next hour or a 15-minute stroll on Wednesday morning. This objective is explicit, quantifiable, attainable, reasonable, and time-bound.


People who are happy are often healthier. So, what can you do to make yourself happier?

People who perceive themselves as joyful have fewer health issues, are less likely to become depressed, and live longer.

But what if you're not a happy person by nature? Is it possible to make yourself joyful, even in the midst of adversity?

It turns out that the majority of people can improve their happiness levels. According to research, heredity determines 50 percent of people's overall happiness. However, people have control over 40% of the situation, and the other 10% is dependent on the conditions.

"This means that even if you don't consider yourself happy, there's a strong chance you can improve it," says Dr. Robert Waldinger, head of the Harvard Study on Adult Development, the world's longest-running happiness study.

Put on a cheerful face.
Researchers examined data from 138 research evaluating over 11,000 people worldwide to see how facial expressions affect emotions, according to a study published in the Psychological Bulletin in June 2019. They discovered that smiling made people feel happy, whereas scowling and frowning make them feel angrier and sadder, respectively. Although the effect was minor, smiling has a wide appeal.

Attempting to achieve happiness
In fact, even the most optimistic individual finds it difficult to stay positive all of the time. Happiness, like any other facet of health and fitness, is a work in progress. But, no matter how happy you are right now, there are things you can do to improve your attitude and your mental and physical health. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Stay connected. Happiness and personal ties with family and friends were found to be strongly linked in a Harvard study led by Dr. Waldinger. Dr. Waldinger explains that "personal connection produces emotional stimulation, which is an immediate mood booster, whereas solitude is a mood crusher."

Raise your hand if you agree. Volunteering gives you a sense of purpose and lifts your spirits. The effect was notably substantial in persons over the age of 70, according to a 2016 BMJ Open study.

Perform random acts of kindness on a regular basis. Choose a day and dedicate yourself to completing acts of kindness that you would not normally do. "It can take a lot of planning ahead of time," says Tyler J. VanderWeele, director of Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health's Human Flourishing Program. "However, the planning process itself, as well as the purposeful decision to do good for others, can have a significant impact on one's own well-being."

Get in touch with your inner child. You have the opportunity to relive the activities that brought you delight as a child or young adult as you get older. When you were younger, what made you happy? Rekindle your youth's hobbies, games, sports, and other pastimes.

Purchase additional time. People who spend money on time-saving items, such as paying to delegate home duties, rather than material objects, have higher life satisfaction, according to a 2017 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Regardless of a person's income, the effect was the same.

4 ways to boost your self-compassion

Consider how you treat yourself when you make a mistake or fall short of achieving a goal. If you have a tendency to berate yourself when things go wrong, you, like most people, may benefit from a bit more self-compassion.

Self-forgiveness and self-care appear to be advantageous in their own right. Self-compassion can even pave the way for improved health, relationships, and well-being in general. Numerous benefits of self-compassion have been demonstrated by studies. Higher levels of self-compassion have been associated with lower levels of anxiety and depression. Self-compassionate individuals acknowledge their own pain and are gentle with themselves at these moments, thereby reducing their own anxiety and despair.

Understand self-compassion and learn to have it.

Self-compassion comes easily to some, but not to everyone. Fortunately, it is an acquired skill. People are learning how to find and grow their own self-compassion through a variety of training programs and ideas that have been suggested.

Here are four fast techniques to improve your self-compassion skills:

Relax your body.

 4 ways to boost your self-compassion

Eat something nutritious. Recline and rest. You should massage your neck, feet, and hands. Take a walk. Self-compassion is increased by any action that improves one's bodily wellbeing.

Compose a letter to oneself. 
Consider a situation that brought you pain (a breakup with a lover, a job loss, a poorly received presentation). Write yourself a letter detailing the situation without placing blame on anyone, including yourself. Use this activity to nurture your emotions.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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