
It's time to start thinking about summer plans, and for many families, that means summer camp. After the past few years, the prospect of getting out of the house, being active, and socializing with other kids sounds intriguing.

While COVID-19 remains a threat, vaccinations and the fact that so many individuals have become ill and established some natural immunity have made summer camp less dangerous. Unfortunately, this does not mean that families do not need to consider COVID-19 while making arrangements, because they do.

Maintaining Intimacy While Raising Kids- 5 Tricks That Work

Having kids can affect your relationship intimacy due to evident reasons. Romance takes a backseat when childcare becomes a priority. Sleepless nights and fatigue hardly leave the energy to keep your bedroom life on track. The woes continue as your kids grow older because the workload increases and tantrums stress you out. Even the most romantic couples tend to drift apart after stepping into the parental role. But a little work on regaining and maintaining intimacy can make you a stronger pair and better parents. Here are some surefire tricks to keep the spark alive while raising kids.

Withdrawal from Alcohol

Alcohol withdrawal refers to the physiological changes that occur when a person abruptly quits consuming alcohol after a period of continuous and excessive use. Trembling (shaking), sleeplessness, anxiety, and other physical and mental symptoms are common.

Alcohol has a sedative or depressing effect on the brain. The brain of a heavy, long-term drinker is nearly always exposed to alcohol's repressive influence. Over time, the brain's chemistry changes to compensate for alcohol's influence. It accomplishes this by releasing naturally stimulating substances in greater quantities than normal (such as serotonin or norepinephrine, a relative of adrenaline).

When alcohol is abruptly discontinued, the brain behaves similarly to an accelerating vehicle that has lost its brakes. Not surprisingly, the majority of withdrawal symptoms occur as a result of the brain being overstimulated.

The most deadly type of alcohol withdrawal happens in around one out of every twenty people experiencing withdrawal symptoms. This is referred to as delirium tremens (also called DTs).

In delirium tremens, the brain is unable to smoothly rebalance its chemistry following the cessation of alcohol. This induces a temporary state of bewilderment and results in potentially harmful alterations in the way your brain regulates your blood circulation and breathing. Vital indicators such as heart rate or blood pressure can fluctuate significantly or unexpectedly, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, or death.


If your brain has been accustomed to your heavy drinking habits, it will take time for it to re-adjust. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms manifest themselves in a predictable sequence following your final alcoholic beverage. Not all symptoms manifest in every patient:

Tremors (shakes) – These often begin within five to ten hours of the last alcoholic beverage and peak between 24 and 48 hours. Along with tremors (trembling), you may experience a racing pulse, a rise in blood pressure, fast breathing, sweating, nausea and vomiting, anxiety or hypervigilance, irritability, nightmares or vivid dreams, and insomnia.

Alcohol hallucinosis – This symptom often occurs between 12 and 24 hours after your last drink and may linger for up to two days. If this occurs, you will have hallucinations (see or feel things that are not real). Individuals who are abstaining from alcohol frequently perceive many little, similar, moving things. Occasionally, the image is interpreted as crawling insects or falling money. Alcohol withdrawal hallucinations can be extremely detailed and imaginative visions.

Seizures associated with alcohol withdrawal can occur between 6 and 48 hours after the last drink, and it is normal for numerous seizures to occur over several hours. At 24 hours, the risk is greatest.

Delirium tremens — Delirium tremens often occur two to three days after the last alcoholic beverage, but it can occur up to a week afterward. It reaches its peak severity four to five days after the previous drink. This disorder results in dangerous changes in your breathing, circulation, and temperature regulation. It can cause your heart to race dangerously fast, your blood pressure to skyrocket, and you may have serious dehydration. Delirium tremens can also cause a temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain. Confusion, disorientation, stupor, or loss of consciousness, anxious or aggressive behavior, irrational beliefs, drenching perspiration, sleep difficulties, and hallucinations are all possible symptoms.


Alcohol withdrawal is simple to detect if you exhibit typical withdrawal symptoms following a period of excessive, persistent drinking. If you have already had withdrawal symptoms, they are likely to recur if you begin and stop drinking heavily again. There are no specialized diagnostics for alcohol withdrawal.

If you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms as a result of drinking, you have taken enough alcohol to cause damage to other organs. Your doctor should conduct a thorough examination and blood tests to look for alcohol-related damage to your liver, heart, nerves in your foot, blood cell count, and gastrointestinal tract. Your doctor will assess your regular diet and check for vitamin deficiencies, as malnutrition is frequent in people who are alcohol dependent.

Generally, it's difficult for people who drink to be entirely candid about how much they've consumed. You should be candid with your doctor about your drinking past so that withdrawal symptoms may be managed properly.

Duration Estimated

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms normally subside after five days, while a tiny percentage of patients may experience persistent effects lasting weeks.

We are keeping an eye on this research.

Including olive oil in your diet may help you live longer, according to a new study by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health researchers.

The study, published online on Jan. 10, 2022, in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, discovered that persons who consumed more olive oil had a decreased risk of death during a 28-year period compared to those who consumed olive oil infrequently or never.

The researchers analyzed data from two big trials that included over 90,000 men and women. At the start of the study, all subjects were free of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Every four years, they were asked to complete dietary questionnaires. In total, 36,856 of them perished during their studies. Those who ingested the most olive oil on a daily basis — an average of more than a tablespoon — had the lowest risk of death during the study period. They possessed:
In today's calorie-dense, ultra-processed, movement-restrictive, chronic stress-inducing, so-called "toxic" environment, weight loss is a difficult task. However, it is even more difficult to execute a healthy, long-term approach to weight loss.

Long-term weight maintenance can be more difficult than short-term weight loss.

The majority of people can successfully lose weight in the short term. Those who switch from one fad diet to another, however, frequently experience the metabolic roller coaster known as yo-yo dieting, which increases our hunger hormones, decreases our metabolic rates, and produces a vicious cycle of weight loss and regain. Even the majority of medical treatments for obesity result in the traditional pattern of early weight loss, followed by a plateau, and then increasing weight regain. In a meta-analysis of 29 long-term weight loss studies, more than half of the weight lost was recovered within two years, and more than 80% of the weight lost was regained by five years. This indicates that, according to our best estimates, only one in five obese persons achieves long-term weight loss success.

No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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