Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

Lifestyle Blogger

Now take a look at this email, Babyonline dress is always seeking for false reviews to mislead people. Bloggers need to create authentic reviews and tell the truth. Babyonlinedress sends emails to a lot of bloggers asking them to create false posts and reviews for cheap prices. 
People are complaining, this website is stealing credit card info, sending wrong dresses both in size and fabric wise. 


Note: All the (good) reviews on trustpilot, sitejabber, about babyonlinedress are not real, majority of them are published with false accounts. Some are paid for and written by bloggers who never received any item from babyonlinedress. Most reviews are written using fake emails and fake profiles also.

Models and people wearing the dresses on this website are not aware that they are on this website. The images are stolen images !!!

This is the email I always receive from Babyonlinedress.
This brand also owns 27dress.com and Suzhoudress.com

This is the email I was sent and I have been receiving this email since last year. 

Bloggers how do you even accept such price?

These are reviews from different people about this site: 
You can read more here

Dear All,
I kindly suggest you not to place any order from Babyonlinedress.de!
The dress I ordered did not at all look like it was on the pictures. Quality was really bad!
But what made my consumer experience extremely terrible is the way how they handled my request to return the dress. They have absolutely horrible customer service. For my detailed email describing my problem with pictures they just wrote me back: “das ist schön”, later “Wenn Wir die Spitze auf dem Rock Addieren, dann wird es nicht schön, es wird Falten”. They do not accept my return request and stopped answering my emails. Phone they do not answer either.
This is a terrible company, I will even try to contact Verbraucherschutz.


I ordered a dress and received the worst dress ever. They are saying it is the same dress in the picture, which you can clearly see (if I am able to post a picture I will post them). DO NOT ORDER A DRESS FROM THIS PLACE!!!!!! You either get a pretty dress or one that is so horribly made that it falls apart, why chance it.

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