
Men’s Health Nutritional Tips 

When it comes to nutrition, we all need the same things: food that gives us energy as well as vitamins and minerals. However, a healthy diet varies based on age and gender.
Men have a greater metabolism, more muscle mass, and a larger stature than women. As a result, compared to women, we require more calories and fibre throughout the day, as well as higher levels of some vital vitamins and minerals. Men have unique dietary requirements, such as maintaining adequate testosterone levels.
Before you go into particular nutrient recommendations, be sure your total calorie intake is under control. Men have larger calorie requirements than women, ranging from 2,220 to 3,000 calories per day on average. You may require more or fewer calories than this average, depending on your objectives.

Aim for 45–65 per cent of your total calories to come from carbohydrates, 10–35 per cent from protein to help maintain muscle mass, and the remaining 20–35 percent from fat to keep you satisfied.

Your calorie requirements will differ depending on your age, height, weight, degree of exercise, and gender. Because males have a faster metabolism than females, knowing your appropriate calorie intake is crucial. 

Let's take a closer look at some of the most important nutrients for males so you can create a diet that keeps you healthy and happy.

Eat protein
For the average adult male, the current daily recommended intake (DRI) of protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
1 This suggestion, however, may be too low for guys who exercise regularly.

Consuming 20 to 40 grams of high-quality protein every three to four hours is sufficient, according to the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), and helps promote muscle protein synthesis, healthy body composition, and gym performance.

"Well, what exactly is a 'high-quality' protein source?" you might wonder. All nine necessary amino acids are present in sufficient amounts in high-quality protein sources. "Complete proteins" is another name for them. Although most complete proteins come from animal sources, some plant-based proteins, such as soy and quinoa, do contain all essential amino acids. 

Although whey protein products are often lactose-free, egg white protein or soy are excellent complete protein alternatives if you have a dairy allergy. If you're a vegan, seek soy-based protein powders or products that contain a blend of plant-based proteins, such as rice, pea, hemp, and chia seed, rather than a protein source that simply contains one of these ingredients.

Protein powders and bars are convenient to have on hand to ensure you receive enough protein, whether you're attempting to gain, decrease, or maintain your current weight.

Dietary fibre
The majority of us do not consume enough fibre on a regular basis. In fact, 97 per cent of men do not consume the recommended daily fibre intake of 28 to 34 grams.

There are two kinds of fibre to eat: soluble fibre and insoluble fiber.
Soluble fiber aids in the reduction of cholesterol and the control of blood sugar levels. Oats, beans, peas, barley, and apples are all good sources of soluble fiber.
Insoluble fibre improves intestinal health. Wheat bran, almonds, and vegetables, including cauliflower, green beans, and potatoes, contain insoluble fiber.
Dietary fiber is abundant in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A high-fiber diet can aid with gastrointestinal motility, inflammation reduction, and heart disease prevention.

To gain the benefits of a high-fibre diet, try to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your daily diet. Consider taking a fibre supplement if you're having difficulties getting enough fibre from whole meals.

We're keeping an eye on this research.

A recent study shows that middle-aged men who worry or feel anxious a lot are more likely to have problems that make them more likely to get heart disease as they get older than their friends who don't worry as much.


The study, which began in 1975, comprised 1,561 men without cardiac disease with an average age of 53. All of the males took tests to see how worried they were and how neurotic they were, a personality trait linked to feelings of dread, grief, and rage. Researchers collected data on the men's risk of cardiometabolic disease (which includes heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes) every three to five years until they died or dropped out. Blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, BMI, and a blood marker of inflammation were all measured.
I'm in a new sexual relationship and am surprised that I have premature ejaculation at the age of 63. My partner is accommodating, but it bothers me. What could be of assistance?

A. In older men, premature ejaculation is common, especially when starting a new relationship. Premature ejaculation can occur in men with erectile dysfunction (ED), who have difficulty getting and maintaining an erection. It's wonderful that your partner is so understanding, and it's in your best interests to be open about the problem and discuss your options together.

Premature ejaculation is defined as uncontrolled and unwanted ejaculation within a minute or less of penetration. This definition is too restrictive. Men must, of course, be realistic about their expectations for staying power. But a man should see his doctor if he keeps ejaculating before he wants to and it makes him feel bad.

However, there are two techniques that you and your partner can try right away that may be beneficial. The methods are known as "stop-start" and "stop-squeeze."

With a stop-start, you begin sexual intercourse and continue until you are close to orgasm. You stop all sexual activity until the feeling goes away, at which point you can start again.
Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer can spread over time, and if a man's tumor has characteristics that indicate slow growth, he can choose active surveillance over immediate treatment. Men on active surveillance receive routine PSA blood tests and prostate biopsies and are only treated if cancer progresses or shows signs of increasing activity. However, when it comes to treatment, up to one-third of men opt-out. A new study has found that some of these men can safely put off treatment for a while.

The University of California, San Francisco researchers identified 531 men whose cancers progressed while they were under active surveillance. All of the men were initially diagnosed with Grade Group 1 prostate cancer, the lowest rung on a classification system that ranks cancers from low to high risk of aggressive spread. The biopsies of the men's tumors showed that they had moved into higher-risk grade groups, which are usually treated within an average of 25 months.
Within six months of their tumour upgrade, 192 men underwent prostate removal surgery. However, 125 men waited up to five years before having the operation, and 214 men chose not to be treated at all.

Embryo donation, which is when a family donates their "spare" embryos to a couple or an individual, is a realistic option for becoming a parent. 
So, who's on the receiving end of this? This option appeals to people who are considering adoption as well as individuals or couples who require donated eggs, sperm, or both in order to conceive. Check out the following questions and problems if you fall into one of these groups.
A few topics to consider when deciding between embryo donation and adoption pregnancy. Some prospective adoptive parents pursue embryo donation because they want to experience pregnancy. This could be crucial for you. It could be a life event you've always wanted to have or one you've always wanted to share with a spouse or partner. Perhaps you're worried about having your kid carried by someone else. For example, prospective adoptive parents are frequently concerned that a birth mother's drug and alcohol use, as well as exposure to inescapable circumstances, may have an impact on their future child before birth.
timetable and budget. The epidemic exacerbated already steep drops in the number of newborns available for adoption. If you want to adopt a newborn, you'll probably have to wait two years or more. Embryos, on the other hand, are easy to get, and most embryo transfers happen within six months of deciding to get donated embryos.
Embryo donation is significantly less expensive than adoption. There will be a price, as well as costs involved with moving embryos from one facility to another and (depending on your medical insurance) costs associated with drugs and the embryo transfer if you go through an agency. While prices are significant and vary across the United States, fees for baby adoption are significantly greater than those for embryo donation.
When comparing embryo donation to adoption, the shorter wait time and lower fees are appealing, but it's crucial to remember that embryo donation may not always result in a live birth, whereas adoption—through a reputable agency—will bring a baby into your house.

What Is Acute Prostatitis

In men, the prostate is a walnut-sized gland located beneath the bladder. This gland produces a fluid that when combined with sperm forms semen. Because the prostate surrounds the urethra (the tube that transports pee from the bladder to the outside of the body), diseases that cause the prostate to expand or enlarge may press on the urethra, causing pain or difficulty urinating.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the prostate gland. Acute prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that manifests itself suddenly. Acute prostatitis is caused by an infection, most commonly by bacteria that migrate up the urethra and into the prostate. Several of these bacteria are common pathogens found on and inside the human body. Other infections are spread sexually.

Prostatitis affects the majority of men who have a normal prostate gland, although the infection may be more prevalent in older men as the gland grows larger with age. Prostatitis and prostate cancer are not known to be associated.


Acute prostatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

Urination causes burning or dribbling.
Having difficulty initiating the urine stream or being completely unable to pass urine at all.
Urine that is cloudy or contains blood.
Pain in or around the penis, in or around the scrotum, in the back, or in the rectum.
Chills and fever.
Symptoms are similar to the flu, such as muscular aches and general weakness.


Your doctor will gently insert a finger into your rectum to examine your prostate. Generally, when the prostate is infected, it feels swollen. When slight pressure is applied to the gland, you may feel pain or have a strong urge to urinate. Additionally, your doctor will perform a general exam to determine whether the infection has migrated to other organs, such as the kidneys.

A urine specimen will then be examined for signs of infection, such as white blood cells and bacteria. Urine will typically contain white blood cells in a typical case of acute prostatitis. Additionally, blood tests may be performed to determine your kidney function and blood cell count. If your doctor suspects that your swollen prostate is causing urinary obstruction, he or she may perform an ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scan.

Exercise may help reduce the progression of prostate cancer.

Men who are on active surveillance for prostate cancer may benefit from high-intensity interval training (HIIT). The researchers assigned 52 men (average age 63) to either a 12-week supervised treadmill HIIT program or to their usual exercise routine that did not involve high-intensity exercise.

HIIT involves performing a brief burst of activity at a near-maximum effort followed by a brief recovery time. After that, you repeat the sequence a certain number of times. The exercises consisted of two minutes of exercise at 85 to 95 percent of a person's VO2 max (the highest amount of oxygen the body can use during exercise), followed by two minutes of recovery at 40% VO2 max. Five to eight times, the pattern was repeated.

The researchers discovered that as compared to participants who performed their normal lower-intensity exercise, those in the HIIT group had lower PSA levels, lower PSA velocities (the rate at which PSA levels vary over time), and slower prostate cancer cell growth. Additionally, they possessed increased cardiovascular fitness. According to the study, men on active monitoring have a threefold increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than from prostate cancer. JAMA Oncology published the findings online on Aug. 19, 2021.

Pexel photo
Prostatitis is a common inflammatory condition that accounts for over two million doctor visits in the United States each year, but it receives little attention. Certain types of infections are caused by bacteria that are easily detectable and treatable with antibiotics. However, over 90% of the time, prostatitis symptoms (painful urination and ejaculation, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction) have no obvious cause. This condition is referred to as chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome, abbreviated as CP/CPPS. Treatments are numerous. Antibiotics are sometimes prescribed first if the condition was preceded by a urinary tract infection. Additionally, they may recommend anti-inflammatory pain medications, stress-reduction techniques, pelvic floor exercises, and occasionally, drugs such as alpha-blockers, which relax the prostate and bladder muscles.

Acupuncture is another treatment option for some men. According to a 2018 review article, acupuncture has the potential to alleviate CP/CPPS symptoms without the side effects associated with drug treatments.

Now, results from a recently published clinical trial demonstrate that acupuncture-induced symptom relief is long-lasting. The findings, which were published in the prestigious journal Annals of Internal Medicine, are encouraging for people who suffer from CP/CPPS.

Acupuncture is a treatment that involves inserting single-use needles into "acupoints" throughout the body and manipulating them manually, with heat, or with electrical stimulation. The researchers at ten institutions in China randomly assigned 440 men with prostatitis to receive either real acupuncture or a control sham procedure in which the needles were inserted away from traditional acupoints for twenty sessions (over eight weeks).

Two common skin problems and solutions for men

Athlete's foot and dry skin

Dry skin

Scaly patches (with or without redness), itching, and overall dryness are all signs of dry skin. Dry skin can occur at any time of year, from the intense heat of summer to the bitter cold of winter. Sun exposure wreaks havoc on the skin, causing it to become thinner and less able to retain moisture over time. Additionally, aging skin produces fewer natural oils that help keep the skin lubricated. The solution to common male skin problems: Dry skin and Athlete's foot


The first line of defense is a moisturizer that uses water and lipids to soften and smooth the skin (fats). Certain moisturizers draw water to the skin and keep it there. Others work by coating the skin with a thick, impermeable layer that prevents moisture loss.

Jelly of petroleum. 

This waxy, greasy substance prevents water loss while remaining non-clogging. It can be used alone or as an ingredient in a variety of moisturizers and ointments. Because petroleum jelly is water-free, it works best when applied while the skin is still damp from bathing.

Mineral lubricant.

Mineral oil achieves the same effect without leaving a greasy residue. Additionally, it should be applied while the skin is damp.

A recent study demonstrates that the alternate biopsy procedure for the prostate is more complicated.

A biopsy is often the next step if a screening test for prostate cancer indicates an abnormality. This is generally always accomplished in the United States by inserting a biopsy needle through the rectum into the prostate. Doctors can see the needle's path using an ultrasound machine. This treatment, referred to as transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) biopsy, carries a minor but growing risk of infections that are becoming increasingly resistant to current medications.

To further reduce infection risk, surgeons can thread the biopsy needle into the perineum, a region of skin between the anus and scrotum. This circumvents rectal bacteria. Additionally, these so-called transperineal (TP) biopsies enable improved access to the tip (or apex) of the prostate, which accounts for 30% of malignancies. They are, however, more painful for the patient. They were formerly performed exclusively in hospital operating rooms under general anesthesia.

Today, technological advancements enable doctors to do TP biopsies in their own offices under local anesthetic. And as a result of this progress, the urge to minimize infections through the use of this strategy is increasing.

Harvard researchers have compared the two approaches in terms of cancer detection and complication rates. The trial enrolled 260 men, all of whom were highly matched in terms of age, race, prostate-specific antigen levels, and other diagnostic results. Between 2014 and 2020, half of the men received TRUS biopsies and the other half received TP biopsies. All operations were conducted at a single medical practice. To prepare, all males in the TRUS group received prophylactic antibiotics according to established clinical standards. In comparison, only 43% of males in the TP group received antibiotics, which was consistent with physician recommendations.

When it came to finding cancer, 62% of TP patients were found to have it, whereas 74% of TRUS patients had it found. There were no significant variations in cancer detection rates. However, 15% of men with cancer in the TP group had apical tumors that the TRUS biopsies "may have missed," according to the study's authors.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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