
Exposure to noise may increase the risk of cardiovascular issues.

According to a recent study, long-term exposure to the noise produced by cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Harvard-led examination of three decades' worth of data from 114,116 women involved in the Nurses' Health Study was published online by Environmental Health Perspectives on December 4, 2023. Researchers evaluated the relationship between noise levels where participants lived and their incidence of cardiovascular disease using a geospatial noise model developed by the National Park Service. This model estimates noise levels in different locations using data gathered from monitoring sites across the United States.

Researchers discovered that participants' long-term risk of cardiovascular illness increased with the amount of transportation noise they were exposed to. There was a 4% rise in cardiovascular issues such coronary artery disease and stroke for every four dB increase in noise above a baseline level. The authors of the study noted that prior research has similarly connected noise exposure to transient alterations in circulation, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and blood vessel narrowing.

This research it still being watched.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
What constitutes a drought? A drought is an extended period of dry weather lacking rainfall. In recent decades, there has been a global increase in the frequency of drought occurrences. With the onset of climate change, elevated temperatures are exacerbating aridity, not only within the United States but also worldwide. Recognizing the detrimental effects of drought where you reside and taking appropriate measures to safeguard your well-being is crucial.

How to stay healthy during a drought

Dupuytren's contracture, commonly known as Dupuytren's disease, is one of the more peculiar conditions that affect the hands and fingers. This might cause one or more fingers to curl, making it challenging to carry out daily tasks like picking up or holding objects.

Dupuytren's Contracture of the Hand

Although this is up for discussion, legend has it that the illness was first discovered by the Vikings in Northern Europe. Later, Guillaume Dupuytren, a French surgeon from the 19th century who performed the first successful operation on the ailment, was honored with the name. In the twenty-first century, approximately one in every twenty Americans suffers from Dupuytren's contracture.

What is the contracture of Dupuytren?

The layer of fibrous tissue beneath the skin of the palm and fingers is called the fascia. This tissue becomes thicker and shorter in Dupuytren's contracture.

Initially, this enlarged region was a hard lump known as a nodule. It may develop into a thick band known as a cord over several years or decades, causing one or more fingers to curl toward the palm and become locked there, bent. This can make it challenging to use a computer, button garments, hold things, and carry out other daily chores.

It's not always the case that the illness gets worse and worse. For years, it might not change or, in certain cases, get better.

What are the health benefits of trees and green spaces?

Trees contribute significantly to the quality of our lives in various ways. They play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, thus reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Additionally, trees act as natural sound barriers, diminishing noise pollution, and they purify the air by filtering out pollutants. When it rains, trees help to manage water runoff, which prevents flooding and soil erosion. Furthermore, they serve as habitats for a diverse range of creatures, from insects to birds, fostering biodiversity.

Beyond these ecological benefits, there's growing evidence that simply being in the presence of trees and green spaces positively impacts our well-being. Here are some of the key advantages:

As temperatures rise due to climate change, heatwaves become more common across the United States. However, certain areas, particularly urban neighborhoods, face even greater challenges due to the phenomenon known as urban heat islands. In these areas, materials like asphalt and concrete absorb heat during the day and release it slowly at night, causing temperatures to soar up to 7°F higher than in greener, suburban locales.

Fortunately, trees come to the rescue with their leafy canopies, providing much-needed shade. This shade isn't just a comfortable; it's a crucial factor in mitigating the impact of urban heat islands. By cooling the surrounding environment, trees help reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses, which disproportionately affect outdoor workers and vulnerable populations such as the young, elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions.

Protect Your Vehicle: What Not to Leave Inside During Hot Weather

Hey, did you know there are some things you really shouldn't leave in your car? Like, seriously, some of them can cause explosions! If you're a car owner or driver, you've got to hear this. Sure, we all know about not leaving pets or kids in there, but there's a whole bunch of other stuff you might not think about. Like summer-specific items, everyday gadgets, even certain foods and drinks, and health-related stuff. It's crazy!

Listen up! Let's just say, it's a real eye-opener. So, buckle up and brace yourself for some surprising stuff.

1. Lighters: Lighters contain flammable materials and pressurized gas. When exposed to high temperatures, especially in direct sunlight, the pressure inside the lighter can increase, causing it to explode. The flammable materials inside can ignite, leading to a potential fire hazard.

2. Power Bank: Power banks often contain lithium-ion batteries, which are susceptible to heat. When exposed to high temperatures, such as those in a car on a hot day, the batteries can become unstable and may catch fire or explode. This risk is particularly heightened if the power bank is left in direct sunlight, which can further increase the temperature inside the device.

3. Perfume and Mineral Water: Both perfume and mineral water can contain alcohol, which is flammable. When left in direct sunlight, the heat can cause the liquid to evaporate rapidly, creating a highly flammable atmosphere. If exposed to an ignition source, such as a spark, this vapor can ignite, leading to a fire.

4. Snacks: Snacks, especially those containing oils or fats, can spoil when exposed to high temperatures. The heat can cause the fat to oxidize, leading to rancidity and a change in taste and texture. Additionally, heat can accelerate microbial growth, increasing the risk of foodborne illness.

5. Sunglasses: Glasses, particularly those with plastic frames or prescription lenses, can be damaged by heat. Plastic frames may melt or warp, while lenses can act as magnifying glasses, focusing sunlight onto nearby surfaces and potentially causing fires. Additionally, metal frames can become hot enough to cause burns if worn after being exposed to high temperatures.

6. Sun Cream: The active ingredients in sun cream can degrade when exposed to high temperatures, reducing their effectiveness in protecting the skin from UV radiation. This degradation can occur more rapidly when the product is left in a hot car for prolonged periods, leading to potentially inadequate sun protection. According to FDA sunscreen can catch fire.

7. Damp Beach Items: Damp beach items, such as swimsuits and towels, provide a moist environment ideal for the growth of bacteria and yeast. When left in a hot car, the temperature and humidity can further promote microbial growth, increasing the risk of infections or unpleasant odors.

8. Electronics: Electronic devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablets, can suffer damage when exposed to high temperatures. Heat can affect the performance and lifespan of batteries, cause components to expand or contract, and even lead to thermal shutdowns or malfunctions. To prevent damage, it's advisable to avoid leaving electronics in hot cars whenever possible.

9. Handbags/Wallets: Handbags and wallets left in cars are vulnerable to theft, as they often contain valuable items such as credit cards, cash, and smartphones. Additionally, the warm and confined environment of a car can promote the growth of bacteria on items frequently touched by hands, potentially leading to hygiene issues or skin infections.

10. Aerosols (Pressurized Canisters): Pressurized aerosol cans, such as deodorants and hair sprays, pose a risk of explosion when exposed to high temperatures. The heat can cause the pressure inside the canister to build up, leading to rupture or explosions. To mitigate this risk, it's important to store aerosols in a cool and well-ventilated environment.

11. Batteries: Batteries, both disposable and rechargeable, can leak or explode when exposed to high temperatures. Heat accelerates chemical reactions within the battery, leading to the release of corrosive electrolytes or gases. This not only poses a safety hazard, but can also cause damage to the interior of the vehicle.

12. Plants: Plants left in hot cars are susceptible to heat stress and dehydration, which can quickly lead to wilting or even death. To prevent damage, it's important to keep plants shaded and hydrated during transport and avoid leaving them in the car for extended periods, especially on hot days.

13. Make-up: Certain make-up products, such as lipsticks and lotions, can melt or degrade when exposed to high temperatures. This can alter their texture, consistency, and effectiveness. To maintain the integrity of make-up products, it's advisable to store them in a cool and dry environment, away from direct sunlight.

14. Candles: Candles, especially those in glass containers, can melt or shatter when exposed to high temperatures. The heat can soften the wax, causing it to deform or flow out of the container. In extreme cases, the glass container may fracture or explode due to thermal stress.

Every year, millions of people are bitten by dogs. If this were to happen to you, what would you do?

Millions of people are bitten by dogs every year. What should you do if it happens to you?

The United States sees more than 4.5 million dog bites every year. Most of these incidents are not caused by an unfamiliar dog attacking someone in a park or other outdoor location, despite your assumption. The majority of dog bites are caused by a pet dog in a home. This article provides advice on how to avoid these distressing and potentially serious injuries, as well as the steps to take if you are attacked by a dog.

What is the cause of dog bites?

When people wrestle or play tug-of-war with their dog, there are dog bites that happen by accident. Dogs bite people most often when they feel stressed, threatened, scared, or startled, as per the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Dog bites are more common in children, and they are more prone to serious injuries than adults.

People don't always pay attention to the behavioral signals that a dog is uncomfortable, says Dr. Christopher Baugh, associate professor of emergency medicine at Harvard Medical School. Some dogs are extremely territorial and will bark, growl, snap, and lunge if someone enters their space, whether it's an apartment, yard, or crate. Dogs may display resource guarding, which can result in anxious and aggressive behavior around food, toys, or beds. 

According to the doctor, these situations can be high-risk, and children are particularly prone to not being aware of that risk.

What steps can you take to prevent dog bites?

According to the AVMA, dogs, even those that are sweet and cuddly, can bite if provoked. Young children playing with a dog should be supervised by an adult. Encourage children to refrain from disturbing a dog while it's eating, sleeping, or caring for puppies. 

In a study of 321 facial dog bites treated at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital over a 20-year period, 88% of the bites were from known dogs. The majority were adults who had interacted with the dog through play, feeding, and facial contact. But according to Dr. Baugh, the hand—typically the dominant hand—is most likely the most often bitten area with an adult dog.

The following are some more recommendations from the CDC to avoid dog bites:

  • It is always polite to ask permission before petting a dog, even if it seems friendly.
  • Before you pet the dog, be sure it has seen and smelled you.
  • Petting a dog who appears to be hiding, afraid, ill, or furious is not advised.

What happens if a strange dog comes up for you? Keep your cool and avoid making eye contact with the dog. Say "no" or "go home" in a deep, forceful voice while facing the dog with your side of the body facing it. Either move slowly away or wait for the dog to retreat.

In the event that a dog bites you, what should you do?
After giving the wound a quick wash with warm water and mild soap, wrap it in a fresh bandage or a piece of cloth. Using an antibiotic cream or ointment is advised by several internet sources. But according to the American Academy of Dermatology, these medications should only be used by those who have obvious signs of an infection, such as redness, pus, discomfort, swelling, or warmth.

Visit the emergency department if there is significant blood, a bite wound to the face, or a probable shattered bone. This is also a smart move in the unlikely event that you require medication to prevent rabies (rabies post-exposure prophylaxis) after being bitten by an unfamiliar or stray dog.

It's common for people to feel shocked after being bitten and focus solely on their wound, according to Dr. Baugh. The owner of the dog might stop by to see how you're doing and then go. However, he advises getting the person's contact details and confirming that the dog has received a rabies vaccination.

Remember that:

  • If the injury doesn't need to be treated right away, an urgent care facility is a better choice because emergency rooms are frequently packed and have lengthy wait times.
  • Stitches are needed for certain wounds, preferably within 12 to 24 hours.
  • In order to avoid infections, the doctor might prescribe antibiotics, particularly if you have diabetes or other health issues that compromise your immune system.
  • If it has been ten years since you got a tetanus booster, you might also require one. You will receive a tetanus booster just in case, if your vaccination history isn't available or you can't recall.

What happens when a dog bite is less serious?

Imagine that you have received a less serious bite from a relative who is known to have a current rabies vaccine. Bites that don't require stitches can be cleaned with mild soap and running water, then evaluated by your regular health care provider. They may advise you to monitor the wound for signs of infection.

Doctors are making an effort to be more thoughtful about prescribing antibiotics and limiting their use in low-risk situations, as overuse of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance and exposure to potential side effects without any benefit. Baugh.

Image by Photo by Pixabay
The leading industries causing health damage to young people

As I stepped out of my house this morning, I couldn't help but notice the widespread consumption of energy drinks and vaping among individuals as young as 13. It raises questions about the accessibility of these beverages to minors and underscores the importance of promoting healthy dietary habits. It's perplexing why the government has not prioritized a robust public health campaign to advocate for nutritious eating habits over the reliance on energy drinks.

The prevalence of meal deal plans coupled with the work environment in the UK has fostered a concerning trend, particularly among young individuals, who feel compelled to rely on energy drinks to sustain their productivity throughout the day. In a recent conversation, someone mentioned to me, admitting to consuming multiple energy drinks daily. This habitual consumption is taking a toll on the health of youths, manifesting in premature aging and increased strain on vital organs. Despite these alarming effects, there seems to be a lack of urgency in addressing this issue.

It's disheartening to hear people unabashedly say, "I can't go 2 hours without my vape," as if it were a badge of honor. Such sentiments reflect a misguided perception of what constitutes cool.

Let's start with big grocery stores that sell products that aren't good for our health. They offer these items at low prices, making them easily accessible to everyone. But the problem is, these foods can be really bad for us, and they're making young people sick. The people making these products don't seem to care about our health, and the government isn't doing much to stop them.

The main issue here is that there aren't enough rules about what can and can't be sold. In the UK, for example, energy drinks are sold without any warning about how bad they can be for you. They use tricks to make them seem healthy, which tricks young people into drinking too many of them. And then there's the rise of vaping and painkillers being sold in these stores, which is really worrying because there's not enough control over what's being sold and how safe it is.

For instance, consuming a sufficient quantity of broccoli and its essential nutrients for a balanced meal often costs more than purchasing a meal deal comprising baked food devoid of nutrients, accompanied by energy drinks, carbonated sodas, or canned juices.

The root of this issue stems partly from regulatory bodies like the FDA, tasked with safeguarding food quality. However, recent trends suggest a compromise in their approval processes, leading to the circulation of subpar products. The normalization of energy drinks and reliance on them within the UK's work culture exemplify the extent of this crisis.

When we see young people drinking energy drinks like they're water, it makes us think about whether they have other, healthier options available to them. The government not pushing for better diets makes this problem worse, and it keeps the cycle of unhealthy habits going.
11 Essential Dental Care Tips for a Radiant Smile

Who else has had dental issues and had to learn the hard way, just like me? I previously shared the pain I had to go through due to the time I fell down and didn't get my teeth checked. I didn't know I had cracks, and when my tooth got bad, I had to give more focus to it.

Dental issues lead to weight loss due to a lack of proper eating. I remember how much weight I lost when my teeth hadn't been fixed. I was so conscious of everything I ate. I had to brush three times a day to keep my mouth fresh and keep the odor away due to tooth decay. Taking care of your teeth means taking care of your entire body, because if you cannot eat or drink, you can't survive.

In this article, we will discuss the following:

Knowing what type of toothbrush to use
How long should you use your toothbrush?
What type of toothpaste is suitable for your teeth?
How to brush your teeth properly and keep them healthy.
How often should you go for dental checkups?
What is the right way to brush?
How much time should you spend brushing?
Should you rinse after brushing?
What type of brush is good for your teeth?

Teeth hygiene and general care are very important. If you have never had tooth issues, you will not understand that your teeth are one of the most used organs. If there is a problem with your teeth, it affects your entire health. When discussing oral health and dental care, the connection to blood pressure is often overlooked. However, it might be surprising to learn about the significant correlation between these seemingly unrelated aspects of health. Multiple studies, including research conducted by the American Heart Association, have revealed compelling findings. They indicate that individuals with healthier gums tend to exhibit improved responses to blood pressure medication. Conversely, those suffering from gum disease are approximately 20 percent less likely to achieve a healthy blood pressure compared to individuals with better oral health.

So how can you effectively take care of your teeth? Let me tell you the truth.

Your body changes, and that is the reality of life. Your tooth's strength can reduce with age. A good way to protect your teeth is by not eating hard foods every day. Hard foods also help exercise the teeth, but doing so often will damage them.

Chewing gum is your enemy. You see those ads on the screen; they are misleading.

Avoid fizzy drinks and sweet substances; they damage your teeth.

Consume nutritious foods that provide the essential nutrients necessary for maintaining optimal dental health. Non-organic foods have often undergone alterations and lack essential nutrients. Studies indicate that prolonged consumption of such foods can have detrimental effects on our overall health.

Additionally, excessive intake of fats can be harmful to both oral health and general well-being.
Smoking seems to be everywhere these days, but let me tell you, it's wreaking havoc on people's health, especially their teeth. Those tiny tobacco particles? They're causing all sorts of trouble by narrowing blood vessels and making our hearts work overtime, leading to high blood pressure and a whole lot of dental issues.

Now, let's talk about brushing. Seriously, folks, it's a big deal. Your mouth? It's like the front door to your overall health, and your teeth are the bouncers. If we don't kick out those bacteria at least twice a day, they start causing chaos, and nobody wants that. So, let's keep up with our brushing routine to keep our smiles bright and our bodies healthy!

I know sometimes we can fall back and only brush once a day due to stress or routine changes, but what makes the journey beautiful is that you pick up immediately.

Use the right toothbrush. Oh my gosh, people just buy any brush. Your brush bristles can also help your oral health. The bristles need to be able to bend to kind of get right under that gum.

Ever notice how they come in all shapes and sizes? It's not just about picking any old brush; you've got to find the right fit for your mouth. If you've got a smaller mouth like mine, a smaller brush head is key to getting into all those nooks and crannies.

And handles? Don't even get me started. Some are long, some are short, and some even have funky angles. But here's the thing: it's the bristles that do all the heavy lifting. Dentists say it's those bristles that kick bacteria to the curb and scrape away plaque, which, by the way, is like the enemy of healthy teeth.

Soft bristles? They're the MVPs—gentle yet effective. Hard bristles, on the other hand, can be a bit too aggressive and might even damage your teeth over time.

Now, here's the gross part: using the same brush for ages. Seriously, guys, that's a hygiene no-no. I get it; some brushes seem to last forever, but trust me, they're not meant to. If your brush starts looking like it's been through a war—discolored, bent, or just plain nasty—it's time to let it go. Chuck it in the trash and grab a fresh one. Your teeth will thank you for it!

Bamboo Toothbrush Set - A sustainable choice for eco-friendly dental care
I am currently using the Curvy Bamboo Toothbrushes (6 pack). The handles of the toothbrushes are made from natural and biodegradable bamboo, making them a great alternative to traditional plastic toothbrushes that can take hundreds of years to decompose. They help to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria on your toothbrush. The soft bristles, as recommended by dentists, gently clean your teeth and gums without causing any irritation. Available in adult and kids sizes as a single purchase or annual subscription.

Dentists suggest replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, but I switch mine every 2 months, and sometimes even after just 1 month, especially since I've dealt with past dental problems that are now resolved.

For those still grappling with dental issues, opt for extra soft brushes to prevent discomfort and swap them out every two weeks. During this time, soak your brush in warm water with a pinch of salt to ensure it's thoroughly cleaned after rinsing.
How to Choose a UK Medical Cannabis Clinic

Medical cannabis has been legalized in the UK and specialist doctors can now prescribe it as a treatment option. If you're considering personalized medical cannabis treatments, it's essential to choose the right medical cannabis doctor and clinic. Several factors should be considered to ensure you receive the best care and treatment for your specific needs.

When selecting a UK medical cannabis clinic, one crucial factor to consider is the doctor's expertise. Look for a doctor who specializes in cannabis-based products for medicinal use and is recognized by the General Medical Council (GMC). They should deeply understand the latest research and developments in the field.

Pricing and location are practical considerations. You want a clinic that is conveniently located and provides accessible healthcare options. Additionally, inquire about the reputation of the clinic. Reading reviews and testimonials from patients who have received personalized medical cannabis treatments can give you valuable insights into the quality of care provided.

It's also crucial to ask questions about the cannabis products used, including their composition, dosage, and treatment duration. A trustworthy clinic should be transparent and provide detailed information about their products.

Releaf cannabis clinic is an example of a reputable clinic that offers a range of services related to medical cannabis prescriptions. Their team of well-trained doctors specializes in treating various conditions such as chronic pain, neurological disorders, psychiatric conditions, gastrointestinal conditions, and palliative care. By choosing a clinic like Releaf, you can have confidence in receiving personalized medical cannabis treatments tailored to your specific needs.

Choosing the right UK medical cannabis clinic is a critical decision that can have a significant impact on your treatment journey. By thoroughly assessing factors like the expertise of the doctor, pricing, location, and reputation of the clinic, you can ensure that you receive the best care and personalized medical cannabis treatments for your condition.

Key Takeaways
  • Choose a UK medical cannabis clinic with a doctor specializing in cannabis-based products for medicinal use.
  • Consider the clinic's pricing, location, and reputation for accessibility and quality of care.
  • Ask questions about the cannabis products used, including composition, dosage, and treatment duration.
  • Read patient reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality of care provided by the clinic.
Lyphe is a reputable clinic that offers personalized medical cannabis treatments for various conditions.

Qualifying for a Medical Cannabis Prescription in the UK

To qualify for a medical cannabis prescription in the UK, patients must meet certain criteria. First, they must have a diagnosis from their doctor that shows they have one or more qualifying medical conditions for cannabis use. These conditions can include chronic pain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, or chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, among others.

In addition to the diagnosis, patients must have tried other prescribed medications for their condition and either experienced significant side effects or found them ineffective due to dependence concerns. Typically, patients must have tried at least two other medications before being eligible for a medical cannabis prescription.

Referrals from general practitioners (GPs) or National Health Service (NHS) specialists may also be required. These referrals help ensure that patients receive comprehensive care and that their medical history is considered during the evaluation process.

Once patients have met these preliminary requirements, they will undergo a medical cannabis evaluation. During this evaluation, their symptoms, medical history, and response to previous treatments will be assessed. This evaluation is crucial for determining whether medical cannabis is an appropriate option and what dosage and form of cannabis will be most effective for the patient.

If approved, patients will receive a medical cannabis prescription. They can then choose to purchase their medication from a specialist pharmacy or an online dispensary. It is important to note that not all pharmacies or dispensaries may carry medical cannabis products, so patients should ensure they select a reputable and authorized provider.

Qualifying Medical Conditions

Chronic Pain


Multiple Sclerosis

Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting
My Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Story and Journey

I am currently struggling with OCD. I am on a journey to heal and recover, but I want to share my mind with you so you can see through the eyes of a person suffering from OCD.

I define obsessive-compulsive disorder as being captive to your own thoughts. You are imprisoned by your own thoughts, and guess who the warden is? You!

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that is characterized by repetitive actions that seem impossible to stop. What this means is that you keep doing things over and over again to perfect them even when they are already perfect. There are different stages of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and people who are struggling with OCD are dealing with trauma that emanates from different levels and aspects of their lives.

I am suffering from this disorder, and it has been a struggle with a lot of things. I believe that as I begin to share and seek help, I will be on my way to recovery. I know this doesn't happen overnight, but if you know anyone with OCD, just know that these are their struggles.

The mind of an OCD sufferer

Growing up, I always desired my own room. I wanted my space to be neat, tidy, and just the way I envisioned it in my mind. What I can vividly remember when I started using hand sanitizers was when my mom's friend brought a mini pocket hand sanitizer to my house and told my mom about this pocket sanitizer, which was advertised at her workplace by a seller, and how important it is to always carry around a hand sanitizer. She also told my mom that she could eat without washing her hands if there wasn't any resource available at that point to wash her hands; that she could use the sanitizer in place of water in that case; and that it was safe. I was standing at the gate with my mom, and to me, that was a very good product. I was still growing, but I do not remember how old I was when this happened.

I had mild OCD growing up, and during my secondary education at a boarding school facility, I couldn't stand a lot of things. I got easily irritated and always arranged my cupboard over and over again.

Getting to Ukraine I lived alone for the most part, but my OCD gradually worsened with time. When the coronavirus outbreak was announced, it progressed even further. I was terrified and got all the products recommended to kill germs and bacteria. I didn't go out during the quarantine. I obeyed every COVID-19 rule, but the bad side of this was that my OCD became worse, and I think even along the line, a lot of people developed OCD.

As a person suffering from OCD, my brain keeps running 24/7. I get stressed out easily, and I just can't help myself but make sure everything is just the way I want it to be.

For me, OCD happens this way.

It's not just about what the people around me see. It's a struggle to resist the urge to wash, clean, and rearrange a place over and over again. My brain is never at rest when I am awake. I keep imagining the worst scenarios for how I could be infected with bacteria. People around me sometimes don't understand. It affects my mood, and I just want you all to know that people with severe OCD are struggling and need to be treated nicely. 

I cry when it seems like people around me do not understand me. I can't stand to see sharp objects around me for fear of them cutting me and thinking they will infect me. I am afraid of broken tiles and rough walls. It is crazy over here, I tell you.

If you know anyone suffering from this condition, please be nice to them, and encourage them, and one strong tip to help them is to stop scattering what they have arranged or put in place. Be neat and tidy around them, and avoid things that cause triggers, because this will help them stay a long time without having to arrange or do something with regards to repetitive actions. When the brain is less exposed to the activities that cause you to do things with prolonged absences, you tend to gradually forget these activities. I call it the "gradual step-down" method of OCD recovery.

There are things I do not do as a person suffering from OCD. In the past years, I have only had four visitors in my house, and these were three friends and the house owner. Their visit wasn't regular because I felt having people in my house increased my exposure to germs. I am not comfortable with giving handshakes; I give side hugs; I don't touch handles and rails. I don't use public toilets, etc. I get scared easily, and when I touch something that isn't clean, I get terrified and very uncomfortable. I am no longer able to concentrate until I wash my hands. I often have vaginal disbalance due to excessive washing, which results in changes in the pH and the natural microflora present in the vagina.

Oftentimes, I am afraid of using the restroom in my house, even as clean as it is. I have a lot of restrictions that I know I can be free from, but the more I try, the less it works because my imagination keeps screaming at me and it is hard for me to express myself sometimes. It makes me anxious and unhappy sometimes, and occasionally I keep pacing around as a result of this.

This also contributed to my clay (nzu) addiction because I wanted to have a feeling of dryness around me, which translated as neatness and a germ-free environment, so I always burned paper to produce a dry fire smell, and this triggered my urge to eat clay. I also developed an eating disorder, which is now back to normal: generalized anxiety, which gets triggered when I come in contact with something irritating; and sometimes I hoard things. I like to stay in an empty room.

Life can sometimes be selfish and all about me, which I know is wrong, but how can I help myself?

Please take note that this can affect men, women, and children. You should be careful not to unintentionally propagate this disorder in children and help them as soon as you notice it.

Obsessive disorder can be linked to a family history of the disorder, caused by differences in the brain, life events like being bullied, abused, or ignored, and personality traits like being neat, methodical, and having high standards.

The major signs of OCD are:

Obsessions: A persistent, unwanted, and frequently upsetting idea, image, or urge invades your head. emotions: The obsession results in a strong sense of anxiety or distress.

Compulsive: Repetitive actions or thoughts that a person with OCD feels driven to do because of the anxiety and pain caused by the obsession.

Even though I need to take a practical step toward seeing a therapist, I did some research on how OCD can be treated, and here is what I have to share.

There are two main treatments recommended by the NHS, which are:

Psychological therapy. This is a type of therapy that helps you face your fears and unwanted thoughts without having to engage in compulsions to "fix" them. You need to see a GP or therapist.

Antidepressant medication can be prescribed to assist in adjusting the chemical balance in your brain.

These drugs have side effects.

You can also join OCD support groups in your area run by national charities like OCD Action, OCD-UK, and TOP UK.

Today I urge you to see through the eyes, racing brains, and fighting minds of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder and help someone by sharing this article and being nice. This condition can cause people to become suicidal. Be kind and don't judge them because they are constantly fighting a battle you sometimes don't see.

I shared this article on 10/14/2022 by 8:30 pm but decided to reshare it again because I want to share my progress with you all.  

Thank you for taking the time to read. Have a nice day.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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