
Saturday, March 16

The leading industries causing health damage to young people

The leading industries causing health damage to young people

As I stepped out of my house this morning, I couldn't help but notice the widespread consumption of energy drinks and vaping among individuals as young as 13. It raises questions about the accessibility of these beverages to minors and underscores the importance of promoting healthy dietary habits. It's perplexing why the government has not prioritized a robust public health campaign to advocate for nutritious eating habits over the reliance on energy drinks.

The prevalence of meal deal plans coupled with the work environment in the UK has fostered a concerning trend, particularly among young individuals, who feel compelled to rely on energy drinks to sustain their productivity throughout the day. In a recent conversation, someone mentioned to me, admitting to consuming multiple energy drinks daily. This habitual consumption is taking a toll on the health of youths, manifesting in premature aging and increased strain on vital organs. Despite these alarming effects, there seems to be a lack of urgency in addressing this issue.

It's disheartening to hear people unabashedly say, "I can't go 2 hours without my vape," as if it were a badge of honor. Such sentiments reflect a misguided perception of what constitutes cool.

Let's start with big grocery stores that sell products that aren't good for our health. They offer these items at low prices, making them easily accessible to everyone. But the problem is, these foods can be really bad for us, and they're making young people sick. The people making these products don't seem to care about our health, and the government isn't doing much to stop them.

The main issue here is that there aren't enough rules about what can and can't be sold. In the UK, for example, energy drinks are sold without any warning about how bad they can be for you. They use tricks to make them seem healthy, which tricks young people into drinking too many of them. And then there's the rise of vaping and painkillers being sold in these stores, which is really worrying because there's not enough control over what's being sold and how safe it is.

For instance, consuming a sufficient quantity of broccoli and its essential nutrients for a balanced meal often costs more than purchasing a meal deal comprising baked food devoid of nutrients, accompanied by energy drinks, carbonated sodas, or canned juices.

The root of this issue stems partly from regulatory bodies like the FDA, tasked with safeguarding food quality. However, recent trends suggest a compromise in their approval processes, leading to the circulation of subpar products. The normalization of energy drinks and reliance on them within the UK's work culture exemplify the extent of this crisis.

When we see young people drinking energy drinks like they're water, it makes us think about whether they have other, healthier options available to them. The government not pushing for better diets makes this problem worse, and it keeps the cycle of unhealthy habits going.

Healthy foods often cost more than unhealthy ones, which makes it hard for some people to choose the healthier option. Pharmaceutical companies like it this way because they know they'll have more customers in the future if people keep getting sick from eating badly. Healthy food is less expensive, but companies often make it seem otherwise to create a dependency on their artificial products.

Vaping serves as a poignant example of this phenomenon. Consider the fact that the legal smoking age in the UK is 16, yet many individuals start smoking as early as 13, solidifying their addiction. Pharmaceutical companies are well aware of this trend, anticipating future health candidates and already developing various formulations to address potential health issues.

The manipulation of greenhouse-grown produce and the proliferation of altered nutrients underscore the urgency of addressing this crisis. The normalization of harmful habits, such as excessive vaping and smoking, reflects a societal acceptance of detrimental behaviors.

To tackle this complex problem, we need everyone to work together. It starts with people making smart choices about what they buy and supporting stronger rules. If we focus on stopping problems before they happen, we can avoid the health issues that come from bad eating habits in the long run.

The obesity crisis in the UK is alarming, and while progress is being made, it's saddening to witness young people struggling to maintain their well-being. It's imperative that we address the root causes of this issue.

The collaboration between regulators and drug companies keeps us hooked on harmful products. It's really important for us to stay watchful and speak up to fight this problem and make sure the next generations have a healthier future.

Have you ever pondered the ramifications of this? There's a deeper layer to this debate about the NHS going private that often goes unacknowledged. If this happens, it could result in exorbitant treatment costs. Those who have neglected their health may finally come to appreciate the significance of good health practices.

This health crisis also affects the older generation, but the targets are the young generation.

Choose wisely and treat your body with care. Opt for healthier options, and remember, any food that comes in a can/packaged may not be the best choice for your health.

Photo by Tim Mossholder


  1. Those same problems we experience in our country. Sometimes I get relly depressed thinking about the future of the world...

  2. Artykuł niezwykle ważny. Dobrze, że napisałaś na ten temat.

  3. This is a thoughtful and well-argued comment on the parlous condition of the UK.
    I would add that persuading people to consume vitamin tablets is not necessarily a good idea. They cannot take the place of a well-balanced diet and may be harmful in excess.

  4. When I was a teenager, energy drinks were not so popular in Poland. Some kind of craze begun a few years later, when I was diong my bechalor's degree. Students loved energy boost in a can, as they liked to call it. For me it was never a big thing and thank God for that. You got one healh, you should respect it. Very good post.

  5. Same issues everywhere...many people have no idea what the healthy diet is.

  6. Oh yes, I have definitely noticed this trend in the U.S too! It can be so disheartening.

  7. I agree with you that there are not enough rules about what can and cannot be sold. There should be greater control by governments to ensure everyone's health. Greetings, Melody.

  8. It is very important, you write, dear Melody. Unfortunately, healthy food is expensive, and what is cheap is often actually poison. All the best!

  9. Very accurate observations. Unfortunately, certain diseases caused by poor nutrition appear only later in life and few young people pay attention to them in their teenage lives.
    Fortunately, in Poland, from January 1 this year, there is a ban on the sale of energy drinks, i.e. drinks with added taurine and caffeine, to people under 18 years of age.
    At least this...
    I greet you warmly.

  10. Es terrible. Te mando un beso.

  11. Vaping is banned in Australia that happened recently. Energy drinks, don't know about the young ones how often they drink it, but have never seen young ones doing so as yet, but bet they do. So many young ones are over weight due to their genes and what they eat.
    You article is interesting to read.

  12. I think theolder we get, the more worries we have surrounding the world. It really frightens me sometimes where it's all heading too.

  13. In Poland, energy drinks are available to people over 18 years of age from this year. This is a very good decision, because young people actually consumed unimaginable amounts of them.

  14. Yes, these same stuff happens in our country now too.

  15. The same thing happens with energy drinks in Greece, vaping does not seem to be so widely consumed, at least in the small town where I live. Research is needed on the effects and, above all, information to young people. Have a beautiful week!

  16. Hoje em dia a nossa juventude é aliciada com inúmeras coisas impróprias para a saúde. Mas sem orientação não vão querer saber. Muito oportuno o seu texto.
    Uma boa semana. Um beijo.

  17. I've noticed how this younger generation doesn't consume cigarettes, but they use vaping as if it were somehow healthier. It's so sad to see young people becoming "dependent" on substances that they don't even know the long-term effect of.

  18. Guess that is the same less or more almost everywhere: even here in italy you can har the same news...
    Sadly the market win over the health, and people seems more and more disinterested on accurated info: and I talk of adults, you can imagine younger!

  19. I noticed the same trend in the USA. The plague of bad eating habits, obesity, stress and the rat race. I still hope that people will wake up.
    Best regards Melody.

  20. a very powerful analysis and great post dear Melody

    i think these are issues that whole world is facing right now and only because world has become a Toy in the hands of capitalists and they are playing with it the way they like unfortunately . worst part is that despite all knowledge is one click away form the youth of today but still they follow their temptations blindly and be victims of new poison sold everywhere .
    i have been fighting my boys for long for not consumes such drinks because their long term consumption causes sever diseases .
    but kids of today love to learn from personal mistake . lucky they learnt it soon by the grace of god!

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