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The stakes for children have never been higher—up to 15 million girls and boys will never return to school following the pandemic, more than 700 million children are currently living in countries at the highest risk of suffering the impact of the climate crisis, nearly 200 million children are living in lethal war zones and in rural America, 1 in 5 children are experiencing food insecurity due to poverty.

Join our community of passionate supporters committed to creating a better tomorrow by becoming a monthly donor today. 

There is currently no safe place in Ukraine, and the situation is changing by the hour. All children across the region are now in grave danger of physical harm and severe emotional distress.

So please, let’s do what we do best: let’s gather together our network of friends, family and colleagues and fundraise for the innocent children of Ukraine.

Start a Fundraiser

Violence and explosions have been reported in the capital of Kyiv and other major cities – forcing children and families into basements and bomb shelters. At least 100,000 have already been forced to flee their homes. As temperatures drop below freezing, displaced children could face long days and nights exposed to brutal conditions.
Right now Congress is debating legislation, called the Build Back Better bill, that is a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s kids. To educate the public and move Congress to act, Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) is co-sponsoring an online event with actor Jennifer Garner and a member of White House staff, featuring first-hand stories about child care challenges from a parent, a child care provider, and a business leader.

Looking for a way to have fun and do some good this summer? Have we got plans for you! In conjunction with our 100 DAYS OF READING campaign, we’re offering a summer fundraising program specifically designed to make even more of a difference to help feed the minds and bellies of kids living in rural America.

Families across the world have had to make
 impossible choices in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve fled violence at home to find shelter in refugee camps. Parents have had to choose between feeding their children or keeping a roof over their heads. Many students have been out of school for more than a year, with no idea when – or if – they’ll be able to return.

5X Match Expiring | $80,000 Goal. Make 5X the difference for children in need.

Now, even as much of the world begins to look forward beyond the pandemic, millions of children’s futures are still hanging in the balance. That’s why we’re counting on you to step up today: Have your gift multiplied five times by a generous donor and help reach our critical $80,000 goal before time runs out.

May is the month of 
Mom. Spread the love with our special Mother's Day care kit!
 This past year, many parents found themselves also becoming educators at home. To help, we created Raising Kids Who Care, our interactive webpage filled with informative resources, free downloads, and incredible tips on raising compassionate, global-minded children.


Mother’s Day calls for a gift like no other. What do you give the woman who has dedicated her life to bettering yours? You surprise her with a truly remarkable gift that embodies the compassion and generosity she’s always shown.

Gifts of Joy like the Wrap Up In Love Bundle, which provides insulating blankets for at-risk newborns and babies during disasters, emergencies, and conflict can make all the difference for children in crisis and bring much-needed relief to mothers in distress.

Delight Mom with a gift that provides comfort and cares this Mother’s Day.

 Educating ourselves and our communities is a critical first step. That’s why we’ve created a brand-new quiz to test your knowledge in honor of this important day of awareness. Please, will you take the quiz before World Malaria Day ends at midnight?

Save the

10x Match Extended: Your gift today goes 10x as far for children. Match my gift 10x now.

I hate to come to you with bad news, We fell short of our 10x match goal for children in need.

But here's the good news: To ensure we make up this $54,372 shortfall, the generous group of donors just offered to extend the 10x match up to our $300,000 goal – but only until midnight tomorrow. So please, before time runs out, will you rush a donation right now to have it go ten times as far for the world's most vulnerable children?

I'm on the ground as the Save the Children deputy director in West Virginia – where 1 in 5 families are experiencing food insecurity. Both here in the U.S. and around the world, the pandemic has led to a severe spike in child hunger – impacting millions of children's education, development, and futures.


Today is World Health Day, and we want to take a moment to talk about a serious global health problem that poses an urgent threat to at-risk children and communities: Currently, the world’s richest countries have secured 70% of the COVID-19 vaccine supply, leaving millions without access.

To truly end this devastating pandemic, we MUST address the vaccine equity gap.

Continued COVID-19 vaccine inequity poses an urgent threat to vulnerable children and communities. This World Health Day, we are urging world leaders and the global health community to immediately commit to making vaccine equity a priority.

Godisable, thank you for learning more about this critical issue today and for supporting the world’s most vulnerable children throughout this challenging time. You’re making lifelong change possible.

Save the Children

The pandemic continues to worsen the needs of children who were already facing unimaginable hardships, making your support as urgently needed as ever. Please, if you can, will you make a World Health Day donation today to help vulnerable children grow up healthy, educated and safe from harm?

 Save The ChildrenDONATE NOW 
What will it take to equitably distribute the COVID-19 vaccine globally? A comprehensive global response - with bold action, transparency and accountability from ALL world leaders and vaccine distributors. Fully funding COVAX - a global collaboration to accelerate vaccine distribution. Ending vaccine nationalism from high-income countries. Prioritizing children's health by providing other lifesaving immunizations and health services.

Save the Children and Atlantic Records are proud to announce a very special Livestream event for the whole family celebrating the new children's album At home with the kids - for which 100% of the net proceeds benefit Save the Children. The event will air live on Thursday, October 1st at 6:30PM ET/3:30PM PT.

Highlights of the event include musical performances, readings, and much more from celebrated artists Matt Maeson, Anderson East & Aaron Raitiere, Midland, gnash, Kyle among others!
Childhood Report
At home with the kids, as been met by critical acclaim from outlets such as Rolling Stone, Billboard, and SPIN, with PARADE declaring the album "a fun mix of groovy funk, silly pop and soothing sleepy lullabies... Perfect for your child's nap time and silly dance parties. At home with the kids is a fun addition to children's music with a great cause to boot."  The album features 23 classic songs, lullabies, and original family favorites performed by stars including Sia, Portugal, The Man, Tove Lo, Christina Perri, and many more.

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution
Save the
Save the Children stands with the Black community: Today is Juneteenth, also known as "Freedom Day" or "Independence Day" for the African-American community in the United States. On this day in 1865, enslaved people were informed of their freedom.

To learn more about Save the Children's statement on racial injustice, please click here.
Providing lifesaving support for children in urgent need. Rush a donation.

Red Nose Day is a campaign to end child poverty, one nose at a time. Through the power of entertainment, Red Nose Day raises money and awareness to ensure children who need our help the most are safe, healthy and educated in America and around the world.Save the children

Save the ChildrenWant to help us end child poverty?

Help change the story for children and tune in to NBC on 5/21 at 8 p.m. ET for special programming in celebration of Red Nose Day! This year, the three-hour programming block features a very special episode of "Celebrity Escape Room" followed by the sixth-annual "Red Nose Day Special." There will be laughs, there will be celebs, and there will be money raised to help children safe, healthy, and educated.
Save the Children’s community health workers are in communities around the world saving lives during the coronavirus pandemic. In honour of World Immunization Week, they deserve to know they have our deepest gratitude and support during this difficult time. Sign our card to say thank you for all these dedicated workers who are risking their own health and safety for others.

As we observe World Immunization Week in the face of a global pandemic, we recognize the lifesaving efforts of community health workers around the world.

While we may not yet have a coronavirus vaccine, community health workers are dedicated to providing children with the resources and care to combat other deadly diseases and make sure they're as healthy as possible.

These heroes deserve to know that as they are risking their lives to save others, we are supporting them. That's why we need 3,217 more members of this community to sign our card of gratitude to health workers everywhere as they respond to the coronavirus.

Everyone deserves a right to Clean water. Have you ever taken time out to think about what life will be without Water. Over 663 million people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is roughly one in nine of the world's population.
*1.5 million children die every year due to water related diseases
*Half of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from water related diseases (UN) *The water and sanitation crisis claims more lives through disease than any war claims through guns (UN)
* 443 million school days are lost each year due to water related illness (WHO/UNICEF)
*Women and children collectively walk 200 million miles a day to collect, often dirty and unsafe, water
Water is a transparent and nearly colorless chemical substance that is the main constituent of Earth's streams, lakes, and oceans, and the fluids of most living organisms.
It is very important to drink clean water. Lets come together to give a helping hand to someone today, hereby saving a life today.
The Drop4drop has been set for you and me to be a part of this great work. 
For every $1 invested in water and sanitation, there is an economic return of between $3 - $34 (WHO).
The introduction of a clean water source to a community saves thousands of hours every week previously lost to water collection.
Remember not everyone is as opportuned as you are, Clean water lays the foundations to a brighter future and creates a happier world.

To be a part of this Great Project you can Donate $3 here.
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