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Lifestyle Blogger

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mothers around the world! 🌷

In a world where motherhood is constantly under attack, where we can no longer refer to women who have given birth as mothers, and where some people advocate for calling men "mothers" – a notion many, like myself, with sound minds reject – it's crucial to understand that a mother's role is irreplaceable. A mother carries the instinctual bond with her offspring until her last breath. She endures the pain of childbirth and brings her child into the world, a divine connection ordained by God from the beginning. A mother's love is unparalleled and eternal. On this day, I want to wish all the mothers a beautiful Mother's Day. Keep shining, and may God bless you.

To read my post about my mother on Women's Day click here.

Girl standing with her mother


  1. In Poland we celebrate Mother's Day on 26th of May. :)

  2. What a lovely duo! Now I know who you took after, you have a beautiful mother, Melody.

  3. Beautiful women! 🌷💖
    All the best! 🤗

  4. Wonderful post, beautiful words, touching the heart.
    Your mother looks wonderful... now I know who you are such a beautiful woman after...

  5. En mi país se celebra en mayo. Pero yo creo que todos lo días deben ser de la madre y se deben dar amor y gratitud siempre. Te mando un beso.

  6. dear Melody first heartfelt thanks for visiting my place and leaving kind words !
    you have such an amazingly well organized place wow
    i enjoyed my visit here and loved the post as well .very beautifully said my friend ! no truer words indeed!
    best wishes for all you upto :)

  7. In Poland we celebrate Mother's Day in May but your lovely words apply to all moms around the world, no matter when they celebrate their day! All the best to you! <3

  8. Beautiful photo, here down under Mother's Day is in May

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