Lifestyle Blogger

Friday, March 8

My women’s day hero is my mom. What I wore on women's day

Yesterday, on my way home from work, I popped into a store and found this lovely black top. With Women’s Day around the corner, I wanted something simple yet beautiful. I picked up a black stretchy zip-front bodysuit top from Quiz Clothing at Buchanan Galleries here in Glasgow. The best part? It was incredibly affordable and fits like a dream.

Afterward, I swung by the Africa store to pick up ingredients for a special Women’s Day meal. It turned out to be so delicious that I ended up eating with such gusto that I got filled and had to save some for this morning's breakfast.

To celebrate Women’s Day in style, I paired the top with pink floral flare pants from H&M and my trusty white Converse sneakers, a thoughtful gift from my partner. A pair of stud earrings from Quiz Clothing added a touch of sparkle. As for my hair, after a week of keeping it pulled back, I opted for a ponytail that I braided and wrapped around due to the rough texture at the back.

Oh, the joy of being a woman! It's truly the greatest gift from God – the ability to bring life into the world, nourish it, nurture it, and even sacrifice for it. It's an incredible privilege that fills me with gratitude every day.

On this International Women’s Day, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my mom, who dedicated herself to our family's well-being, sacrificing so much to make our dreams a reality. She's truly remarkable and has a heart of gold.

My mom is like a guiding light, leading us through life's journey with unwavering love and support. She's patient, always there to lend an ear, and I'm forever grateful to have her as my hero.

Her prayers are like a shield, protecting me from life's challenges. And her wisdom, oh, it's invaluable. From her, I've learned the power of prayer, hard work, kindness, and forgiveness.

She's also an incredible cook – a talent she's been praised for countless times. Her meals are a source of joy and comfort, bringing our family together in love and laughter.

Growing up, she instilled in me the importance of decency, modesty, and self-respect. And her stance against alcohol taught me valuable lessons about health and self-discipline.

But perhaps her greatest gift to me is teaching me the bible. Through her, I've learned to lean on God in times of trouble, knowing that His guidance will always light my path.

I owe everything to my mom and sister. They've shaped me into the woman I am today, and I'll forever cherish their love and wisdom.

Many women can relate to this, and I just want to say to anyone who gets to read this post that it doesn’t matter whether you are being appreciated or not in your own corner; just know that I appreciate you.

My mom taught me the value of little skills, emphasizing that even the smallest income can add up over time. Her patience is a remarkable trait – her anger never lingers, and while she always takes my side in public, she gently corrects me at home, ensuring I learn and grow from my mistakes. She's a firm believer that without Jesus, we lack everything meaningful in life, and she shares her unwavering faith with me through her words and actions.

Decency has always been central to my upbringing thanks to my mom. She has a keen eye for choosing nice, modest clothing, teaching me that my body isn't meant to be flaunted for the world to see. Her stance against alcohol has also left a lasting impression on me. Growing up, alcohol was never a part of our household celebrations, thanks to my parents' understanding of its harmful effects.

I'm grateful to my mom for choosing my dad, a man of deep faith, as her life partner. Their commitment to their Christian values has been a guiding light in my life, leading me on a beautiful journey towards heaven. My mom's sense of style has also influenced my own – she has a knack for putting together stunning outfits, which she's passed down to me.

Throughout my life, my mom has been a constant source of love and support, always present and attentive to our needs. She was not just a mother but also a best friend to my late sister, fostering a truly special bond. I can't thank her enough for all the love, wisdom, and encouragement she's bestowed upon us.

To my incredible mom, Mrs. Dorathy Jacob, thank you for everything – from sharing stories of resilience during the Biafran War to instilling in me a sense of cultural pride and self-confidence. Your love and care are a treasure, and I find solace in knowing that your prayers are always there to guide me through life's challenges.

As for my sister, Ogadinma Patience Jacob, her passing left a void in my heart that will never fully heal. She taught me invaluable lessons about the importance of family, forgiveness, and kindness. Her memory lives on through the love and strength she left behind, a constant reminder of her enduring legacy.

To both my mom and sister, I love you more than words can express. You are my pillar of strength, and I am forever grateful for the impact you've had on my life.

On this Women's Day, I extend my heartfelt wishes to all women, celebrating their strength, resilience, and contributions to the world.

And yes, she cooks just as well as my mom – that's a fact I can attest to with delight. 😍

Ever since I began my Women’s Day celebration, I've established a personal checklist:

1. Start the day with prayers for the incredible women in my life. 

2. Marvel at the beautiful decorations at work.

3. Take a moment to call my mom, wishing her a wonderful Women’s Day and sending her a thoughtful gift.

4. Extend warm wishes to my friends, celebrating the strength and resilience of womanhood.

5. Make a quick stop at the library on my way home from work to read the heartwarming comments from my previous posts and blog entries.

6. Return home to enjoy a delicious meal, savoring the moment with gratitude.

7. Relax with a movie, immersing myself in stories of inspiring women.

8. Conclude the day with prayers of gratitude and a restful sleep.

All done.

At my office we were given this orange paper to write about the amazing women in our lives. It was posted on the balloon stand.

My women’s day hero is my mom. What I wore on women's day

How are you celebrating Women’s Day? Whether you're reading this post on time or later, share your celebrations in the comments below!

Sending love and warm wishes to all,

Melody Jacob


  1. Your words about your mother are so touching.
    On this day, I feel very grateful for being a woman.
    Being a woman is a wonderful adventure.
    I love your International Women's day checklist.
    Very inspiring.
    You look beautiful!

  2. Uno siempre debe seguir el ejemplo de mujeres fuertes. Ten un lindo día. Te mando un beso.

  3. It's so beautiful what you wrote about your mother.
    I also like your outfit, you look fabulous.

  4. I like your Women's Day outfit, looks so comfy and your words for your mom is very touching.

  5. Te ves preciosa con ese conjunto, aunque a ti te queda todo bien. Enhorabuena por esa madre tan increíble, que te ha enseñado a valorar lo que tienes y disfrutar con ello.
    Un beso.

  6. Hi, Melody, you're looking good, as always :) I'm glad you enjoyed your day, however, I am also so sorry about your late sister :( I know how it feels to have a gaping hole in your heart.
    I'm happy your amazing mum is still around so that you two can still have fabulous moments together :)

    On a lighter note, would you like to share some of your scrumptious recipes? I'm so fed up with my usual - quite boring to be honest - meals. I'm currently exploring so many new recipes from YT. I wouldn't mind trying out some of yours ;)

    Sending love from Ireland,

  7. Nice, casual outfit and those colours suit you very well.

  8. Happy International Women's Day, Melody! I was so touched to read your words about your mum, and my heart breaks that you had to go through the loss of your sister. <3

  9. ...a lovely tribute. I have several important women in my life too.

  10. È bellissimo sentire una giovane donna che parla in questo modo della madre, significa che la tua mamma ha fatto davvero un lavoro eccellente. Vestita così stai benissimo, è un abbigliamento bello, pratico e a te sta molto bene.
    Anche se è passato il giorno Buona giornata della donna a te e alla tua mamma, in fondo le donne andrebbero ricordate ogni giorno dell'anno.

  11. Moms are so very special and a blessing to all of us. You look very stylish, you should be a fashion model.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. What a beautiful tribute to you mom! Happy Women's Day!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  14. Beautiful and touching words about your mother. She must be a great woman.


  15. I love how you combined that simple black top with the floral trousers!
    What a wonderful tribute to your Mum! I can definitely relate to your Mum being your hero. Sadly, I lost my Mum back in 2001. She suffered from various chronic illnesses from a relatively young age, but still managed to run her home with hardly any outside help and raise three children to boot! I still miss her, and actually miss her more as time goed by ... xxx

  16. Ojalá la mayor parte de mujeres entendieran como tú expones esta maravillosa descripción de tu mamá. Realmente la mujer ya es diferente de por sí. Porque engendra vida y da a luz a la misma. Pero más allá de eso hay que ser aprendices de nuestros ancestros por los cuatro costados. Sin ellos la vida familiar y en sociedad no sería nada. Y digo esto porque hoy día hay demasiados intereses en romper las familias para que haya más división y así al mismo tiempo las mujeres pueden llevarse mal o engendrarse odio entre las mismas. No deseo para nada enturbiar tu creación. Simplemente expongo que cada mujer en el mundo va en función de su crianza y educación familiar. Luego la Universidad está la enseñanza para conseguir que sea una algo más y poder apreciar que tendrás que subir escalones cada día (en función de tus propias ideas) como persona mayor para llegar a la cima como joven.

    Un cálido abrazo y sigue exponiendo tus escritos de esta manera tan razonable. Felicidades !!!

  17. Hello!
    I can only conclude that you had an amazing Women's Day!
    It's touching the way you talk about your mum and the values she passed on to you that made you the wonderful woman you've become! you look beautiful and simple in that look, you're really beautiful in any kind of decent outfit!

  18. What a beautiful post! Great Outfit

  19. Such a lovely tribute.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. Beautiful words and you look great!!!

  21. this is heartwarming sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Looking stunning!
    I hope you had a wonderful women's day!
    have a great week,

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