
Tuesday, December 28

To get more happiness, read this

How to get happiness

Want to increase your happiness? Consider the following:

If the last year's events have left you emotionally deflated, you are not alone. Throughout the pandemic, happiness has been in short supply, and you may be in desperate need of a mood boost. While this period of time may have been especially difficult, even in normal circumstances, people frequently struggle to find happiness. This is why, in the 1990s, the field of positive psychology was founded. It attempted to address the following questions: Why is it sometimes difficult to be happy? And is there a way to assist individuals in improving their mood and attitude in life?

As it turns out, the second question is correct. You can make significant improvements to the quality of your daily life and increase your sense of fulfillment.

Experiment with this strategy for increased happiness, which combines three physical and emotional tactics. For a week, experiment with each of these alternatives. Evaluate whether one or more of these good steps contributed to your happiness – and continue to do so!

Get out there and be active!

The combination of fresh air and exercise has been shown to significantly improve mood. If you are COVID-19-vaccinated, take advantage of the opportunity to get outside, remove your mask, and get moving. Exercise on a regular basis can benefit both your health and your happiness. Aerobic activity, such as walking, biking, or running, stimulates the release of mood-enhancing hormones, which can help alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being.

Additionally, when your muscles contract in a repeating pattern, like they do when you walk, swim, or perform yoga, it increases levels of a brain chemical called serotonin, which many antidepressants target. Serotonin levels are related to improved mood. Indeed, one study discovered that 90 minutes of movement each week produced mood gains comparable to those of an antidepressant. Exercise, when paired with medicine, can even aid in the treatment of mood disorders that have proven resistant to other forms of treatment.

What level of movement should you aim for? According to research, you should aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five days a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise three times a week. However, if you are unable to do that much, keep in mind that some are always preferable to none. Even a quick 10- to 15-minute walk will temporarily improve your mood.

Take pleasure in little daily pleasures

Minor annoyances may ruin even the nicest day – you lose your keys, hurt your toe, or come across a grumpy coworker. However, the opposite is also true. Taking the time to appreciate little, pleasurable moments has been shown to make people happier. Consider little daily occurrences, in the same manner, you would large ones such as a wedding day, childbirth, or a peaceful vacation. After all, it is those insignificant moments that comprise the majority of your life. Enjoy time spent gardening (yes, potted plants count) or sitting in a sunny window with a cup of tea; share a wonderful meal with family members; or settle up with a good book. Additionally, recognize small milestones and accomplishments, such as a job well done or a daily goal completed. Every day, make a conscious effort to halt and appreciate minor joys like this.

Make prudent choices.

While having an infinite number of options may sound ideal, in reality, having a lot of options might result in increased worry. Happiness is somewhat determined by choices - after all, it would be extremely stressful to have no control over one's life. However, research has discovered that those who are offered more options have a greater chance of regret. Are you wishing you had picked a different insurance company, wardrobe, phone plan, or dessert? Would another option have been preferable? This is why those who run meditation or spiritual retreats frequently limit their selections. Not having to make several decisions throughout the day can be liberating.

A simple exercise can assist you in alleviating the stress of choosing. Decide that if a choice will have no significant effects, you will limit the amount of time you give yourself to select it or you will limit your selections. Allow yourself to make a decision without second-guessing it. Keep the lengthy debates for the larger, more relevant problems. Even so, try to avoid looking back when making these choices.

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