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Lifestyle Blogger

Monday, July 26, 2021

New Yorker fashion: Purple Originals loose fit T-shirt

We've all had days when we just want to be comfy, so we put on an oversized shirt and call it a day. My go-to off-duty staple is oversized shirts because this design is extremely comfortable, spacious, and flattering to a variety of body types. I frequently purchase big shirts both in winter and summer. Oversized shirts are a fashion classic, and many ladies have adopted this style of apparel. 

I remember walking into Newyorker fashion store in Ukraine with my friend. She wanted to buy few summer items but I ended up purchasing this oversize purple originals T-shirt which I did not plan for. I wasn't too happy because I did not need it but we took an instant decision to go to the city centre and what I was wearing wasn't fit for the weather, I was still conscious of the cold but it was already getting warm so I decided to purchase this loose t-shirt to change my sweater. The funny part of this is that we went home instead of going to the city centre. Well, it's all mine and I have been rocking it the best way I can.

I mentioned that I started taking photos of myself during the lockdown and I perfected the art. It's been a pretty girl summer with lots of involvement and rest. I am super grateful and hope to spend the rest of my summer 2021 in unlimited happiness. 

Get this T-shirt loose fit from any New yorker store near you. To search for it on the website find the brand name FB SISTER and the colour violet or purple depending on your translation and you will find it.

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