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Lifestyle Blogger

Saturday, May 01, 2021

May 2021: National Stroke Awareness Month.

When it comes to stroke, every second count! Nearly 2 million brain cells die each minute a stroke remains untreated. This is very harmful with a high impact on the human body which is why May has been set to raise awareness of those living with mental or behavioral health issues and to help reduce the stigma so many experiences.


Know the Signs of Stroke

1. Face drooping.
2. Arm weakness. 
3. Speech difficulty. 
4. Time to call 911 if someone is having a stroke.

What you need to know
Stroke can happen to anyone at any age.

80% of all strokes are preventable.

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. and a leading cause of severe disability.

On average, one person dies from a stroke every 4 minutes.

More than 795,000 people have a stroke each year in the U.S.

Stroke kills almost 130,000 of the 800,000 Americans who die of cardiovascular disease each year—that’s 1 out of every 19 deaths from all causes.

Prevent stroke by following the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Life’s Simple 7 tips:
Manage blood pressure.
Control cholesterol.
Reduce blood sugar.
Get active.
Eat better.
Lose weight.
Stop smoking.

Get Involved
Your valuable time and effort are essential to helping fight heart disease and stroke

Volunteer your time
Find volunteer opportunities that fit your time and talent.

Create your own event
Our online fundraising tool can help you customize an event that’s right for you.

Get your company involved
Sponsor an event or conduct your own fundraiser: Donate.

Stroke Recovery
There is life – and hope – after stroke. With time, new routines will become second nature. Rehabilitation can build your strength, capability, and confidence. Get started after stroke


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