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Lifestyle Blogger

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Feminism and it's twist : We are Queens not Kings

I was getting ready to go to church yesterday, when I saw the twitter handle of a famous Nigerian reality tv star Cynthia Nwadiora popularly known as Cee-c, the twitter handle is King Cee-C but something immediately got me thinking, why king instead of queen?.

Who is a king? 
A king is a male ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.

Who is a queen? 
A queen is the female ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.

Now, if we say that we are strong as Women then let's make our title stronger and cherish it even more.  We are queens and queens can also rule because a queen is strong and brave just like a king.  Queen Elizabeth is a great example of a woman ruling over millions of men. Calling yourself a king as a woman in my own opinion automatically says a big yes to a male being more superior, stronger in nature and society.  Don't borrow titles, build your title and make it stronger. You don't have to be called a king to make a statement of strength.  We are all queens in our own space because every day we strive and rule over something or someone, we take responsibility for a lot of things. So let that queen title signify strength to every lady.

Read more on mental health and fitness.

Photo by Azamat Zhanisov on Unsplash



  1. Yes well said. We need to embrace what makes us women instead of trying to be men. Which last time I checked is not going particularly well for the world

    Allie of

  2. You said it all and I couldn't agree more. As women we should try to be queens and embrace our femininity and what makes us women. Instead of trying to imitate men, we should find our own way.

  3. I couldn't agree more!!

  4. I agree with all you have said. We don't have to reach for males titles to feel better or higher of ourselves.

  5. very well said! we don't need to borrow title! we just need to build our own!


  6. Beautifully written!! I feel inspired after reading it..and all I have to say is: GIRL POWER!



    1. I also feel uplifted in the right way by your comment. Thanks for reading my blog always.

  7. I loveee your take and opinion on the titles of King and Queen. Hehe I've definitely valued the idea behind girl power and girl boss after entering into the realm of blogging and being my own boss so I can totally relate!


    1. We all have our power and magic, we go all the way, no need to feel less, we are strong and we get stronger by the day.

  8. I absolutely loved this, dear Melody. We are women and yes, we should be thankful to be such and not try to be men. We were made different for a reason and we need to embrace our femininity. Hugs to you!


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