
Alzheimer's disease has a significant human and financial impact. More than 55 million individuals have Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia, with that number expected to rise to 78 million by 2030 and 139 million by 2050. The Alzheimer's Association estimates that more than 11 million unpaid carers in the United States will offer 15.3 billion hours of help (worth $256.7 billion) to 6.2 million people with dementia by 2020. This estimate does not include the $51.2 billion in Medicaid payments for dementia patients aged 65 and up.

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Pharmacological treatments to reduce the progression of Alzheimer's disease

Most Alzheimer's clinicians, researchers, and advocacy groups have bet on a pharmaceutical cure to solve this problem for years, but failure after failure has occurred. The FDA approved the first medicine thought to be able to reduce the development of Alzheimer's disease pathology in the brain last year, despite much expert dispute. The assumption, which has yet to be verified, is that if such medicine is given early enough — before any symptoms appear — the disease will advance in such a way that people will be able to live out their lives without suffering dementia.

A looming crisis

Although this desired path is rational and admirable, the immediate consequences may be costly. The vast majority of novel Alzheimer's disease drugs, including the one authorized by the FDA, are being tested in people who already show symptoms like memory loss. As a result, millions of people with mild Alzheimer's symptoms will be the first to receive these new disease-modifying medications. Individuals with symptomatic Alzheimer's disease will continue to progress, and if the therapies are successful, they will progress more slowly, because these drugs slow down (but not stop) the accumulation of pathology. It's possible that the mild stage of dementia will last four, five, or six years instead of three. Instead of the last four years, the moderate stage could last five, six, or seven years. This means that, for the time being, disease-modifying medications will not reduce the number of people living with dementia; rather, they will vastly increase it.

As a result, it is vital for the United States and other countries to invest in both pharmaceutical and nonpharmacological treatments for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Although many treatments have been devised to improve memory in patients with mild memory problems, few, if any, have undergone extensive clinical trials to confirm (or disprove) their effectiveness.

In the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, nonpharmacologic memory-boosting techniques may be beneficial.

A group of Boston researchers looked at 32 people with modest memory issues, half of whom had mild cognitive impairment and the other half had mild Alzheimer's disease dementia. When learning new knowledge, they discovered that both groups increased their memory by merely thinking about the following question: "What is one distinctive attribute of this item or personal experience that distinguishes it from others?" Another study conducted by Boston researchers discovered that 19 people with mild cognitive impairment could improve their ability to remember items in a virtual supermarket by simply thinking systematically about whether or not the items were already in their cupboard before placing them in their shopping cart. However, larger investigations are needed to see if these memory methods are generalizable.

Related read: 


Music, pets, robotics, and the environment are all in the moderate to severe stages.

Similarly, several nonpharmacological treatments appear to bring comfort and reduce agitation in people with moderate to severe dementia, but larger and more rigorous studies are needed to verify or disprove their efficacy and, as a result, promote their widespread use.

A group of Portuguese physicians and academics examined more than 100 trials testing music-based therapies for patients with dementia who exhibited agitation or other behavioural and psychological signs of dementia, finding that the great majority were beneficial with little or no adverse effects.

A group of Florida neurologists looked into the effects of dog therapy and ownership and discovered that both were safe and effective treatments for chronic and progressive neurological illnesses.

When robot pets were provided to dementia patients, other researchers discovered that anxiety and the usage of psychoactive medications decreased.

A review of the built environment (the architecture of the home or facility) concluded that "specific design interventions are beneficial to the outcomes of people with dementia."

Families' education
It's also crucial to educate families and other caregivers on how to deal with the many stages and characteristics of dementia. Brazilian physicians conducted pilot research in which carers were invited to participate in educational sessions and reported a high degree of program satisfaction. Unfortunately, substantial clinical studies of caregiver education interventions are rarely conducted.

Enormous savings are possible.

If mild dementia solutions were effective enough to save just one hour per week of a caregiver's time for the nearly two million people with mild dementia in the United States, it may save 104 million hours worth $1.7 billion per year. For example, that extra hour would allow a "sandwich caregiver" to assist their child with homework while their parent with moderate dementia takes pills or pays bills on their own.

Nonpharmacologic therapies in the moderate to severe stages could save more than $31 billion dollars (based on a semi-private nursing home room costing $93,075 per year) for the nearly four million people with moderate to severe dementia in the United States. Individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their families will save money in addition to benefiting socially and emotionally.

New reimbursement models are being developed.

Finally, after nonpharmacological treatments have been shown effective, new reimbursement models will be required to fund their implementation, as standard insurance payments are targeted toward medications. Nonpharmacological techniques must be utilized in conjunction with pharmacological therapies if the United States — and the rest of the globe — is to cope with the expanding number of persons with dementia.

Get a free consultation from the Melody Jacob Health Team, Send us an email at godisablej66@gmail.com if you have any questions. Thanks for reading.

23 Gele styles trending on Instagram in 2022

The Nigerian Gele fashions are all over social media right now. Every weekend, we see new brides walk down the aisle, people attend new weddings, and new wedding style trends emerge. Today, we're going to show you the latest gele trends for both new brides and wedding guests. 

Keep an eye on your symptoms and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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If you have diverticulosis, a condition characterized by microscopic pouches (diverticula) that grow in the lining of the colon, doctors used to advise you to avoid nuts and seeds, as well as popcorn. According to the theory, little pieces of food could get lodged in the pouches and induce irritation or infection, depending on the theory (which is called diverticulitis). We now know that the advice was incorrect.

There's no need to be concerned about eating nuts, seeds, or popcorn. There is no indication that people who eat a lot of such foods have a higher risk of diverticulitis than people who don't. " Dr. Lawrence S. Friedman, a gastroenterologist at Harvard Medical School and Anton R. Fried, M.D., Chair of the Department of Medicine at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, agrees.

What else do we know about managing diverticular disease today? Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind.

Don't be concerned about diverticulosis.

Diverticulosis is a frequent ailment, especially as we age. By the age of 60, it affects roughly 40% to 60% of people, and it usually starts in the lower-left part of the large intestine (the sigmoid colon). "We believe that increasing colon pressure drives diverticula out through weak places in the colon wall," explains Dr. Friedman. "Diverticulosis is usually asymptomatic, and unless you have had a colonoscopy or abdominal imaging, you won't know you have it."


Do inform your physician about any bleeding.

Rectal bleeding occurs in roughly 5% of people with diverticulosis when a tiny blood vessel in a diverticulum ruptures. Diverticular haemorrhage is the medical term for this. It is unknown what causes it. Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines [a prominent class of pain treatments that includes aspirin] or blood thinners might cause bleeding. " According to Dr Friedman,
Even if the bleeding is small and stops on its own, contact your doctor to have it checked out. You should go to the emergency room if there is a lot of bleeding and you feel lightheaded or dizzy. You could lose a lot of blood, and you'll need to figure out what's causing the bleeding and get medical help. " Dr. Friedman has some suggestions.
Symply Tacha always delivers, the social media personality and entrepreneur has set the ball so high for herself and she is keeping to it. She looks stunning in wearing Xtrabrideslagos and styled by Medlinboss.

Consume a variety of healthful foods that are high in anti-inflammatory properties.

Your food is a potent weapon in the fight against chronic inflammation, a state of persistent immune system activity. Consuming nutritious foods contributes to the reduction of chronic inflammation and promotes your health in various ways (like lowering cholesterol levels). Chronic inflammation is frequently associated with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive loss, and may contribute to their development.

Where can you find anti-inflammatory foods? They are all components of a Mediterranean-style diet that includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, lean proteins, and tiny amounts of dairy and olive oil.
Plant-based foods provide us with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and phytochemicals—plant chemicals that appear to fight free radicals [molecules that cause cell damage] and may protect our cells from inflammation, cancer growth, and viruses, explains Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. "Fish, nuts, and plant oils all include unsaturated fats that are beneficial to the blood vessels, heart, and brain."

Here are some foods that aid in the fight against inflammation.

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Strawberries, raspberry, blueberry, and blackberry may appear to be just delightful delights. However, berries are also effective anti-inflammatory agents. Berries include compounds called anthocyanins, which impart a red or purple color to the fruits. Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory properties in cells and have been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease, cognitive decline, and diabetes.

Ask the doctor

Q. I’ve been taking blood pressure pills for 20 years, but I just turned 75. Do I still benefit from taking them?

A. There is no doubt about the benefit of treating high blood pressure in people younger than 75. But some doctors have wondered if, in people older than 75, the benefits might be less and the chance of bad reactions to medicines might be greater. So, you’re asking a question that we doctors have asked ourselves.

A study published online on Aug. 26, 2021, by The Lancet is the best one I’ve seen on this question. It indicates that the value of blood pressure treatment continues in people over 75 years old. Scientists pooled the results of 51 randomized clinical trials involving 358,707 people, who ranged in age from 21 to 105 years old. Nearly 59,000 people were ages 75 or older. With so many people in the analysis, the results are more likely to be valid.

Randomized trials are the best type of study for judging the benefits and the risks of treatment. Such trials randomly assign some people to take a real blood pressure pill and others to take a placebo (inactive pill). Since the people in the two groups are very similar except for the kind of pill they are taking, any differences in their subsequent health are likely to be explained by whether they took the real medicine or the placebo. So, because of the large number of people in the analysis, and the fact they were all in randomized trials, we can trust the results of the analysis.

Q. I manage my high blood pressure with hydrochlorothiazide (a diuretic) and long-acting metoprolol (a beta-blocker). I feel fine, but my heart rate doesn’t go up like it used to before I started taking the metoprolol. Does that mean I am not getting as much health benefit whenever I exercise?

A. All beta-blockers slow down your heart rate. The slower rate happens at rest and also when you exercise. To get the most from aerobic exercise, you would normally want your heart rate in a moderate-intensity zone for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Moderate intensity means exercising at a heart rate that is 60% to 75% of your maximum.

An easy formula to find your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. So, if you are 60, your maximum heart rate is 160. Therefore, moderate-intensity exercise measured by your pulse is 96 to 120 beats per minute. While this formula usually works well to help gauge the aerobic intensity of exercise, it doesn’t work for people who take a beta-blocker. And unfortunately, there is no simple way to adjust for the slower rate of the drug.

Instead, you can use your breathing to gauge your effort. With moderate-intensity exercise, you should be able to talk, but with pauses to catch your breath. If you are breathing very hard and unable to speak during exercise, you are at high intensity.

Can beta-blockers affect your ability to work out? Studies that have addressed your question have not provided a definitive answer. A competitive athlete’s performance likely could be diminished by taking a beta-blocker. However, for most of us who exercise to stay healthy, the evidence tilts toward no decrease in benefit, even though you may not hit the standard heart rate goals.

The difference between fruits

As with other foods, different fruits include a variety of nutrients. In general, whole fruits are high in fiber, whereas fruit juices are not. And a cup of fruit juice, even 100% fruit juice, contains far more sugar than a single piece or serving of real fruit. Additionally, whole fruits provide greater satiation than juices. When consuming the appropriate amount of fruit and vegetables, it is preferable to eat them whole rather than drink their juice. However, one should not completely avoid juice—if it is 100 per cent juice—but consumption should be limited to no more than 4 to 8 ounces per day.
The freezer department of the supermarket is frequently supplied with an array of frozen fruits. These are frequently already peeled and chopped (like mango), making them handier and frequently less expensive than fresh fruits. Frozen fruits are typically selected and quickly frozen near the point of harvest, which preserves the nutrients. Additionally, certain seasonal fruits, such as blueberries, are easily accessible frozen. The key to selecting is choosing unsweetened frozen fruits.
Numerous fruits are available dried, including raisins, apricots, and pineapple, to name a few. Additionally, they have high nutritional content, maintain their freshness for an extended period of time, are handy to carry, and are abundant in calories, making them a favorite of hikers and campers. Some, particularly mango and pineapple, are frequently sweetened throughout the drying process. Dried cranberries nearly always contain extra sugar due to their naturally sour flavour. Even without added sugar, the small size and sweetness make it fairly simple to consume a large quantity in one sitting, and the calories can soon pile up.
Sulfur dioxide is also used to maintain the freshness and color of some dried foods, such as raisins and apricots. While this is not a worry for the majority of people, certain individuals, particularly those with asthma, are sensitive. Because sulfur dioxide treatment is clearly labelled on the container, it is easy to avoid if necessary.

Consider purchasing organic.

We have a variety of organically and conventionally cultivated fruits to choose from, whether they are fresh, frozen, or dried. There is insufficient nutritional difference between the two to warrant choosing one over the other, yet consumers may prefer one over the other depending on growing practices and environmental impact. Although the United States has pesticide laws, some fruits have more residual pesticides than others. It is therefore always advisable to properly wash fruits before eating them.

Products with plant stanols are an alternative to butter, but the health claims might not stand up.

To keep your arteries clear, nutritionists frequently recommend limiting your daily intake of butter, which is high in saturated fat. Is it true that butter substitutes made from plant stanols are a superior option?

Plant stanols are generated from the membranes of plant cells. Nuts, beans, fruits, and vegetables are examples of foods that contain them naturally. Supplements containing these naturally occurring chemicals have been proven to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol by up to 14 percent in adults taking 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams (mg) per day in previous trials. However, butter-replacement products frequently lack sufficient plant stanols to achieve a therapeutic effect.


cholesterol improvement

According to Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital, you'd need to take at least four tablespoons each day to notice a reduction in cholesterol levels. A tablespoon of a butter substitute containing plant stanols, on the other hand, contains roughly 70 calories. Using that arithmetic, you'd need to ingest 280 calories' worth of the alternative to show a benefit. It's probably not a good idea to eat so much unless you're underweight, "McManus agrees.

Types of plant stanols

Plant stanols are available in pill form. However, like with other supplements, the quality and quantity of the active components is always a concern. Some plant stanols are available in chewable form; however, keep in mind that these products have a significant drawback: each serving contains approximately 10 grams of added sugar. "It's like candy," McManus says. "As a result, people should be aware of that." According to McManus, the greatest method for lowering cholesterol is to rely on tried-and-true strategies. These include following a plant-based diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods, lowering saturated fat consumption, and aiming to maintain a healthy weight. If you want a healthier alternative to butter, try using liquid oils llike olive or avocado oil, or nut butter as a spread. According to McManus, peanut butter and almond butter are two good possibilities.
Traditional butter can still be used, but only for rare events or recipes that require a pure butter flavour, she advises.

It's a lovely Monday morning, and I'd like to give you a quick rundown of the Bliss mint chip mania cooling and smoothing ice creamy-textured mask. There are various types of beauty masks, and they have become increasingly popular as a fundamental component of facial care, with many individuals using them daily.

This ice cream face mask was given to me by a friend, and I've been using it. I wouldn't call it a miracle mask, but the result is evident. It's a product that may be used daily, at any time of day. I didn't use it much at first because I was attempting to get rid of acne spots, and I was unsure how effective or useful it would be. I was apprehensive about using a product that would exacerbate the condition.
In the last three weeks, I've used it regularly. It has been great for my skin. The texture is smooth and ice cream-like, the color is appealing owing to the minty green hue, and the scent is quite gentle, soft, and friendly, with a tender sensation.

A lady wearing rings

Every piece of jewellery ornament adds up to a memory to be cherished forever. So selecting the right jewellery for events like weddings, engagement ceremonies, business parties, or a hot night date is essential. In addition, jewellery is an accessory that states the personality of the person. From a delicate pair of studs earrings to the big chunky piece of statement rings, the gemstone jewellery has always added glamour to women’s appearance. Each of the gemstones and their meanings is very unique. For thousands of years, they have been revered for their power and beauty. In this blog, we will know about a few gemstones rings that sparkle to runaway the fashion with their gorgeous magnificence. Let us dive in.


Another blue colour gemstone loved for its appearance is the Larimar. It is a gemstone that has white swirls on the surface. People admire wearing Larimar rings because of their healing energies, and it is one of the soothing stones which will bring calmness and peace into the wearer’s life. This stone is only found in one place in the whole world, that is, the Dominican Republic. It is composed of the pectolite mineral, which is abundant in the world, but the Larimar stone is rarest. In addition, it could be worn daily to make life happy and prosperous. In addition, pairing the agate ring, on the other hand, will add beauty to the existing look of the wearer.


Moonstone is believed to have the energies of goddess Diana as it they are the moonbeams that have fallen to earth. They have a beautiful sheen that attracts every eye and makes a place in the viewer’s heart. They are available in the shades of blue, pink, white, orange, yellow, multi-colour, and colourless. People often gift the moonstone ring to their spouse as this crystal has the energy to make their bond stronger with mutual understanding. In many countries, they are even used as engagement rings, as it enhances the love between the couple and makes their life better.



We know that women always adore the jewellery given to them by their mothers, as they have the love and glory from the past. But we have another exciting stone that is the Turquoise stone. It is one of the oldest stones mined and has wonderful energies of sky and ocean in it. The statement Turquoise ring looks fantastic when worn on the left hand’s third finger. This gemstone is usually bought for wearing on an everyday basis as it brings good fortune with health and wealth. It is a bluish-green stone with a matrix on the surface. Adding it to your collection would be an ideal choice.

There are numerous exercises available, including strength training, indoor cycling, and kickboxing. Other popular activities, such as yoga and Pilates, emphasize flexibility and deliberate movement and are less likely to leave you overheated and out of breath. Now, a new trend has emerged: stretching-only studios. What services are these studios providing, and how will this assist you?

What services do stretch studios provide?
StretchLab, StretchMed, and LYMBYR are just a few of the studios that provide assisted stretching sessions, either one-on-one or in small groups. The purported advantages range from acceptable goals such as increased flexibility and range of motion to more dubious claims such as injury prevention and chronic pain elimination.
"If you participate in certain activities that demand flexibility, such as dancing or gymnastics, stretching may be necessary to preserve a range of motion," says Dr Adam Tenforde, an associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School and a sports medicine physician at Spaulding Rehabilitation and Massachusetts General Brigham.
However, if your goal is to improve your overall health, the evidence for stretching is woefully insufficient, particularly in comparison to the wealth of research supporting the advantages of frequent, moderate physical activity.
"Contrary to common assumption, there is no consistent evidence that stretching aids in injury prevention," Dr Tenforde states. Additionally, if you already have an injury, such as a muscle or joint strain, excessively extending the tissue may aggravate the injury, he says.
Although the "stretch therapists" and "flexologists" at stretching studios may have certain certifications and training, they are unlikely to be trained to identify and treat health-related causes of pain or stiffness. If you've had a musculoskeletal injury in the past or are currently experiencing one, you're much better off seeing a physical therapist who has the experience and training to treat you properly.
Old woman

Did you know that over two-thirds of the 6.2 million people in America who have Alzheimer's disease are women? This means that women are nearly twice as likely to have Alzheimer's disease as men. Alzheimer's disease is more common among women, but why is this so?

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain ailment that gradually impairs memory and thinking abilities, eventually impairing the capacity to do even the most basic tasks. In the majority of patients with the condition—those with late-onset symptoms—symptoms begin in their mid-60s.

Women live longer than men.

The primary reason is that women live longer than men. When actuarial life tables are consulted, it becomes clear that a baby girl born in 2019 is anticipated to live five years longer than a baby boy: 81 versus 76 years.

Age is the most important risk factor for Alzheimer's disease; the older you get, the more likely you are to get the condition. For instance, the incidence (the number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease each year) varies according to age:

Each year, four out of every 1,000 people aged 65 to 74 get Alzheimer's disease.
Each year, 32 people aged 75 to 84 develop Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease affects 76 out of 1,000 adults aged 85 and older each year.

Thus, one reason there are more women with Alzheimer's disease than men is that our society has 5.7 million older women than older men, and the older you are, the more susceptible you are to having Alzheimer's disease.

However, this is not the complete explanation.

Alzheimer's disease is more prevalent in women.

Women have a somewhat higher risk of having Alzheimer's disease later in life than men. One study monitored 16,926 people in Sweden and discovered that women were more likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease than men of the same age, beginning at age 80. Similarly, a Taiwanese study discovered that women had a larger likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease over a seven-year period than men. Furthermore, a meta-analysis of the Alzheimer's disease incidence in Europe discovered that roughly 13 women out of 1,000 developed Alzheimer's disease per year, compared to only seven men.

Thus, women living longer than men cannot be the whole explanation for why women are more likely than men to develop Alzheimer's disease, as women are more likely to be diagnosed with the disease even among individuals of the same age.

Women do not have a higher incidence of non-Alzheimer’s dementia than men.

One hint to the solution to this issue is that women do not have a higher risk of having dementia from causes other than Alzheimer's disease. For instance, a study of dementia rates in Sweden discovered that women and men were equally likely to develop non-dementia Alzheimer's as they aged. The fact that Alzheimer's disease rates vary by gender but not for non-dementias shows that there must be a unique connection between Alzheimer's disease and gender.

Amyloid deposition in Alzheimer's disease may represent a defense mechanism against infections.

Another piece of the puzzle comes from Harvard researchers, who believe that amyloid, one of the pathological components of Alzheimer's disease, is deposited in the brain to combat infections. If this hypothesis is right, we may consider Alzheimer's disease to be a result of our brain's immune system.

Gülizar Nisa Uray, Engin Altan Düzyatan, and Belçim Bilgin feature in the Turkish film My Father's Violin (Turkish: Babamin Kemani), directed by Andaç Haznedaroglu and released in 2022. Netflix released the film on January 21, 2022.

Is it a good idea for you to watch the movie My Father's Violin? Yes, this is a film with a novel plot and a fantastic conclusion. Two brothers were abused by their alcoholic stepfather and intended to flee, but things didn't go as planned. Years later, one has made a reputation for himself as a musician (after being separated, but acceptance was not easy due to past events.
Azman, the daughter of one of the brothers, is a really gorgeous and loving spirit. Her father, Ali Riza, left her with her uncle, Mehmet, who refused to seek custody of her and his trusted friends when he died. Will the uncle accept her, despite the fact that her father's friends want custody of the little 8-year-old girl, Ozlem, or will social services take over?
The summary of this movie is about an orphaned girl who bonds with her emotionally distant, successful violinist uncle through their common sadness and affinity for music.
Illustration of people wearing masks

COVID-19 rates are rising across the country and in many parts of the world, making it more critical than ever to protect ourselves and others. The greatest defence against COVID-19 is a multi-layered approach, beginning with vaccines and boosters for everyone who is eligible.

People who have been vaccinated and boosted are significantly more protected from serious illness, hospitalization, and death. Everyone, including those who have been vaccinated, is at risk of contracting a highly contagious variation like Omicron if they contract it. Experts estimate that if we all agree to follow mask rules and other conventional preventive measures in places where vaccination rates are low or COVID cases are on the rise, we can save thousands of lives and help limit the pandemic.
Why do we think masks are effective?
The benefits of medical and nonmedical masks are backed up by a growing amount of information. These reviews (here and here) and observational studies (here, here, here, and here) provide some of the most compelling evidence that wearing a mask reduces infection rates. Masks help trap bigger respiratory droplets as well as some of the smaller particles known as aerosols, as shown in this graphic from the New York Times.
Wearing a mask can help protect you from viruses that spread through the air, such as COVID-19 and colds and flu. Some individuals believe that masks trap CO2 or limit the amount of oxygen inhaled. This is not the case. When you breathe out through a mask, CO2 escapes; when you breathe in, oxygen enters.
There is no such thing as a perfect or definitive study; in fact, such studies would be impossible to conduct. However, there is a lot to be said about wearing a mask, and there is little to no evidence that it causes harm.

What is the best type of mask?
Wear the most protective mask you can find, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Wearing masks that filter out very minute particles on a regular basis provides the best protection against highly contagious versions like Omicron. Some examples are:
N95 masks, which are approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), are comparable to KN95 masks, which are certified in China but not by NIOSH.
Counterfeit N95 and KN95 masks have become all too popular. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has some helpful tips on how to recognize fake masks.
Surgical masks are useful, but they are less protective, mainly because of their loose fit. If you're using surgical or cotton masks, some experts recommend double-masking.
What about tightly woven cloth masks that totally cover the nose and mouth, have a wire bridge, and at least two layers of washable, breathable fabric? Gaiters and bandanas may provide little protection and aren't usually the first choice because they weren't designed to provide tight facial coverage and may only have one layer.
Virus particles can more easily escape through masks with vents or valves, hence they are discouraged.

Prima Real Estate Advisory has this property on the market for €2,400,000.


A turnkey Tuscan farmhouse in the heart of the Val d'Orcia is available with Prima Realestate for €2.4 million. The Val d'Orcia region, located in the province of Siena, is widely regarded as the best section of Tuscany. For centuries, the UNESCO world heritage site has remained untouched, its natural vistas and breathtaking landscapes serving as a time capsule from Renaissance times. Authentic Tuscan farmhouses, such as this one, are among Tuscany's most sought-after properties. The 8396-square-foot property has eight bedrooms and is divided into two independent sections with the option of merging them. With beamed ceilings and terracotta tile floors, the refurbished turnkey home retains much of its original charm. The property's swimming pool has an unusual indoor/outdoor design. The home is surrounded by gardens and includes an annexe that may be turned into a yoga studio or gym. The property, which sits on 12+ acres, is in a fantastic location, just a short drive from the famed Italian cities of Pienza, Montepulciano, and Montalcino. See more on the blog, including a link to the original listing!

Turnkey Tuscan Farmhouse in the Val d’Orcia

Distances between towns/cities: 7 km to Pienza, 50 km to Siena, 85 km to San Gimignano, and 125 km to Florence.

Airports: Florence (135 km), Pisa (200 km), and Rome (200 km).

All parents want their children to be successful in life — and by that, we mean not only having a good job and earning a good living but also being happy. And all parents wonder how they will accomplish this.
According to Harvard's Center on the Developing Child, it's less about academics and extracurricular activities and more about developing a basic set of abilities that enables people to overcome life's inevitable obstacles. All of these abilities fall under the category of executive function skills, which we utilize to regulate our behaviour. The majority of successful and happy people possess good executive function abilities.

What are the five most critical core skills?

ability to create and carry out concrete goals and plans.
Concentration is the capacity to concentrate on what is critical at any particular time.
Self-control entails exerting control over our responses to not only our emotions but also stressful situations.
Not only do we observe the people and things around us, but we also understand our place in them.
Flexibility is defined as the capacity to adjust to changing circumstances.
While these are abilities that children (and adults) can and do acquire throughout their lives, two critical stages are early childhood (ages 3 to 5) and adolescence/early adulthood (ages 13 to 26). During these windows of opportunity, children can benefit from learning and using these abilities. We'll discuss the second stage of adolescence in this post.
The most effective approach to acquiring any ability is to practice it. Here are some ideas for parents who aren't sure how to help and when to step aside.


When children are small, parents and caregivers naturally make plans for them. However, as children mature into adolescents, they must learn to do it on their own.
Take care not to micromanage your teen's life. Rather than that, establish some ground rules – simple ones like homework must be completed, kids require seven to eight hours of sleep per night, and regular exercise is critical. You may have additional ground rules, such as the requirement to attend family dinners or religious ceremonies. Then delegate the task to your teen. Intervene only if it is evident that ground rules are being persistently broken.
When teenagers have long-term projects, such as research or college applications, sit down with them and discuss how they intend to complete them. Allow them to generate ideas before you do!
Engage your teenagers in the planning of family activities and trips, as well as home renovations and other initiatives. Allow them to make some decisions (even if you may not always agree with them).


Teenagers can be extremely self-aware, but primarily of their own world. Assist them in developing the ability to see beyond it.
Discuss current events and news articles. Discuss how things influence people and how different people may perceive them differently.
Take your teen on adventures—even a simple walk in the woods or a visit to a nearby town can provide them with the opportunity to look around and notice things they might otherwise overlook.
As a family, participate in community service events; demonstrate to them how they can make a difference.
Establish family rituals for checking in, such as over dinner. Allow everyone to share their day.
Actress Mercy Aigbe took to Instagram to share photos of her husband Adeoti a movie producer. After the actress failed marriage she finally announces her marriage to Adeoti. The media is not having it but here are some beautiful photos of the newlyweds.


Anger management: Before responding, try these four steps.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, seeing red means being enthusiastic or emotionally fired up with fury.

Some synonyms for seeing red are: seething, boiling, sizzling, burning, fuming, raging, rankling.

Count to ten. Take a stroll. These techniques have long been recommended to help you pause and reconsider your reaction when you're seeing red and an inch from exploding. Under normal conditions—perhaps a little stress at home or at work—those tactics can be beneficial. However, you may discover that they are less effective in the pressure cooker in which we have been living since the pandemic began. What can you do to keep from hitting your breaking point?

I sought advice from psychologist Stuart Ablon, founder and director of Think: Kids in the psychiatric department of Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. Ablon specializes in defusing explosive behavior in children and adolescents who have substantial developmental deficits in problem-solving, adaptability, and frustration tolerance, the abilities that keep us from melting down.


Pandemic stress impairs our ability to cope.

According to Ablon, many adults are currently grappling with a lack of these skills—not because we haven't developed them, but because pandemic stress is impeding their development. When we are continuously stressed, we lose access to the area of our brain that performs skills like flexibility and tolerance, "explains Ablon.

Blocked skills can lower our coping abilities to those of infants who shout when they don't get their way.

Empathy should be practiced.

When you're angry or agitated, Ablon thinks it's critical to stay calm and "regulated" so you can access the abilities needed to maintain control. And, according to Ablon, the best way to stay calm is to practice empathy—trying to sense another person's perspective or point of view.

Empathy is our most potent human regulator. It has been shown to de-escalate people in the most difficult prison environments, and it can also work on an airline or in line at Starbucks.

How does empathy benefit you?

It's fantastic to be able to calm others, but how can being sympathetic keep you from exploding? It has a cascading impact.

Attempting to understand someone else's point of view may cause you to reconsider how you wish to respond. It will also provide you with something important to do, which will keep you focused and relaxed.

Being calm allows you to access coping abilities such as problem-solving, flexibility, and frustration tolerance.

Using your coping skills improves your capacity to remain calm.

Because you're peaceful, you'll prevent someone else from erupting, which will help you stay calm.

Hip hop jewellery first acquired popularity in the late 1970s and early 1980s, thanks to the rappers of the time. Big, heavy Cuban link chains were a common piece of hip-hop jewellery worn by these artists to signal their presence. Each piece of jewellery they wore was a symbol of their achievements and accomplishments. A stunning selection of gold Cuban link chains can be found in our stylish assortment of Cuban link chains for men and women. Cuban link chains are a sign of wealth. A single chain can take up to 12 hours to make and requires the expertise of more than five experienced jewellers.  

Cuban link chain

It is well-known that hip hop fashion complements the attitudes of hip hop culture. It has emerged in such a strong way that popular culture simply can’t ignore it, in fact, it is embracing it. Hip-hop or Rapper's jewellery became part of our lives. We might as well blame rappers, and other celebrities, who pushed their fashion style into the mainstream. Rappers Jewellery is the true bling of your jewellery ensemble, and they are worn heavily by many famous rap stars. Bling pendants can range from crosses to custom pieces, and miscellaneous. The sizes vary, along with its type; they can come in gold or silver, and with or without diamonds or gems.

No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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