As I was crossing the road to enter the graduation hall, I spotted the first person with a graduation gown, and I felt anxious in a good way. I called my friend to come pick me up from the front of the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall so I could take some photos of him before the graduation ceremony started.
I took lots of lovely photos, and he was pleased with them. We entered inside, showed a pass to the security guide, and I found my way to my seat with the guidance of my friend, who was graduating.
It was such a beautiful sight; they all walked out, holding their certificates and diplomas like they were the keys to a whole new world. I sat there, soaking it all in and enjoying every bit of the ceremony. People were buzzing with excitement. I could hear the laughter and cheers of invited friends and family, and everyone was eager to capture the perfect moment on video. The energy skyrocketed when names were called—screams, cheers, and the sweet chaos of celebration filled the air. It was a genuine outpouring of pride and happiness for each graduate.
After the graduation, we headed to the university building. Lots of students continued taking photos while the social media team of the university was trying to gather students for photos that would be used on the university website.
Having taken some photos of my dress, I entered the library area to warm myself up because it was a very cold day. At that moment, I found myself pondering:
1. How many of these students genuinely require this degree?
2. Will they make practical use of the knowledge gained?
3. Could the funds spent on tuition have been invested in more innovative pursuits?
4. Are some of these students on a celebratory path that might not align with their true destinies?
5. How many of these students would never use this certificate?
6. How many of these students does the UK actually provide job opportunities for?
I kept thinking about these questions as I watched students come and go in the library area.
The UK takes in lots of students each year for educational purposes, and lots of them leave their jobs and high-ranking positions with the mindset of getting a decent job after studying in the UK, but for most foreign students, this is far from reality.
Why would the UK admit students into master's programmes only to find them often starting at the lowest job levels in the real world? If they meet the qualifications for a master's degree, shouldn't the knowledge imparted enable them to attain roles at a corresponding level?
To what extent have these foreign students truly achieved success? This was the question that kept coming to mind as I looked at all of them dressed in their beautiful outfits.
I read an article before sharing this post, which states that international graduates encounter a significant challenge in securing graduate-level employment in the UK. Currently, only 7% of all international graduates succeed.
If the UK stands by the quality of education it imparts to foreign students, why the struggle for these graduates to secure well-paying jobs? It's more straightforward for a UK citizen with a bachelor's degree to secure employment than it is for a foreigner armed with a PhD. This stark reality demands scrutiny and explanation.
How much have these foreign students accomplished?
This insightful post will discuss eight helpful tips that overseas students can use to improve their language skills and make the most of their educational experience. These consist of both psychological and social tactics, such as cultural immersion, as well as technological solutions like software programs.
By using these suggestions, children can successfully adjust to the new environment, make connections, and achieve academic success. Let's start now!
1. Take Cultural Immersion to heart.
Accepting cultural immersion is a key component of overseas students' integration. Participate in school activities, community events, and student organizations to fully immerse oneself in the local culture. Attend cultural events, workshops, or seminars that highlight regional traditions and customs.
You will be able to comprehend and value the diversity of your new surroundings thanks to this exposure to many cultural features. Additionally, it will offer chances to develop deep relationships with both local students and international classmates.
Talk to people from different backgrounds and enjoy your conversations with them, especially in your first year. You'll gain a deeper understanding of other cultures, extend your perspective, and feel more at home in your new environment as a result. Be quick to empathize with and comprehend others who are different from you.
You can broaden your college experience by actively engaging in cultural events and embracing diversity. This will help you cultivate a more inclusive perspective.
2. Look for essay-writing assistance.
Essay writing is crucial to academic work but can be difficult for English language learners. Consult your department's writing centers or language tutors for assistance. These materials can help students with essay organization, argument development, language competence improvement, and adherence to academic writing norms.
You can learn more about the essay writing process by attending workshops and one-on-one consultations at writing centers. To receive early feedback on your work, generate drafts quickly and share them with your professors.
Essay writing services can provide professional direction and support in editing your essays to ensure that they are written clearly and precisely.
3. Develop Your Language Skills by Practicing conversation.
Many international students place a high focus on language improvement. Practice your conversational skills both inside and outside of the classroom.
Look for chances to speak with English speakers at social gatherings, language groups, or conversation clubs. To enhance your pronunciation and fluency, pay attention to, observe, and mimic native speakers. Conversations can help you become more fluent in English and give you more confidence to use it in a variety of situations.
If you want to develop your formal speaking abilities and confidence, think about joining Toastmasters or a public speaking club. Take advantage of your university's language partner programs as well, where you can converse with native speakers and get advice on your language abilities.
Keep in mind that learning a language is a continual process; the more you use it, the more comfortable and proficient you will be with it.
4. Use the language assistance programs on campus.
To help overseas students become more fluent in English, many colleges provide language support programs. Make the most of these tools, including language laboratories, writing centers, and tutoring services. These services can offer helpful advice on academic language conventions, writing style, vocabulary, and grammar.
Set up frequent sessions with a language instructor and discuss the criticism you've received from your lecturers. Attend language seminars offered by the English department to concentrate on the parts of the language that you find difficult.
To further improve your language skills, think about registering for English language classes that are specifically created for international students. Advanced grammar, academic vocabulary, and speaking exercises are frequently covered in these classes.
You can obtain individualized support catered to your language needs, advance your language abilities, and increase your level of confidence in your academic endeavors by taking advantage of the language support programs offered on campus.
When I was a kid, I disliked going to school since all I wanted to do was play, but since my parents insisted that I must have an education, I had no choice but to comply with their wishes, which I don't regret. My late grandma used to feel so bad for me each time I get so sad about going to school, but in the end, because education is so vital, we should make it a priority to encourage people to further their education in any field that interests them.
In recent times, different educational systems have sufficed, so parents or guardians are worried about what they can expect of their child if they send them to an educational environment, which is why you need to look for the following things when choosing a senior school:
- Observe the interactions between the teaching personnel and the students. Are they warm and inviting, or cold and dismissive?
- Have a conversation with the teachers about the lesson plan to determine how involved they are and how well they understand it.
- Check out the facilities, such as the library, the cafeteria, and the computer room.
- Take a look at the GCSE statistics they provide. Do subjects like math and English make the cut? Are vocational training programmes included in the curriculum?
If you live in a city, you can be right on the border between many boroughs, giving you a wide range of options from which to choose. On paper, you have the freedom to apply anywhere you want. In practice, aspects such as proximity to the school will be relevant; however, it is important to keep this in mind if you happen to live on the boundary between two different education authorities.
Use search engines to search for schools; for instance, if you wish to concentrate your search on Leicester, search for the best secondary schools in Leicester. You will receive a list of the top-recommended secondary schools in Leicester.Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/TFFn3BYLc5s
1) Consider Becoming a Trainer
If you want to share your knowledge with the world in a more formal way, consider becoming a trainer. Trainer roles can vary widely, but often involve teaching new skills to others or helping employees learn about their company's policies and procedures. Trainer roles can be a great way to share your knowledge with others in a way that is structured and organized. You can either become a part of a training organization or set up your own training business. If you're interested in becoming a trainer, there may be programs specifically for trainers, or you may be able to find courses that will help you develop the skills you need. Additionally, it's important to build your own personal training portfolio. This can include examples of the work you've done, testimonials from past clients, and any other relevant information. By creating a strong training portfolio, you'll be able to show potential employers that you're qualified for the job.
The function of LMS - A thorough elaboration
Managing and delivering online courses
People with a formal education tend to get better-paying jobs. Parents and teachers often emphasize the importance of education and encourage students to enrol in college or a trade school. While all types of learning are essential, formal schooling prepares students for the competitive job market and develops critical thinking skills crucial to success. Stability, financial security, and better career opportunities are wonderful benefits of a degree.
Ideally, everyone would continue to college after high school, but life doesn’t always work out as planned. There are many people that, for a variety of reasons, never studied or feel that they can’t now. However, today’s technology is helping to bridge the gap.
What Is an Online Education?
Online education is formal instruction delivered via the internet. Many colleges and universities have online classes available, as well as hybrid courses. Some even have degrees you can earn entirely online.
This type of education is becoming more popular every day, thanks to its many benefits.
The Benefits of an Online Education
There are many benefits of studying online. It tends to be more cost-effective, flexible, and personalized than a traditional school.
More Savings
One of the most important benefits of online learning is the cost. Formal education can become expensive, while online education typically costs less. This is partly because online schools don’t have as many overhead costs as physical ones. There aren’t numerous buildings to run or support staff to pay for. These savings get passed on to the student, who enjoys an affordable online education.
Another cost reduction when studying online is transportation. Since you can study from anywhere, you also spend less because you don’t have to worry about paying for public transportation or gas to get to class.
Simple Tips For Maintaining Good Health For Students
Maintaining your health in a favourable condition is quite challenging when you are a college student because you have to overcome the stress and urgent deadlines. As a rule, these make it hard to avoid those unhealthy snacks and odd sleep patterns, among other things. Since the majority of learners are forced to spend a lot of time online, there are serious eye-strain and Posture concerns that are rarely addressed. Luckily, it’s still possible to address these problems without costing a fortune, as you can improve things on your own!
5 Tips For Maintaining Good Health For Students
Stretching Exercises.
One of the best things to address the back pains and posture problems that are quite apparent these days is starting with basic stretching exercises and cardio training. It will keep your muscles and cardiovascular system in a good condition as the blood circulation will improve. Even taking a walk outside and running for about twenty minutes will do you well!
Keeping Yourself Hydrated.
It’s recommended to have at least eight cups of water daily to let your brain and skin function as they intend to! All these soda drinks and coffee sessions usually don’t count, even though they are quite good for releasing stress. If you feel confused and lost with your tasks, staying healthy and hydrated, consider GrabMyEssay as an option to feel better and avoid getting all worked up with your assignments. Outsource unimportant tasks to professional writers and editors, who are experienced in many topics and subjects. Just a bit of professional help won’t hurt ever!
Fruits and Healthy Drinks.
Think about lemon or ginger tea as one of the healthy options. Explore chocolate drinks and add some fruits like lemons, apples, and oranges especially during the cold season. Even as you do some homework, chewing an apple will help to keep you focused and positive.
- Look for occupations that elicit the emotions you desire from that employment. For instance, if you are a millionaire and prefer to travel, professions that match your experience include tour guide, international teacher, or flight attendant.
- If you'd prefer to spend your days outdoors in nature, consider working as a geologist, lumberjack, wilderness guide, or park ranger.
- Alternatively, you might pursue a career as a CTO if you choose to work in a technology-related field.