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Lifestyle Blogger

Friday, June 09, 2023

Do past lifestyle habits affect future health?

It is never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. A few days after quitting tobacco and excessive alcohol use, certain health dangers begin to diminish. It is difficult to predict how much the quantity and duration of tobacco and alcohol use affect a person's lifespan or quality of life. It also depends on genetics, which we are still investigating.

Regarding your alcohol consumption, blood tests and possibly a liver ultrasound to evaluate the health and function of your liver could provide reassurance. If you presently have no alcohol-related damage to your liver or other organs, it is unlikely that you will develop alcohol-related issues in the future.

Smoking is not a simple activity. After five years, quitting can return the risk of heart disease to its initial level. Since you quit smoking, your risk of chronic lung disease and smoking-related cancers, particularly lung cancer, has decreased. And your risk will decrease with every passing year. However, the increased cancer risk and the possibility of developing chronic lung disease never completely go away in long-term smokers.

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